I've updated table in the post above and additional result is this:
1. You will get fill description of all city locations (will post it in separate thread tomorrow)
2. Jim learns what Pacan learned, but additionally he is introduced Chult specific items purchasable (see below).
3. Jim learns that legal market is split several among merchant prices, each controlling it's own niche. You remember that your patron Syndra doing business with one of the merchant prices
[ +- ] Chult special items
A canoe can be purchased in Port Nyanzaru for 50 gp. It holds up to six Medium creatures and has a maximum speed of 2 mph. It is otherwise identical to a rowboat.
The sale of canoes in Port Nyanzaru is controlled by the merchant prince Ekene-Afa.
Insect Repellent
Insect repellent can be purchased in Port Nyanzaru in two forms: blocks of incense or a greasy salve. The merchant prince Kwayothé controls the sale of both. Neither kind of repellent protects against giant insects or the vile swarms of insects described in the Creatures and Monsters section of this adventure.
A block of incense sells for 1 sp. When lit, it burns for 8 hours and repels normal insects within a 20-foot-radius centered on it.
A gourd or vial of salve, which sells for 1 gp, contains 20 applications of odorless grease. One application protects its wearer against normal insects for 24 hours. The salve is waterproof so it doesn’t wash off in rain.
Rain Catcher
A rain catcher is a simple contraption consisting of a 5-foot-square leather tarp and a wooden frame with legs. When the tarp is stretched across the wooden frame, it forms a basin that can catch 2 gallons of drinking water per inch of rainfall and hold up to 8 gallons. The tarp and wooden frame fold up for easy transport. A rain catcher costs 1 gp and weighs 5 pounds.
Merchant prince Ekene-Afa controls the sale of rain catchers in Port Nyanzaru.
Tej is an amber-colored, fermented drink made from honey. It’s more common and popular in Chult than beer or ale. A mug of tej costs 4 cp in Port Nyanzaru or 6 cp in Fort Beluarian. A 1-gallon cask costs 2 sp in the city or 3 sp at the fort.
Sale of tej is controlled by the merchant prince Kwayothé.
A yklwa (pronounced YICK-ul-wah) is a simple melee weapon that is the traditional weapon of Chultan warriors. A yklwa consists of a 3-foot wooden shaft with a steel or stone blade up to 18 inches long. It costs 1 gp, and it deals 1d8 piercing damage on a hit. Although it has the thrown weapon property, the yklwa is not well balanced for throwing (range 10/30 ft.).