1.2 - In Search of Sanity - The Dead Don't Dream

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Jul 17, 2022 2:12 am

After vanquishing the Argus Wall haunt and revealing the door beyond, you eventually are ready to press onward.

Having now learned about the situation at Briarstone Asylum and gained a safe haven, you venture into the sanitarium's central halls. You suspect you might learn more about yourselves and about the nightmare gripping the entire asylum.

Throwing the door open reveals an enormous, cathedral-like hall. White tile, spiderwebbed with cracks, lines the walls. A prominent, oval desk faces staunch double doors along the southern wall, while hard benches and portraits of somber doctors line the walls. Regal stairs ascend toward a second floor, but rubble has crushed the upper flights, blocking passage. Lofty windows, gridded by bars, flank the southern doors and reveal yellow mist seething just beyond.

In addition to the door you just entered through, you also notice an opposing set of large double doors on the northern wall of the room. There is what might be an office door just east of there, and again a set of double doors in the south-eastern corner of the room. If you make your way to the north-east, you also find a door that appears to lead into a courtyard.
Welcome to Part 2 of the Adventure! What do you want to do?
[ +- ] Map
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[ +- ] Fear Tracker
Jul 17, 2022 3:17 am
Meeting Tolman and the children strengthened his need to figure out this horror and vanquish it, and so he pressed on with a bit more hope than before.

"Hold, friends, and let me see..."

አስማትን ፈልግ።

He looked around the large room with his third eye.
A very thorough Detect Magic.
Last edited July 17, 2022 3:19 am
Jul 17, 2022 10:57 am

Axon senses no magic immediately visible as he enters the room and scans it.
Jul 17, 2022 7:26 pm
"Nothing jumps out at me... yet," he said.
Jul 18, 2022 7:14 pm
Razhel moves into the large room and looks around. She holds her crossbow ready, as she checks out the room.
Jul 18, 2022 10:52 pm

As your group moves further into the large room, you find it quite empty other than the features you already noted from the western section.

You find a hall stretching East but an impassable wall of rubble blocks this eastern exit.

You note that unlike most of the rest of the asylum so far, the ceiling here in this area is about twice as high (about 20ft from the ground).

You are able to traverse the north-west stairs as far as the first landing, about halfway up to the ceiling, but beyond that is another wall of rubble - beyond that you can see that the upper floors of the asylum in this area must have nearly collapsed entirely.

Having all but cleared the room, you note the large doors to the south appear to be the entrance doors of the asylum, with the desk being likely for reception of guests. The other doors would lead further into the asylum rooms and grounds, including: the double doors to the north, the room to the north-east, and the room to the south-east. Lastly, there is the door you find in the north-east, reachable after navigating some rubble, that appears to lead to the courtyard.

Other than the feeling that this entry hall once meant to instill a sense of reliability and prominence in those who visited, there is little else you note before deciding which path you would like to explore further.
[ +- ] Map
[ +- ] Status Tracker
[ +- ] Fear Tracker
Jul 18, 2022 11:11 pm
As much as the place reminded him of the horrors without, he wanted to see the courtyard again.

"Just a quick look at something green, not just yellow," he said as he carefully moved over rubble to the door. He checked to see if the door was locked or barred, and gave it a once over with his second sight.
Jul 19, 2022 10:35 am

Even before he sets his hand to the door handle, Axon can hear the wind. He slowly opens the door to eastern courtyard, revealing an outside area with high asylum walls hedging a large garden. Only thin breaths of sickly fog seep in from overhead, though beyond its just as thick as ever. Misty wisps slip between leafless trees and simple benches, giving the impression of silent beasts prowling through the garden. You can see about twenty feet up before the yellow fog obscures your sight.

Powerful winds sweep through the courtyard, stirring the misty tendrils into violent, spinning cords of yellow sinew. The howling is alike an infernal chorus as it blows across the rooftops high above you. Before stepping out into the wind, Axon watches and gauges, noting the wind picking up hard enough at times that it might actually be difficult to traverse the garden, and anything flying through the air would have great difficulty going where intended.

Upon the wind you hear strange sounds - like low growls or rustling footsteps.

At the northeastern corner of the courtyard, a sturdy wooden shed leans against the wall, clearly visible through the foliage though some 100ft away in early afternoon light.
The winds here shift and change every few seconds, randomly, from moderate winds to 'windstorm' strength winds. Mechanically, at their highest a Medium sized creature (all of you) would have difficulty moving (requiring a DC 10 Strength check to move).

Anyone choosing to enter the courtyard and brave the winds, give me a Perception check.

Go ahead and give me your Perception check now, being the one who opened the door and is gauging the weather.
[ +- ] Map
[ +- ] Status Tracker
[ +- ] Fear Tracker


Secret Roll

Jul 19, 2022 4:11 pm
"There's a shed out there. Should we check inside it?" he asked while looking around the courtyard.
Last edited July 21, 2022 7:47 pm


Perception - (1d20+1)

(7) + 1 = 8

Jul 21, 2022 9:14 am
At this juncture, you can press forward into the winds or explore elsewhere until the weather clears
Jul 22, 2022 7:15 am
Grim holds onto the brim of his hat with one hand while cradling his crossbow in the crook of his other arm. "Its not exactly strolling weather out there." He says to robed guy, now sporting the weird disembodied eye. "Have at it, if you think we should check out that shed you see."
Jul 22, 2022 7:40 am
"Anything we find out there could help those trapped in here... like us. What say the rest of you?"
Jul 22, 2022 8:27 am
"I...I'll go where you go, but I can't say I like the look of it out there," Iosef says. "We could always wait and see if the weather calms down - it was calm enough yesterday after we escaped that basement."
Jul 22, 2022 8:55 am
"It doesn't matter to me either way." Razhel speaks up. "As long as we keep moving."
Jul 22, 2022 10:02 am
Should we all go or just a couple of us? Elias says as they stand there looking at the courtyard.
Jul 22, 2022 10:33 pm
"A fair question, Knight," Iosef says, "I will hold back and watch from the doorway. To make sure it is safe and provide assistance from the rear, of course."
Jul 22, 2022 10:53 pm
" I suggested this so I must go out into the storm but none of us should be alone. Will one of you stay with Glasses while the others search the shed?""
Jul 24, 2022 8:09 pm
"If we must, I will stand guard with crossbow here at the doorway." Grim says.
Jul 25, 2022 11:26 pm
"Let's go before it gets any worse," he said as he went outside, his second sight focused on their surroundings as they went to the shed.
Jul 26, 2022 12:36 am
Keeping an eye on Axon as he leaves the doorway, Elias keeps the other eye on the environment around them. Moving as quickly and yet carefully as he can, Elias hopes to make it before the winds pick up again.
Jul 27, 2022 10:41 am

Elias, Axon, and Razhel move swiftly into the courtyard during a momentary stillness of the wind.

Amongst the background noises of the wind, one particular sound grows louder - the beating of wings - as a lithe, dark mass swoops upon you from the sky. The creature has batlike wings and a long, prehensile tail, yet its most unsettling feature is its lack of a face.

Elias and Razhel both hear the beating of the wings before the creature is upon them, looking up in time to see it diving towards Axon.

Weather: the wind is momentarily calm.

Creature is currently 20ft above the party
We are in combat!

Elias and Razhel both may act now, for a surprise round. After they have acted, I'll roll and post initiative for all (or roll your own if would like to do so before my next post). The creature is currently up near the mist's edge (20ft up) -

This is a notorious fight in the message boards - I'll play it fairly, but be aware: survival will require careful choices.
[ +- ] Knowledge (Planes) vs DC 20
[ +- ] Map
[ +- ] Status Tracker
[ +- ] Fear Tracker


Perception (Axon, Elias, Razhel) - (1d20+1, 1d20+2, 1d20+6)

1d20+1 : (2) + 1 = 3

1d20+2 : (16) + 2 = 18

1d20+6 : (12) + 6 = 18

Stealth - (1d20+11)

Jul 27, 2022 1:46 pm
Can Grim see the nightgaunt?


Initiative - (1d20+2)

(15) + 2 = 17

Jul 27, 2022 5:46 pm
@Equinox If he's standing in the doorway keeping active watch for any danger, I'll allow a Perception roll. DC is 17. If he passes, Grim may act immediately as well for this surprise round.
Jul 27, 2022 6:17 pm
Oh $#!7. Apologies for getting us into this. :(
Jul 27, 2022 6:52 pm
annex says:
Oh $#!7. Apologies for getting us into this. :(
No apologies needed, I love a good fight.
Jul 28, 2022 8:49 pm
Perception. Guess Grim was momentarily distracted.
Last edited July 28, 2022 8:50 pm


Perception - (1d20+7)

(3) + 7 = 10

Jul 28, 2022 9:12 pm
Must have been a squirrel ;)

Just waiting on actions from @RageRed,@Squadfather44 then I'll get combat going proper. Reminder - held actions are 100% an option - for example, you could declare that you attack should the enemy come within reach.
Jul 28, 2022 10:09 pm
"INCOMING...!" Razhel shouts and fires her crossbow at the faceless winged creature swooping in on them.


Crossbow attack - (1d20+4)

(11) + 4 = 15

Damage - (1d8)

(6) = 6

Initiative - (1d20+5)

(5) + 5 = 10

Jul 28, 2022 10:24 pm
Elias looks up in time to see the creature moving to attack the group. Knowing the creature is out of range, Elias holds off on attacking until it comes within range.


Attack - (1d20+3)

(15) + 3 = 18

Damage - (1d8+1)

(1) + 1 = 2

Initiative - (1d20)

(16) = 16

Jul 28, 2022 10:33 pm
C1NDER says:
Must have been a squirrel ;)
[ +- ] Squirrels
Last edited July 28, 2022 10:35 pm
Jul 29, 2022 7:28 pm

As the shape swoops down from the sky, Razhel and Elias hear the beating of its wings and twist their heads upward to witness its approach. With superhuman speed and accuracy, Razhel raises her crossbow and lets loose a bolt that streaks through the sky and strikes the faceless horror in its abdomen. It shrieks but continues its approach towards Axon.

Elias readies his sword and, seeing its angle of approach, takes a quick step closer to Axon. As the otherworldly thing drops down upon his companion, Elias swings a well-time strike at the creature, the tip of his blade leaving a trail of black liquid upon the creature's body.

Axon, Grim, and Iosef spring to action upon hearing Razhel's warning, but not before the creature barrels down upon Axon, grabbing at him with its claws and raking into his flesh.
Okay - initiative order is below - Axon takes 6 points of damage and is now 'grappled' (see more info below). The Nightgaunt has acted, everyone else is now up, everyone please post your actions for Round 1. You may post in any order.

The nightgaunt is technically in the 5ft space just above Axon (so would be adjacent to Razhel and Elias).

Axon - while grappled, you are restricted in what you can do. You can attempt to:
- Break free (Escape Artist or CMB check vs DC 22)
- Become the controlling grappler (Escape Artist or CMB check vs DC 22)
- Attack the creature with any light, one-handed weapon w/ a -2 to hit
- Cast a spell w/ a successful DC 27+spell level (probably not your best bet, I'd allow a natural 20 as a success)
- or take any other action that does not require two hands (if you think of something else)
[ +- ] Initiative Order
[ +- ] Map
[ +- ] Status Tracker
[ +- ] Fear Tracker


Initiative: Nightgaunt - (1d20+6)

(14) + 6 = 20

Initiative: Axon - (1d20+3)

(2) + 3 = 5

Initiative: Iosef - (1d20)

(17) = 17

Nightgaunt Attack (w/ Grab upon hit) - (1d20+5)

Nightgaunt Damage vs Axon - (1d6+4)

Grab vs CMD 11 - (1d20+17)

Jul 29, 2022 8:36 pm
The wind picks up...
Moderate Wind: A steady wind with a 50% chance of extinguishing small, unprotected flames, such as candles. Otherwise, no gameplay effects this round.


Wind - (1d4)

Jul 29, 2022 9:21 pm
Grim snaps out of his momentary stupor and fires his crossbow at the faceless creature.


Lt. crossbow attack - (1d20+3)

(4) + 3 = 7

Damage - (1d8)

(5) = 5

Jul 29, 2022 9:40 pm
With a look of satisfaction at having struck the creature, Elias readies for another attack. Bringing his sword back around, he strikes out at the creature a second time.
Do Ineed to confirm the Crit?
Last edited July 29, 2022 9:41 pm


Attack - (1d20+3)

(19) + 3 = 22

Damage - (1d8+1)

(4) + 1 = 5

Jul 29, 2022 9:45 pm
Iosef steps out into the courtyard and near-instantly calculates the danger posed to Axon as the creature grasps him. Iosef focuses his mind and attunes his life energy to that of of the sorcerer, sharing in his pain so as to keep the man attached to the mortal world.
Move to R32, then Standard Action to active a Life Link w/ Axon. Iosef will begin healing Axon for 5hp at the start of each of his turns, so long as Axon is missing at least 5hp. Iosef will take 5hp dmg each time this activates until he dismisses it or dies.
Jul 29, 2022 9:51 pm
Squadfather44 says:
Do Ineed to confirm the Crit?
Yes. A natural 20 would auto-crit dealing x2 damage. On a natural 19 your attack with the longsword requires you to confirm. Roll again please :) (it gets -4 dex due to the grappled condition, that should help!)
Jul 29, 2022 9:51 pm
Razhel growls and quickly reloads. She aims at their attacker and shoots off a second bolt, trying to take the thing down.


Crossbow attack - (1d20+4)

(3) + 4 = 7

Damage - (1d8)

(1) = 1

Jul 29, 2022 10:38 pm
Critical confirmation...


Crit confirm - (1d20+3)

(19) + 3 = 22

Jul 29, 2022 10:44 pm
He roared at the inky thing digging its claws into him! He couldn't focus, couldn't call down his meteors, couldn't call to mind the magic words to his spells. He could focus his rage and outrage and disgust into the hand holding the magic dagger to hopefully plunge the enchanted blade into the creature's empty face!
I think I've calculated the attack right. Melee attack is 0, then the -2 from grappled.


+1 Dagger stab, damage! - (1d20-2, 1d4)

1d20-2 : (7) - 2 = 5

1d4 : (2) = 2

Jul 29, 2022 11:05 pm
annex says:
I think I've calculated the attack right. Melee attack is 0, then the -2 from grappled.
It won't matter too much this time, but since we're using Elephant in the Room, it adds automatic Weapon Finesse, which allows everyone to use Dex instead of Strength on melee attack rolls. So in your case, your attack would have been at -1 instead of -2.

@RageRed , Side note - again won't make/break anything above, but I believe Razhel's attacks have a +5 modifier vs +4. Also, since you didn't move, do you want to use Razhel's 'Studied Target' ability to get +1 to attack, dmg, etc. against this enemy for the rest of combat?
Jul 30, 2022 12:37 am

The horrific creature, like a gargoyle borne of the infinite space between light itself, flaps its terrible wings and begins to lift Axon into the air.
Rage, Squadfather - We're back to the top of initiative order, but the creature will be flying upwards. This prompts an attack of opportunity from each of you - you may make one melee attack or combat maneuver against the creature if you would like. It is within melee range of you both as it leaves the 5ft square above and adjacent to you.

After you have posted your intentions, I will move forward the remainder of the monster's turn.
Jul 30, 2022 1:34 am
Seeing the creature start to flap it's wings and rise up, Elias reverses his sword and attempts a backhanded swing at the creature.
Elias really doesn't like this creature.
Last edited July 30, 2022 1:35 am


Attack of Opportunity - (1d20+3)

(17) + 3 = 20

Damage - (1d8+1)

(6) + 1 = 7

Jul 30, 2022 2:20 am
That's a Crit for his normal attack and a solid hit on his attack of opportunity...nice.
Jul 30, 2022 4:05 pm
@Squadfather44, Really nice hits Elias!
As the monster attempts to pick up the robed wizard, Razhel hops off the ground and slams her fist into the creature.
AoO damage 6 pts. Nice attack roll. Mediocre damage roll.
Edit: I forgot to add the +1 to hit for the Studied ability, but it doesn't matter in this case. Also, I have now updated Razhel's BAB to +2. Which was why her bonuses to hit were coming up short.
Last edited July 30, 2022 5:50 pm


Unarmed attack - (1d20+6)

(20) + 6 = 26

Damage (lethal) - (1d6+2)

(1) + 2 = 3

Jul 30, 2022 11:00 pm

The weather picks up...

Moderate Winds: -2 to Ranged Attacks, -2 to Fly Checks

The monster starts to lift Axon from the ground. In its focus on tormenting the robed man, it fails to see the danger around it, taking severe damage from Elias's sword and Razhel's fist.

