Airshark Character Generator

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Jul 5, 2022 7:46 am
vagueGM says:
... Survival rolls often (usually?) lead to your getting kicked out.
Er... Failed Survival rolls, that is.
Jul 5, 2022 9:27 am
Airshark says:
Cr40000 Scientific Equipment
Just got back to the book now.

We can keep this roll for when you do Muster out.

You have to choose before you roll if you are rolling on the Benefits or the Cash column, and you can only roll for Cash three times in total.

This is either 40K Cash or Scientific Equipment worth no more than Cr2000 and less than TL 12 (page 47).
I don't know what 'Scientific Equipment' is. It looks like it might be the Science Toolkits as listed on page 123, that exactly fits the 'TL12 Cr2000' specs, but there is also 'Scientific' listed under 'Toolkits' on page 120, which it TL5 and Cr2000.

I say it could be anything that we can justify as 'scientific equipment' on our tax form, so get creative with the lists. :)

You don't have to choose it now. If you want, you can note it down and then, during play, declare: "Oh, yes. I have just the thing. I pilfered a < gizmo > from < scholar place >".
If you define it now, that tells us about the world. Whatever it is, we will make it relevant and useful.
Jul 5, 2022 3:45 pm
vagueGM says:
Airshark says:
Cr40000 Scientific Equipment
Just got back to the book now.

We can keep this roll for when you do Muster out.

You have to choose before you roll if you are rolling on the Benefits or the Cash column, and you can only roll for Cash three times in total.

This is either 40K Cash or Scientific Equipment worth no more than Cr2000 and less than TL 12 (page 47).
I don't know what 'Scientific Equipment' is. It looks like it might be the Science Toolkits as listed on page 123, that exactly fits the 'TL12 Cr2000' specs, but there is also 'Scientific' listed under 'Toolkits' on page 120, which it TL5 and Cr2000.

I say it could be anything that we can justify as 'scientific equipment' on our tax form, so get creative with the lists. :)

You don't have to choose it now. If you want, you can note it down and then, during play, declare: "Oh, yes. I have just the thing. I pilfered a < gizmo > from < scholar place >".
If you define it now, that tells us about the world. Whatever it is, we will make it relevant and useful.
I'll just keep the cash.

I'm going to proceed with another term of university, if I am correct the 2nd career has a dm of -1 to get in and a +1 because I graduated.
I made a mistake with my EDU. If I read the book correctly I get a +1 for entering AND a +1 for graduating bringing my EDU to 12 (dm+2)

In my next term I could get Medic to 4 (max). Can/should I choose different level 0 and 1 skills than last time?.
Last edited July 5, 2022 3:47 pm


getting in to uni 2nd term +edu + soc - (2d6+2+1)

(41) + 3 = 8

Jul 5, 2022 3:46 pm
Is there a way to make my character sheet visible for you at this moment?
Jul 5, 2022 4:27 pm
Airshark says:
... I'm going to proceed with another term of university ... 2nd career ...
By 'university' do you mean 'Scholar'? Univeristy is not a Career, it is Pre-Career Education.
Airshark says:
... the 2nd career has a dm of -1 to get in ...
-1 per Career, and University is not a 'Career', so it does not count for that.

Getting into University (if it is even allowed for a second time?) has its own rules and and is -2 because this is your Third Term.
Airshark says:
... and a +1 because I graduated ...
Graduation only gives a +1 Qualification bonus to the Careers listed in the text. It does not apply to everything.

If you are going back to Pre-Career Education, then it does not apply since that is not listed. If you are looking at Scholar, then you don't need to Qualify again, you are already a Scholar. If you want to change your Assignment (Physician), then you need to Qualify for the new one, but failing to Qualify for an Assignment change just means you stay in the old Assignment, you do not cease to be Scholar.
Airshark says:
... In my next term I could get Medic to 4 (max) ...
Maybe. But you might not, it is random.
Airshark says:
... Can/should I choose different level 0 and 1 skills than last time? ...
In University? You would have to.

In the fiction: You can't go back to study the same course again, you would need to start a new degree.
In the mechanics: You get those Skills at level 0 and level 1, so they would not add anything, so taking them again would be pointless.
Airshark says:
... +1 for entering AND a +1 for graduating bringing my EDU to 12 (dm+2) ...
That is correct. Going through University increases your EDU by 2.

I am not sure doing it again should give the same benefits, but the rules don't disallow it. (Correct me if I am wrong.)

