The Game

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Apr 4, 2021 6:07 am
Tamara figures she'll have to study this docent in more detail before she can get any specifics. She is familiar with records of medical docents and based on those speculates it will provide medical aid to their Warforged when injured or unconscious, and may empower a Warforged to provide magical healing.


Apr 4, 2021 6:07 am
The docent continues to communicate in its deep voice, which does not really match its youthful, excited demeanour.

"Thank you for asking Warp X! L0-C0 is fine!

Historical or tactical knowledge regarding astronautical phenomena: this does seem outside of my field of expertise. I can comment on the effects of Siberys radiation. It can be beneficial in short-term bursts - I have found several anecdotal reports that a short rest can feel like an entire night's sleep. But, prolonged exposure can overcharge organic tissue and construct internals, causing either to break down.

Magic is also affected by Siberys radiation. It tends to make things more powerful, but also unpredictable. Unpredictable magical surges are common in areas of elevated Siberys radiation.

Hmm, it looks like you are currently experiencing elevated levels of Siberys radiation. You are not in immediate danger, but try not to stay too long, okay Warp X?."

As for the details of its previous assignments, L0-C0 explains:

"My purpose for some time now has involved adapting construct shells for providing mobility to catastrophically injured Jotun warriors. The shell is an incomplete construct, like yourself but without a mind. I act as the liaison between the Jotun and the shell. It is hard work as the Jotuns never sleep anymore. This is alarmingly unhealthy but the shell has insufficient sensors for me to understand what is happening. Nonetheless they seem to be living very long lives. I suspect the Siberys radiation may have affected them. Maybe we can check in on them sometime, Warp X?"
Apr 4, 2021 6:51 am
"Yes, L0-C0, they must be checked... and we will check them," it thought before relaying the information gleaned to the others. "How long would you estimate before biotech disruption becomes debilitating?"
Apr 4, 2021 9:56 am
Tamara examines the docent at the back of Warp's neck.
If nothing else, it seems like you got an extra head on your sholders. Medical insights in this place might be usefull.

Remember to ask it about the Aurora

Tamara looks to the others. The Aurora is not going anywhere. If they are all dead, in there, and I think they are... I'm an idiot! She slaps her forehead.
B-9 will you keep an eye on Warp? Then I will cast the Clairvoyance spell again, and examine the Aurora from here.


Investigation +9 (Exper) - (1d20+9)

(14) + 9 = 23

Apr 5, 2021 2:39 am
B-9 nods in acknowledgement.
Apr 6, 2021 5:54 am
"So long as there are shadows, I can get inside the Aurora and try to find out if any remain." Whisper offers.


Apr 7, 2021 4:20 pm
annex says:
"How long would you estimate before biotech disruption becomes debilitating?"
"It varies, but the probability increases every hour. Initial exposures can actually be beneficial. I haven't connected to The Archives for a long time, you might want to check there."
Here's the mechanics: every hour spent in an environment with moderate Siberys radiation will require you to make a Con save. The DC starts and 5 and goes up by 5 for each additional hour. If you fail, you receive a level of exhaustion from your body being oversaturated with magic. This oversaturation cannot be prevented by any class feature or healed by any other means than extended rest away from Siberys radiation. If you succeed, you experience the benefits of a Long Rest. You can experience more than 1 long rest in a 24 period this way.

You have currently spent 30 minutes in an environment with moderate Siberys radiation.


Apr 7, 2021 4:36 pm
Based on the descriptions from the scouting party and her own experience of viewing the asteroid from afar, Tamara places her clairvoyance spell near the Aurora.

From what she can see, The Aurora has experienced significant hull damage and is currently rolled on its side. The skeleton crews work tirelessly despite the layer of frost that covers their bones. Their work looks choreographed and is precise like clockwork. The skeletons seem to be divided into two groups. One is working to strengthen and patching the damaged hull while the other is binding the ship with ropes, possibly in an effort to roll it back upright. The damaged hull has several holes large enough for medium-sized beings like yourselves to slip through, some of which are not being attended by Skeletons, and they seem to lead directly into the belly of the ship.

You also see that there is are hatches on the at the fore and aft top deck of the ship - metal doors with wheels that you spin to seal or unseal the hatch to allow ingress/egress. The top deck is relatively undamaged and has fewer skeletons, except those that are securing the ropes for turning the ship.
Apr 7, 2021 4:42 pm
"Noted. What is the maximum time a biological or biotech entity can survive these radiation levels? And what effect does this radiation have on the undead?"

W.A.R.P. X relayed the radiation information and hoped these Archives still existed somewhere in orbit. Access to such ancient Giant knowledge would be unparalleled.

"The living necromancers have been in this radiation for days. Perhaps they have converted themselves to unlife to survive. If not, there may be little time to save them before they die or we become irrevocably irradiated. Our next attempt at communication should be open and direct."
Last edited Apr 18, 2021 4:48 pm
Apr 7, 2021 4:58 pm
B-9 nods. "We can position The Way in view and open communication with the Aurora. Those that wish to infiltrate on their own can use the captured skiff and our hopeful distraction to accommodate their approach."