It shrieks in pain but still manages to lift itself through the flurry of wind and blows, flying straight up in the air.
Great hits everyone - AoO are basically free damage, so this gives an amazing lead on the fight.

Everyone is up, please post your actions. You may post in any order.

The Nightgaunt is now 20ft above you in the air, while Axon is dangling 15ft from the ground below it.

Keeping the grappled options listed below -

Axon - while grappled, you are restricted in what you can do. You can attempt to:
- Break free (Escape Artist or CMB check vs DC 22)
- Become the controlling grappler (Escape Artist or CMB check vs DC 22)
- Attack the creature with any light, one-handed weapon w/ a -2 to hit
- Cast a spell w/ a successful DC 27+spell level (probably not your best bet, I'd allow a natural 20 as a success)
- or take any other action that does not require two hands (if you think of something else)
[ +- ] Initiative Order
[ +- ] Map
[ +- ] Status Tracker
[ +- ] Fear Tracker


Weather - (1d4)

Fly Checks - (1d20+7, 1d20+7)

Jul 30, 2022 11:13 pm
Iosef feels a deep ache in his gut as his life force is exchanged with Axon's own. He shrugs the pain off as best he can and instead beseeches the spirits that haunt him to bless his party against this creature.
Axon heals 5 hp, Iosef takes 5 hp dmg from Life Link.

Iosef then casts Bless. Everyone within 50ft gets +1 attack and +1 against fear effects for 2 minutes (20 rounds). Get it!
Jul 31, 2022 1:11 am
Razhel brings up her crossbow again and finds a bolt to fit into the firing channel. She takes aim at the rising fiend and fires.
Now we're making up for all the missed shots at the beginning of this combat. Crit damage 8 hps.
Last edited July 31, 2022 1:12 am


Crossbow attack - (1d20+6-2)

(20) + 4 = 24

Damage - (1d8)

(4) = 4

Jul 31, 2022 2:19 am
"Loathsome thing!!!" he shrieked as he was lifted into the air! All he could do was stab again at the thing's ebon face!


+1 Dagger stab, damage! - (1d20-1, 1d4)

1d20-1 : (4) - 1 = 3

1d4 : (1) = 1

Jul 31, 2022 4:19 am
Fly check

No changes, carry on and great hit, Rage!


Fly - (1d20+5)

Jul 31, 2022 1:45 pm
Elias watches as the creature flies up higher and out of his attack range. Preparing to attack Elias holds his action until the creature is in range.


Attack - (1d20+3)

(8) + 3 = 11

Damage - (1d8+1)

(7) + 1 = 8

Jul 31, 2022 7:36 pm
Grim blows air through his nose in frustration. He readies his crossbow once more and fires at the rising faceless creature clutching the spell-caster.
No crit. 3 pts.
Last edited July 31, 2022 7:37 pm


Lt. crossbow attack - (1d20+3)

(19) + 3 = 22

Damage - (1d8)

(3) = 3

Crit confirmation - (1d20+3)

(10) + 3 = 13

Aug 1, 2022 9:37 pm

A bolt from Razhel's crossbow tears through the creature's wing, causing it to spin this way and that. It seems as if barely holding onto Axon as the man tries to angle his dagger into the monster's thigh. A final bolt streaks through the air from Grim's crossbow and sinks itself into the midnight flesh just near the thing's jawline.

It's grip grows slack and Axon's body, 15ft in the air, falls to the ground. The creature itself twists and turns in the air before plummeting to the ground a distance away from you in the courtyard.
@Squadfather44 - Elias may convert his held attack instead as a held action to try and catch Axon to help break his fall. If you do this, roll a Dexterity Check vs DC 10. The result will impact the amount and type of falling damage taken.

Combat is over! Well done - this was by far the most difficult fight you've come across so far and you critted' the hell out of it.

Everyone may post their actions as combat ends.
[ +- ] Initiative Order
[ +- ] Map
[ +- ] Status Tracker
[ +- ] Fear Tracker


Weather - (1d4)

Aug 1, 2022 9:39 pm
The wind dies down...
The weather is momentarily calm. No effects on gameplay mechanics for the time being.
Aug 1, 2022 10:42 pm
Seeing the creature drop Axon, amidst it's final actions, Elias drops his sword and shield and tries to catch his friend.


Dexterity (DC 10) - (1d20)

(11) = 11

Aug 2, 2022 1:00 am
From flying to falling into a compatriot's arms, he had one Abyss of a ride. He wanted to say something cheeky but only found himself shaking and looking at the faceless horror's corpse.

"The shed," he said shakily as he stood unsteadily, "quickly."
Talk about a trust fall!
Aug 2, 2022 4:48 am
Once he's sure that Axon was okay, Elias picked up his shield and sheathed his sword. Indeed my friend, lead on.
Elias will follow Axon to the shed.
Talk about squeaking by on a roll..
Aug 2, 2022 8:34 pm
Razhel will go over to the fallen creature, retrieve her bolt, and make sure its dead, before joining Axon and Elias. She does not wish to be out in the open against the odd weather and the chance of other things swooping in on them from above.
Last edited August 2, 2022 8:37 pm
Aug 2, 2022 8:37 pm
His head still swimming, he tried to focus on opening the shed door. If there's a lock, he motions for one of his stronger compatriots to smash it.
Aug 3, 2022 9:11 am

Seeing Axon falling through the air, Elias acts with urgency to place himself below the falling sorcerer. He makes it just in time and the body falls, not all too graciously, into the paladin's arms.

A moment later, Axon feels a surge of vigor as Iosef invests more of his life force to heal the robed man.
As I was typing I decided I would have Elias roll a Fort save vs. taking the sudden, falling weight - on a failure he would take 1d6 non-lethal dmg (basically, transferring the lethal dmg Axon would have taken upon himself as non-lethal) - nonetheless, he passed, so no damage taken by Elias!

Axon takes 5 non-lethal damage. He's still only 1hp down, so Iosef's life link won't activate to heal the non-lethal damage at this time.

All this instead of Axon taking 2d6 lethal falling damage - nice save, Elias!!
Razhel moves to inspect the fallen creature. A couple kicks to its motionless body seems to confirm it no longer lives. Searching nearby she fails to find any recoverable bolts.

The weather remains calm...for now...

The others make their way to the sturdy wooden shed leaning against the far courtyard wall. Happily they find the door is unlocked, swinging open easily and immediately. Inside they find what appears to have been a shed belonging to whoever once took care of these outdoor spaces.

Unlike many of the other areas you've seen in the asylum, it doesn't appear to have been pillaged. Judging by the state of the body sprawled face-first across the floor and the creature you just fought, you can imagine why.

There is a solid, wooden bench against the northern wall. It is covered with tools and shelves are stocked with containers filled with dried plants. Labels, some too smudged to read, others difficult to read, cover the containers. Some bottles of acrid substance and a bag, mushy to the touch, sit undisturbed.

Axon, if scanning the room for magic, notes an aura coming from a shovel that leans against the bench, and a less significant aura leads them to search the body - upon which they find a masterwork studded leather cuirass and a rolled piece of parchment (the source of the magic).

In the far corner is a set of stairs that leads down into pitch black darkness.
The treasure list is below. Go ahead and post your next actions.

@Rage In Pathfinder, shots that hit always break normal, non-magical ammunition. Missed shots have a 50% chance of recovery. That said, I'm not one to track ammo super closely. As long as we're clearly not outside the realm of realism, I'll assume everyone restocks ammunition at camp and carries enough to get them through the day. If we're in a marathon session, no returning to camp for more than a day, I might look at that, along with fatigue as a means of showing the group stretching themselves thin. Otherwise no worries :)
[ +- ] Treasure
[ +- ] Map
[ +- ] Status Tracker
[ +- ] Fear Tracker


Elias - Fort Save vs DC 10, Nonlethal Damage if Failed - (1d20+6, 1d6)

1d20+6 : (13) + 6 = 19

1d6 : (6) = 6

Axon - Nonlethal Damage - (1d6)

(5) = 5

Bolt Recovery (Success on roll of 50 or less on 1d100) - (1d100)

(87) = 87

Weather - (1d4)

Aug 3, 2022 9:28 am
Iosef takes a moment to patch himself up and, for the time being, removes his life essence connection to Axon.
Using Healer's Hands to 'Treat Deadly Wounds' as a full-round action.

This is a neat progression that Iosef was being built for. It gets exponentially better every level and really opens up to provide excellent healing options at lvl 5. For now, he rolls 1d20+11 and heals the following based on the roll result:

- <20: 0hp
- 20-24: 2hp
- 25-29: 5hp
- 30+: 7hp


Heal (Healer's Hands) - (1d20+11)

(5) + 11 = 16

Heal (Healer's Hands) (2nd attempt) - (1d20+11)

(10) + 11 = 21

Aug 3, 2022 9:31 am
Shall we head downstairs and check it out? Elias says as they stand around examining the contents if the shed.
Aug 3, 2022 4:20 pm
He focused on his breathing, not the void face, not the sharp claws, not the night wings... At least he was still breathing. Since that wasn't working, he looked around for arcane auras and upon finding some, inspected their sources.

The yawning hole before him wasn't helping his concentration.

"We... We should check down there," he said in a shaky voice.


Shovel DC 16 Spellcraft - (1d20+6)

(9) + 6 = 15

Scroll DC 19 Spellcraft - (1d20+6)

(4) + 6 = 10

Aug 3, 2022 11:34 pm
It's pitch black a short distance down the stairs and neither of two characters that have looked so far have dark vision. How would you like to investigate further?
Aug 3, 2022 11:57 pm
He'd had enough of darkness after some of it tried to carry him off.

የዳንስ መብራቶች

Four glowing spheres of light appeared at the edge of the pitch blackness, and he moved them further into the underground chamber.
Casting Dancing Lights.
Last edited August 3, 2022 11:57 pm
Aug 4, 2022 1:55 am

Axon's magically-created orbs of floating light descend down the stairway and into complete darkness. Following them down the brittle, wooden stairs a short distance you find that the stairs suddenly stop after about 20ft. The wall continues downward another fifteen feet below that, but then falls away, along with any evidence of a worked floor. Even the sides of this subterranean chamber giv3e way, leaving the lowest steps and mortared bricks hanging exposed in a vast, airy expanse.

The space beyond is open darkness, the void of an immense cavern beneath Briarstone Island.

Axon's lights, if commanded to travel downward into this hole's depths, fizzle out completely after they travel about 120ft into the darkness. At no point can he see the bottom.
Aug 4, 2022 2:20 am
"Endless darkness..."

He shuddered.

"We've seen all we can here. Grab what you can and let's get the Abyss back inside. Can any of you use this poor bastard's armour?"
Aug 4, 2022 2:53 am
annex says:
"Endless darkness..."

He shuddered.

"We've seen all we can here. Grab what you can and let's get the Abyss back inside. Can any of you use this poor bastard's armour?"
If helpful, the stats are:

Masterwork Studded Leather Armor: +3 AC, 5 max dex bonus, 0 armor check penalty, 15% arcane spell failure
Aug 4, 2022 4:21 am
Indeed my friend, let us leave this place and rejoin the others. Elias says as they return to the shed.
Aug 4, 2022 9:58 am

Retracing their steps back up into the shed, Elias and Axon report their findings and try to determine what their next steps might be.
I'm going to expand out the map a bit here - it's going to be a little tiny, so it shows where you are and potential paths you can go - sorry for that.
[ +- ] Map
[ +- ] Status Tracker
[ +- ] Fear Tracker
Aug 4, 2022 4:18 pm
"A vast cavern lies beneath us. Nethys only knows what else is down there but I have no desire to find out. Let's grab what we can and get back inside before something else swoops down. Take the armour. If none of you can use it, one of the defenders surely can."

He grabbed the shovel and the scroll, and pointed out the other items of interest.
Aug 4, 2022 6:03 pm
annex - should we assume Axon will use Read Magic for the scroll and future scrolls we come across?
Aug 4, 2022 6:51 pm
Grim can wear the armour.
Aug 4, 2022 9:31 pm
Is there anything nearby that could be the nest of the creature?
Aug 5, 2022 2:04 am
Squadfather44 says:
Is there anything nearby that could be the nest of the creature?
There is not - if this thing has a nest or a home of some sort, it may be amongst the rooftops or on another plane of existence altogether.

Axon takes a moment to more closely inspect the arcane inscriptions upon the scroll they found. He realizes it is a Scroll of Freedom of Movement.
Aug 5, 2022 2:08 am
Iosef helps gather the items of note, placing what he can into the haversack they found the day before. When it comes to the shovel, he takes a close look over it, attempting to identify it's magical purpose.

"Intriguing he says after a moment. While this tool would function quite well for it's obvious purpose, also carries with it several remaining charges of a spell call Expeditious Excavation. I would surmise the spell could be used twelve more times before its relegated to just being a shovel again."
The shovel is a Masterwork Shovel. It also functions as a Wand of Expeditious Excavation w/ 12 remaining charges. Per the description it can be used as an improvised weapon weapon, but instead of the normal -4 attack modifier, it has only a -2 modifier.


Spellcraft (DC 16) - (1d20+7)

(12) + 7 = 19

Aug 5, 2022 5:24 am
"I'm sure it will do well for burying the dead," he said with a distance in his voice and his eyes. "The scroll gives a measure of freedom to move in circumstances where moving is impeded. It won't set us free of this place..."
Aug 7, 2022 1:03 am
"You should hold onto the scroll," Iosef says to Axon, "the spell is beyond my abilities and I know not how to make such a thing function. Perhaps you would have better luck. The shovel too, I should think - though I can hold onto it if necessary."

He looks around, nodding to Elias, "Knight- shall we return to the safety of the main building? I foresee we have much left to discovery of this place, ever we find a way free of this island."
Aug 7, 2022 2:20 am
Indeed, let us rejoin the others and continue our exploration of this place. Elias as they walk across the open area.
Aug 7, 2022 8:04 am
"Yes, I'll hold onto the scroll, Glasses."

A shiver ran through him as he looked towards the yawning void beneath the island, a shiver that was repeated as he looked at the sickly yellow sky. He closed the shed door but knew nothing would keep whatever lurked below from rising like bile once more.


As he walked back in, he wondered when he started to think of the hospital of horrors as safety.
Aug 9, 2022 4:58 am
I'll be moving us back inside just to re-center the map on that entrance hall, as the other doors all connect to there. Where do you guys want to go next?

There are 4 discernable, new directions you could explore:

1. Heavy double doors to the south, appear to be the main entrance of the asylum.

2. Large interior double doors to the north.

3. Single door to the south-east, along the south wall.

4. A couple of smaller doors that sorround possible offices or supply closets to the east of #2 above.
Aug 9, 2022 5:54 am
He was loathe to suggest looking for more supplies after darkness from above tried to snatch him away the last time he'd done so... but it seemed logical.

"Those smaller doors, perhaps, before we go deeper?"
Aug 9, 2022 8:08 am
"Sure. Why not?" Grim agreed. "If we find the administrators office, we might also discover files that finally gives us our names back."
Aug 10, 2022 9:23 pm
As an afterthought, Razhel lingers back at the fallen nightgaunt long enough to cut/break off one of its horns. She wraps it in cloth and stuffs it into her pack, before rejoining the others in the central area. "Smaller doors then?" She questions, to make sure she understands the plan moving forward.
Last edited August 10, 2022 9:26 pm
Aug 10, 2022 10:53 pm
"Small doors," he said with a resigned nod. Once everyone was ready, he'd open the doors with his magic hand, light inside with glowing orbs if necessary, and peer in with his arcane vision. He breathed a bit easier now, getting back to being at least useful in this regard, but the memory of the night-black creature's claws pulling him into the sky wouldn't be kept at bay for long.
Aug 11, 2022 9:08 am

You head inside to take shelter from the unruly weather. Razhel, on the way, yanks one of the nightgaunt's horns free of its head with a sickening, ripping sound.

With Elias in the lead you check the smaller doors. The western door, nearest the large, interior double doors, seems stuck as if something is blocking the other side of it.

When you try the other door, however, you find that it opens into what would have once been a storage closet. The room is partially collapsed, destroying most fo the buckets, mops, and dusters that were stored here.

The western wall has fallen away, however, opening into the room beyond. As you step inside, you see a long desk, several chairs, a sideboard, and numerous once-stately landscape paintings barricade the western door of this somber conference room. The toppled wall you entered through makes the barricade all but worthless, however, a point driver home by the masked bodies littering the ground. Six of them in total, the room is the site of an apparent slaughter. The masks, if one could call them that, are a mixture of sheets, grain bags, and shirts - in each case wrapped tightly around the body's head and cinched tight around the throat.
Grim and Razhel both catch glimpses of what could be helpful or valuable items among the bodies. Does anyone want to search the bodies? If Elias or Axon search, please post a Perception check.

