OOC chat

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Nov 14, 2021 6:25 pm
Ok we have a player swap and I made it as reasonable as I can. Please do not try to look for clues in what just happened, I have simply removed two characters until players are back and willing to continue and put a new character in. Please continue as 3 players because I do not have any new applicant at the moment. Besides I hope Phoenix could be back any time soon.
Nov 15, 2021 8:03 am
Ye, let Solar run!! He ain't even standing next to Nessus!! XD

Bubbles sent a note to GreyWord
Last edited November 15, 2021 8:51 am
Nov 15, 2021 11:27 pm
So Lucas investigated the map, right? I'm not sure what to understand from the answer though, haha. I must be missing something about the significance of this map and the statues and stuff. Could somebody sum it up for me, please?
Nov 18, 2021 7:33 am
Araklusta, forgot to mention - I provided short summary in game chat. To get more insight you will need to read game chat from page 15.

somethingsomethingbirds1: let me clarify situation with mage hand. All I want is for You to describe what does the mage hand do - does it touch, lift, push or otherwise interact with the object. If you don't want to make that decision as a player, just let me know - I could do the decision for you based on a roll. In this case it would pure wisdom check.
Nov 18, 2021 10:35 am
Hey, hey. Players. I feel like we have some miscommunication here:
1. I apologise to somethingsomethingbirds1 if it felt like I am behave offensively on your mage hand casting. All I wanted to say that I was missing your description on the result of your mage hand casting. Could we agree that I delete my posts and you complement your post describing what did others saw when your invisible mage hand interacted with the object?
It triggered no traps or anything, so it is all up to the player to describe

2. In the game chat I will only respond to player actions that either cause some reaction from monsters or mechanisms that you don't know about. I will keep silent if nothing unexpected happens. If you want me to interaction - just ask me to.
Nov 18, 2021 5:10 pm
Sorry for not posting yesterday, I've been really sick. Apparently not COVID, as of my test this morning, but I was surprised. Should be able to make a post later this afternoon.
Nov 18, 2021 6:10 pm
I don't think what you did was coming of as offensive at all. I've played with several DMs who interpret the capabilities and function of mage hand several ways. I'm big on your game, your interpretation. No offense on my end.
Nov 19, 2021 7:07 am
Bubbles, could you remind me please which object did Anguis target with the Light cantrip. Lucas don't have darkvision so I may need to manage his vision limitation.
P.S. You could all assume you have at least few torches with you.
Nov 19, 2021 7:18 am
GreyWord says:
Bubbles, could you remind me please which object did Anguis target with the Light cantrip. Lucas don't have darkvision so I may need to manage his vision limitation.
P.S. You could all assume you have at least few torches with you.
Bellows shirt
Last edited November 19, 2021 7:18 am
Dec 2, 2021 7:27 am
HELP! Please tell me if I am missing something
1. After my last post in game chat I was expecting Lucas to react on it somehow. Wasn't it obvious? ​

2. We seem to have players dropping too often. Is this trapped room too boring, annoying or just too hard for party that want to fight monsters?

3. Any recommendations for improving this game, do you want more choices, make choices more obvious or remove the choices whatsoever. Or should I find ways to explain you in details how the traps work as you fail to discover it yourself. Or should I make your character discover it even if you as a player fail to imagine actions to do so?

For example: you choose not to test/investigate/analyse the Statue that stopped casting fear magic at you, you probably forgot that the statue at first altar also had that yellow marker. As a DM I had a specific "trigger" for each trap. It was "on touch" of the floor for the spider trap in the hallway. Technically it was Magic Mouth cast on each of floor panels - the magic lasts forever no concentration required. The spiders have this feature:
Voice Lock. The vox seeker must move toward and attack the source of the nearest voice within 60 feet of it, to the exclusion of all other targets, for as long as it remains operational.
Dec 2, 2021 8:07 am
Okay, here's my two cents about it:
1. Since DND is about roleplay the concept of being something obvious is a 'shady topic' for example i have a campaign rn where people have been figuring out a puddle for a week now...at the same time i see that they mostly enjoy the process, because if they wanted to speed up, they would have 'turned on logic' , if you get what i mean.

2. Players drop often - yes.
In my case, me as a player and Anguis are done with the place, but aren't in a rush to leave it, due to the fact that it's more dangerous to travel alone. Though he has 0 trust towards our angel brought buddies.

I don't mind the puzzles or how you DM, but personally found the place slightly boring, if you compare it to food - i would call it bland, not unedible, just bland to the taste.

3. Maybe add 'sum spice'? I like the current amount of clues, because i will often attempt to guess what they are based on observation rather than logic, as i did before.

Also you should mention, make more obvious that the game is meant to be a survival one, not a pure roleplay sandbox. It will help in finding the right players, because not everyone reads everything and not everyone is there to play everything...
Last edited December 2, 2021 9:27 am
Dec 2, 2021 9:06 am
enlightening! Anyone want to add anything - I am still willing to have feedback

As for now I plan to speed up a game to get you out of the tomb - honestly I am also bored with what is going on there. I will attribute this my mistake to lack of forum game DMing experience. Hope that next scene will be more playable. If not - then I just give up as forum DM.
Dec 2, 2021 9:17 am
Bruh... don't take my words too much to heart, I told you what I did and how i did is because i trust you to be good enough to take it head on. I mostly did it because you know what kind of person i am.

Besides, giving up because of a couple of scratches ain't sport....

I should know that pretty good, had sum nasty rumors and lost a couple of 'friends' when i began DM-ing.

Anyhow, don't think about it too much, look at it as an research experiment, if something goes not as you want it, change the variables then observe and analyse the results....if it doesn't meet the margin- rinse and repeat until you have enough data.
Last edited December 2, 2021 9:18 am
Dec 3, 2021 10:53 am
I've unlocked prologue thread. I've decided to alter history and assume there were one more team of maze runners. You will eventually meet in the maze and work together. I would like to keep both threads in parallel - you will have opportunity to introduce your new team members as if you met them "in the morning" at camp in prologue thread. While we will keep progress as 3 of you work through the maze.
Dec 13, 2021 2:49 am
Sorry to be silent. Life has been busy. I'll catch up soon.
Dec 15, 2021 11:23 pm
So... Sup with the fight?
Dec 16, 2021 6:41 am
Yes I was hoping that Araklusta would join the fight eventually, but unfortunately you are alone.
To give you a chance to balance encounter I will allow you to do insight check on this enemy
Dec 16, 2021 2:15 pm
Bellow is good for two rounds and then he will fall. We're going to need a lot of luck.
Dec 16, 2021 2:56 pm
Gnellson, could you please tell me if you as a player understood that you are passing by a creature that is pretending to be statue. Did you decide that your character would ignore that fact or was it my fault providing poor description to you as a player?
If you have good in character reason for that I will give you inspiration, but please tell us - so far I am but confused

P.S. I was about to give you a surprise round if you would attack it, not sue why didn't you
Dec 16, 2021 9:30 pm
I've just figure out that one way to solve the issue would be to put GeneCortess new character right into the buttle starting next round. That would ridiculous for him to fall from the sky right into the battle, but I could arrange that.
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