The Game

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Mar 22, 2021 12:20 am
W.A.R.P. X focused on the skiff's controls diligently until The Way neared The Ring of Siberys. The tingling song made it look up and around at what it knew were merely incalculable fragments of resonant arcane material. Its eyes opened wide, however, at the beauty and majesty and power of the sight, then they closed to enjoy the feeling, the literal tingling caress of the heavens. This was what it was built for! It couldn't conceptualize in limiting spoken language how good having its purpose fulfilled felt, to feel the glamour of eternity flowing over it. W.A.R.P. X wanted to be a machine, not to hurt, but being just a machine meant it could never enjoy this, that it could never know anything but raw data, never feel eternity. For a minute or two, W.A.R.P. X just felt. And it felt good. It wasn't until W.A.R.P. X was about to open its magical sight to fully see and hear and smell the energies around it that it remembered the tingling was Siberys radiation which could prove lethal with high intensity, long term exposure. W.A.R.P. X got back to the inspection but the smile on its face would linger until anyone approached.
Last edited March 22, 2021 2:31 am


Mar 25, 2021 6:05 am
runekyndig says:
Then she picks up their sending stone. Ground control, this is The Way! We have found the Aurora... she then continues to report on their encounter with the titan and the treacherous Riedrans. ...We see undead guarding the downed Aurora, so a land approach could turn violent. A flying approach might trigger the flaming skulls ranged attacks. Please advise
Jenzic answers the sending stone almost immediately. She is suitably impressed with your exploits so far, and utterly surprised that The Unity of Riedra is in space.

"We've seen and heard nothing of a space program from them. And they seem so peaceful and nice. Huh."

Oddly, her voice is incredibly clear, indistinguishable from if she is in the same room with you.

"Reception has really cleared up, eh? You must be closer to the Ring right now. We have long theorized that proximity to the Ring would amplify magic. So many Siberys shards in one place. You can see why everyone is so desperate to win this space race. If you could harness that power, who could stand against you?"

"Anyway, you're right to proceed with caution. I'm not sure how he undead will react, since they aren't expecting you. I acquired a dosier on The Aurora's personnel. Really explains why they are so concerned."

She describes the following crew members:

Regent Moranna ir'Wynarn: "She's the former Queen Regent of Karrnath, top advisor to King Kaius III, and second most powerful person in Karrnath. A powerful necromancer and master negotiator, she's in charge for sure."

Major Aleksander ir'Brenius. "High ranking member of the Order of the Blackened Sky, the champions of Karrnathi industry. Probably responsible for engineering and all things magical."

Warlord Detlev ir'Barthus: [b]"This guy is a legendary warrior. They call him the Jawbone Knight. At one point he lead the entire Karrnathi army. Tactical genius - the number of losses he suffered in the Last War can be counted on one hand. This guy is their chief of security."


Mar 25, 2021 6:12 am
While waiting on the ground, Brush and Whispers observe their surroundings. As the asteroid turns slowly, the illumination from the ring reveals giant humanoids frozen deep within the ice beneath their feet. They are completely unmoving and dead looking. Furthermore, they begin to suspect the jagged spires of rock are actually rubble from an artificial structure. You have the feeling that this asteroid is not natural, but the result of some massive, ancient structure that suffered a catastrophic icy explosion long ago.
Mar 25, 2021 6:30 am
How deep are the dead bodies under our feet? Would you say within 10 feet?

Just trying to see if I could possibly cast Speak with Dead to get a sense of what we are dealing with here.


Mar 25, 2021 7:09 am
HeroAmongMen says:
How deep are the dead bodies under our feet? Would you say within 10 feet?

Just trying to see if I could possibly cast Speak with Dead to get a sense of what we are dealing with here.
Not currently. There are some cracks around though that provide deeper access to the asteroid, including the one that runs through the plateau that the Aurora is on. Perhaps you could get close enough to one in one of these cracks.
Mar 25, 2021 2:34 pm
Brush would ask Whispers to keep a lookout for him as he attempts this.

Farther away from the Aurora (a range outside the suspicion of the undead crowding the ship), Brush will use his soul to help him place pitons (he has those and a hammer) into the side of the crevasse, then tie some ropes to secure Brush into a spot where he can get close enough to a dead person’s face.

He will then use a hammer and crowbar to carefully chisel out just enough ice to bare the mouth of one of these dead folks.
Not sure how much time that would take. If it would be about 30 minutes, I think that is fine by me.

It would give others a chance to do something while I prep to use this spell to help me
Figure out what this facility was.

Perhaps one of you can help us figure out a plan for safely boarding the Aurora and finding the living crew?
Mar 25, 2021 5:33 pm
I have lost track
We are near an asteroid
On the one side is the Aurora
On the other are we, currently hidden.
There are walking undead skeletons roaming the asteroid, properly ordered to defend
There are flaming skulls (undead casters) around the Aurora, properly ordered to defend

Our goal is to rescue the Aurora.
Are have some of us dropped down on the asteroid, planing to walk to the Aurora? Through all the undead defenses?

