The group departs from the pier and heads deeper into the heart of the city. Not far from the starting point of the horizonback migration, the party approaches a brick building with a sign that reads,
Beefslab Butchers. A simple table and two chairs have been set up outside. Both chairs are currently occupied by people wearing the armor of the Aurora Watch (one female drow and the other an enourmous orc woman), their elbows braced against the table and their hands locked in an arm-wrestling duel. Two dozen festivalgoers watch them silently, untilâSLAM!âthe occupant of the left chair pushes her opponentâs arm to the table and the crowd erupts in whoops and cheers. A quiet male goblinâVars, the owner of the butcher shopâsits off to the side, managing the wagers made by onlookers.
Towering above the rest of the crowd, the group can easily spot Maggie, the enormous ogre who the party met at the maze contest. She looks happily at the contest, patiently waiting for her turn to enter. Unlike the other contests, there does not seem to be any posted rules anywhere, but after asking around the crowd, the party finds that the way this contest works is this:
[ +- ] Arm Wrestling!
(The rules for this contest as written would be terribly inefficient in PbP, so I am going to change it a little bit)
Maryl Bronzefang (the orc Aurora Watchman) competes only against the best, and to challenge her, a character must first defeat one of her drow companions. Winning against Maryl wins the player a medallion.
The player contestant makes an Athletics check with a DC equal to 10 + the other contestantâs Athletics skill modifier. Succeeding on the check means that you win. Failing the check by 5 or more means that you immediately lose. Failing the check by 4 or less means that you can make one more Athletics check with disadvantage. Failing this second check by any amount means that you lose.
The first drow's DC is 13.
A character who loses a match and wants to try again must first succeed on a DC 15 Charisma (Deception or Persuasion) check. On a failed check, the character is laughed away by the crowd. If a character loses to the same foe twice, that contestant declines any further challenges from that character.
Betting. Any character can place a bet with Vars by handing him 5 sp and declaring who they think will win the next match. A character whose choice wins the match receives 9 sp, and Vars pockets 1 sp.