Chapter 6 - Aftermath

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Eddard Linderman


Feb 3, 2022 1:55 pm
Eddard Linderman

If there's a link between Mother Ruth and Davey's would we sever it?
"Oh, there is a link, alright... and this knowledge is the best weapon you got, kid. You know where the ghost takes its psychic energy from!"

He smiles elated, and grabs Logan by the shoulders "Do you realize?? You know something that is usually impossible to know!" He, at least, seems to be having a good time.

He stands up unable to contain his excitement and paces around "This is a unique chance to prove the theories are true, people! We know that it is a mother's distress that Mother Ruth is psychically attuned and responsive to... in this case, Davey's Mom's concern about her boy being bullied by you..." he turns around, opening his arms in a big gesture "...all you have to do is calm his Mom down, convince her you are not a danger to Davey! Easy, right?"

He looks at each of you in turn with a grin on his face.
Feb 3, 2022 1:56 pm
"Yeah. Piece of cake..." he says laconically.
Feb 3, 2022 4:57 pm
Dr_B says:
"I can try... but my Mom... my Mom is convinced you three are, like... really mean to me. I tried to tell her you helped me with those bullies... but all she keeps repeating is that you tried to drown me, and that she's seen Logan laying hands on me in the comic shop..." he says, visibly distressed. "I guess she's just... like that, my Mom." he blushes.
"You better figure it out because if Mother Ruth continues to feed on her energy, then she might not wake up at all tomorrow!", Al says harshly. "And also, I didn't try to drown you. I didn't know you can't even swim!"
Last edited February 3, 2022 4:58 pm

Davey Jenkins


Feb 3, 2022 5:06 pm
Davey Jenkins
"Figure it out?? How? I shouldn't even be here with you! It's not like I can take you home and say hi Mom here are my friends ! Last time, she followed me to the comic book shop, she doesn't want me around you, don't you understand??"
Feb 3, 2022 5:11 pm
"So how are we supposed to change her mind if we can't even talk to her?", Al groans in frustration. "If you can't even talk to her about us!"

She sits down and crosses her arms, looking very annoyed at Davey. The gears in her head are spinning, though and eventually, something in her head clicks. "What if we pretend to save Davey's life? You could act like you fell into the lake and we rescue you in front of her. Or we ask Anna to run you over with her car and then we save you in the last moment. If we do that, she has to stop being mad at us!"

Davey Jenkins


Feb 3, 2022 5:24 pm
Davey Jenkins
Davey eyes Alana aghast, not particularly keen on the idea of falling into a lake or being ran over by a car!
Feb 3, 2022 9:16 pm
"Oh- Kayyy... so how do we get Davey's Mom to the lake?" He scratches his head. "Or convince Anna to run someone over?"
He grimaces at Davey "Not for real, of course."
Feb 3, 2022 9:53 pm
"I don't know," Al says. "Logan, what do you think? Which plan will work better?"
Feb 3, 2022 10:43 pm
Logan stays silent as he listens to everyone talk. After a thinking about the options he finally speaks. To be honest...I don't think we should do either of them. There's to many unknown variables, with them, that we simply don't know. What happens if we don't get to him in time at the lake? What happens if Anna makes a mistake while driving? I've got the First-Aid merit badge, not the resurrect the dead merit badge. Truth be told...I think it's up to Davey on this one.

Logan looks right at Davey as he says the last part. If he decides to stand up for himself, it may shock her enough to see that Davey isn't a little kid and also isn't as helpless as he seems to be.

Logan finishes his drink and tosses out an after thought. Besides do you honestly think she'll interact with any of us? She sees one of us and she'll figure that the rest are around. Then the mission is a bust.
Feb 3, 2022 11:26 pm
He shakes his head, doubtful. "Stand up for himself... we're talking -excuse me, Davey- about the scarediest cat in the world, and the craziest Mom in the universe, here! It's not like we can change that with the click of a finger, guys! This ain't gonna work..."

He hits the table in frustration. "Damn it... if only his Mom had seen us protecting Davey from Chet Paxton and his goons, that day at the bleachers! We wouldn't be in this ugly mess..."

Davey Jenkins


Feb 3, 2022 11:27 pm
...the scarediest cat in the world, and the craziest Mom in the universe...
Davey Jenkins
He lets out an outraged "HEY!!" at this.

Eddard Linderman


Feb 3, 2022 11:45 pm
Eddard Linderman
Eddard sits down and takes a sip from his bottle of gin. He seems to be enjoying this.
Feb 4, 2022 7:15 am
"I know, but she didn't see. And I'm not recreating that moment. Those guys are almost as scary as Mother Ruth," Al admits. "I still think staging something to rescue Davey from is our best shot. And none of you seem to have any other ideas. "
Feb 4, 2022 7:25 am
Davey Jenkins
"T-there is one way that I can surely get my Mom out of the house, if that helps... If I say I'm unwell, she'll definitely get me to the doctor's... You know, at DeLane Medical Centre."

Cody Brewster
"Hey maybe we can steal some calming pills and get her to take them," he smiles.
Feb 4, 2022 7:30 am
"And then Anna tries to run you over there and I save you!", Al grins. "It's a genius plan!"
Feb 4, 2022 7:34 am
Eddard Linderman
Leaning forward, in a very matter-of-fact tone, he suggests, "Have you considered protecting Davey... But from Mother Ruth herself? What if his Mom saw that ghost too, scaring her boy... She'd wish it away, right Davey? "

Davey Jenkins
He looks horrified at Eddard. "You guys are nuts... Throw me in a lake, run me over... Get a ghost monster on me... WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU ALL?" he protests.
Feb 4, 2022 7:39 am
Logan perks up at Eddard's idea. You know, that just might work. The real question is how to get Mother Ruth and Davey in the same place. His mom isn't exactly our biggest fan.
Feb 4, 2022 7:40 am
"Oh, I don't know about you... But one face to face meeting with that Ruth is more than enough for me..." he says concerned.

Eddard Linderman


Feb 4, 2022 7:42 am
Eddard Linderman
he shrugs, "Just saying. Hey, you could always try both ways, right? One plan might work..."
Feb 4, 2022 7:51 am
"But Mother Ruth is feeding on Mrs. Davey's energy!", Al says. "Going by what Davey told us, I don't think she can be awake at the same time that Mother Ruth is around."
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