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Mar 20, 2022 4:38 pm
Also, in the case of time dilation, we'd have returned to our loved ones obviously and inexplicably aged.
Mar 20, 2022 5:47 pm
I've only gotten through about a third of the series, but I get the sense they never get back, at least not in the official show. So here's an idea:

During the extent of the show, the kids were there due to the manipulations of Dungeon Master (who, by the way, seems awfully "iffy" in terms of morality). Once they found their way back (outside of the show's plot, I guess after the final episode sometime), the time manipulation by Dungeon Master ended, and they were free to come and go as they pleased but time progressed equally on both sides. If the kids want to spend a week in DnD-world (I guess Forgotten Realms?), they have to come up with a valid excuse to be gone for that long. It would get easier as they got older, but then harder as they progressed their lives in the real world. After all, what parent would dip out on kids for two weeks while they chopped up dragons or whatever?

Presto, meanwhile, stays behind in the realms, but his life in the real world was nothing special. He had a real issue with confidence, but a lot of that is due to his unfortunate upbringing as a ward of the state. He's been hopping between foster homes for years, and while there might be an investigation due to his disappearance, no one would be surprised about his being a runaway.

Mar 20, 2022 6:18 pm
You might as well skip to the written but never officially filmed finale episode. This very well done fan version is based on the script and includes some of the original voice actors...
Mar 20, 2022 7:21 pm
The DM will handwave any temporal irregularities unless you want them to become actual issues and story points.

We can say that wizardly shenanigans keep you all young and supple when in the Forgotten Realms and can deal with any long periods of lost time you might experience on Earth via time travel in the Realms (once your adventure is done, you're taken back to the point when you first entered the Realms and then go back to Earth). It helps to know Elminster and occasionally see Dungeon Master these days.

I mentioned that almost no D&D magic works on Earth and you can't bring things back via your innate planeshifting spell... but gold and gems aren't magical, and Presto has access to other teleportation spells and surely won't let you all be poor on Earth. ;)
Mar 20, 2022 7:37 pm
Presto's out here slowly collapsing the precious metals market with inter-planar infusions. What a champ :D
Mar 20, 2022 8:09 pm
I’m confused. Is it like Narnia? My fifteen year old self went to the realms, was there for over a year (Bobby had one birthday and was close to another while we were there), and then came back to the moment I left as my original fifteen year old self?
Mar 20, 2022 8:34 pm
Sounds like when we finally made it out of the Realm, the mighty Dungeon Master time travelled us back to to when we disappeared (and maybe the whole time in the realm he kept us from physically aging - trixie dungeon master). So that part's no big deal. We had a secret, but no one else was any the wiser.

But after that, no more timey-wimey shenanigans, it all becomes "normal" dimension hopping. Presto still has some 'splainin' to do about when he decides to move to the Realm permanently.

Anyway, I think I now know enough to finish figuring out what Diana's been doing for the past 20 years (when she's not saving the Realm from its latest threat).
Mar 20, 2022 8:37 pm
Are we allowed to ask about the other players' Main Items, or would you prefer to keep their capabilities private?
Mar 20, 2022 9:42 pm
'Show me yours, show you mine' can start once everyone's finalized their items.

However you all decide to deal with/handle potential time discrepancies is good with me.
Mar 20, 2022 9:43 pm
@ Jabes,

Mostly directed toward you and your character anyway in regards to Sheila and Bobby being siblings.

In some sources their names are listed as Sheila and Bobby O'Brian, but considering appearances and at least Sheila's fashion choices and being named the Thief, I was wondering if they might actually be the love children of Fred Jones and Daphne Blake? In later adaptations of Scooby Doo, Daphne has learned to pick locks and is dead on an older looking version of Sheila. The timing is also right, as the Scooby Doo gang started off in late '69 and D&D began in '85 (approximately 16 years apart).
Last edited March 20, 2022 9:44 pm


Secret Roll

Secret Roll

Mar 20, 2022 9:45 pm
I literally laughed out loud at the Fred/Daphne angle. If you make that game canon, you get the game's first Inspiration!
Mar 20, 2022 10:09 pm
LOL! I'm game for it if Jabes is.
Mar 20, 2022 10:11 pm
Another conspiracy theory:

Eric is actually the grandson of Reggie Mantle.
Mar 20, 2022 10:27 pm
RageRed says:
I was wondering if they might actually be the love children of Fred Jones and Daphne Blake?
That is an amazing idea. Certainly raises the bar for the rest of us. :)
Mar 20, 2022 10:57 pm
timplausible says:
RageRed says:
I was wondering if they might actually be the love children of Fred Jones and Daphne Blake?
That is an amazing idea. Certainly raises the bar for the rest of us. :)
No joke, what a fantastic idea! It makes me wonder if we're all in a shared Hanna Barbera universe?
Mar 21, 2022 12:38 am
Ezz. says:
It makes me wonder if we're all in a shared Hanna Barbera universe?
That could mean that Diana's mother is Valerie Brown, tambourine player for Josie and the Pussycats.
Mar 21, 2022 12:59 am
This is getting better! Make this happen!

Also... Here's another cool shot of
[ +- ] Presto!
Mar 21, 2022 1:21 am
timplausible says:
Ezz. says:
It makes me wonder if we're all in a shared Hanna Barbera universe?
That could mean that Diana's mother is Valerie Brown, tambourine player for Josie and the Pussycats.
I was thinking the same thing, Tim.
Mar 21, 2022 1:35 am
So I gave some thought to who Presto would be if they're in the HBU (Hanna Barbera Universe ©️).

I thought Presto was some kind of orphan, but I think that's only sort of right. His family is out of the picture, but not because they're dead, but because they're not born yet. Presto was just a child when he was launched back from the future. Though he doesn't know it yet, his birth name...

Is George Jetson.
Mar 21, 2022 2:04 am
Btw, to make these theories all the more plausible, Josie and the Pussycats were originally a part of the Archie's extended universe. When the original concept for Scooby Doo began, Mystery Inc. was a rock band, like JatPs, called the Mystery Five. At some point HB got the rights to JatPs and put them in a Scooby Doo crossover episode.. Thus all the proposed connections, besides George, are already implied for the previous generation.
Last edited March 21, 2022 5:47 am
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