Remember that there is a max of 15 on Characteristics.
Jul 5, 2022 4:28 pm
Airshark says:
Is there a way to make my character sheet visible for you at this moment?
You need to add the character to the game, you can do so on the Game Details page.

Then to allow the other players to see the character, you need to mark the grey 'note' icon that says Add to Library on your character list.
Red means others can see the sheet.
Jul 5, 2022 4:35 pm
Scholar YES! sorry bout that.
Jul 5, 2022 4:53 pm
Airshark says:
Scholar YES! sorry bout that.

No need to roll to Qualify. You only roll to Enter the Career.
You also don't get any automatic Skills. Basic Training is 'For your first career only' (page 18). This is not a 'subsequent career', so you don't pick anything, and it would be meaningless since you already have all the Service Skills at 0.

You choose a Skill Table and roll on that, which tells you what Skill or Characteristic you possibly increase.
Then: the next step is to roll to see if you Survive; if you do, roll for an Event; if you are still in the Career, roll Advancement. Then repeat.

(Check with the book that I got that right, may have skipped a step.:)
Jul 6, 2022 6:45 am
OK, let's do this right now.

3th term: SCHOLAR again. I wil roll again on the physician's table.

this is an edit just in case you didn't read this post. I think I made a mistake with the advancement but tried to correct it later. Please read through the whole term so you don't have to waste digital ink ;-)
Last edited July 6, 2022 7:00 am


physician's table - (1d6)

(2) = 2

Jul 6, 2022 6:51 am
2 is electronics.

possible connections to the medical world:
robot surgery (using a robot or precision machines to perform surgery)
surgery ON robots (repairing complicated machines: circuits, chipsets, small fidgety things)
medical machine representative (salesman)
or it could be a completely different field of interest that has nothing to do with the medical world.

I'm wondering if my low DEX will interfere with the surgeon career.

Now rolling for advancement or survival (same stat so it can be done in one throw)


advancement/survival +edu - (2d6+2)

(24) + 2 = 8

Jul 6, 2022 6:55 am
8 is advance.
Rank increase gives me medic 1 which I already have (boohoo)
doing another roll on the physician's skill table 1d6


table roll - (1d6)

(1) = 1

Jul 6, 2022 6:58 am
1 is medic, that increases my medic level to 4 which is now maxed out.

I see now that I might had to roll twice for survival and advancement. To speed things up I'll enter another EDU roll. considering the last edu roll only for survival. we can ignore it if it is unnecessary.


rolling voor advance - (2d6+2)

(61) + 2 = 9

Jul 6, 2022 6:59 am
got lucky there, everything above still counts.
roling for an event:


event 2d - (2d6)

(66) = 12

Jul 6, 2022 7:04 am
12: PROMOTION!!!!!

gives me nothing :) but I'm a rank 2 medic now.

upon leaving this career, I keep the 40k and scientific equipment (microscope? blood sample kit? surgical tools?)

Time to browse the careers list again. anything you'ld recommend?
Jul 6, 2022 7:06 am
Airshark says:
2 is electronics.

possible connections to the medical world:
robot surgery (using a robot or precision machines to perform surgery)
surgery ON robots (repairing complicated machines: circuits, chipsets, small fidgety things)
medical machine representative (salesman)
or it could be a completely different field of interest that has nothing to do with the medical world.

I'm wondering if my low DEX will interfere with the surgeon career.

Now rolling for advancement or survival (same stat so it can be done in one throw)
hmmm electronics is more specified than I thought. I'm going with computers.
Jul 6, 2022 8:15 am
Airshark says:
Now rolling for advancement or survival (same stat so it can be done in one throw)
You have to roll for survival and then for advancement.

The flow is like this:
Enter career (roll qualification if not coming from the same career)
Get basic training (if your first time in career)
Roll on 1 table
Roll survival
If survived -> roll event
If not survived -> roll mishap
Roll advancement (unless your event/mishap says otherwise)
If advanced -> roll 1 table again + get rank bonus if there is one.
If term >=4 -> roll aging
Jul 6, 2022 8:33 am
TheGenerator says:
Airshark says:
Now rolling for advancement or survival (same stat so it can be done in one throw)
You have to roll for survival and then for advancement.

