1.2 - In Search of Sanity - The Dead Don't Dream

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Feb 11, 2023 10:58 pm
"Two more questions from me, ratling, then we discuss the terms of your release... and I never did get your name. Firstly... The master you mentioned, what do you know of him?"

Ratch Mamby


Feb 12, 2023 12:33 am
Ratch Mamby
"Ratch. You can call me Ratch, man-thing. I know all there is to know about this being's master, but I can say no more on the subject while you insist on keeping me here under threat of harm!"
Feb 12, 2023 2:03 am
"We keep you here for now so you don't harm us. What about banishing this Nightmare Lord? Do you have any idea how or where we can find out more? Like from the Witch, for example."

Ratch Mamby


Feb 13, 2023 9:59 pm
Ratch Mamby
The ratling's spell wears off and it returns to its smaller size. Ratch looks smugly at Axon, "There is no way to banish the Final Dream. It was here before we existed and it will be here after we are gone. And yes, please do go looking for the Witch, Ariadnah. Should you find her corpse, say hello for me. She brought the entity here centuries ago and wipes out that entire pustule of a town, Thrushmoor; if she still lived, we would all know it as your kind would surely be under her thrall.

Now. If you'll excuse me, I have books to read.I'll tell my kin in the library to leave as well. Perhaps you could learn more there, from the texts we have not yet read due to being driven off!"

Ratch takes a short step and rolls into the hole next to them, disappearing with grace. It appears he may have been stalling, at least long enough for his stature to return to tunnel-delving proportions.
Feb 13, 2023 10:32 pm
Okay - where to? Razhel indicated a desire to circle your way back to camp. You're going in the right direction to do so, but there are side doors and such to check out if you are interested.
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Feb 13, 2023 11:30 pm
My vote is to check the double doors at the end of the hall we have been traveling down.
Feb 14, 2023 10:02 pm
Grim can only shake his head after listening to conversation between Axon and the Rat. He exits the room and heads south.
Feb 15, 2023 2:54 am
"I hope the book we really want is still in the library once the ratlings are through," Axon said as he followed Grim.
Feb 15, 2023 9:30 am

You open the double doors at the southern end of the hallway. Sagging shelves, held together by dust and an extensive system of rolling ladders, ring this library of husky, dull looking tomes. At the room’s center broods a heavily worn table surrounded by uncomfortable chairs. A chandelier of iron vines dangles above. The scents of leather and old paper pervade the high-ceilinged space, but so does a distinct bestial musk.

Several of the lower shelves have had their contents scattered across the floor.
The southern doors of the library lead you back to the grand entry hall of the Asylum, and bring you relatively close to the conclave of survivors at the chapel.

This library holds a wealth of information. It would take some time (8 hours of dedicated research) followed by an appropriate knowledge check to learn more about the history and lore of the asylum and region surrounding it.

What do you want to do?

P.S. I noted from the Absences thread that SquadFather will be away for a bit - I'll control Elias a little bit as needed to keep us going.
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Feb 16, 2023 8:27 am
Razhel crosses the library and moves to the double doors. She opens them and takes a look around. Spending hours in a musty old library has never been of interest to her. That, she was of a certain.
Feb 16, 2023 7:46 pm
Grim follows suit and heads for the southern doors with Razhel. "With the ratlings no longer ransacking the library, I want to check in with the survivors and share our findings so far with Winter."
Last edited February 16, 2023 7:48 pm
Feb 17, 2023 12:02 am
Are we in agreement to fast track back to the chapel and speak with Winter?
Feb 17, 2023 12:54 am
"I'd like to stay and start looking over these tomes. I'll hopefully find something to help us, if Blon... er... Elias doesn't mind lending me a hand and a sword. With me here and Glass... Iosef with you, we'll be able to see if we are who we say we are once we regroup."
Feb 21, 2023 6:30 pm

Elias nods and agrees to stay behind with Axon while the robed man begins his studies in the library. Iosef speaks up and offers to stick around as well, his scholarly bent too ingrained to eschew in favor of social interaction. "Better safe in numbers out here," he suggests, "Plus I'd like to see what we can find out about this place and the danger we face."
Meanwhile, Grim and Razhel make their way back to the chapel ahead of the scholars and look to find Winter.