Otherwise, three paths appear to remain available to you from here -

1. Heavy double doors to the south, appear to be the main entrance of the asylum.

2. Large interior double doors to the north.

3. Single door to the south-east, along the south wall.
[ +- ] Map
[ +- ] Status Tracker
[ +- ] Fear Tracker
Aug 12, 2022 2:31 am
"Were they hooded then killed?" he asked rhetorically as his mage hand picked up anything possibly useful. "Should we take off a hood? I somehow feel like we shouldn't."

What if they had blackness where their faces should be? He shuddered.


Perception - (1d20+1)

(6) + 1 = 7

Aug 12, 2022 3:02 am
Anyone may make a Heal check to determine more about the nature of their deaths :)
Aug 12, 2022 3:15 am
He cautiously approached the nearest body to look over its wounds.


Heal check - (1d20+1)

(19) + 1 = 20

Aug 12, 2022 4:09 am
Elias moves into the room and takes in the destruction and the massacre. Moving closer, he does what he can to learn more about the bodies.


Heal - (1d20+7)

(6) + 7 = 13

Perception - (1d20+2)

(7) + 2 = 9

Aug 12, 2022 9:53 am
Grim will search over the bodies and remove anything that appears may be of use.
Aug 12, 2022 8:50 pm

Searching and inspecting the bodies, Elias finds a suit of padded armor and a sap.

Grim has somewhat better results, finding two thunderstones and a golden ring.

Axon notes that nothing in this room gives off a magical aura, and otherwise looks closely at the strange masks these bodies wear. After several moments of doing so, he comes to the realization that the bodies include Briarstone staff and patients alike. It is clear that amongst those outside the survivor's enclave in the chapel, not everyone has turned into monsters.

Otherwise the people appear to have been smothered and choked using the material tied around their heads. Judging by the wounds near around the neck and on their hands, it appears most were conscious when this happened, though they all also carry signs of blunt trauma across their bodies. They did not go out well or peaceably. If he were to guess, he'd believe them to have died 2-3 days ago.
Anyone training in Kn: History or Kn: Local may roll vs DC 20 possibly learn more.

Otherwise, three paths appear to remain available to you from here -

1. Heavy double doors to the south, appear to be the main entrance of the asylum.

2. Large interior double doors to the north.

3. Single door to the south-east, along the south wall.
[ +- ] Loot
[ +- ] Map
[ +- ] Status Tracker
[ +- ] Fear Tracker
Aug 12, 2022 11:40 pm
Grim tugs on the facial hairs at his chin and slips the golden ring into his pocket. In his head, the Trickster chuckled...greedy old spirit.

"Let's check out the other smaller door." He pointed toward the one in the southeastern wall.
Aug 12, 2022 11:57 pm
"Suffocated, all of them, patients and staff, about 3 days ago," he said sadly. "Yes, the smaller door. Before we go, was there anything useful on them?"
Aug 13, 2022 2:48 am
Knowledge rolls
"Intriguing," Iosef says, kneeling near the bodies, "The masks over their faces, the sheer brutality of the strangulation as the cords dug into their necks as they died...stories are still told in Rozenport taverns, and by parents to spook their children into behaving, about the Bag Lady, a serial killer that terrorized the city around half a century ago. The way they tell it, the stories, well, look like this. I would venture someone is going out of their way to copy her work." He gestures as he stands and shakes his head. "Terrible," he adds before turning to Grim.

"Yes, let's."
I'll get us a post up for the South-East small door hopefully later tonight


Kn: History - (1d20+6)

(10) + 6 = 16

Kn: Local - (1d20+6)

(19) + 6 = 25

Aug 13, 2022 8:38 am

You open the other, smaller door in the south-east corner of the entrance hall.

As though it had been plucked from the halls of some warm, country estate, this room is filled with inviting furnishings, a hearth ready for a fire, artwork populated by picnicking families, and a mansion-shaped cage with colorful taxidermic birds inside. Large windows might have once looked out over colorful flowerbeds, but now show only yellow mist.

A battered corpse in stained yellow robes and a tattered yellow veil is impaled on the antlers of a stuffed elk head hung above the hearth, while another similarly dressed body lies battered, beaten, and dead on the ground.

A door stands to your left as you enter, along the eastern wall, large bay window just to the south of it.
I need everyone to roll Perception checks.

You may also specify a different coordinate position than what is currently on the map and I will update it. If you're happy where you're at, just roll the perception.

Otherwise, you could investigate the room more specifically and look around - there is also the door to the east and windows that look out to the west and east.
[ +- ] Map
[ +- ] Status Tracker
[ +- ] Fear Tracker
Aug 13, 2022 8:40 am
Iosef looks around the room as he steps inside.
Rolling perception


Perception - (1d20+7)

(13) + 7 = 20

Aug 13, 2022 10:51 am
Elias walks into the room and looks around. Seeing the two bodies, he gets ready for trouble.


Perception - (1d20+2)

(12) + 2 = 14

Aug 13, 2022 10:31 pm
This whole place is trouble. Razhel expects it in every room..every corner.


Perception - (1d20+6)

(17) + 6 = 23

Aug 13, 2022 10:50 pm
"Yellow. The dreams. The thing in yellow..." he said with a rising agitation.

አስማትን ፈልግ።

He looked around the room with his arcane sight.

ማጅ እጅ

If everything remained dull and mundane, he lifted the veils with his mage hand, the eldritch eye which floated by his forehead vigilant.
Just in case anything spectral pops out...
[ +- ] Eye of Horrific Insight (Slotless, Wonderous Item)
Last edited August 14, 2022 12:31 am


Perception - (1d20+1)

(9) + 1 = 10

Aug 13, 2022 11:36 pm


Perception - (1d20+7)

(17) + 7 = 24

Aug 14, 2022 6:27 am
@annex am I understanding correctly that you are using Mage Hand to lift the curtain? If so, which window and are you looking outside?
Aug 14, 2022 6:57 am
The veils on the corpses.
Aug 14, 2022 10:34 am
Thanks for the clarification!
Axon's spell effectively shifts the cloth out of the way of the faces. The one on antlers appears to be a half-elven female, while the one on the ground is a human male.

Otherwise everything is silent and nothing seems out of place.
The same options apply as above. You could investigate the room more specifically and look around (specify what you're looking at and what you're doing) - there is also the door to the east and windows that look out to the west and east. Of course, you could also return to the prior room.
Aug 15, 2022 7:30 pm
Keeping his guard up and staying alert, having seen the corpses upon their entrance to the room, Grim moves carefully over to the door along the east wall and tries to open it.
Aug 15, 2022 7:56 pm
The meticulous violence of these most recent murders added to the insanity of the already insane situation in the sanitarium. He carefully looked over the bodies and within their ghastly outfits.
Aug 16, 2022 7:13 am

Grim finds that the door opens with ease, revealing a path of rustic flagstones through a bed of wilted flowers and shrugs, the foliage shriveled as if drowned by the surrounding sea of dense yellow fog. The mist appears thin in this area. The path leads to another door leading back into the asylum to the north-east.
The path to the east now revealed, you now have the option to go that direction. You can return to the prior room as well, or further explore the current room.
[ +- ] Map
[ +- ] Status Tracker
[ +- ] Fear Tracker


Secret Roll

Aug 17, 2022 3:34 am
Did Axon find anything interesting on the bodies?
Aug 18, 2022 7:39 am
Razhel instantly looks toward the gaudy birdcage as the sounds begin. "What the hell is that?" She asks absently.
Aug 18, 2022 10:05 am
Axon is still searching the first corpse. One of the first things he noticed is a simple wooden emblem on a cord around the man's neck

EDIT: @annex this was my bad and I missed this, sorry: When scanning the room with Detect Magic, Axon noticed minor auras coming from the two bodies. Getting closer he notes auras coming from both the necklace and something in the robes wrapped around the body.
Aug 19, 2022 3:12 am
"This one's robes and pendant glow of magic," he said as he focused and tried to deduce their properties. "What do you think, Glasses?"


Necklace Spellcraft - (1d20+6)

(15) + 6 = 21

Robe Spellcraft - (1d20+6)

(17) + 6 = 23

Aug 19, 2022 3:35 am
Elias walks up beside Grim as he opens the door. Shall we proceed or wait for the others?
Aug 19, 2022 3:58 am
"We must stick together. Hold a moment, please."

There was a strain in his voice which belied his momentary fear of being separated, being stalked alone through the winding corridors by hungry night.
Aug 19, 2022 7:27 pm
Hearing the dragon-eyed woman's words, Grim turns from the open door and focuses in on what she's doing and looking at. "The birdcage? Somebody smash that thing and stop that damn noise before it gets any louder." He calls out and shoots a crossbow bolt at the thing.


Crossbow attack - (1d20+3)

(7) + 3 = 10

Damage - (1d8)

(2) = 2

Aug 20, 2022 8:53 am
Appreciate your patience folks - I'll move this forward within the next day!
Aug 21, 2022 11:35 am
Iosef's ears perk up at the same time Razhel mentions a disturbance - a faint chirping in the air, almost like a whisper. He scans the room for the source of the sound, but as he's piecing it together Grim takes action, firing at the bird cage near the eastern wall of the room. Iosef feels a pull in his gut to follow the other man's lead and raises his crossbow, takes aim, and fires!


Attack & Damage - (1d20, 1d8)

1d20 : (17) = 17

1d8 : (5) = 5

Aug 21, 2022 11:40 am

A faint chirping is heard on the air as the sound grows loud enough now for Elias and Axon to hear it. As Razhel calls out and both Grim and Iosef suddenly let loose crossbow bolts towards the birdcage, the sound grows louder and louder. Grim's bolt deflects off the bars of the cage, but somehow Iosef's projectile slides between the bars and implants into one of the taxidermic birds inside.

The sound raises to a shrill, mechanical-sounding klaxon.

Grim feels a tug on his body as if some invisible force is trying to lift his body from the ground, but he remains firmly planted to the floor.
Surprise round completed! The birdcage has a hardness of 2, which is why Grim's bolt didn't cause damage. Back to the top of initiative - everyone but Iosef gets to act before the haunt goes again.
[ +- ] Initiative
[ +- ] Map
[ +- ] Status Tracker
[ +- ] Fear Tracker


Elias Initiative - (1d20)

(18) = 18

Axon Initiative - (1d20+3)

(12) + 3 = 15

Grim Will Save vs DC 12 - (1d20+7)

(6) + 7 = 13

Aug 21, 2022 6:29 pm
ጥቁር ሜትሮይትስ
As he called down void frost, he hoped he would never know why the undead caged birds sang.
A 5 foot column should be able to encompass a bird cage.
DC 15 Reflex save or take cold damage below. One affected target that fails its save suffers the choking airlessness of the void, silencing it (as silence, but affecting only the target) for 1 round.


Black Motes cold damage - (1d4+1)

(1) + 1 = 2

Aug 22, 2022 6:13 am
Razhel crosses the room, closing to the birdcage. She shoves her rapier through the bars and attempts to skewer the chirping birds.
The roll was for her rapier, not a crossbow. I'm not sure where the cage is on the map, but with 30 ft. she should be able to close to anywhere in the room.
Last edited August 22, 2022 6:15 am


Crossbow attack - (1d20+5)

(12) + 5 = 17

Damage - (1d6+2)

(4) + 2 = 6

Aug 22, 2022 11:32 am
Elias moves over to where the birdcage is and brings down on it in a heavy swing. Not sure why they're attacking a birdcage, Elias still backs his friends up.


Attack - (1d20+3)

(9) + 3 = 12

Damage - (1d8+1)

(2) + 1 = 3

Aug 23, 2022 7:44 am

Razhel rushes forward with incredible speed and thrusts her blade into the cage, indeed skewering one of the taxidermic birds, leaving only one of the birds remaining intact inside the cage.

The growing klaxon of bird chirps lessens momentarily then cuts out completely as Elias, seeming to follow suit from his comrades, bears down upon the cage with his sword. The bars bend inward as the metal gives in to the force of his blow - the final bird within becoming hewn in two.
Well, good job! I was at least partially hoping at least one of you could of been hit by the haunt, but you caught on too quickly and rolled too well ;) This haunt, when triggered, uses "Levitation" to lift people up to the ceiling, then lets them fall to the ground. Poor cultist was a little too close to those antlers when their fate was met.

In any case, the haunt has been defeated - Axon, now with the proper time and focus to look over the bodies, finds the items below and identifies them with success - the amulets should come in handy. Scanning the room further reveals nothing else of particular interest.

From here, you can double back the way you came, or there is the matter of the door on the eastern wall that Grim found to be unlocked
[ +- ] Treasure
[ +- ] Map
[ +- ] Status Tracker
[ +- ] Fear Tracker
Aug 23, 2022 8:26 am
Grim turns his attention back to the open door leading outside. "We do have this other path, if anyone wants to check it out?"
Last edited August 23, 2022 8:27 am
Aug 23, 2022 9:01 am
Is anyone calling dibs on anything?
Aug 23, 2022 12:46 pm
"An alarm of some kind? Other evils may be on alert now," he posited once the shrieking died down. "I can't wear regular armour. I'll take an amulet, and we should each take a potion. These silver daggers are fine, and silver is potent against some horrors."

After he sensed the powers of the amulets and passed out the potions, he visibly shuddered at the mention of going outside again.

"We... We should check everywhere... but I'll stay at the door with Glasses. Take the silver daggers. Gods know what's out there."

He shuddered again as he hurriedly donned an amulet.
Aug 24, 2022 7:25 am
Razhel has a similar MW Silver Dagger from earlier; Iosef will pass and Axon is doing the same (Axon has the +1 Dagger from earlier - annex, you should add that to your sheet). Can I assume Grim and Elias both take one of the two new silver daggers? - always good to have a backup weapon that might bypass damage reduction.

Axon claims one of the Amulets of Natural armor - who plans to take the other?

Each of you add one of the potions to your sheet if the plan is for each of you to take one. Each heals 1d8+1 HP.

It looks like we'll be heading out the East door from here - I'll get a post up for that in the next day or so. I have Axon and Iosef staying back by the door - are the rest of you heading outside?
Aug 24, 2022 7:58 am
Razhel will take the other Amulet
Aug 25, 2022 6:55 pm

Grim, Razhel, and Elias step out onto rustic flagstones that create a path through a bed of wilted flowers and shrubs. The foliage is shriveled as if drowned by the surrounding sea of dense yellow fog.

Though the unnatural mist muffles every motion, a sound like the flapping of giant wings splits through the fog bank, causing it to swirl as if seeking escape.

On the opposite end of the garden path stands a door. Testing the handle you find it locked securely.
A DC 20 Disable Device or the proper key is needed to open the door.

Otherwise from here, you can double back the way you came.

I have Razhel and Axon both taking one of the amulets and will add +1 to each of their AC's to my status table below - Grim's +1 from the new armor is being added too.
[ +- ] Treasure
[ +- ] Map
[ +- ] Status Tracker
[ +- ] Fear Tracker
Aug 25, 2022 10:56 pm
Tugging on the growth on his chin, Grim proceeds to the door and attempts to open the lock with his tools.


Disable Device - (1d20+7)

(19) + 7 = 26

Aug 26, 2022 1:21 am
Elias follows Grim and provides cover as he works on unlocking it.
Aug 27, 2022 5:58 am

With an audible click, the lock is swiftly bypassed by Grim's nimble use of the tools. The door opens and before you is a spacious chamber with pale paint peeling like scabs from the walls. A bent desk guards a broad hall stretching away to the north, while curtained frames shroud the room's eastern quarter. The place smells intensely of rubbing alcohol.

Curtain frams that stand about 7 feet tall and 5 feet wide divide a portion of the room to the north. They appear to act as adjustable, make-shift walls. A static and steady source of light shines from behind the curtains, scattering across the nearly-transparent fabric and making them almost glow.

To the west is a door that seems likely to be the same one choked up with rubble that was along the eastern wall of the main entrance. Looking at it closer will confirm those suspicions, as it opens only a bit - not enough to squeeze through.
You can head back the way you came, or continue exploring to the north. Going further north will involve moving these thing curtains out of the way and exploring towards the source of the light.
[ +- ] Map
[ +- ] Status Tracker
[ +- ] Fear Tracker
Aug 28, 2022 8:41 pm
Grim moves into the room to clear passage through the open door.
Move to AA40
Aug 29, 2022 8:44 pm
Razhel, eager to get out of the odd yellow mist, follows Grim into the room and breaks right to a position within.
Moving to AC40
Aug 29, 2022 9:20 pm
Elias follows his friends into the room. As they spread out, he continues up the middle.
Elias will move to AB40
Aug 30, 2022 8:58 am

Iosef and Axon move up along the garden path, to the room with the others, hanging just back behind them.

