Grandfather Eiwa’s request was clear: hunt down and bring back a meal worthy of the upcoming Night of the Green Moon. With the expert aid of head scout Wipa, tracking down a suitable beast was easy. Pakano, your fellow scout-in-training, all but whooped with excitement during the hunt. With the quarry in sight, now comes the hard part—killing it.
In the forest copse beyond some thick foliage, dim morning light outlines a lone bull moose nearly as big as a baby mammoth. The moose casts a wide shadow on the ridge to the north. The sound of trickling water from a stream to the west intermingles with that of the moose idly munching on the tender grass sprouting from the recently thawed tundra. Your hunting party lurks behind thick foliage, planning the right moment to strike.
"This is our prey," Wipa whispers. "We must not startle him. If we do, and he charges us, our only choice is to run."
Her solemn, quiet words are met with a snort from Pakano, a young Kellid hunter whose beautiful face perpetually bears an arrogant sneer. "Let’s just get him," he growls.
Wipa silences the youth with a wave of her hand. "This animal is our superior in strength, size, and speed," she says calmly. "Before we strike, we must try to press our advantage."
"Let's see how much you've learned? Any suggestions?" she asks the group.
There's map, but for now it is simply a skill challenge that can make felling the moose an easier mission. It is assumed you have followed the expert or succeeded your stealth rolls so calm speaking won't scare the moose.