Chapter 3 - To Catch a Rat

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Dec 3, 2021 11:53 pm
saevikas says:
Hmm, given the situation, I feel like we should either try and run Kuvo over, or hit the trio with a stun grenade.
If there is enough clearance that we don't have to risk Tayen killing Gen, then yeah, run the other two over, then we can toss stun grenades if needed.
Last edited Dec 3, 2021 11:54 pm
Dec 4, 2021 12:10 am
I was assuming Tayen would stay in our speeder and keep it running. Probably easiest to just have us all in the speeder, roll up, our combat guys jump out, toss grenade, then try to dispatch the muscle and pull Gen (and Eedha) into the speeder. Then we zoom off. Running into one of the bodyguards as we pull up doesn't sound like a terrible idea.
Dec 4, 2021 12:19 am
Haha, no, we are all hands on deck here. We could barely handle one of these thugs before.
Dec 4, 2021 12:22 am
Ok then. Roll up. Hit named henchman with speeder. Toss grenade - maybe even both grenades? Then we all jump out and start shooting/punching, tripping over our feet.
Dec 4, 2021 1:30 am
How about we interpose the speeder between the guards and Gen to block them off from each other? That way we can just grab Gen and Eedha, and go, without having to deal with fists and stuff.
Last edited Dec 4, 2021 1:30 am
Dec 4, 2021 2:01 am
can't hurt to try it. Either way it's up to Tayen's piloting skill. No pressure, lol
Dec 4, 2021 3:50 am
I am pilot. Hear my engine roar!

I'll try to thread the needle between Gen and the henchmen, erring on the side of getting to close to the henchmen. Not sure if we're starting this or not, but I'll throw some dice anyway. I'll do a standard difficulty pilot check. GM can add more negative dice as they see fit. I will add in one boost die from the operations pool, bringing the pool down to 5.
Tayen can hear her heart pounding as the team waits in the speeder for the moment to come. They watch Gen and the goons get off their speeders. Tayen starts moving the speeder slowly into position, waiting for the right moment. Then she sees it - she hopes. "Hold tight, everyone. It's showtime." Then she guns the engine, steering the speeder towards the group.
If any of those advantages stand, I'll throw them to whoever makes the first attack.
Last edited Dec 4, 2021 3:57 am


2 Success, 4 Advantage, 1 Failure, 1 Threat

Total: 1 Success, 3 Advantage

Dec 4, 2021 5:10 pm


Blaster Attack (Kuvo)

2 Success, 3 Advantage, 1 Threat

Total: 2 Success, 2 Advantage

Blaster Attack (Jinvu)

2 Success, 3 Advantage, 1 Failure, 1 Threat

Total: 1 Success, 2 Advantage

Target #1 (Guy, Gurag, Kip, Tayen) - (1d4)

(3) = 3

Target #1 (Guy, Gurag, Kip, Tayen) - (1d4)

(4) = 4

Dec 4, 2021 5:37 pm
Already on the lookout for any threats the two Mirialans see Tayen drive up towards them and have just enough time to fire off a couple of quick shots from their blasters, striking both Tayen and Kip in the process. Undeterred the pilot keeps on course and while there isn't enough room between the guards and Gen to get the speeder between them she does the next best them and runs them through, tossing them each a couple of meters forward where they land sprawled out on the freshly manicured lawn.

Gen screams and stumbles forward towards Eedha who draws a pistol and rushes forward, placing himself between the speeder and the obviously scared Imperial Sympathizer.

"Get behind me, Mr. Gen!!" Eedha yells out, firing two quick stuns bolts, both of which fly safely over your heads.
I've used the Three Advantage from Tayen's piloting check to strike both Kovu and Jinvu with the vehicle, knocking them both Prone and Disoriented.

Everyone besides Tayen gets a turn, everyone should roll initiative.

Kip takes 9 wound (adjust for Soak as needed).
Tayen takes 8 wound (adjust for Soak as needed).
Kuvo and Jinvu are Adversaries (Upgrade difficultly of attack against them by 1).

[5 Boost in the Operation Pool]
szemely sent a note to szemely
Dec 4, 2021 6:28 pm
that was so cool! Excellent post Szemely. What ra ge are the two thugs from us now? Don't know if I should lob a grenade at then, or threaten Gen.