You hear the faint rustle of cloth and a soft, wet slopping sound shortly after you enter the room. It comes from the east, just beyond the curtain hanging there.
You all have a chance to react to the sound.

@annex I took the liberty of moving Axon up with the others - if you prefer him to be in a different spot, include the coordinate in your next post.
[ +- ] Map
[ +- ] Status Tracker
[ +- ] Fear Tracker


Secret Roll

Aug 30, 2022 2:12 pm
He was scared. Scared of the open air, the sky, the dark? Those things used to comfort him but this place has twisted his delights into dreads. He rushed through the garden and the yellow fog, actually happy to get back indoors.
The slopping and the drapery? Deja vu? He remembered the macabre operating theater where they found the bobbing undead torso and the insane shapeshifting doctor.

"I can pull aside the curtains from a distance. Ready?" he whispered.
Last edited August 30, 2022 2:12 pm
Aug 30, 2022 7:55 pm
"Do it." Grim growled and prepared his crossbow to deal with whatever was lurking back there.
Aug 31, 2022 8:46 am

Axon uses his magic to move the curtain the side, revealing the rest of the room behind it. Against the far wall is a pile of bandages and mucking themselves out of it are two, small, deep red blobs. Like some taut pustule ready to burst, they scuttle on bristles of slick hairs toward you.
Entering combat! Initiative order being posted below - because you all noticed these things and they rolled terribly on initiative, you all go first. There is no surprise round.

Please post in any order and we'll resolve your actions before the enemies act.

If you pass the Knowledge check in the spoiler below, you may read the spoiler and act upon its information as you see fit. Beat the DC by 5 or more and I'll give you extra info.

[ +- ] Kn: Dungeoneering DC 16
[ +- ] Map
[ +- ] Status Tracker
[ +- ] Fear Tracker


Initiative (Axon, Elias, Grim, Iosef, Razhel) - (1d20+3, 1d20+0, 1d20+2, 1d20+0, 1d20+5)

1d20+3 : (19) + 3 = 22

1d20+0 : (5) = 5

1d20+2 : (2) + 2 = 4

1d20+0 : (12) = 12

1d20+5 : (10) + 5 = 15

Enemy Perception - (1d20-5)

(6) - 5 = 1

Aug 31, 2022 9:10 am
Elias moves up to engage the bloody blob. (AE to attack blob 2.) Raising his sword Elias brings it down in a powerful swipe.
Last edited August 31, 2022 9:11 am


Attack - (1d20+3)

(9) + 3 = 12

Damage - (1d8+1)

(2) + 1 = 3

Aug 31, 2022 9:35 pm
As Elias rushes toward the sickening globs, Grim moves to the door at the far west side of the room. He levels his crossbow and fires at the other bloody pustule.
Move to Z38, Attack #1
Last edited September 2, 2022 8:57 pm


Crossbow attack - (1d20+3)

(16) + 3 = 19

Damage - (1d8)

(4) = 4

Sep 1, 2022 1:09 am
"Don't get too close to the oozes! Boilborns explode when they die!" he shouted before he summoned void frost over the sanguine slider Blondie attacked.

ጥቁር ሜትሮይትስ
[ +- ] Void Frost
Once done his summoning, he rushed into the room and stood by the far window. Seeing the yellow air and dying garden certainly wasn't helpful right now so he focused on the horrors within. He knew these horrors from somewhere now lost in the fog that was his amnesia, and thought hard about what else he could use against them.
Attacking Boilborn 2. DC 15 Reflex save or take cold damage below. If it fails its save, it suffers the choking airlessness of the void, silencing it (as silence, but affecting only the target) for 1 round.

Moving to Z40.

Edit: What a Dungeoneering roll!
And that art and description are icky. <3
Last edited September 1, 2022 1:24 am


Dungeoneering - (1d20)

(20) = 20

Black Motes cold damage - (1d4+1)

(4) + 1 = 5

Sep 1, 2022 7:43 am
Listening to the arcanist's warning about these gross creatures, Razhel moves back close to the open doorway and let's loose her bolt on the same one the guy with the hat is targetting.
Attack Glob #1. Razhel moves to AA41


Lt. crossbow attack - (1d20+5)

(5) + 5 = 10

Damage - (1d8)

(5) = 5

Sep 2, 2022 6:22 pm
Iosef focuses his magical energies into binding his life energy with that of Elias's, forming a link between them so as to keep the man standing should he become injured.
Move to AB41, then Standard Action to use Life Link, targeting Elias.
Sep 2, 2022 6:43 pm

Axon moves up into the room with the others as Elias engages with the oozes. He let's out a warning as his arcane energies coalesce in the air above - icy motes pummeling down into the targeted ooze.

Elias swings his sword, the blade cutting deep into the postule-like ooze. Razhel and Grim similarly move forward into the room and successfully let bolts loose upon the creatures.

The enemies, already in range to strike at Elias, lash out at the man. Their bodies deform and stretch into impossible shapes as they extend to reach out and hit him. Both strikes, however, fail to bite through his armor.
Back to the top of initiative. Everyone may act!

Equinox - I changed your coordinate to Z instead of N, if you intended something else let me know in your next post.

@All Don't worry a moment about it this time, but keep in mind that Pathfinder does require Knowledge skills to be 'trained' (meaning you have at least one rank invested in it) in order to be used. Iosef would have likely gotten the same info to you anyways, so all good.
Enemy #1 AC 7, -9hp
Enemh #2 AC7, -8hp
[ +- ] Kn: Dungeoneering DC 16
[ +- ] Map
[ +- ] Status Tracker
[ +- ] Fear Tracker


Enemy 1 Attack and Damage - (1d20+4, 1d2+1)

1d20+4 : (2) + 4 = 6

1d2+1 : (1) + 1 = 2

Enemy 2 Attack and Damage - (1d20+4, 1d2+1)

1d20+4 : (7) + 4 = 11

1d2+1 : (1) + 1 = 2

Enemy #2 Reflex vs DC 15 - (1d20-5)

(10) - 5 = 5

Sep 2, 2022 8:59 pm
Grim plucks out another bolt from its case, loads, and fires again at the morphing globule.
Attacking Glob #1 again.


Crossbow attack - (1d20+3)

(6) + 3 = 9

Damage - (1d8)

(4) = 4

Sep 2, 2022 9:10 pm
Sorry about the untrained rolling. Noted for future reference. :)
"Get back, Blondie, before they pop!"

ጥቁር ሜትሮይትስ

More polar flechettes streaked down onto the same blood blob Blondie attacked!
Attacking Boilborn 2. DC 15 Reflex save or take cold damage below.


Black Motes cold damage - (1d4+1)

(1) + 1 = 2

Sep 2, 2022 10:05 pm
With a snarl, Razhel shoots a second crossbow bolt at the boil-thing, as it continues to advance toward them.
Attack Glob #1


Lt. crossbow attack - (1d20+5)

(6) + 5 = 11

Damage - (1d8)

(2) = 2

Sep 4, 2022 7:26 am
Just waiting for Elias. It's a holiday weekend here in the U.S., so I'll give things until Tuesday before I move us forward.
Sep 4, 2022 2:24 pm
Elias renews his attack on the same bloody blob. Raising his sword he sends it down in a slicing attack.
I'll add in a Crit confirmation.
Last edited September 4, 2022 2:25 pm


Attack - (1d20+3)

(16) + 3 = 19

Damage - (1d8+1)

(4) + 1 = 5

Crit confirm - (1d20+3)

(9) + 3 = 12

Sep 4, 2022 9:11 pm

Axon's icy meteorite magic pummels yet again into one of the creatures just as Razhel's crossbow bolt sinks into the one next to it.

Elias's attack against the creature is successful as his sword plunges into the gooey mass, rupturing it. A spray of acidy, red liquid sprays out ten feet in all directions, splattering against the floor, wall, and Elias himself.

Grim's own bolt lets loose just after, slamming into the remaining blob. It ruptures the same as the last, spattering against Elias with a second wave of acid.
Combat is over! Elias, you got hit for 16 acid damage (9 and 7). Please roll two Reflex saves vs DC 14 to take only half damage, then Iosef's Life Link will play out.
Enemy #1 AC 7, -15hp
Enemh #2 AC7, -15hp
[ +- ] Map
[ +- ] Status Tracker
[ +- ] Fear Tracker


Enemy #2 Reflex Save vs DC 15 - (1d20-5)

(10) - 5 = 5

Death Throes - Enemy #2 - (2d6)

(16) = 7

Death Throes - Enemy #1 - (2d6)

(36) = 9

Secret Roll

Secret Roll

Sep 5, 2022 12:12 am
Does Elias take any damage from the spray?
Sep 5, 2022 12:57 am
Squadfather44 says:
Does Elias take any damage from the spray?
Yes, detailed above:

"you got hit for 16 acid damage (9 and 7). Please roll two Reflex saves vs DC 14 to take only half damage, then Iosef's Life Link will play out."
Sep 5, 2022 1:18 am
2 Reflex saves...


Reflex Save (DC14) - (1d20+3)

(11) + 3 = 14

Reflex Save (DC14) - (1d20+3)

(11) + 3 = 14

Sep 5, 2022 9:01 am
Nice rolls, Elias! Just enough to save on both.
Iosef feels a stab in the gut as the acid washes over Elias, not once but twice. Vital life force is transferred to Elias in exchange for the pain and Iosef goes to his knees for a moment as he deals with the intense feeling. He ends the life link with Elias before he goes unconscious.
Sep 5, 2022 9:04 am
Elias takes 9 total damage, putting him at 6/17. Over the next several seconds, he gains back 10 hp and Iosef loses 10 hp.

Elias has 16/17
Iosef has 2/18

From here, the group can head north, or go back the way they came.
[ +- ] Map
[ +- ] Status Tracker
[ +- ] Fear Tracker
Sep 5, 2022 9:18 am
Iosef's palor is several shades lighter than normal. "I hesitate to say, but I'm feeling a bit out of sorts here...a bit..." He stumbles and blinks several times. "I may need to rest a moment."

He pulls a stoppered vial with red liquid in it from his robe and downs the contents. He immediately looks much better. "I..I think I'm ok now."
While you consider next steps, I want you folks to be in control of any consumables. He has a potion of cure light wounds on his sheet, which he is using now - after that he will only have access to his spells. Spells I will use as makes sense. Any other source of healing I'll leave up to you.

As a reminder, there are two scrolls of cure light wounds that were found earlier - Iosef can use them without a check, so he's probably the best to do so. I'll still leave it up to you, the players, to ask him to use those if and when you need it.

EDIT: Great healing roll! Iosef is back up to 11/18 hp


Potion of Cure Light Wounds - (1d8+1)

(8) + 1 = 9

Sep 6, 2022 5:06 am
Razhel crosses the room and heads up toward the northeast corner to see how far she can see through the opening there.
Sep 6, 2022 1:08 pm
Elias feels the healing magic flow through him and closes his wounds. Nodding his thanks, Elias walks over to Iosef and pats him on his shoulder. Thank you, my friend. Now allow me the honor of returning the favor. Elias closes his eyes and lets his own healing energies flow from him and into Iosef.

Once he's done, Elias will move and back up Razhel as she explores the opening.
Last edited September 6, 2022 1:11 pm


Healing Hands - (1d6)

(6) = 6

Sep 6, 2022 1:58 pm
"I tried to warn you," he said and smiled as Blondie's wounds closed.

With a magic word and his arcane grip, he looked through the bloody rags.
Sep 8, 2022 3:33 am
"T-thank you, good knight," Iosef nods, almost all traces of his exhaustion now gone.
Sep 8, 2022 3:48 am

Axon looks through the bloody rags with his arcane touch but finds nothing of any interest.

Razhel moves north and pulls another of the strung sheets aside, revealing a long hallway beneath a lofty ceiling. High windows, alive with the nauseating fog beyond, give the space an airy feel.

The hall extends north and appears to corner to the west about halfway down its length.

Along the western wall are four doors, spaced about 10ft apart from one another.
You can press on and explore further north. You will get a better view of the western hallway once you get closer. There are the 4 doors to check out along the western wall. And, of course, you could return the way you came.
[ +- ] Map
[ +- ] Status Tracker
[ +- ] Fear Tracker
Sep 8, 2022 5:14 am
"Careful with that blood bond," he said as he smiled and put a hand on Glasses' shoulder. "It helped me and Blondie but it damn near killed you. Now we look ahead."

አስማትን ፈልግ።

His vision slipped again into the arcane frequencies, and he looked around him and ahead at the doors and corridor.
Sep 8, 2022 6:01 am
Axon senses no magical auras in the distance ahead.
Sep 8, 2022 9:10 am
"Well gentrlemen..." She gestures in a presentational flourish of one arm toward the north. "North here...or back in the other area we just came from?"
Sep 8, 2022 12:06 pm
I say we keep heading north. Checking out the doors as well as the passage.
Sep 8, 2022 3:53 pm
"I don't see anything arcane nearby. We should try the doors as we go."
Sep 8, 2022 8:33 pm
Grim agrees. "Yes. Let us continue here." He moves cautiously up the hall and checks the first door on their left.
Sep 8, 2022 10:30 pm

Heading up the hallway you stop at the first door on your left and find it opens easy enough. Inside is a bed and a low table - all that is likely, truly required for a patient to quietly convalesce here. The accommodations look comfortable enough. A portion of this room's tiled ceiling has given way, allowing heavy bricks to fall across the bed and floor. Fortunately, no one seemed to be in the room when the collapse happened.

The next room on the left shares the same sort of setup as the last one, but here you find three figures laying dead. Two wear yellow robes and lie slumped on the floor, having suffered repeated vicious blows to the face. A third - an old man easily in his eighties and wearing a light cloth dressing gown - has fallen back across the bed. He is dead but has a satisfied smirk on his face. He still grips a sturdy leather boot with blood on his heel. The boot's partner lies on the floor nearby.

I went ahead and revealed the first two rooms to cut down on back and forth. Feel free to look at anything in either of these first two rooms more closely if you want - just let me know what you want to inspect. Otherwise, you can continue north, continue checking the doors, and/or go back the way you came.
[ +- ] Map
[ +- ] Status Tracker
[ +- ] Fear Tracker
Sep 10, 2022 8:18 am
Curious, and quite a bit greedy with the Locksmith riding him, Grim moves over and picks up the boot off the floor and then to the bed where the old man's corpse rests in obvious satisfaction. He examines the boots. They must be something special to allow an old man to kick two of his assailants to death and still be in relatively good shape.
Sep 12, 2022 7:38 am

The boots are very clearly of exquisite nature and bare the mark of their maker on the soles. They are well-worn, but otherwise in great condition.

If scanned for magic, they appear to contain none.

[ +- ] DC 12 Appraise OR Kn: Local
Continuing forward to the next rooms?
[ +- ] Map
[ +- ] Status Tracker
[ +- ] Fear Tracker
Sep 12, 2022 7:04 pm
Grim gives the boots a quick wipe and stuffs them in his backpack. Then, continues down the hallway to check more doors.
Sep 12, 2022 9:31 pm
With no obvious signs of trouble or valuables in the room, Elias steps out and follows Grim to the next room.
Sep 13, 2022 10:16 pm

The boots tucked inside his backpack, Grim moves up the hall and checks the next door.

A shapeless mess of sheets and pillows piles atop two plain beds. Bold chalk letters high on the opposite wall proclaim this to be "Brenton and Debis's Room." In the tangle of sheets at the foot of the southern bed are a pair of carved wooden knights, each about 4-inches tall.
[ +- ] Wooden Knight
The next, and final, room in this series of doors is a horror show. Human-shaped carnage covers the bed, what appears to be the remains of a person that was savaged by some monster or animal.
Perception checks please! Aside from that, it becomes clear to you all, as you look inside this final room, that just north of you, around the western hall corner, are sounds of scratching, scraping, and clawing. Something is there.
[ +- ] Map
[ +- ] Status Tracker
[ +- ] Fear Tracker
Sep 14, 2022 12:54 am
Elias thinks of the kids back at the makeshift base. Picking up the wooden knights he puts them inside his pack. Perhaps this will bring a bit of happiness in all the madness.


Perception - (1d20+2)

(3) + 2 = 5

Sep 14, 2022 7:43 am
Perception 20
Last edited September 14, 2022 7:43 am


Perception - (1d20+6)

(14) + 6 = 20

Sep 14, 2022 7:50 am

Razhel sees the glint of something shiny at the corner of the bed. Approaching, she realizes it is a gold signet ring with an emblem bearing a stylized hawk and holly leaf.
[ +- ] Kn: Local DC 14
[ +- ] Appraise DC 10
Anyone she shows the ring to is allowed to make the checks above if they'd like. With the scraping/scratching sounds ahead, around the corner to the west, you can proceed north with that knowledge. You can alternatively go back the way you came.
Sep 14, 2022 9:08 pm
Grim looks into the room, but his mind is distracted by the sounds coming from around the corner into the area beyond the hallway. He moves up to the end of the narrow hall and peeks at whatever is making the sounds.
Last edited September 14, 2022 9:10 pm


Perception - (1d20+7)

(17) + 7 = 24

Sep 15, 2022 3:46 am
He levitated the dolls and brought them for closer inspection.

