Prologue: arrival

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Dec 4, 2021 7:26 pm
Feeling a touch suspicious he listens on.
Insight check
But he feels she is probably on the level. "Something to eat. A strong drink to go with that rest would be great."

Thorem easily picks up his chest showing well that he is no weakling. Appears he declines to put the armor on right now. Actually he isn't really sure how to do that, but he thinks that he will figure it out. Later when he gets settled in, he will look over and see what is in the backpack and the pouches. He isn't in a hurry as he senses it is safe here.

He really doesn't know what he likes but somehow, he feels a hard drink is in order, but lacks on knowing what he likes. He hopes a good night's sleep will aid him some. This loss of memory is rather bothering him.

He didn't ask where to go to rest and eat, but he figures she probably will aid him in that manner. And figures this other man will be coming along two. He does say to him, What was your name? I'm not fond of addressing people with anything but their names.
Last edited December 4, 2021 7:36 pm


Insight - (1d20-1)

(6) - 1 = 5

Dec 4, 2021 8:52 pm
GeneCortess, I'm glad you did this. I want to clarify I play DnD rules as written. Rules describe how a "skill check" work as:
The DM calls for an ability check when a character or monster attempts an action.
So I want to know what Action do you take that you as a player believe to result in insight check? Do you ask annoying questions to provoke some reaction from Lilly, do you take her hand to see reaction, or do you simply look at her body language? The body language says that she is tired, as I mentioned already. In order to figure out anything else you need to keep conversation, then you could notice for example "changes in mannerisms" if you ask a question she don't want to answer you truthfully.

We don't have much to offer, I'm afraid. But you will find some food and water in your tent. Margarita, would you show this dwarf to his tent please Lilly calls a young girl and she is waiting for Thorem to show him a way.
Dec 4, 2021 9:23 pm
I've fixed the look of my previous post. It was garbled that I could barely understand it so I can imagine how you might not see the character telling his name. That's certainly not how I typed it. Keyboards have a tendency to bounce words and phrases around when you aren't as careful as you should be and I don't always edit my work like I should.
Last edited December 4, 2021 9:23 pm
Dec 4, 2021 9:30 pm
"I could certainly use some help carting this stuff to my tent. I couldn't possibly have walked here with this stuff. I must have a horse or mule hiding somewhere."
Dec 4, 2021 10:51 pm
Don't worry. We will carry your belongings to your tent for you. Have a good sleep Lilly call to a half orc to carry your stuff and leaves (unless anyone of you want to still talk to her)
Dec 5, 2021 4:23 pm
Thorem is off his tent escorted. There he has food, drink, and rest, but not necessarily in that order.
Dec 5, 2021 6:30 pm
Eldrick, Half Ork look at you, shrug his shoulders and murmles
Human need rest. You think YOU walk here? Box come. Box take human. We free human from box. Human run maze find food we all eat.
Looks like he thinks about something for a moment and then he add Now! You must sleep. You can not run maze if not sleep. Too dangerous.
He takes your stuff and start walking away, watching if you would follow.
Does Eldrick follow? If you do I will skip to next morning.
Dec 6, 2021 3:48 am
Eldrick furrows his brow trying to understand what the half-orc is saying. Once the half-man walks away Eldrick simply shrugs and follows.
Dec 6, 2021 6:54 am
You wake up next morning, each of you in your own tent, feeling well (exhaustion is gone). Your memories still struggle to find their way into your brain. Subconsciously you remember all of your lvl1-3 abilities and how to use them. You partially remember evens from your past that happened before you became adventurer (you background), but you still struggle to to remember how did you learn your class features.

Nevertheless you feel thirsty. As you reach pitcher refilled (you did drink some of it last nigh) with clean water, it emits a recorded message:
Meet me at the watch tower. Take your equipment. Hurry.
If you let pitcher go and touch it again message repeats.

