The Game

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May 1, 2021 6:57 pm
runekyndig says:
Tamara returns to The Way and the skiff, and starts to get her head around how the weapon on the skiff works.
it was a grabbling hook of some kind, right?
Both skiffs have an operational grappling hook launcher. It is a kind of harpoon gun with 100 feet of spidersilk rope and a winching mechanism that would allow for reeling in the thing you hook onto, or reeling yourself closer to it if it was a larger object. Ideal for anchoring onto something for boarding actions. It has a manual triggering mechanism, but you could extend that to a remote place, such as the bridge.
May 1, 2021 11:01 pm
W.A.R.P. X had been silent for some time while the others traded information.


It looked around at the magic skein keeping the dimension of death at bay.

"...of a sort. Detonate the Aurora once the Colossus fragment is within range in five hours. You three ghosts, vital artifacts, and any necessary undead retainers can be accommodated aboard The Way at a safe and covert distance. Once that is dealt with, we can all either continue exploration away from the Siberys radiation and/or return to the surface. That is, of course, unless your ghosts are bound to the Aurora or you are adamant about going further down with the already down ship."

For one determined to be emotionless, its tone is very biting.

"L0-C0, status."


May 2, 2021 1:01 am
Aleksander explains the limitations of their ghost form.

"Alas, the ritual has bound us to The Aurora. Necromancy, like all magic, has rules. Ghosts cannot exist without a physical anchor point to "haunt" as we called in less enlightened times. It was our theory that we could travel to the stars safe from the damage of Siberys radiation if we went as ghosts andwith a crew of undead, our fragile bodies suspended just beyond life. Even our ship's systems are immune to overloading from radiation as runs solely on negative energy. We could have sailed right up to the ring and filled it to the brim with Siberys shards. Despite our theories and preparations we did not anticipate such strong foes would be waiting for us."

L0-C0 chimes:

"Hi boss! Looks like we are all attuned! Enjoy accessing these new knowledge and language libraries! Also magic!
while attuned to L0-C0, Warp X has proficiency in Medicine, can speak Giant, and has the Healer feat. In addition, he can cast level 1 Healing Word a number of times equal to his proficiency modifier, recharges on a long rest.
May 2, 2021 1:30 am
"As expected, unfortunately. Self-destruct should be held as a last resort to capture. Neither of us has enough firepower to stop that ship but the covert approach should slow them down while you complete repairs."

W.A.R.P. X paused, resuming a few seconds later sounding sympathetic.

"Is it possible to create a temporary anchor point aboard our vessel? It would only have to last a few hours at most, long enough to get you back to your necromancers. Any required assistance will be rendered. Perhaps Siberys shards may provide an interim core around which to build a containment field."

"Fascinating. Thank you, L0-C0. We must talk. Things have changed. The situation is different from what you believe it to be, and you deserve to know."


May 3, 2021 11:39 pm
"Is it possible? None of this was possible even two years ago, so it is hard to say if what you propose is possible. But, I have no idea how to do it."


May 3, 2021 11:40 pm
L0-C0 responds: "Sure thing, I'm ready for your update."
May 4, 2021 12:03 am
lenpelletier says:
"Is it possible? None of this was possible even two years ago, so it is hard to say if what you propose is possible. But, I have no idea how to do it."
Death's Brush speaks up: "Perhaps we can explore some options. I don't know how I did it, maybe through Siberys radiation, but I spoke with a dead giant earlier today, and he requested to speak to his daughter. I was able to manifest her soul briefly to allow her father to see her one last time.

"I know it is a long shot, but what if we were able to replicate that on a larger scale. If I could focus for a concerted amount of time, perhaps I could lend my life force to keep you alive.

"I am sure that the negative energy may hurt me or kill me, but if I could combine my focus and power with the negative energies, as well as connect with the power reserved in a Siberys dragonshard, maybe I could be your temporary anchor point. I am a mechanical marvel, after all."
I know I am not proposing a solution that is mechanically available in DND. But what if we could do something like requires a significant use of my character resources (maybe all uses of my "Manifest Echo" abilities, and use of a "Warding Bond" at my highest spell level), and require my concentration to make something like this possible? And maybe the dragonshard has a poisonous effect on me, or maybe I have to make checks more frequently to ensure that I can continue the bond or something? I don't know, just throwing ideas out there...
May 4, 2021 8:44 pm
With this much arcane energy available, there is no normal. Restrictions and restrains may not be present, but neither are the safeguards. You could burn out. I have no idea what it could mean for your body to channel that much.

The ghosts were bound to the ship, but what part of the ship? Alex, you say you have bound yourself to the ship. Is it the ship's heart? Can we move that to The Way and then take you with us?


Arcana +9 (Exper) +1D4 - (1d20+9, 1d4)

1d20+9 : (9) + 9 = 18

1d4 : (3) = 3


May 8, 2021 11:22 pm
Aleksander considers the both ideas.