The flow is like this:
Enter career (roll qualification if not coming from the same career)
Get basic training (if your first time in career)
Roll on 1 table
Roll survival
If survived -> roll event
If not survived -> roll mishap
Roll advancement (unless your event/mishap says otherwise)
If advanced -> roll 1 table again + get rank bonus if there is one.
If term >=4 -> roll aging
Ok. I rolled for survival some posts earlier (when I thought it was just one roll for both surv and adv.)
And for advancement later on. Should have done the event before the advancement. But I think I can keep it the way it is now. Though the order is incorrect.
Jul 6, 2022 9:01 am
Airshark says:
... I see now that I might had to roll twice for survival and advancement. To speed things up ... we can ignore it if it is unnecessary ...
Yeah, quite necessary.

Double dipping a roll doesn't speed things up anyway, especially not in PbP.
Airshark says:
... Rank increase gives me medic 1 which I already have (boohoo) ...
Some of those look quite strange. It seems incongruous for a Physician to not have some level of Medic by the time they Advance, giving them Medic 1 at Rank 1... weird. But I suppose it makes more sense than for a Rank 1 Physician to not have any Medic (which is possible under the rules), so they are covering for that? This is always a problem with highly mechanised games, there are weird edge-cases that we have to live with. It really looks to me like those all Advancement Bonuses should be +1s, but very few of them are. :(

At least you still get a Skill roll from each Advance.
Airshark says:
... 12: PROMOTION!!!!! gives me nothing ...
It does give you another Skill Table roll.

Roll for Skill.
Airshark says:
... my medic level to 4 which is now maxed out ...
If you stay in this Career you can focus on rolling on the Personal Advancement, or Advanced Skills Tables to avoid wasting time on more medical training. :)
Airshark says:
... upon leaving this career, I keep the 40k and scientific equipment ...
Where does the Scientific Equipment come from? I thought you were keeping the Cash (you only get one from the premature Mustering Out Benefit roll).
Airshark says:
... Time to browse the careers list again. anything you'ld recommend ...
If you are set on leaving, the first though I had was Noble. Then I looked at the really high (10+) Qualification (they don't let just anyone be a 'noble':) and thought again... then I noticed that you automatically qualify because of your 10 in SOC (so apparently they will just let anyone in, it is all about who you know:).

I don't know if any of what it offers interests you.

The Navy definitely wants you. I don't know what your feelings are about military service, though.
Airshark says:
... ... electronics ... or it could be a completely different field of interest that has nothing to do with the medical world ...
Having outside interests is healthy, your doctor will tell you so. :)
Airshark says:
... I'm wondering if my low DEX will interfere with the surgeon career. ...
Then again, maybe you use Electronics (Computers or Remote Ops?) to compensate, letting you do surgery with INT/EDU instead of DEX?
Airshark says:
... Time to browse the careers list again ...
You can also try to change Assignments and become a Scientist or a Field Researcher. Sticking with one Career has it benefits. Another Rank and you get 1 more Benefit roll, a few more years and you get a yearly pension. Staying as a Physician need not be a problem, you have other Tables to roll on.

If you are done with this then you need to roll your Mustering Out Benefits. You get 1 for each Term, plus another 1 for your Rank.
Airshark says:
...But I think I can keep it the way it is now. Though the order is incorrect...
That is fine. It all worked out.
Jul 7, 2022 7:30 am
vagueGM says:

It does give you another Skill Table roll.

personal development is a good suggestion.

Roll for Skill.
Airshark says:
... my medic level to 4 which is now maxed out ...
If you stay in this Career you can focus on rolling on the Personal Advancement, or Advanced Skills Tables to avoid wasting time on more medical training. :)
personal development is a good suggestion.
vagueGM says:

Where does the Scientific Equipment come from? I thought you were keeping the Cash (you only get one from the premature Mustering Out Benefit roll).
Can't blame a guy for trying!... (I saw that Trailhead could keep the gun and the cash, that's why I thought it applied to me too, but I didn't read the whole thread, so probably there is another reason for that)
But 40k will by me all the equipment I can carry.
vagueGM says:

If you are set on leaving, the first though I had was Noble. Then I looked at the really high (10+) Qualification (they don't let just anyone be a 'noble':) and thought again... then I noticed that you automatically qualify because of your 10 in SOC (so apparently they will just let anyone in, it is all about who you know:).

I don't know if any of what it offers interests you.

The Navy definitely wants you. I don't know what your feelings are about military service, though.
The Navy looks more interesting for me to play. I don't think I would be good at playing a Noble. Neither do I see this character doing a deskjob nor being a dilletante.

I see you can enlist as crewman, officer or general. I'll be going for general!!! (that was a joke) But officer might be the way to go here considering my age and previous career.
Jul 7, 2022 7:31 am
Rolling for personal development because of the promotion.


development - (1d6)

(5) = 5

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