"Perhaps the children will like these," he said then stowed them.

At the scratching, he followed Hat with void frost ready and grumbled, "I hope that's not another bloody rat-thing."


Perception - (1d20+1)

(4) + 1 = 5

Sep 16, 2022 10:58 pm
Razhel shoves the ring into her pouch. There would be time later to better examine the ring, she thought. She joins the others following after the man with the hat.
Sep 17, 2022 9:03 am

As you step a little further north you find yourself in an area where two hallways meet. A portion of the western hallway has collapsed, blocking it with tons of rubble.

A creature, much like two you previously ran into (one chained in the boiler room, the other a limbless-torso floating in one of the water vats of the laundry room) is clawing and scrabbling at the rubble. Grim, with his keen sight, can see the creature's fingers appear raw, bloody, and stripped of flesh.

The creature does not appear to realize your presence and continues to dig and claw its way into the rubble, hissing and panting sporadically as it does so.
Everyone please make a Will save vs fear.

So long as it's still distracted, if you enter a space within 10ft of the creature please make a stealth roll to remain undetected. Otherwise, if you wish to maneuver around it, you can easily do so, but please indicate so in your post should you wish to explore further north. You may, of course, return the way you came as well.
[ +- ] Kn: Religion DC 16
[ +- ] Map
[ +- ] Status Tracker
[ +- ] Fear Tracker
Sep 17, 2022 9:14 am
Iosef peeks around the corner as they approach the hallway and catches sight of the gruesome creature.

"W-what is this thing?" he whispers.


Kn: Religion - (1d20+6)

(1) + 6 = 7

Will Save vs Fear - (1d20+6)

(3) + 6 = 9

Sep 17, 2022 10:12 pm
Crossbow loaded on the crook of one arm, Grim stares unflinching at the creature tearing at the pile.
Last edited September 17, 2022 10:18 pm


Fear save - (1d20+13)

(20) + 13 = 33

Sep 17, 2022 10:27 pm
Elias walks around the corner and lets his gaze fall upon the creature. Unimpressed by the sight of it, Elias stands ready for combat.
Last edited September 17, 2022 10:27 pm


Will save - (1d20+10)

(16) + 10 = 26

Sep 17, 2022 11:21 pm
Razhel glares at the hungry undead. She flexes her fingers and sets her mind for a fight.
Last edited September 17, 2022 11:23 pm


WIS save (Fear) - (1d20+7)

(11) + 7 = 18

Sep 17, 2022 11:59 pm
"Merciless Menxyr..." he mumbled.


Fear - (1d20+8)

(15) + 8 = 23

Sep 18, 2022 9:33 am

Everyone prepares to strike while the creature continues to claw at the rubble. It seems intent on trying to get through for some reason.
Iosef is 'spooked' for 2 minutes.

It appears everyone is ready for a fight - you'll have to initiate it at this point. Everyone please do the following with your next post:

- Roll initiative
- Advise what map coordinates you end your surprise round action on
- Post your action for a surprise round. As a reminder, a surprise round allows only one standard action OR one move action, not both.
[ +- ] "Spooked"
[ +- ] Kn: Religion DC 16
[ +- ] Map
[ +- ] Status Tracker
[ +- ] Fear Tracker
Sep 18, 2022 9:37 am
Iosef, teeth clenched and guts twisted in a knot, raises his crossbow and makes sure it's loaded and ready to fire.
Held action: will move to AG26 (or a close-by space) if combat breaks out.


Initiative - (1d20+1)

(20) + 1 = 21

Sep 18, 2022 11:08 pm
ጥቁር ሜትሮይትስ

At his summons, a familiar rift into the outer dark opened over the undead and released
[ +- ] Void Frost!
He stayed put as the silent cold rained down.
DC 15 REF save or cold damage below and silenced for one round.


Init to win it! - (1d20+3)

(10) + 3 = 13

Black Motes cold damage - (1d4+1)

(1) + 1 = 2

Sep 19, 2022 5:33 am
Grim crosses the opening and uses the wall as a brace for his attack, but the bolt pops out like a wet noodle and slumps to the floor between him and his intended target.
Move to AF24
Fire crossbow (in turn)

Well, those are some pathetic rolls.
Last edited September 19, 2022 5:37 am


Initiative - (1d20+2)

(2) + 2 = 4

Crossbow attack - (1d20+3)

(2) + 3 = 5

Damage - (1d8)

(7) = 7

Sep 19, 2022 12:09 pm
[ooc]Move to AC25 and attracattract.

Elias moves up to the creature and swings his sword in a swift and strong attack.


Attack - (1d20+5)

(2) + 5 = 7

Damage - (1d8+4)

(6) + 4 = 10

Sep 19, 2022 7:17 pm
Razhel moves to a spot just inside the doorway, focuses on her target, and lets loose a bolt for the undead monster.
Move to AE26 and shoot at the ghoul; employing Studied Target against the ghoul.
Last edited September 19, 2022 7:22 pm


Initiative - (1d20+5)

(3) + 5 = 8

Lt. crossbow attack - (1d20+6)

(6) + 6 = 12

Damage - (1d8+1)

(5) + 1 = 6

Sep 21, 2022 7:35 am
I wasn't sure how exactly I was going to handle this. Reminder again that for surprise rounds, you get one move action OR one standard action, NOT both. For the actions above in instances where two actions were presented, I'm going to have the first one play out in the surprise round as follows. The secondary action you posted will be part of your Round 1 actions.
Seeing Razhel, Grim, and Elias all take action to begin hostilities with the creature, so does Iosef, moving into the hallway alcove to the east.

Axon calls down a stream of icy motes upon the creature just as Elias closes upon it. None of the small meteorites appear to make contact with the creature, in spite of it being caught unawares - pure luck on its part. It's attention has nonetheless been captured.

**Round 1 Begins**
Everyone except Grim, go ahead and complete your round 1 actions in your next post. So far I have:

-Elias Attacks w/ result of 7 (leaving him with a move action if he'd like)
-Razhel attacks w/ result of 12 (@RageRed - studied target requires a move action - why don't we say that was your one action during the surprise round, then you move and attack during round 1? This would keep your attack results, but you won't have any actions left for round 1 - please let me know if this works for you.)
Iosef (21)
Axon (13)
Elias (13)
Razhel (8)
Ghoul (7)
Grim (4)
[ +- ] Kn: Religion DC 16
[ +- ] Map
[ +- ] Status Tracker
[ +- ] Fear Tracker


Initiative: Ghould, Elias - (1d20+2, 1d20+0)

1d20+2 : (5) + 2 = 7

1d20+0 : (13) = 13

Ghoul Ref save vs dc 15 - (1d20+2)

(15) + 2 = 17

Sep 21, 2022 9:15 pm
@C1NDER, Okay. That works for me.
Sep 23, 2022 2:28 am
The ghastly thing might have shrugged off his first attack but he called down more
[ +- ] Void Frost!
ጥቁር ሜትሮይትስ
DC 15 REF save or cold damage below and silenced for one round.


Black Motes cold damage - (1d4+1)

(3) + 1 = 4

Sep 25, 2022 3:24 pm
Elias gets back into position and swings at the ghoul again.


Attack - (1d20+3)

(7) + 3 = 10

Damage - (1d8+1)

(3) + 1 = 4

Sep 26, 2022 6:42 am

Iosef looses a bolt at the creature but it sails harmlessly into the rubble nearby. As it wheels around, he tries to catch a better look at it. "This creature - it's a ghoul! We must be wary, lest it paralyze us all!"

The monsterous humanoid, similar to the ones you saw in the west wing of the Asylum but this time unfettered, bites at Elias, then rakes at him with its claws. Each of its strikes fails to find purchase, however, and Elias remains unharmed.

**Round 2**
Elias only had a move action available to him. I will consider this last action he took as his round 2 action. Round 2 is up - everyone can go except Elias. I'm going to put the AC below (14), that way you know if you hit and can narrate the results in your post.
Iosef (21)
Axon (13)
Elias (13)
Razhel (8)
Ghoul (7), AC 14
Grim (4)
[ +- ] Kn: Religion DC 16
[ +- ] Map
[ +- ] Status Tracker
[ +- ] Fear Tracker


Iosef Attack and Damage - (1d20-4, 1d8)

1d20-4 : (11) - 4 = 7

1d8 : (4) = 4

Iosef Kn: Religion - (1d20+6)

(11) + 6 = 17

Enemy Bite, Claw, Claw vs AC 19 - (1d20+3, 1d20+3, 1d20+3)

1d20+3 : (6) + 3 = 9

1d20+3 : (3) + 3 = 6

1d20+3 : (2) + 3 = 5

Sep 26, 2022 6:52 am
Iosef focuses his spiritual energy into a burst of positive light that spreads and covers over his allies.
Cast Spell: Bless (everyone gets +1 to attack and +1 to saves vs fear effects - lasts 2 minutes)
Sep 26, 2022 7:40 pm
Razhel stands fast, hearing that the ghoul can paralyze, and makes another crossbow attack upon the undead creature.
I am convinced dice roller is broken on site. Nearly three rounds of attacks and no one can roll high enough to hit.
Last edited September 26, 2022 7:42 pm


Lt. crossbow attack - (1d20+7)

(1) + 7 = 8

Damage - (1d8+1)

(6) + 1 = 7

Sep 26, 2022 8:02 pm
Grim sets his jaw and narrows his eyes. He loads his crossbow again and shoots at the ghoul. Miraculously, the bolt hits its target, with a sickening sound of the impact into rotting flesh.
I hope that breaks the dice curse for us all.
Last edited September 26, 2022 8:03 pm


Crossbow attack - (1d20+4)

(15) + 4 = 19

Damage - (1d8)

(5) = 5

Sep 27, 2022 3:39 am
Since their attacks had clearly been jinxed by some dark power, he decided to even the odds.

ደማቅ ጨለማ

Bright light flashed before the ghoul's eyes as he tried to blind it!
[ +- ] Casting Flare!
Did Ghouley save against Axon's black motes?
Last edited September 27, 2022 4:17 am
Sep 27, 2022 6:53 am
annex says:
Did Ghouley save against Axon's black motes?[/ooc]
I knew I forgot something!

EDIT: Unfortunately, looks like he did. Let's see these dice turn around!


Ghoul Reflex vs DC 15 - (1d20+2)

(18) + 2 = 20

Sep 27, 2022 7:05 am

**Round 2**

As the glow of Iosef's spell settles upon your group, Razhel launches a bolt at the creature, as it engages with Elias. The bolt misses, however, striking a nearby piece of stone and throwing chips of rock into Elias's face.

Elias goes to swing with his sword, but the dust in his eyes causes him to see double and his swing goes wide. He raises a hand to try and clear his vision and everything snaps back into view shortly thereafter.

Grim has better luck - his bolt finds space between the two combatants and buries itself into the ghoul's thigh. It hisses in pain and anger.

Axon's magic flashes a bright light in the creature's face but it shrugs the blinding flash off miraculously.

The ghoul launches into another attack against Elias as the knight prepares for the volley of strikes. Elias pulls back to avoid the bite and the creature's claws scrape into the metal of his armor, but not his flesh.

**Round 3**
Round 3 Actions please - everyone may act. I had a crit fail cause Elias to be dazed for 1 round, causing him to lose his action (though it would have been a miss anyway this time).

Reminder: shooting into melee without the "Precise Shot" feat gives a -4 to attack rolls, a sizeable penalty. Keep this in mind for the offensive!
Iosef (21)
Axon (13)
Elias (13)
Razhel (8)
Ghoul (7), AC 14, -5hp
Grim (4)
[ +- ] Kn: Religion DC 16
[ +- ] Map
[ +- ] Status Tracker
[ +- ] Fear Tracker


Ghoul Fort Save vs DC 14 - (1d20+2)

(14) + 2 = 16

Ghoul Attack - Bite, Claw, Claw vs AC 19 - (1d20+3, 1d20+3, 1d20+3)

1d20+3 : (14) + 3 = 17

1d20+3 : (9) + 3 = 12

1d20+3 : (15) + 3 = 18

Sep 28, 2022 7:06 am
Grim stubbornly continues to fire into melee. His shot still manages to nick the ghoul.
Last edited September 28, 2022 7:06 am


Crossbow attack - (1d20)

(14) = 14

Damage - (1d8)

(2) = 2

Sep 28, 2022 8:02 pm
Razhel also holds her ground and quickly loads her crossbow again. She let's loose the bolt on the ghoul.


Lt. crossbow attack - (1d20+3)

(2) + 3 = 5

Damage - (1d8+1)

(7) + 1 = 8

Sep 30, 2022 4:05 pm
I'll wait another 24hrs or so for actions from @Squadfather44,@annex before moving us along.
Sep 30, 2022 4:24 pm
Similarly to his companions, Iosef fires a bolt at the creature. Seeing as this doesn't seem to help, Iosef drops the crossbow to the ground taking a mental note to pick it back up later and pulls free his dagger.
Standard Action: Attack w/ Crossbow
Free Action: Drop crossbow
Move Action: Draw dagger

Unless someone beats him to the punch, Iosef is going to try and flank the ghoul. Flanking will give each flanking PC a +2 bonus to attack. Trying to think of a way to gain advantage here. Combat maneuvers could be helpful - a ghoul is at its most dangerous when it can make full attacks each round.


Attack & Damage - (1d20-3, 1d8)

1d20-3 : (7) - 3 = 4

1d8 : (3) = 3

Sep 30, 2022 4:34 pm
"God blind you!" he shouted at the ghastly ghoul!

ደማቅ ጨለማ

Another flash painfully illuminated the undead face!
[ +- ] Casting Flare!
Did Ghouley save against Axon's black motes?
Last edited September 30, 2022 4:35 pm
Sep 30, 2022 4:38 pm
The blinding flash explodes in the ghoul's face. Somehow it staves off the light, seeming to blink at just the right moment.
Yes, it saved against Black Motes here.

I don't know how it keep making these saves, but it saved against Flare again this time too.


Ghoul Fort Save vs DC 14 - (1d20+2)

(12) + 2 = 14

Sep 30, 2022 6:47 pm
Grr! The dice roller is an undead-lover!
The last part was a copy and paste error. :P
Sep 30, 2022 6:49 pm
Elias swings his sword in an attempt to hit the creature.


Attack - (1d20+3)

(3) + 3 = 6

Damage - (1d8+1)

(2) + 1 = 3

Oct 1, 2022 10:02 am

Ranged attacks from Razhel and Iosef fail to find their marks, while Elias's blade goes wide and the leering ghoul dances out of the way.

Grim's bolt, on the other hand, strikes the creature in the shoulder and it reels backwards in pain.

In response, the ghoul reaches it gangly arms down to swipe at Elias's legs in an attempt to trip the man - putting the armored man on the ground, perhaps, might allow it an easier time feasting on the warriors flesh! It is successful and though the warrior's blade strikes at it, the large man is taken to the ground, now prone.

**Round 4**
Round 4 Actions please - everyone may act. While Elias is still prone, the ghoul is not consider 'in melee', so the -4 penalty on ranged attacks will not apply at the moment.

@Squadfather44 the combat maneuver against your provokes an attack of opportunity - if you wish to take it, go ahead and make an attack against the ghoul. Then you are prone as round 4 starts. You can stand up as a move action, but it will provoke an attack of opportunity if the goblin is still adjacent to you when you do.
Iosef (21)
Axon (13)
Elias (13), Prone
Razhel (8)
Ghoul (7), AC 14, -7hp
Grim (4)
[ +- ] Kn: Religion DC 16
[ +- ] Map
[ +- ] Status Tracker
[ +- ] Fear Tracker


Ghoul Attempt to trip Elias vs CMD 13 - (1d20+2)

(16) + 2 = 18

Oct 1, 2022 2:13 pm
Attack of opportunity


Attack - (1d20+3)

(6) + 3 = 9

Damage - (1d8+1)

(4) + 1 = 5

Oct 1, 2022 4:06 pm
He felt his ability to summon the outer chill dwindling but he wasn't getting anywhere trying to blind the undead thing.

ጥቁር ሜትሮይትስ

Once more, he summoned
[ +- ] Void Frost!
DC 15 REF save or cold damage below and silenced for one round.


Black Motes cold damage - (1d4+1chill)

(3) + 1 = 4

Oct 1, 2022 7:44 pm
Rolling the Ghoul's save vs Axon's spell

Finally! It'll go through - the ghoul takes 4 cold damage and is silenced 1 round.