We know their names. Enough to use Sending?


Mar 25, 2021 6:18 pm
Cut and paste from Discord chat, posted here for reference:
@Warming, totally understandable that you might have lost track of details given the delay. Thanks for your patience. The situation is that the team parked The Way on the opposite side of the Asteroid and sent in Brush and Whispers to scout out the situation. They see the Aurora has crashed on a cracked plateau and is being guarded by flying Flameskulls and being worked on by a large crew of skeletons (~50). The asteroid itself is composed of ice embedded with fragments of some artificial structure.

Sending based on just a name and description is not what I'd call familiar, but you are a level 10 character and a mover and shaker in the world of Eberron, so if you want to come up with a story about how you know one of those three, I think that would be a good justification for casting Sending.
Mar 25, 2021 7:08 pm
"Let us hail the Aurora and offer our assistance," says B-9. "They may already know we are here."
Mar 25, 2021 7:36 pm
Major Aleksander ir'Brenius. "High ranking member of the Order of the Blackened Sky, the champions of Karrnathi industry. Probably responsible for engineering and all things magical."
Sounds like a craftsman, one that Tamara could have met on tradeshows and conferences
Tamara stars to prepare the spell. Before she casts it, she reads out aloud for the crew to hear.
Aurora - I'm Tamara d'Cannith of The Way. We come from the Arcane Congress in the Starpeaks Observatory. We have come to assist.

Any objections?
Mar 25, 2021 7:45 pm
B-9 shakes their head, accepting the offer as spoken.
Mar 25, 2021 11:36 pm
"No objection. Better safe than vapourized."
Mar 26, 2021 8:09 pm
B-9 retrieves a hooded lantern and heads for the door, saying, "I shall prepare an alternate means of communication, should the initial contact fail to gather their attention."
I will cast Light into the lantern and transmit signals that way.
Mar 26, 2021 9:25 pm
Tamara casts the spell


Mar 27, 2021 6:02 am
Tamara attempts to put her message into the universe, but it simply does not cast. Although the details of the Sending spell are a house secret of the Gnomes of House Sivis, Tamara has enough experience with it to know that Sendings that fail in this manner usually imply the intended recipient is dead.
Tamara does not lose a spell slot.
Brush descends into the icy crack in the plateau. Although light passes through the ice from the various brilliant sources in the starry sky there are no shortage of shadows and he is able to freely pass through them.

He discovers that he is not alone in the crack. He spies a small group of creatures living inside a chunk of horizontal cylindrical debris, perhaps once a tower. They look a little bit like kobolds but have wings. They appear to have built crude structures within built within the tower like huts, and they have tunneled into the ice to access the giant corpses to feed on.

Brush bypasses the lone kobold sentry and finds his way down to a half-eaten corpse. The skull, nearly as large as Brush's entire body, is thawed but is still embedded in the ice. He casts Speak With Dead, and the skull comes to life, a dull glow lighting in its massive eye sockets. Brush finds he can communicate with the corpse in Elvish, perhaps due to he fact that the Giants once ruled over all of Elvish kind.

SPEAK THE FIVE QUESTIONS its voice rumbles
Mar 27, 2021 5:38 pm
Brush clears his robotic throat (he has never been quite so nervous, a new feeling for him).

He speaks to the large dead head: "Thank you for communing with me. I pray that this interaction is helpful for you, as well as me.

"(1) What was this facility’s purpose when you were alive?
"(2) What was the cause of your death?"
[ +- ] Potential Follow-up Questions
Last edited March 27, 2021 5:53 pm


Mar 27, 2021 6:15 pm
The dead giant's voice is slow, and there is a long period of silence before it answers each question. There is something different about this spell, something more potent than any casting you've ever experienced before. Perhaps it is the proximity of the Ring of Siberys.
What was this facility’s purpose when you were alive?

Before you, you see a vision of a massive floating castle, what this place must have looked like in the past. In the distance, you see other floating castles.
[ +- ] Space Castle
What was the cause of your death?

Before you, you see the last moments of this giant's life.
[ +- ] Ice and Death
Mar 27, 2021 7:35 pm
I’m changing up question 3.
Brush thinks on these responses, and says, "Thank you.

"(3) Where are some weapons here that small folk like me can use to defend against the Quori or the dragons of Argonnesson?"
[ +- ] Potential Follow-up Questions


Mar 27, 2021 10:20 pm
Where are some weapons here that small folk like me can use to defend against the Quori or the dragons of Argonnesson?

[ +- ] Warforged Colossus
Mar 29, 2021 6:02 am
"Thank you.

"(4) Why did the dragons of Argonnesson attack the Culsir?"

"(5) I like to give peace to the dead who I commune with: how can I help you?"
Last edited March 29, 2021 6:02 am
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