Readying the hooded lantern, B-9 continues, "If they observe our vessel, they would only see medical personnel, and may be inclined to allow us to approach and agree to our offer to help."


Apr 7, 2021 5:20 pm
annex says:
"Noted. What is the maximum time a biological or biotech entity can survive these radiation levels? And what effect does this radiation have on the undead?"
"I don't have enough information to answer these questions. Sorry boss! Hey, update on attunement - we're 50% there. Siberys radiation seems to speed up this process."
Apr 7, 2021 7:01 pm
"Thank you, L0-C0," W.A.R.P. X thought to the docent while continuing to relay the information. "You were joined with another being for a very long time. Do you have any recollection of that?"

"Perhaps duplicity is not the best way to approach a rescue mission. Our more mercenary crew must return to the surface with us and those we rescue. Reconnaissance in the cloaked skiff is advisable beforehand to ensure there are survivors but that reconnaissance should be swift due to the radiation."
Does Warp have any idea if the puddle jumpers are built for reentry?


Apr 9, 2021 6:06 am
"I do have memories of prior construct partners, Warp X."
Does Warp have any idea if the puddle jumpers are built for reentry?
Are you asking if the skiffs can return to Eberron? They are open-air vehicles, so you'd have to slow your descent enough to avoid burning up. You don't have enough information to know for sure, but the more people and therefore weight on the skiff, the harder that would be.
Apr 9, 2021 12:49 pm
"The partner you had earlier today, what can you tell me about it?" W.A.R.P. X asked the docent mentally.
Last edited Apr 9, 2021 12:49 pm
Apr 9, 2021 7:46 pm
lenpelletier says:
Based on the descriptions from the scouting party and her own experience of viewing the asteroid from afar, Tamara places her clairvoyance spell near the Aurora.

From what she can see, The Aurora has experienced significant hull damage and is currently rolled on its side. The skeleton crews work tirelessly despite the layer of frost that covers their bones. Their work looks choreographed and is precise like clockwork. The skeletons seem to be divided into two groups. One is working to strengthen and patching the damaged hull while the other is binding the ship with ropes, possibly in an effort to roll it back upright. The damaged hull has several holes large enough for medium-sized beings like yourselves to slip through, some of which are not being attended by Skeletons, and they seem to lead directly into the belly of the ship.

You also see that there is are hatches on the at the fore and aft top deck of the ship - metal doors with wheels that you spin to seal or unseal the hatch to allow ingress/egress. The top deck is relatively undamaged and has fewer skeletons, except those that are securing the ropes for turning the ship.
Tamara relays what she sees to the others, but urges the point of view inside The Aurora. We are the edge of the spells range. Could someone please move us closer to the Aurora?
Apr 10, 2021 12:02 am
"This unit can pilot us but it is a bit tied up at the moment," W.A.R.P. X said. "From interaction so far, this unit does not believe the docent poses any immediate threat. Release should be safe but further restraint is advised once the attunement process is about to be completed in under thirty minutes. If you all agree, please release your grip, and this unit will take the helm."
Last edited Apr 10, 2021 2:25 am
Apr 10, 2021 12:41 am
Brush, understanding WARP’s distress affecting his focus on his surroundings, releases his friend.
Apr 10, 2021 2:27 am
Unless otherwise impeded, W.A.R.P. X takes the helm, steering The Way and the docked skiffs incrementally closer.

"Signal when we have reached maximum effective range for your remote viewing, Tamara."


Apr 10, 2021 5:45 pm
L0-C0 responds to Warp X's question:

"My previous partner was a Titan model construct. It was forged with no identity stamp or free will, and missing several physical features so as to accommodate the grievously wounded Jotun which rode it. It was forged in the Creation Forges* aboard Praxis Alpha six years ago."
* All Warforged are born in Creation Forges. On Khorvaire, the Creation Forges are owned and operated by House Cannith, who found them in Xen'drik ~30 years ago. They reconstructed the machines and discovered how to operate them, leading to the creation of the Warforged. Creation Forges are all shut down and dismantled now, as per the Treaty of Thronehold, an international agreement that ended the Last War and gave Warforged their freedom. Some Warforged believe that they can never be a true people until the Creation Forges reassembled and under their control.
Apr 10, 2021 6:13 pm
Orbital Creation Forges! If any are still intact, it could be the beginning of a new era for Warforged. W.A.R.P. X felt warring emotions start to rise but fought to push them down.

"This unit has been grievously wounded and reconstructed, and currently strives to be free of personal identity and emotional entanglement. Perhaps your time within such a construct can offer insights. Once we are fully attuned, will you have access to this unit's memories and vice versa?"

The extent of their bonding was critical, as was the docent's loyalty to the Giants who manufactured it.
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