Reflex Save vs DC 15 (Black Motes) - (1d20+2)

(2) + 2 = 4

Oct 2, 2022 1:10 am
The dice roller is very suspect at this point. Its not only the dice roller, I've noticed lately, since the move to the new server, that formatting is a problem and there have been multiple posting incidents in every game I am in..sometimes up to four multiples of a single post are created. Just now. when I opened the window to make a roll, it created two windows for every time I wanted to make one roll.
Last edited October 2, 2022 1:14 am


Lt. crossbow attack - (1d20+3)

(1) + 3 = 4

Damage - (1d8+1)

(2) + 1 = 3

Oct 2, 2022 1:44 am
Grim is beginning to suspect that the odd yellow mist surrounding the asylum was influencing their ability to go on the offensive against the vile creatures loose in the place, he is yet detemined to take down the lone ghoul before it eats them all.


Crossbow attack - (1d20)

(6) = 6

Damage - (1d8)

(8) = 8

Oct 3, 2022 3:43 am
Iosef, unsure of what to do, but knowing he must act. He must do something, calls forth the spirtis to aid him, charging positive energy into his hand then runs forward and touches the ghoul, releasing the energy into the creature.
Standard Action: Cast Spell - Cure Light Wounds
Move Action: Move to AB26
Free Action: Touch to Release (Will Save vs DC 14 for half damage)

It did save, but it takes 5 damage still.


CLW - (1d8+2)

(8) + 2 = 10

Ghoul Will Save vs DC 14 - (1d20+5)

(12) + 5 = 17

Oct 3, 2022 3:53 am

After the icy meteorites fall upon the creature once more, this time finding their target as it seem preoccupied with the downed Elias, two more bolts fly through the air and scatter upon the stones behind it.

Seeing his downed comrade, Iosef rushes forward and releases a burst of positive energy into the monster. It whirls, a look upon its face of...surprise, is that? It looks like its about to lash at the poorly armored Iosef with its teeth when all at once its skin takes on a slightliy translucent look, dim at first then brighter, and brighter until the decayed flesh looks white hot to the touch. It screams and its head bursts like an overripe melon, flinging grey and black matter all over the room.
Combat is over. As for the dice, they certainly were not in your favor much of the time, but neither were they for the monster - it didn't even scratch anyone! (except maybe Elias's butt a little). Well done overall. Ghouls at this level can be a TPK if luck is truly against you. Every attack carries a chance of paralyzation :|

But, now you're over it. Iosef has used up most of his first level spells and healing capability. What do you want to do - anything you want to look at here? Do you want to continue north or go back the way you came?
Iosef (21)
Axon (13)
Elias (13), Prone
Razhel (8)
Ghoul (7), AC 14, -16hp
Grim (4)
[ +- ] Kn: Religion DC 16
[ +- ] Map
[ +- ] Status Tracker
[ +- ] Fear Tracker
Oct 3, 2022 3:56 am
Iosef busies himself wiping filth from him, disgust plain upon face. "That was, uh, terribly effective. Oh Gods, what is...nevermind, I don't want to know." He plucks a large piece of what may have been an organ from his shoulder and throws it to the floor. "Is everyone alright?"
Oct 3, 2022 4:01 am
He let out a cheer as the undead's head exploded. This place was making him bloodthirsty. Or had he always been bloodthirsty? Regardless, he helped Blondie to his feet.

"I'm good, Glasses. How're you, Blondie? The gods weren't with any of us, not even him," he said with a nod at the headless corpse. "And why was he so intent on digging through all this rubble?"

አስማትን ፈልግ።

He turned his arcane eyes on the debris.

ማጅ እጅ

He used his arcane arm to move some of the smaller detritus.
Last edited October 3, 2022 4:04 am


Perception - (1d20+1)

(18) + 1 = 19

Oct 3, 2022 4:15 am
Axon detects nothing of particular interest, magical or otherwise, about the pile of rubble. It's possible it was trying to dig a path out, as you surmise this rubble blocks the way directly to the asylums main entrance hall. The path behind you was locked and blocked in, but why wouldn't it just go north, if it was trying to get out?

Regardless, Axon guesses that they could, if they wished, take some time to dig it out (about 4 hours) and open the path for yourselves.
Oct 3, 2022 4:42 am
"I don't think we have hours to dig through all this. Besides, that thing wanted to get to the other side. That's enough reason for us not to go there."
Oct 4, 2022 8:46 am
I am good to keep going at this point and continue north.
Oct 5, 2022 12:35 am
I agree, let's keep heading north.
Last edited October 5, 2022 12:35 am
Oct 5, 2022 1:42 am
North, Miss Teschmacher! North!
Oct 6, 2022 9:35 am
Iosef's fear decreases
As you head head north you find another hallway which terminates in a dayroom. Along your left are a couple doors that are closed, most interesting is the room before you. Worn old chairs and small tables set with the scattered pieces of simple games lay scattered throughout this room.

A serving hatch in the north wall opens into a darkened space beyond. Vast glass windows dominate the eastern walls, beyond which a jaundiced kaleidoscope swirls hypnotically.

A coppery smell permeates the room, and to the west stands a wall of red.

Sitting in a wheelchair before the eastern bay windows is a wheelchair, upon which sits a slumped form of a body. From beneath the chair runs a stream of blood that trails to the west and culminating in a large vertical pool of liquid that seems to defy gravity.
I'll take a will (fear) save vs DC 13 from everyone.

What do you want to investigate in this room, if anything? Please include your map coordinates as to where you go and describe what you do.

Alternatively, you can always turn around and go back the way you came.
[ +- ] Map
[ +- ] Status Tracker
[ +- ] Fear Tracker
Oct 6, 2022 7:25 pm
Upon entering the room, he unwittingly beheld the blood flowing into the air with his arcane sight.

"Bloody Hells..." he cursed.
Definitely investigating this!
Moving to AG 14. He'll then stay put as he scans the room.
Last edited October 6, 2022 11:46 pm


Will/Fear save - (1d20+8)

(9) + 8 = 17

Oct 6, 2022 8:59 pm
Razhel stops in her tracks and takes it all in. "WTF!" She exclaims. "No way there's that much blood in that old corpse to make all this mess."
Staying put for the moment
Last edited October 6, 2022 9:01 pm


Fear save - (1d20+7)

(9) + 7 = 16

Oct 7, 2022 12:35 am
This close, Axon still can't make out much more detail regarding the crimson stream of liquid or its source: the wheelchair with the body upon it. The wheelchair is turned in such a way that the person sitting in it would be facing out the bay windows. Wisps of hair upon weathered scalp and a frail hand hanging over the right side of the wheelchair is all you can make out from this distance.
Oct 7, 2022 12:41 am
Despite the large amount of blood in the room, Elias finds himself unfazed and able to move. Moving closer to the body in the wheelchair, Elias carefully tries to examine it.
Elias will move towards AN12
Last edited October 7, 2022 12:44 am


Will (fear) save - (1d20+10)

(11) + 10 = 21

Oct 7, 2022 7:42 am
"More odd shenanigans I see." Grim comments almost nonchalantly, tugging his beard. He moves further into the room and casually steps across the stream of blood on the floor.
Grim moves to AG11
Last edited October 7, 2022 7:45 am


Fear save - (1d20+13)

(20) + 13 = 33

Oct 8, 2022 11:31 am

Emboldened, Elias and Grim steps farther into the room. Elias gets close enough to see the body better, as well as the bizarre and macabre state it is in. In the wheelchair is the days-old corpse of a rotund woman in a faded housecoat. A gaping wound covers her chest, gore pooling and streaming away from her.

All at once as Grim's foot moves to step near the stream of blood, a wave of gore rises with inexorable speed rises to a height of five feet and smashes into him. He's able to plant his feet well enough that the blast does not carry him far, but it does push him several feet towards the vertical pool to the west. His body is now covered with dripping, viscous fluid.
The wave is triggered as Grim enters AG12. Grim is pushed 5ft west by the wave.
[ +- ] Map
[ +- ] Status Tracker
[ +- ] Fear Tracker


Bull Rush vs Grim's CMD 14 - (1d20+14)

(1) + 14 = 15

Oct 9, 2022 7:27 pm
Grim sloughs off some of the goo from his body and out of his eyes. He looks toward the corpulent corpse in the wheelchair and to the blond man examining it. "Any clues over there on how we deal with this problem?"
Oct 9, 2022 7:29 pm
Well...she has a gaping chest wound, but that's about it. Elias continues to examine the body and the area around it.


Perception - (1d20+2)

(10) + 2 = 12

Oct 10, 2022 9:56 pm
Iosef looks over the situation carefully. "I believe," he starts, pushing his glasses back up the bridge of his nose, "this is another lingering soul. A haunt, much like the birds in the cage, or the door we previously encountered. Clearly they represent themselves in many ways. I don't suppose any of you know how to commune with the dead? Many of these souls would sooner leave this realm than stay bound to it."


Kn: Religion - (1d20+6)

(13) + 6 = 19

Oct 11, 2022 9:03 am
"I can sense the spirits of the dead and see them too." Grim replies. "Some spirits can speak to me..."
Oct 11, 2022 5:14 pm
Grim could try his Appraise (Psychometry) skill on the room and/or the wheelchair, perhaps. Or he might use the harrow deck - if you do this, you can pull 3 random cards and I will attempt to use them to filter any message the haunt might have for you.

If anyone else can think of any ways they might interact with the spirit, feel free to try :)
Oct 11, 2022 9:11 pm
Flexing the fingers of his hand, Grim closes to corpse in the wheelchair. He looks at the blond man and then grasps hold of the wheelchair and tries to focus on the remnants of spiritual presence that has touched it.


Psychometry - (1d20+3)

(9) + 3 = 12

Oct 11, 2022 9:22 pm
Razhel watches on as some of her companions attempt to find a way to negotiate the haunt in the room.
Oct 13, 2022 6:22 am
All the blood made him want to clean it up. It was probably the last thing he should do right now but he'll go and say a magic word to remove the gore from Hat's clothes and body once the man was done communing with the auras surrounding the corpse.

"What can stem this endless blood-dimmed tide? Closing the wound? Covering her body with a sheet? Getting a bucket and mop?"
Oct 13, 2022 8:10 am

As Axon asks his questions, a cold wave washes over Grim followed by a dreadful tingling sensation. His tries to pull his hand back but finds it stuck to where it is affixed to the wheelchair's handle.

Everyone watches as a ghostly apparition seems to waver along the outlines of Grim's body before taking on a more focused form. Where Grim is stuck in place, the apparition steps around to the side of the wheelchair. The figure is devoid of detail except that it appears to be wearing the outfit of a nurse.

Other forms fade into ghostly existence around the room and you see a glimpse of what the room must have looked like once before. It seems it once was a peaceful place where patients could convalesce and quietly socialize. The other forms sit, reading, or appear to be talking to one another, though no sound can be heard except for one voice.

You hear the echo of words escape from the nurse next to the wheelchair. "Mmmmmrs Freeeling," the voice says, "Tiiiiime for yourrrrr medicine." The form seems to hand something to the woman. "Mmmmust always take onesssss medicine."

The apparition moves away from the wheelchair, then it seems as if everything plays in accelerated time, the apparitions sitting, standing, moving about, entering, leaving, sitting, talking, moving, exiting, entering - the lights flickering, speeding up, everything moving quicker, quicker, quicker - a form approaching the wheelchair, handing something to the occupant, leaving, returning, leaving, returning. "Yourrrrr medicine, Mrs. Freeeeeling." Over and over and over.

Darkness hangs about the room - new figures emerge, some clad in robes. They attack and butcher several of the others. Some fight back but its not enough. Mayhem. Then gone. Everyone gone, everything quiet.

Except the body in the wheelchair, sitting, alone and facing the east bay window. A frail voice, shaking with fear - "Hellllo? Where is everyone?" Sobbing. Sobbing in the dark.

The lights flicker again and all signs of any ghostly presence is gone. Grim is able to pull his hand away again and the tingling subsides.
[ +- ] Map
[ +- ] Status Tracker
[ +- ] Fear Tracker


Grim - Fear Save vs DC 15 - (1d20+13)

(5) + 13 = 18

Oct 13, 2022 8:19 am
Grim shakes his head and wiggles his fingers to get the tingling out of them. "Medicine. This is Mrs. Freeling. The nurses kept feeding her medicine. Could that be the answer? Does anyone have medicine they found or a potion?"
Oct 13, 2022 8:40 am
"There were the healing potions we found, the ones from the room with the bird cage haunt," Iosef offers, "Four of them, I believe. You each took one." He pulls out a small bottle or red liquid, "and I have this one from yesterday's exploration."
Clarification, just in case; everyone saw the ghosts. Grim triggered the scene when he tried to interact using his psychic abilities. The fear save roll for Grim only was to see where he would get flung across the room and take damage from doing so. Apparently ALL haunt effects are fear-based emotion effects.
Oct 15, 2022 7:18 pm
Grim nods. "You're right." He reluctantly digs through his belongings and pulls out the lone vial of healing draught. "This old one is already quite dead. I'm not sure this is going to do anything, but I will give it a try if it means ending this bloody manifestation." He thumbs off the cork sealing the vial, pinching open the old woman's putrid lips with one hand, pours the contents into her foul-smelling mouth.
Oct 16, 2022 8:24 am

The liquid runs from the bottle and into the corpse's mouth, only a small trickle of it running down the corner of it's mouth. Everyone waits in anticipation to see what will happen and they are not disappointed when the gaping and gushing wound on the corpse's chest starts to stitch itself closed. The torrent of blood slows and slows as the wound heals and the trail towards the western wall diminishes until there's nothing left. The corpse remains now in the wheelchair, but the dead woman now wears a comforted smile upon her lips - either a sign her spirit is at rest, or a tightening of the muscles from rigor mortis, it's hard to say.

Where the vertical pool of blood once formed a wall to the west, there is now revealed a hallway with two doors, one along the north wall a few feet along and one at the far western end.
The lines are a little off on the map because of the grid not quite aligning, but I marked the doors the best I could. Let me know if it's confusing at all. You have quite a few places to possibly go. A reminder of the room's description:

Worn old chairs and small tables set with the scattered
pieces of simple games lay scattered throughout this room. A
serving hatch in the north wall opens into a darkened space
beyond. Vast glass windows dominate the eastern walls,
beyond which a jaundiced kaleidoscope swirls hypnotically.

Where ya headin'?
[ +- ] Map
[ +- ] Status Tracker
[ +- ] Fear Tracker
Oct 16, 2022 11:37 am
Continue with the doors in this room before going into the hallway?
Last edited October 16, 2022 11:37 am
Oct 16, 2022 11:02 pm
Postmortem rictus or not, he smiled at the corpse's peaceful, final repose.

"The doors the blood hid," he said, "Let's have a look through them first."
Oct 17, 2022 6:08 am
"I agree." Grim says, pointing toward the newly revealed passage. "I have to believe there must be something down that way, the blood was intending to keep from us."
Oct 17, 2022 9:19 am
North door in the hall first, or far western door?
Oct 17, 2022 11:46 am
Let's go farthest and work our way back.
Oct 17, 2022 9:52 pm
west door first sounds okay with me.
Oct 18, 2022 5:12 pm

You open the door at the west end of the short hallway. It opens to an longer hallway, dark and empty except for the smashed remains of lanterns on the ground. Five additional doors branch from here.
Doors! So many doors! Proceed...? or go back? Which way do you pick?
[ +- ] Map
[ +- ] Status Tracker
[ +- ] Fear Tracker
Oct 18, 2022 9:34 pm
Grim trudges along the hallway and notes all the doors. "Let's start with the first door on our left and make our way around to them all. If we don't find another way out of this hallway, we backtrack and check the doors in the blood room, starting at the first we will find on our left."
Oct 18, 2022 11:57 pm

You try the first door but find it opens no more than a couple inches. Beyond you can clearly see the room is filled nearly to the ceiling with rubble, as if the entirety of the second floor above it has come crashing down to fill the space.

Opposite that, the door on the north side of the hallway opens with ease. Inside, you find racks cluttered with boxes and sprawling collections of haphazard junk all filling a dusty storage room. Many miscellaneous objects, which you assume once graced the shelves, are scattered across the floor.

Also inside are two people in sallowed, dirty robes. One appears to be going through the items with the kind of scrutiny one might attach to the thief while the other is busy appears to be playing with a set of mismatched dolls. One, then the other, takes notice of you and jumps to attention.
Combat! If you beat the Apostles in Orpiment for initiative you may go first. Make sure to note your coordinates for movement/placement on the map.
Apostles: 20
Elias: ?
Grim: ?
Razhel: ?
Axon: ?
Iosef: ?
[ +- ] Map
[ +- ] Status Tracker
[ +- ] Fear Tracker


Enemy Initiative - (1d20+3)

(17) + 3 = 20

Oct 19, 2022 3:59 am
"Please. We don't want any trouble..." he urged.


