Mar 22, 2021 12:20 am
W.A.R.P. X focused on the skiff's controls diligently until The Way neared The Ring of Siberys. The tingling song made it look up and around at what it knew were merely incalculable fragments of resonant arcane material. Its eyes opened wide, however, at the beauty and majesty and power of the sight, then they closed to enjoy the feeling, the literal tingling caress of the heavens. This was what it was built for! It couldn't conceptualize in limiting spoken language how good having its purpose fulfilled felt, to feel the glamour of eternity flowing over it. W.A.R.P. X wanted to be a machine, not to hurt, but being just a machine meant it could never enjoy this, that it could never know anything but raw data, never feel eternity. For a minute or two, W.A.R.P. X just felt. And it felt good. It wasn't until W.A.R.P. X was about to open its magical sight to fully see and hear and smell the energies around it that it remembered the tingling was Siberys radiation which could prove lethal with high intensity, long term exposure. W.A.R.P. X got back to the inspection but the smile on its face would linger until anyone approached.
Last edited Mar 22, 2021 2:31 am