"You must both understand, ghosts are not anchored to things - they are anchored to places. Brush, what you propose may be possible temporarily, but I am uncomfortable with putting you in so much danger. And Tamara, although the Heart is an important part of the ritual, we haunt The Aurora. The supernatural does not always operate logically, but its rules are no less firm."

Tamara thinks this over. If ghosts haunt places, then the manifest zone between Mabar and the Aurora is as much the place they haunt as the ship itself. Transferring the Dark Heart to The Way could move the manifest zone onto the ship. There is considerable danger however; the Endless Night ever seeks to devour, and transferring the Dark Heart between ships could destabilize it. In the worst case, it could consume both ships and forever trap them in Mabar.

Brush also considers Aleksander's words. With a large enough Siberys shard, he is confident he could hold the Karrnathi ghosts within his life force. For how long, and at what cost is still not certain. Worst case, all four of you could be lost in an eternity of drifting between life and death.
Is it possible to merge these two plans together to enhance the chance of success?
May 9, 2021 12:07 am
Brush considers Aleksander’s words, as well as Tam’s idea and says, "Perhaps we could leverage elements of both plans. Perhaps we could place the Heart inside of the Way, but instead of fueling the heart with the energy from the ship, we could funnel the energy from my soul through the focal point of a Siberys dragonshard.

"It could be similar to focusing a light rays into a crystal to refract light, perhaps doing this would allow for enough refraction of the negative energy from Mabar to manifest their ghostly forms for long enough for us to get home and give the Karrnathi time to perform their ritual."
May 10, 2021 8:09 pm
B-9 appears hesitant at the thought of Brush sacrificing themselves in such a way, but in the context of the situation they wordlessly regard the plan as one of the only viable ones. "If you choose to pursue this action," they say, "I will do what I can to ensure your survival."
May 10, 2021 8:43 pm
Brush grasps B-9’s shoulder and says, "Thank you, my brother. I want to help these people. Your support means so much to me."
May 11, 2021 12:24 am
"We are all aware of the sentiments active among us. Let us get on with the necessities," W.A.R.P. X said coldly. "Our first task is to retrieve sufficient Siberys shards so we do not have to make a second trip for more should early experiments fail. The cloaked skiff should be the optimal transport, and this unit should pilot it with Whispers or B-9 as backup. While we are absent, Tamara and Death's Brush can liaise with the Karrnathi about the speculative protocols for this temporary dimensional binding. Shall this unit proceed?"

"We will have that conversation, L0-C0, but first we must retrieve some Siberys shards. As you are monitoring all physiological functions, please give notification when Siberys radiation levels move from merely unsafe to potentially lethal levels."
May 11, 2021 1:01 am
B-9 nods, ready to accompany WARP to the cloaked skiff.
May 11, 2021 1:12 am
Whispers seemingly appirates next to their companions. "We must hasten. I will move as quickly as I can to collect shards."
I have made some changes to Whispers, so darkness I am invisible to anything that uses dark vision to see me. Fun stuff
May 11, 2021 3:52 pm
Let's get to work then.
With Aleksander's instruction, she starts to craft a binding circle, preparing the ship for the arrival of the heart of Aurora
May 11, 2021 4:08 pm
Whispers heads to the skiff with Warp and B-9.
May 11, 2021 10:04 pm
Brush helps Tam and Alek as we work to secure the heart for transport. He prays to the unknown god, hoping petitioning grace as we work to save these souls.


May 12, 2021 5:44 am
B-9, Warp X, and Whispers board the skiff and guide the nimble craft over the edge of the asteroid and point it straight at the luminous, golden sea that is the Ring of Siberys, one mile below them. As they descend, they see the effects of the increasing Siberys radiation manifest. Their skiff's crysteel frame is actually growing - fractal crystal patterns emerge on its surface at random, and begin to spiral outward. The skiffs compass that points to the Riedran's cloaked Star Temple is rattling in its glass orb. It, too, is mutating. New magical geometries are orbiting the orb as the spells enchanting it are rewritten. A small image of the Star Temple is forming, although glitchy:
[ +- ] Riedran Star Temple
It stands to reason that similar effects may be happening within yourselves as well. Any plan to dampen the radiation exposure must happen now or it will be too late.


May 12, 2021 6:46 am
Meanwhile, Brush and Tamara begin prepping The Way to transport the Heart. Clearing out just about everything in the cargo bay, even B-9's infirmary, they make enough room to place the Binding Circle. Tamara is one of the few people outside of the Gnomish lands of Zilargo to learn the secrets of elemental binding, and she uses these techniques to repurpose the elemental binders on The Way for the task at hand. Brush's assistance and his divine magic is invaluable.
Creating this unprecedented feat of engineering will require a DC 20 ability check from both Tamara and Brush. You may use any mechanics at your disposal - bardic inspiration, dm-awarded inspiration, spells, etc. You may choose what skill to use, and create an appropriate description of your action as you work together to reinvent Eberron science.
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