Init to win it! - (1d20+3)

(5) + 3 = 8

Oct 19, 2022 8:13 am
Grim grips his crossbow and readies for battle.
Do both doors open into the same room the yellow-cloaked men are in?
Last edited October 19, 2022 8:15 am


Initiative - (1d20+2)

(20) + 2 = 22

Oct 19, 2022 8:48 am
Razhel rushes through the open door and slides to the right. She takes aim and fires at the closest of the two opponents within.
Razhel moves to Z11
Action: Attack with crossbow (studied target)
Last edited October 19, 2022 8:56 am


Initiative - (1d20+5)

(17) + 5 = 22

Lt. crossbow attack - (1d20+6)

(16) + 6 = 22

Damage - (1d8+1)

(5) + 1 = 6

Oct 19, 2022 9:59 am
Equinox says:
Grim grips his crossbow and readies for battle.
Do both doors open into the same room the yellow-cloaked men are in?
@Equinox They do, yes. Btw your initiate beat their result of 20 - Grim gets to act now.
Oct 19, 2022 10:50 pm
Grim snatches open the door nearest him on the same wall and quickly enters to discovers the two cultists beginning to face off against them. He brings up his crossbow and takes a shot at the one directly ahead of him.
Grim moves W10


Crossbow attack - (1d20+3)

(9) + 3 = 12

Damage - (1d8)

(8) = 8

Oct 19, 2022 11:55 pm
Atticus readies his sword and moves towards the neatest enemy. (Z9)
Atticus will obviously wait his turn...lol
Last edited October 19, 2022 11:56 pm


Initiative - (1d20)

(6) = 6

Oct 21, 2022 12:30 am


Initiative - (1d20+0)

(5) = 5

Oct 21, 2022 1:42 am

Before the robed ones can react, Razhel steps in and unleashes a crossbow bolt that skewers the woman's arm, just above the elbow. She lets out a cry of pain.

Grim throws the other door to the room open and rushes forward, raises his own crossbow and releases a bolt that hits this man as he squeezes onto one of the dolls he was playing with. The bolt sinks into his stomach, but the twisted face within the robes looks determined as much as anything else.

The robed man moves forward to retaliate, raising the doll (an foot long thing made of wood) and tries to bash Grim in the head. Grim is too quick, however, and he dodge the blow entirely.

The woman, weaponless, looks around and spots a crowbar lying near her on a shelf. She takes it up and shouts, "Zandalus sees all, blasphemers! You will die!" She moves towards Razhel.
Everyone may now post actions, as you all go before the enemies get to act again. 15 AC to hit the enemies; if you hit go ahead and narrate the strike.

A = the female apostle
B = the male apostle

Razhel: 22
Grim: 22
Apostles: 20, AC 15 (A: 10/16hp)(B: 8/16hp)
Axon: 8
Elias: 6
Iosef: 5
[ +- ] Map
[ +- ] Status Tracker
[ +- ] Fear Tracker


Enemy B Attack vs Grim - (1d20+4, 1d6+2)

1d20+4 : (2) + 4 = 6

1d6+2 : (4) + 2 = 6

Oct 25, 2022 7:57 am
Razhel punches the woman in the chest with a well placed fist.
Last edited October 25, 2022 7:58 am


Unarmed attack - (1d20+7)

(8) + 7 = 15

Damage (lethal) - (1d6+3)

(2) + 3 = 5

Oct 26, 2022 4:24 am
As Blondie and Eyes tackled one cultist, he hoped he could help even the odds for Hat!

ደማቅ ጨለማ

Light flashed before the cultist's eyes, and he hoped he'd momentarily disoriented and silenced the madman!
The cultist is dazzled for 1 minute and silenced for 1 round unless he makes a successful DC 14 Fortitude save.
Oct 26, 2022 11:40 pm
Rolling Fort Save vs. DC 14...
The man holding the doll raises the toy up to his face and stumbled back on one foot at the blinding light. He let's out a shout, but no sound emits from his throat.
Enemy B is 'dazzled' for 10 rounds, silenced for 1.

Dazzled: The creature is unable to see well because of over-stimulation of the eyes. A dazzled creature takes a –1 penalty on attack rolls and sight-based Perception checks.


Enemy B Fort Save vs. DC 14 - (1d20+1)

(12) + 1 = 13

Oct 26, 2022 11:54 pm
Iosef pulls his dagger and moves down the hall to the door behind Grim, summoning his courage to rush in and attempt to stab the male cultist.
Move Action: draw dagger
Move Action: Move to W12
Oct 27, 2022 12:07 am
I'll plan to roll for Elias's stated attack and take reasonable action for Grim soon if no additional posts are incoming
Oct 27, 2022 1:11 am
Elias moves up and attacks the enemy (Z10). Swinging his sword in a heavy slash, he hopes to end the fight.


Attack - (1d20+3)

(19) + 3 = 22

Damage - (1d8+1)

(7) + 1 = 8

Oct 27, 2022 7:20 am
Grim attacks with crossbow even though he's close.
He misses
Last edited October 27, 2022 7:20 am


Lt. crossbow attack - (1d20+3)

(8) + 3 = 11

Lt. crossbow attack - (1d20+3)

(18) + 3 = 21

Damage - (1d8)

(1) = 1

Oct 27, 2022 7:58 pm

Razhel fist smashes into the woman's solar plexus, driving the wind out of her and causing her to choke on her words as they leave her mouth. She looks up in astonishment just as Elias closes in and brings his sword to bear. It slices neatly into the the space between her neck and shoulder, biting several inches through cloth, flesh, bone, and muscle. A torrent of blood spouts from the wound as he pulls his sword free.

The other man blinks away the flash of light and thrashes out at Grim with the wooden doll, intending to bludgeon him. The swing is wild, however, and fails to connect. Blinking, the man takes a timid step back, scared.

Suddenly the door across the hall is thrown open. Another man in a lengthy yellow cloak appears, holding what appears to be a broken chair leg as a makeshift club. Seeing Iosef in front of him, he steps forward and attacks the spectacled elf. The club strikes him hard in the head and Iosef finds it nearly impossible to remain standing, yet he manages somehow.
Actions for the next round please!

A = the female apostle
B = the male apostle
C = the late arrival, male apostle

Razhel: 22
Grim: 22
Apostles: 20, AC 15
-----(A: dead
-----(B: 8/16hp)
-----(C: 16/16hp)
Axon: 8
Elias: 6
Iosef: 5 (-7hp)
[ +- ] Map
[ +- ] Status Tracker
[ +- ] Fear Tracker


Enemy B Attack vs Grim - (1d20+3, 1d6+2)

1d20+3 : (2) + 3 = 5

1d6+2 : (2) + 2 = 4

Enemy C Attack vs Elias - (1d20+4, 1d6+2)

1d20+4 : (16) + 4 = 20

1d6+2 : (5) + 2 = 7

Oct 27, 2022 8:03 pm
Iosef, his head filled with pain and a reverberating *hum* singing between his ears, steps back, raises his crossbow, and lets a bolt fly, though in his state his aim is way off."Wh-why?" he thinks to ask, a hand going up to feel at his wound.


Iosef Attack vs Enemy C - (1d20, 1d8)

1d20 : (5) = 5

1d8 : (3) = 3

Oct 28, 2022 3:37 am
He began to feel pity for the doll-wielding man but then roared when the new cultist savagely attacked Glasses!

ጥቁር ሜትሮይትስ

"Void frost take you!" he cursed the latest attacker!
[ +- ] Black Motes aka Void Frost
[ +- ] Black Motes (DC 15 Reflex Save, 1d4+1 cold)
If it hits, he's also silenced for 1 round.
Last edited October 28, 2022 3:44 am


Black Motes cold damage - (1d4+1)

(4) + 1 = 5

Oct 28, 2022 10:52 am
Rolling the save...he succeeds!


Reflex Save vs DC 15 (Black Motes) - (1d20+6)

(10) + 6 = 16

Oct 30, 2022 9:39 pm
Grim tries to hit his opponent again. He misses...AGAIN.
Last edited October 30, 2022 9:40 pm


Lt. crossbow attack - (2d20L1+3)

(76) + 3 = 9

Damage - (1d8)

(4) = 4

Oct 31, 2022 2:56 am
Elias turns as he hears Iosef cry out in pain. Seeing his comrade being attacked, Elias rushes over to assist hoe ever he can.
Elias will move to W12 and help out. Can he use lay on hands?
Oct 31, 2022 9:14 pm
Just need actions from RageRed - I'll get a post up regardless within the next day to keep us moving.
Oct 31, 2022 10:47 pm
Razhel crosses to the second cultist and smacks the crap out of him.
Move to W9
Attack unarmed
Last edited October 31, 2022 10:48 pm


Unarmed (lethal) - (1d20+8)

(7) + 8 = 15

Damage (lethal) - (1d6+4)

(3) + 4 = 7

Nov 2, 2022 8:58 am

Elias hurries around the corner and lays his hands upon Iosef, healing him of some of his wounds just as Razhel rushes to the cultist engaged with Grim. She lands a running blow across the man's chin as she reaches him and nearly lays the man out - he looks like he's barely standing. Frightened, the man tries to back away, but Grim butts the man in the head with his crossbow and he collapses to the ground.

The remaining enemy swings and attacks Iosef with the make-shift club again, but the weapon slips from the man's fingers skittering across the floor into the hallway. His eyes go wide and he lunges for the weapon, falling prone upon it just next to Iosef.
Actions for the next round please! Nice Lay on Hands, almost fully healed Iosef back up!

A = the female apostle
B = the male apostle
C = the late arrival, male apostle

Razhel: 22
Grim: 22
Apostles: 20, AC 15
-----(A: dead)
-----(B: dead)
-----(C: 16/16hp, prone)
Axon: 8
Elias: 6
Iosef: 5 (-1hp)
[ +- ] Map
[ +- ] Status Tracker
[ +- ] Fear Tracker


Lay on Hands - (1d6)

(6) = 6

Enemy C Attack vs Iosef - (1d20+4, 1d6+2)

1d20+4 : (1) + 4 = 5

1d6+2 : (2) + 2 = 4

Nov 3, 2022 12:54 am
Razhel moves to the prone cultist, dropping her crossbow along the way. She throws herself on top of the man in an attempt to grapple him into submission.
I didn't add any bonus for flanking if applicable.
Last edited November 3, 2022 12:55 am


Grapple - (1d20+6)

(15) + 6 = 21

Nov 3, 2022 7:58 am
Razhel reaches for the man to grapple him. He moves to swing at her with his makeshift weapon, but Razhel pins his arm and keeps him from even making the attempt.

She successfully grapples the cultist, holding him while he struggles against her.
Success! He isn't too please about it, but Razhel has a good grip on him. On his turn he will get an attempt to take a simple action, break the grapple, or reverse the grapple - unless someone takes those options away from him.


Secret Roll

Nov 3, 2022 9:38 am
with the unarmed combatant feat there is no attacks of opportunity provocation when performing combat maneuvers such as grapple..
Nov 3, 2022 4:35 pm
RageRed says:
with the unarmed combatant feat there is no attacks of opportunity provocation when performing combat maneuvers such as grapple..
Ah, yes! Pardon me for forgetting that, I'll edit it a little to reflect that. Thank you :)
Nov 4, 2022 10:46 pm
Grim has the least effective weapon in the current situation. So, I am purposefully waiting to see what the others do first.
Nov 5, 2022 1:48 am
Equinox says:
Grim has the least effective weapon in the current situation. So, I am purposefully waiting to see what the others do first.
Thanks for the note :) He still has 2 pairs of handcuffs, if those might come in handy.
Nov 8, 2022 2:39 am
Dagger in hand, Axon surprised himself and rushed forward to plunge it into the restrained cultist!
A bit bloodthirsty but meh. This shit's getting to him. :P


+1 Dagger stab, damage! - (1d20+1, 1d4)

1d20+1 : (5) + 1 = 6

1d4 : (1) = 1

Nov 8, 2022 9:48 am

Axon's attack flounders as the man struggles against Razhel's grasp and kicks the blade away.

The man takes the wooden stick, still in hand and attempts to reach behind and strike Razhel in some manner to get her to let go. The piece of wood hits Razhel in the head, causing her vision to go blurry for a moment, but she maintains her grip on the man.
Next round actions please!

The man is still grappled and Razhel is still the controlling grappler.

Does Razhel want to maintain the grapple, let go, or try to tie the enemy up (-10 penalty to try that)? If she wants to maintain the grapple it'll require a combat maneuver roll w/ +5 modifier, but upon success can take additional actions (either: reposition, pin the enemy, or deal damage)

A = the female apostle
B = the male apostle
C = the late arrival, male apostle

Razhel: 22 (-7hp)
Grim: 22
Apostles: 20, AC 15
-----(A: dead)
-----(B: dead)
-----(C: 16/16hp, prone)
Axon: 8
Elias: 6
Iosef: 5 (-1hp)
[ +- ] Map
[ +- ] Status Tracker
[ +- ] Fear Tracker


Grappled Enemy C Attack vs Razhel - (1d20+2, 1d6+2)

1d20+2 : (17) + 2 = 19

1d6+2 : (5) + 2 = 7

Nov 8, 2022 4:18 pm
Can Elias move in front and save his friend?
Nov 8, 2022 7:46 pm
Squadfather44 says:
Can Elias move in front and save his friend?
Perhaps - how would you propose to do this? I would consider whatever you want to do as a Held Action w/ a trigger of 'the enemy attempts to attack'
Nov 8, 2022 8:58 pm
I'd say move around with his shield raised..to take the hit.
Last edited November 8, 2022 8:59 pm
Nov 8, 2022 9:08 pm
Grim still has his action from the last round. What does he need to do to put the cuffs on the grappled man?
Nov 8, 2022 9:53 pm
@Equinox I would allow Grim to attempt the maneuver at a -5 penalty (the enemy is still struggling in Razhel's grasp, but she's able to focus her grapple while you do the cuffs). You may roll CMB vs the enemy's CMD of 17. Upon success you are able to cuff him and he will be considered 'helpless'.

Normally the one grappling would do the 'tie up' maneuver at a -10 penalty. Since Razhel's able to maintain focus on her grapple, Grim can do it with the penalty reduced.

@Squadfather44 since there is no real space between Razhel and the enemy, you can't really position yourself between them to block the attack. I'd say this is going to be something that requires a feat of both Perception (to see the attack coming) and Dexterity (for reacting swiftly enough to block it). Give me a Perception DC 10 check, and if successful a straight Dexterity DC 15 check. If successful on both I'll narrate the block.
Nov 8, 2022 10:48 pm
This of course means Grim has to roll a crit to perform the task.


Cuffing the cultist - (1d20-3)

(8) - 3 = 5

Nov 9, 2022 12:36 am
Yay for taking a hostage! :P
Nov 9, 2022 12:41 am
It was worth a shot. I'm not trying to make this difficult - grapple rules in Pathfinder are needlessly obtuse anyways. If I were to guess, I think the best way to get him tied up is for Razhel to 'pin' him first and/or hit him with nonlethal dmg until he's a drooling meat bag and isn't kicking and screaming any longer.

Of course, PbP requires some modifications. Let's do this - if Razhel wishes to maintain the grapple this next round, and succeeds with her roll, she can assign enough non-lethal dmg to make him fully subdued.
Nov 9, 2022 12:53 pm
Perception check (DC 10) and Dexterity check (DC15)


Perception - (1d20+2)

(8) + 2 = 10

Dexterity - (1d20)

(3) = 3

Nov 9, 2022 8:35 pm
I won't let this bog us down much longer - I don't want that, and I don't think you guys do. It's clear, overall, how the combat will end. I'll wrap this up within the next day or so regardless so we can move on to more fun stuff.
Nov 9, 2022 10:30 pm
binding the cultist


roll - (1d20+6)

(17) + 6 = 23

Nov 10, 2022 1:53 am

Elias tries to intervene in the cultists attack against Razhel but is not quick enough.

As her head rings, Razhel is able to get her arm around the man's neck and squeezes. His body goes limp after several moments; he appears to still be alive, but is clearly unconscious.
Combat is over. I'll let you decide - he's helpless. You can coup de grace or throw those handcuffs on him. Whoever posts first is the deciding vote, then we'll move forward.
[ +- ] Map
[ +- ] Status Tracker
[ +- ] Fear Tracker
Nov 10, 2022 5:05 am
"Cuff him, the bastard. We probably won't get anything coherent out of him but still..."

He left the stronger ones to deal with the cultist while he went to Iosef.