Vaustin York
"Hoy there!" York says as the door opens, his hand quickly moves from the hilt of his sword. "Oh, it's you! Good to see you still live, but...just the two of you? Where are your friends?" You explain where the others are and York, pleased to hear this much of your success smiles, "Good, good. Let's get you folks to Winter and you can fill her in." He quickly leads you to the chapel proper where Winter and most of the other survivors are holed up.

Winter Klazcka
Winter quickly takes note your entrance. "Welcome back," she says in a tone that is warm but hints of exhaustion, "What did you find out there? Are your companions alright?"
We're using the Research system found in Ultimate Intrigue. The library essentially has HP (called KP "Knowledge Points") that you reduce and at certain thresholds it reveals new information until it's KP reaches zero (this represents you having learned all there is to know from that library.

To keep it simple, @annex just give me one or more topics you plan to research in the library and give me your choice of Kn: Local, History, or Religion roll to see if you learn anything during this span of time. The check can be made untrained. The DC is 15.

@All - Since resting overnight in the northern hallway, it's only been a couple hours. After this period of research and doing what you'd like in the chapel, it will be late evening.
[ +- ] Chapel Map
[ +- ] Library Map
[ +- ] Status Tracker
[ +- ] Fear Tracker
Feb 21, 2023 7:08 pm
Iosef busies himself looking through the books trying to learn anything more he can of the aforementioned Briarstone Witch, Ariadnah and anything as to how she ties to the history of the island.


Kn: Religion - (1d20+8)

(4) + 8 = 12

Feb 21, 2023 8:44 pm
Axon focused on finding any information on Valhadis, the Chain of Night, and dream manifestation or extraction.
No Knowledges except Arcana, alas.
Last edited February 21, 2023 9:18 pm


Knowledge (-) - (1d20)

(10) = 10

Feb 23, 2023 10:12 pm
"The others of our little group are sequestered in the library doing research." He tells Winter and pulls out a stack of files from his backpack. "We found files on each of us hidden in the wall of one of the offices. I am leery of the details within these, but apparently my name is Grimjack Harrow and this is Razhel. We were supposedly working for Hasterton Lowls and incarcerated here at his authority. Some of the staff here at the asylum were conducting questionable experiments on the patients. One of these was this fellow the psychotic weirdos keep mentioning. Zandalus. Oh..and there's apparently some horror beneath the facility that's been disturbed by all the questionable things going on up here and that's what's caused the earth tremors. We've heard it was brought here long ago by the Briarstone Witch."
Feb 26, 2023 8:51 am
Elias busies himself studying the various texts in the library, trying to help with the topics Axon and Iosef mention.
Converting the failed checks by Iosef and Axon into 'Aid Another' checks, both of which succeed against DC 10, I'm adding 2 additional Knowledge Points against the library. That leaves it with 30/35 KP. You learn the following during this period of research:

Located on briarstone Isle, Briarstone Asylum was founded in with the support of Counter Haserton Lowls I and Rozenport's Sincomakti School of Sciences. The asylum devotes itse3lf to the treatment of patients with mental diseases and those in need of pscyhological treatments of such disorders. With the exception of restraints, most physical and surgical treatment methods were phased out of Briarstone over a century ago.


Kn: Religion - (1d20+5)

(18) + 5 = 23

KP Depletion - (1d8)

(3) = 3

Winter Klazcka


Feb 26, 2023 9:15 am
Winter Klazcka
"This keeps getting more and more interesting," Winter says, bringing a hand up to the side of her face and running her index finger over her jaw line in thought. "With everything that's happened, I don't suppose there's reason to keep it from you. You already know I was sent here by one of the Royal Accusers in search of someone. If I hadn't said so before, I'll say it now: I was sent here specifically to inquire after a handful of recently committed patients previously in the service of Haserton Lowls. That said, I believe I was sent here to find you, though I don't know why. I suspect it revolves around the reason Lowls committed you, and perhaps to do with this strange amnesia you've experienced.

Have you found any leads as to what this mist is, or how to end it?"
Feb 26, 2023 8:02 pm
"There is some evidence that suggests the fog was summoned by a dark ritual from a tome that, our companions believe, is somewhere on the premises of the asylum." Razhel interjects. "That's partly the reason that the others remain in the library—to locate this book."
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