Initiative - cool

5 Success

Total: 5 Success

Dec 4, 2021 7:50 pm
Thanks. :-)

The thugs would be Short distance from the speeder, as are Eedha and Gen.
Dec 4, 2021 8:05 pm
oof. That's 6 wounds to Tayen, leaving her with 6 wound currently. Can't take another hit like that.
At the last moment, Tayen realizes the speeder can't fit in between Gen and his goons. As she processes this, a blaster shot strikes her chest, throwing her back into her seat. Pain shoots through her body. Gripping the controls tightly, she jerks the speeder towards the goons and plows into them. They go flying, giving her a brief moment to try to regain her wits. She fumbles for the decelerator while also trying to find her blaster. She knows she can't take another blast like that.
Last edited Dec 4, 2021 8:14 pm


Initiative - Cool

2 Success, 3 Advantage

Total: 2 Success, 3 Advantage

Dec 4, 2021 9:48 pm
A bolt hits Kip in the face, blowing up his mask and sending the remains scattering across the floor of the speeder. Bleeding and whip-lashed, Kip curses under his breath. He hops out of the speeder on the soon to be abductees' side, binders in hand.



1 Success, 2 Advantage

Total: 1 Success, 2 Advantage

Dec 6, 2021 7:05 pm
Just waiting for Gurags initiative, then we can decide who is doing what.
Dec 6, 2021 9:16 pm


Kuvo (Vigilance)

3 Success

Total: 3 Success

Jinvu (Vigilance)

1 Success, 1 Advantage

Total: 1 Success, 1 Advantage

Grewhit Gen (Vigilance)

4 Success, 2 Advantage

Total: 4 Success, 2 Advantage

Eedha (Cool)

2 Success

Total: 2 Success

Dec 6, 2021 9:21 pm
So, for initiatives so far I have....

Eedha, PC, PC,

...once Gurag has taken an action and rolled initiative, someone can take that first PC slot for an action in the first round.
Dec 6, 2021 10:25 pm
Is Tayen available to act in this round? Or is this still the round she has to sit out?
Dec 6, 2021 10:50 pm
Kip, Guy, and Gurag can still take actions before we get into initiative order.

Kip has jumped out of the vehicle with binders in hands, but still has an action to take if he wants.
Guy is considering two actions (and I never answered @crazybirdman 's range question, sorry about that) - everyone involved in this is at Short range.
If Gurag doesn't take an action in the next day or so, I'll NPC him so we can move things along.

So, yes, Tayen has done her initial bit by slamming into the thugs and knocking them about, and will have to wait until initiative turn order to act again.

Hope that clears everything up. I'll try to make things a bit more clear in the future - I tend to get excited when the posts get interesting and sometime forget some of the details. :-)
Dec 6, 2021 11:13 pm
Lol, no problem. Luckily we can ask questions if we don't understand, and you always answer quickly. and you did answer my range question already :) so Guy will toss a stun grenade for what it's worth.
Guy doesn't get out of the speeder, hopefully they won't be here that long. Seeing the two Mirialans splayed out on the ground, he decides not to take any chances and lobs a stun grenade in their direction. [gonna take 2 strain to aim twice, and use a die from our pool, dropping it to 4] In a rush, he doesn't even look to see if it hits it's intended targets before he starts talking to Gen and Eedha, 'Gentlemen, would you be so kind as to join us? We do insist.'


Ranged Light - stun grenade

2 Success, 3 Advantage, 1 Threat

Total: 2 Success, 2 Advantage

Dec 7, 2021 10:57 pm
Guy's well placed grenade gently bounces along the lawn and comes to a stop right between the two downed Mirialans. They look at the grenade and then each other but before either can react the grenade detonates. A bright flash of white light is followed by strained screams as both men twitch on the ground for several agonizing seconds before their bodies go limp. The smaller of the two groans and attempts to get to his hands and knees, while Kuvo rolls onto his back, his hand instinctively reaching for his weapon.
Used the two Advantage to active Blast 8.
Kip and Gurag still have turns before we start initiative order.

Kuvo and Jinvu are down, but not out!

Initiative so far:

Eedha, PC, PC,

@mcneils5 - Gurag has a turn and should roll initiative for the upcoming actions.

[4 Boost in the Operation Pool]
szemely sent a note to szemely
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