All of your equipment in in the tent. You also see some bread and a boiled egg for breakfast.
If you check outside tent it is early sunny morning. You see a watchtower - it is taller that the tents and could be seen from afar. You also see various humanoids seldom going at different directions that mostly look lie workers or peasants.
Dec 6, 2021 1:42 pm
Thorem rises and feeling much better. Yes. He thinks, A good nights rests. He moves in on the food as he has a hearty appetite and devours it and soon hears the message from the pitcher. He thinks, Nicely placed. He soon has his armor back on and all his gear situated. He did take a moment make sure what he had. He feels better as the fog in his head is lesser now.

Of to the watch tower to see what is what. He stride covers the ground fast.
Dec 6, 2021 2:20 pm
Thorem see a halfling woman making Porridge on an open fire next to watch tower. There are more NPCs you could interact with:
Goblin playing with sword that is of his size, Firblog in heavy armour and glossy ayes, gnome tinkering with machine that looks like a human-size chicken with saddles. Bellow notes also a human woman in white robes praying nearby, she is not wearing any armour or weapons nevertheless.
See page 2 in this thread for more details and to make this faster summary is:
Goblin is willing to sell two items:
Potion: you drink. It will protect you from magic for an hour.
The talisman protects against dying.
Each of them cost 5 gp.
There soon there will also arrive Anguis and Bellow characters but they are - just as you - newcomers arrived yesterday and can't provide much info, but you could chat with them, because as player you know you will be soon in a party with them.
Dec 6, 2021 5:18 pm
Thorem strides up as he smells the Porridge the halfling women is making. He says as he passes her, Mighty fine when that is done. He remember we are trapped here to run the maze and get food. He plans to play the game till he can figure out more. It is so hard to think clear still.

He looks on the rest. Motley crew and probably trapped the same as me. He goes for simple start, I'm Thorem. Have you been doing well in the maze?
Last edited December 6, 2021 5:18 pm
Dec 6, 2021 7:00 pm
Eldrick rises leisurely and smiles as he sees the pitcher of clean water next to him. Hearing the message as he touches it he grimaces, the previous day's happenings rushing to the front of his mind. He hurries to finish dressing as he shoves some bread into his mouth and washing it down with the water. Stepping outside his tent he sees the watch tower and makes his way quickly to its base. He hears the goblin's pitch and remembers the cautions related by the old woman from yesterday. Reaching into his pouch he pulls out his last 10 gold pieces and requests one of each.
Dec 6, 2021 8:08 pm
Goblin is more than happy for the business and wish you to survive this day for more business tomorrow .
The same goblin is comes to Thorem: nice to meet you Thirem. We do very well indeed kill zombies bring food make everyone happy. What makes you happy?
Dec 6, 2021 9:44 pm
Thorem replies back to the goblin, Not sure at the moment. Still much in the mist. Killing zombies to get food is interesting for sure. He sits down in his armor to make himself comfy. How long till this zombie killing starts? as he gets his greataxe out and checking the edge.
Dec 7, 2021 2:31 pm
Goblin answer: Meet Lilly yesterday? Lilly come here, talk and then we go kill. Eat before. this goblin is not used to measure time, so he sounds not certain Hour maybe.
It is also hard to understand if his "common language" is so poor or he is really dumb even for a goblin. Charming nevertheless. Even the way he incorrectly pronounced your name was funny rather than insulting
Dec 10, 2021 3:17 pm
Hmm, please let me know that neither Thorem nor Eldrick is doing anything before Lilly arrives,
In any case even if you "do nothing" I want to know if you do it sitting on the ground, doing some exercises or talking to someone. Some NPCs may want to interact with you even you don't - depending on how you spend your time
Dec 10, 2021 6:04 pm
Not really remember much, Thorem finds a nice spot on a rock or grass if no rock available and proceed to sharpen his weapons and reacquaint himself with that and his gear.
Dec 13, 2021 12:26 am
Eldrick spends his time leaning against a tree or perhaps the wall of the tower trying to remember that which seems irretrievable.
Dec 13, 2021 6:55 am
A young human woman in white robes approach Eldrick: Let the dream of the age guide you! you see a shy smile on her face and you see that she is expecting you to answer.
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