Chapter 4: Adventures in Blingdenstone

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Nov 10, 2016 5:09 pm
Hunter nods, pleased now that the eastern passage is clear. "Plus, I think we have a bounty to claim," she says, referring to the guard captain's offer for the head of a medusa.
Assuming we didn't claim it prior to this battle!
Nov 10, 2016 5:13 pm
Nope, you never did
Nov 10, 2016 10:29 pm
Stowing his axe Elfog asks, "Who's still carrying that thing's head?"
Nov 10, 2016 10:32 pm
"Soliin was the last to carry the prize, thanks to his purchase of a suitable bag."
Nov 10, 2016 10:41 pm
"Aye. Let's get on back, drop that thing off, and work out a plan on dealing with these slimes."
Nov 11, 2016 2:42 am
I drop my wolf form and check on Mai'gnor. "Are you going to make it back in one piece?"
Nov 11, 2016 7:27 am
"I will be fine, worry not." the proud tikbalang replies with a forced smile. His skin is burned raw from the acid and part of his mane is scorched off. "Let us be off."
I'm at 10/47hp
Nov 11, 2016 4:25 pm
Hunter points Earthy towards Mai'ngor, indicating that the earth elemental should watch over the tikbalang until the group reaches the city. To Burrow Warden Jagder, she looks to the north and south and asks, "Where do those passages lead?"
Nov 11, 2016 4:45 pm
"More ooze-infested tunnels, nothing to concern ourselves with at the moment," Jagder responds, "Like I said, we're withdrawing for now, there's just too many of the slimy bastards."
Nov 11, 2016 4:47 pm
Hunter nods, and prepares to follow the withdrawal.
Nov 14, 2016 6:16 pm
Jagder and his galeb duhr escort you back to Blingdenstone, where you are greeted to thunderous applause. Looking around, you see numerous gnomes wounded, their flesh seared by the oozes that they set out to defeat. You are led back to Diggermattock Hall, where the leaders of the gnomes await your return.

Dorbo stands as you enter, "How did it go?" he immediately asks.

Senni, his wife, glares at him, "Please, have a seat and rest yourselves," she says graciously, then turns to a guard, "Go and fetch Gurnik, it seems our friends here could use some healing."

"I'm sorry," Dorbo says, looking embarrassed, "Please, do sit down and we can speak about what has happened"
Nov 14, 2016 7:07 pm
Soliin sighs, drops his gear weightedly, and basically slumps. "Thanks! I feel like I shook hands with death. Mostly because I shook hands with death." One of his bags rolls a bit, and he gives a weary grin. "You wanted this! Maybe you can make a petrifying helmet out of it!" he exclaims as he throws the bag holding the medusa's head to Dorbo's feet.
Nov 14, 2016 7:49 pm
"We followed the passage indicated by the Goldwhiskers," Hunter begins after she takes a seat, "and soon after encountered the Pudding King. Thanks to your assault and the assistance of the earth and stone, his defenses were much more manageable and we chased him to his throne room. Your kin dealt the final blow." She opens her hand to Xeliss, giving her credit for slaying the leader.

"He spoke of the Faceless Lord; perhaps he had been touched by the abyssal. He also mentioned a Queen of Fungi. I know not what that refers to, but it makes me think of the myconids. Is there something to this, that you are aware of?"
Last edited November 14, 2016 7:49 pm
Nov 14, 2016 10:33 pm
"Faceless Lord? Queen of Fungi?" Dorbo asks, looking to Senni, who looks just as confused as him, "Never heard of either of them. Perhaps Gurnik can shed some light on the subject when he arrives."
Nov 14, 2016 11:21 pm
Taking the offered rest, Elfog sits back and lets out a heavy sigh.

The Faceless Lord? Queen of Fungi? To hell with them! he thinks as his mind fills with thoughts of home.
Nov 15, 2016 3:51 pm
Gurnik shows up minutes later and casts some spells of healing over those of you who are injured, "It's good to see you've returned to us in relatively good health."

Once Gurnik is done praying over you, Dorbo speaks up, "They said that the 'Pudding King' mentioned the 'Faceless Lord' and the 'Queen of Fungi'. Do either of those names mean anything to you?"

Gurnik pales a little bit and swallows hard, "The Faceless Lord likely refers to Jubilex, while the Queen of Fungi may refer to Zuggtmoy. Both of them are powerful demon lords..."
Mai'ngor: 16
Elfog: 16
Soliin: 11
Nov 15, 2016 3:52 pm
I want you to level up to 6 now, we're doing away with XP!
Nov 15, 2016 3:54 pm
"Does every demon lord live down here??"
Nov 15, 2016 3:55 pm
Gurnik shakes his head, "They're supposed to be trapped in the Abyss. If they've reached the Underdark, that means that something terrible has happened. You don't sound too surprised about this, what do you know?"
Nov 15, 2016 4:50 pm
"Before we came here," Hunter begins, tentatively, "we were at the kuo-toa city of Sloobludop. We were returning a fellow prisoner to their homeland... yes, a kuo-toa, captured by the drow of Velkynvelve along with all of us. The city... hm. Well, I'm not sure it stands any longer. A faction of kuo-toa managed to summon The Prince of Demons, Twin-Headed Beast of the Abyss. I dare not speak its name aloud.

"Prior to that, we saw other demons in Velkynvelve. Truly it was their appearance that created enough chaos to allow us escape.

"Now we have The Faceless Lord and the Queen of Fungi. Whatever is happening, I fear an abyssal incursion is imminent, if it's not already here."

EDIT to add:

"Actually, I think I told Lord Diggermattock all this before. Unfortunately, that's all we know, but you see why we're no longer surprised by such news."
Last edited November 15, 2016 5:00 pm
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