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Mar 21, 2022 2:09 am
Yeah, I kind of remember all of them being connected somehow in previous cartoons. Honestly, I know the George Jetson thing is a stretch, but I can't figure out how else to fit Presto into things. More than anything he looks like a younger, smarter Shaggy Rogers but with glasses, but I'm not going to rip off your great idea and say that he's their kid or something.

I've been having trouble trying to figure out what Presto would want or try to achieve in our game, and I thought trying to get back his life in the future would be an interesting goal. I'm absolutely open to ideas, though. Playing a level 20 character feels weird, what could they want at that point that they couldn't achieve with godlike powers?
Mar 21, 2022 2:30 am
My line of thought on Presto was with Velma. They're both supposed to be very smart,socially awkward, and need glasses to see.
Last edited March 21, 2022 2:30 am
Mar 21, 2022 2:32 am
RageRed says:
My line of thought on Presto was with Velma. Their both supposed to be very smart,socially awkward, and need glasses to see.
I agree, I can't think of another "nerdy but adventurous" Hanna Barbera character. I just didn't want to continue drawing from the Scooby-Doo well if I could help it. Admittedly, it's a much better fit than the George Jetson angle (which is way more lame the more I think about it).
Mar 21, 2022 3:45 am
Don't discount multiple Scooby-Doo lineages. I mean, when you are friends for life, your kids end up hanging out together.

Or, you could go with Shaggy's clone: Tinker from Speed Buggy. "My dad was alright, I guess. But he loved that damn car more than any of us."
Mar 21, 2022 3:50 am
timplausible says:
Don't discount multiple Scooby-Doo lineages. I mean, when you are friends for life, your kids end up hanging out together.

Or, you could go with Shaggy's clone: Tinker from Speed Buggy. "My dad was alright, I guess. But he loved that damn car more than any of us."
I can't imagine Presto would have parents or much family in the picture. Otherwise he wouldn't try to stay in DnD-world while the rest went home.

I wonder if Velma's nephew would be an interesting option? It would give Presto a reason to be hanging out with them in the first place.
Mar 21, 2022 5:43 am
Ezz. says:
I wonder if Velma's nephew would be an interesting option? It would give Presto a reason to be hanging out with them in the first place.
That sounds like a good option to me. ( :
Mar 21, 2022 10:10 am
All i got to contribute to the Fred/Daphne angle is that, since Hank and Sheila are an item in the cartoon, basically Sheila decided to go for another blond blue-eyed boy type. So I'm guessing that they got married and one of their children is either Kim Possible or Gwen from Ben 10?
Mar 21, 2022 10:12 am
I have discovered why Presto stays behind in the Realms. His heart belongs to an illusionist named Varla. Episode 19.
Mar 21, 2022 10:15 am
BedzoneII says:
All i got to contribute to the Fred/Daphne angle is that, since Hank and Sheila are an item in the cartoon, basically Sheila decided to go for another blond blue-eyed boy type. So I'm guessing that they got married and one of their children is either Kim Possible or Gwen from Ben 10?
I am watching the entire series and am yet to find anything that suggests Hank and Sheila are an ITEM.
Mar 21, 2022 10:31 am
I guess viewers were shipping them based on scenes like the opening of episode 21. The kids are all resting in a meadow separately but only Hank and Sheila are snuggled up side by side. Lemme go find more!
Mar 21, 2022 10:42 am
I just watched that scene and Hank. Sheila, and Eric are all stretched out around the same tree.
Mar 21, 2022 3:43 pm
I play-paused the intro several times trying to catch Hank putting his arm around her on the amusement park ride. But our boy's the perfect gentleman! XD

There's definitely something here though!
Last edited March 21, 2022 3:44 pm
Mar 21, 2022 4:08 pm
I'm trying to finalize my character sheet.

1. How are we doing HP? Rolls, or average increase?
2. Are Optional Class Features in play?
[ +- ] Optional Barbarian Class Features
Mar 21, 2022 4:11 pm
Also, how would you prefer to handle Presto's spells? Does he get the standard "two per level", or would you like him to have found some more to copy into his book?
Mar 21, 2022 4:15 pm
There "series bible" written by the show's creator states: "In fact, [Sheila] admires Hank a lot and what courage she does muster, she gets largely from the inspiration of Hank and/or Diana. Perhaps she and Hank will even be an "item" if and when they ever get out of this weird world."

You can read an archive of the bible here.
Mar 21, 2022 4:23 pm
I haven't been rewatching the series (though maybe I should), but I have been reading some summaries of the episodes. I had forgotten that time travel was already canon to the series, so the timey wimey solution to my previous questions is very much in keeping with the show.

Side note: who knew/remembered that in one episode the gang befriends a Nazi? Ok... he's portrayed as being unhappy about fighting for Germany, but he was a Luftwaffe pilot. "One of the best", I believe, so someone who surely took out plenty of allied airmen. And Diana seemed to be the most sympathetic towards him of the party members. All very weird.
Mar 21, 2022 4:33 pm
@RageRed Of course, despite all this talk of shipping Hank & Sheila, our DM did say we can play the characters how we see fit. So no pressure, big sis! :-D
Last edited March 21, 2022 4:40 pm
Mar 21, 2022 4:40 pm
timplausible says:
You can read an archive of the bible here.
Thanks for sharing that, @timplausible! I've only rewatched a few episodes, don't intend to do the whole thing, but I've been reading what I can about Bobby. I don't intend to play him as he was in the show; he's grown up for sure, but it helps to establish in my head exactly what he outgrew (and what he didn't).
Mar 21, 2022 4:59 pm

Well, that took a dark turn...
Mar 21, 2022 5:06 pm
I feel like I'm not contributing much to this group, but so far this has been a great ride. I can't wait until we actually start playing. :-)
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