Ha'aroo reassured Bruno that "it was very noble of you to try and save Nebula but since there is a language barrier Nebula thought you were trying to run off into the jungle and if you are by yourself in the jungle she could not keep you safe. So she was trying to save you by pulling you back when you started running. So please if you feel in danger please slowly group around the person farthest away from the threat unless you see everyone running. If everyone is running then run with us ok?"
Ha'aroo agrees with Sharagwyn, Travers and Jim that a normal pace would be good and is good to head out in the rain if everyone is ready.
Ha'aroo also shares with Nebula that Bruno said that "he was trying to run off to protect you. He was scared not just for himself but for you."
"I think if the river is as calm as it was before that it would be good to cross now. It looks like we are approaching the undead territory on this side of the river according to the map." he shares with the group.
and in response to Travers dont we need 4 watches to make it 2 hours well we could just make it 3 watches at 3 hours each. That way there is always at least two people on each watch in case something happens to the only person on watch.