"Are you alright?"
Nov 10, 2022 6:09 am
"I'm...ok," the elf says, straightening his glasses and dusting off his robes. "Thank you."

He looks to Grim as the cuffs are placed, now effortlessly, on the cultist. "What should we do with him?" he asks the others.
Nov 10, 2022 2:02 pm
After making sure Iosef is okay, Elias glances over at the captive. We could take him back to the others...see what they want to do.
Nov 10, 2022 9:56 pm
"Let's check out these two rooms the cultists were rummaging through before we begin looking for a way back." Grim suggests, crossing the hallway into the open doorway that the third cultist appeared from. "The last captive we brought back to the others, killed a man. I suspect it will be the same, should this one escape his bindings."
Nov 10, 2022 10:31 pm
"I should hope they would not be so dull as to release him from his bindings, after what happened to that poor man last time," Iosef suggests, "But whose to say. A fair number of them were mental patients until recently."
Nov 11, 2022 9:05 am
Razhel stands over the bound cultist and looks around. "Give me a reason." She says directed at the cultist.
Nov 11, 2022 5:48 pm
The robed man laughs maniacally and spits towards Razhel's face - his aim and gusto are about as effective as his earlier-fighting aptitude, however, and the phlegm falls short and to the side. He continues to laugh, as if the whole thing was the funniest thing he's seen all day.
Nov 11, 2022 6:19 pm
Grim enters the room across the hallway and gives it a look over to see if there is anything within that might need further investigation.
Nov 11, 2022 8:50 pm

While determining what, if anything more than leaving him to his fate, they wish to do with the cuffed man in the yellow robes, the group investigates more closely the rooms to the north and south of them.

The room to the north contains racks of clutter and junk. It appears it may have been a storage area to hold the personal effects of the patients at the asylum, as hundreds of items lay about. The room has been ransacked, however, and there doesn't appear to be much left of any value or benefit to your group.
Everyone that searches through this room, please make a Perception check.
Even the bodies of the two fallen Apostles hold little of value. They both wear simple, padded armor. The crowbar could come in handy and might be worth taking with you.

When you enter the room to the south, you see the handles of dozens of drawers frowning from the faces of numerous matching cabinets. Many of the drawers are open and their contents - volumes' worth of stray parchments - blanket the floor. A quick survey of the contents of these papers reveal this to be where they must have housed a majority of the records for all the patients in the asylum.
It would take a long time, maybe a couple hours, to sort through all the patient records scattered about, but if you spend the time doing so, it is likely you would find information for nearly any patient in the asylum, even yourselves. There is no immediate danger - you could do this now, or you might wait and come back - up to you guys.
A door stands along the western wall of this records room, locked.
DC 20 Disable Device, or the appropriate key, to open the door here.
[ +- ] Map
[ +- ] Status Tracker
[ +- ] Fear Tracker
Nov 12, 2022 2:02 am
Grim stares at the piles of documents scattered about the floor for a minute, then clears his mind and moves over to the door in the west wall. Checking and finding the door is locked, he glances over his shoulder, tugs at his beard, and then tugs out his slim case full of thieves' tools. Carefully, he attempts to pick the lock.

With a knowing grin, as the tumbler clicks into place, Grim opens the door.
Last edited November 12, 2022 2:03 am


Disable Device - (1d20+7)

(20) + 7 = 27

Nov 12, 2022 6:54 am

Grim opens the door effortlessly. The walls of this crowded room are covered by filing cabinets, except for one space where a battered old painting of a somber, towering structure hangs. Unlike the room before, the filing cabinets are all closed; if the lock wasn't enough, the appearance of this room indicates none of the chaos of the uprising has touched this area.
Perception check please, Grim
[ +- ] Map
[ +- ] Status Tracker
[ +- ] Fear Tracker
Nov 12, 2022 7:44 pm
Grim takes note of the neat, but crowded, space and the filing cabinets covering all save the one spot where the painting hangs. He frowns. 'Why would someone put this painting in here..in a locked room..and take up space, where clearly another cabinet would have been more reasonable?'

Squeezing in between the cabinets, he gets closer to the painting and studies it. Then, attempts to lift it and remove it from the wall.


Perception - (1d20+8)

(8) + 8 = 16

Nov 13, 2022 3:47 am
"Excellent work, Hat. Be with you in a bit," he encouraged as he first looked around the ransacked room, their prisoner, and the dead cultists with both his normal and supernatural senses.

አስማትን ፈልግ።
Looking around and Detecting Magic.


Perception - (1d20+1)

(13) + 1 = 14

Nov 13, 2022 7:27 pm

Grim lifts the painting and quickly finds a small brass latch. Pulling it opens a panel revealing a hollow within the wall. Inside, after a quick perusal, Grim realizes he's found Administrator Losandro's extensive records on a veriety of interesting psychological cases he's observed and treated over the years with the case of Ulver Zandalus being most extensive. Included appears to be a rather extensive dossier on the man, whom, it's clear, was of particular interest to the Adminstrator.

In addition to the paperwork, Grim finds a tiny lockbox that is securely fastened shut, and a sword in a crimson scabbard. The pommel is sculpted in the shape of a cardinal and an etched gold band bears the name Red Destiny.
Another DC 20 Disable Device check to open the lockbox (or the appropriate key, of course). Great investigative work, Equinox!
Treasure Found:
- Lockbox (locked)
- Dossier on Zandalus (anyone may take a few minutes to read and learn its contents)
- Red Destiny (short sword)


In the room to the north, Axon glances among the collection of items, most of it junk. Were it not for his arcane senses, he would never have spotted the slight magical auras of three vials of liquid, tied together with a violet ribbon. Two contain a silvery, thick liquid, the other a dull green oil.

Treasure Found:
- 2 vials of thick silver liquid (magic, DC 20 Spellcraft to identify)
- 1 vial of dull green oil (magic, DC 17 Spellcraft to dentify)
[ +- ] Map
[ +- ] Status Tracker
[ +- ] Fear Tracker
Nov 14, 2022 6:46 am
Placing the painting to one side, on the floor, Grim takes the scabbarded sword and girds it to his belt, the attempts to uses his tools to open the locked box. Finding the box more a challenge than the door lock, he tucks it under one arm and snatches up the dossier on this Zandalus person and the stack of other files hidden in the hollow.
Last edited November 14, 2022 6:52 am


Disable Device - (1d20+7)

(7) + 7 = 14

Nov 14, 2022 10:05 pm
Razhel keeps the bound cultist off his feet, while others search the two rooms. She notices the papers scattered about the floor of the southern office. "Anything in there?" She calls in after the man with the hat, in a voice only as loud as she dares, in hopes of not drawing more cultists to their position.
Last edited November 14, 2022 10:06 pm
Nov 15, 2022 1:55 am
"What have we here?" he pondered as he inspected the philters.


DC 20 Spellcraft - (1d20+6)

(9) + 6 = 15

DC 17 Spellcraft - (1d20+6)

(17) + 6 = 23

Nov 15, 2022 2:58 am
While the contents of the 2 vials with silver liquid elude him, Axon quickly identifies the contents of the other as an Oil of Align Weapon.
Nov 15, 2022 7:30 am
Iosef catches sight of what Axon found and moves forward to take a closer look. The silvery liquid eludes him as well.
@annex keep in mind that the spellcraft checks to identify can be retried after a full rest. There was at least one other items we found earlier too that remains unidentified - we'll do some re-rolls after returning to camp and resting.


Spellcraft vs DC 20 - (1d20+7)

(10) + 7 = 17

Nov 15, 2022 7:42 am
@Equinox Re-reading rules for Disable Device, opening simple locks like these, with proper tools, you can take 20 to auto-succeed at a DC 20 check. You just need to specify that you're taking a few minutes to focus on it and it will be an auto-success. The same will go for any such locks - Taking 10 and Taking 20 are both ok, as long as there are no pressing dangers keeping you from taking your time.
Red Destiny

Nov 15, 2022 12:50 pm
Red Destiny is a short sword...right?
Nov 15, 2022 4:15 pm
Squadfather44 says:
Red Destiny is a short sword...right?
Correct, it's a short sword.
Nov 15, 2022 10:46 pm
Grim moves back into the larger office where all the documents are scattered about. He stuffs the really sensitive files from the filing room into his backpack and crouches to examine some of the pieces of parchment. "There's a lot of paperwork in here. It appears to have been an administrator's office." He replies to the dragon-eyed female. "There's a lot of patient files in here. Maybe we can finally discover who we really are, if we collect up enough of these parchments and read through them."
Yeah. Grim is being ridden by a greedy spirit. He took the shortsword for himself.
Nov 18, 2022 7:24 pm
It's my birthday today and my daughter's tomorrow, so we've been crazy busy getting ready for the weekend. In the spirit of things, everyone gets a hero point!

What are we doing? Collecting and sorting through the papers will yield some information about your characters, but will take about 2 hours to do. You'd really need to do it here in this room, there's so many papers that a lot of the time is just collecting the paper itself. You are, however, not under any pressing threat at the moment either.

Otherwise, you can press onwards or go back - there's the door at the north-west end of the hallway you've been in, but also doors behind you.

[ +- ] Map
[ +- ] Status Tracker
[ +- ] Fear Tracker
Nov 18, 2022 8:00 pm
Happy birthday! To both you and your daughter.
Last edited November 18, 2022 8:01 pm
Nov 18, 2022 8:44 pm
Happy birthday! I think we should all sequester ourselves in the office with the door closed and possibly locked from the inside. Take the time to rest and look through the paperwork.
Nov 19, 2022 4:22 am
Happy birthday old friend!

Agreeing with Red. Grim would like to know who he is.
Last edited November 19, 2022 4:25 am
Nov 19, 2022 5:24 am
"Knowing ourselves, remembering who we are and what we knew might help us survive. Let's get reading. The cultists and monsters will just have to wait."
Last edited November 19, 2022 5:25 am
Nov 19, 2022 12:58 pm
We definitely need to find out who we are. Besides we could also use the rest.
Last edited November 19, 2022 12:58 pm
Nov 20, 2022 11:00 am
Thank you everyone!
It takes a couple hours of combined effort to sort through the papers to the point where you find anything of value about yourself, but at last you do!

You learn that your waking up together in the cells below this asylum was not the beginning of your time together. In some capacity, you had all worked for the ruler of this county, Count Haserton Lowls IV. However, it was that precise man that brought all of you to Briarstone Asylum and signed off on having you all institutionalized. This would have just been a few days prior to all hell breaking loose. The records mention that you are all amnesiacs suffering from some manner of fugue state.

Though the files are scant in detail, each of you has your own individual file. There is enough descriptive information that you're able to tie yourselves to a name:

You are Grimjack Harrow. Tattooed, scarred, may be exhibiting signs of schizophrenia - unpredictable. Stabbed an orderly with their own key after stealing it off his key ring. Watch carefully.

You are Razhel. Serpent-like eyes, pale, questionably human - some sort of hybrid? A terrible burn or scar on her hand. More research needed

You are Iosef Cosmol. Elven, poor eyesight without aides. Shows signs of nervousness when near others. Perhaps a sign of poor socialization?

You are Axon. Human, lanky - a distant look in his eyes as if searching for something that is not there. Terribly scarred. Something seems wrong with the way light casts shadows over his body - a trick of the eyes or some latent magical field? More research needed.

You are Elias. Human, muscled. Careful handling, as any resistance to care may require more than one orderly to restrain him. Seems to become anxious when he gets confused - gets confused easily in current condition.
Sounds like in addition to taking the time to read up on the papers here, you're going to get a night's rest in. Who's taking 1st, 2nd, and 3rd watch? Anything else you wish to do before sleeping for the night?
[ +- ] Map
[ +- ] Status Tracker
[ +- ] Fear Tracker
Nov 20, 2022 11:37 pm
"Axon. Ax-on," he pronounced. "It feels... right. At least I don't have to call you all by your features anymore."

He... Axon paused a minute in thought then continued, "I can't remember anything else, though. What made us all forget ourselves? Why would this Count admit us just before all Nine Hells broke loose? That can't be a coincidence. We were sent here for a reason."
Nov 21, 2022 10:01 pm
"We al-ready know each other?" Razhel is confused. "Are we sure these documents are correct?"
Nov 23, 2022 12:57 am
"Seems that way. Of course, the records could be false, or the information mis-reported by this Lowles when he apparently deposited us in this place." Iosef shakes his head and squints in frustrated thought. "Regardless, I think we owe Lowles a visit once we get off this island. If anyone knows more, it must be him. Or, perhaps also, Adminstrator Losandro, if he still lives."
Nov 23, 2022 1:11 am
Elias...I am Elias. The notes make me out to be violent...like a monster. Yet, what kind of monster can heal by touch? Elias asks no one in particular as he stands there...with a stack of papers in his hand.
Nov 23, 2022 2:03 am
It seems clear to you that, whoever you were before, you didn't just wake up suddenly with memory loss. You were all conscious and here, at this asylum, for at least a couple days prior to the facility falling into chaos. During that time, it appears you were in some sort of fugue state where you were conscious but with limited response to stimuli
Nov 26, 2022 10:50 pm
Razhel volunteers to take first watch.
Dec 1, 2022 10:40 am
Watch order is as follows:

1st: Razhel
2nd: Grim
3rd: Elias

Everyone, please give me a Will save (not fear based)
Dec 1, 2022 10:42 am
Iosef tucks himself into one corner of the records room, propping himself up against the wall and a filing cabinet. Exhausted from hours of going over records, he drifts off to sleep.


Will Save - (1d20+6)

(14) + 6 = 20

Dec 1, 2022 12:45 pm
Will Save


Will save - (1d20+10)

(1) + 10 = 11

Dec 2, 2022 8:48 am
WILL save


WILL save - (1d20+7)

(6) + 7 = 13

Dec 3, 2022 8:30 pm
Will save


Will save - (1d20+2)

(19) + 2 = 21

Dec 3, 2022 9:34 pm
Rolling for annex, as I know he's got doctor stuff going on this weekend.


Will Save - (1d20+7)

(20) + 7 = 27

Dec 3, 2022 10:40 pm

As you each take to yourselves and drift off to sleep, Razhel is the first to notice: while you all remain asleep, nobody seems to get comfortable. Everyone shifts and turns frequently in their sleep and once in a while you mumble or gasp suddenly. When she goes to awake Grim for second watch, he startles awake, frantically looking around to quickly confirm where he's at.

Grim, then later, Elias (who awakes for third shift with beads of sweat beading on his brow), experience the same thing as they take their turns on watch: fitful, disruptive, rest. The only one who seems to calm down and get any real semblance of quality sleep is Axon, but only in the later stages of the night.

All in all you awake the next morning all feeling like you could use a few more hours of shut-eye. Elias appears particularly haggard and unrested.
Mechanically, everyone except Elias gets natural healing (3 HP for a full night's rest), leaving him still 1 HP down from max. Additionally, Razhel is still down 5 HP I believe (unless I missed a heal somewhere, pls let me know).

I'm going to assume everyone has updated their sheets to lvl 3 fully, as I pull new HP and other stat values into the status tracker table.

Additionally, I'm adding private notes below for each of you. It will be up to you what you do with the information contained within.
C1NDER sent a note to RageRed
C1NDER sent a note to Equinox
C1NDER sent a note to Squadfather44
C1NDER sent a note to annex
[ +- ] Map
[ +- ] Status Tracker
[ +- ] Fear Tracker
Dec 5, 2022 7:52 am
C1NDER says:
Razhel is still down 5 HP I believe (unless I missed a heal somewhere, pls let me know).
That sounds right to me.
Dec 6, 2022 9:04 am
'Let us get moving, shall we?" Grim says, standing and brushing off the dust. "I think we should continue our course of going west and see if, as I suspect, this hallway crosses another we ventured to yesterday."
Last edited December 6, 2022 9:06 am
Dec 8, 2022 6:44 am


After you get yourselves together you take yourselves, and your newfound knowledge of your identities to the west, down the hallway, and open the door at the end.

Yellow fog soundlessly roils against the cathedral-like windows of this opulent, two-story office. The ground floor features overstuffed furnishings, elegant side tables, and an altarlike desk of dark marble. A delicate spiral staircase and balcony of dark iron rises to a lofty library overhead. This room seems to combine the features of a psychologist's office and a king's lounge.

Both floors’ fixtures frame the lake of blood spread across the room’s center, as it pools around a kneeling man on the floor. His back is straight, head turned upward and his mouth is agape. From his soundlessly screaming mouth an unsteady torrent of ochre mist spurts like a fountain of gritty, yellow sludge.
Initiatives please! If you beat the fog-spewing person, you may act immediately. Make sure you include the coordinates for where your character ends their round in your posts.
Fog Spewer: 11
[ +- ] Map
[ +- ] Status Tracker
[ +- ] Fear Tracker


Fog-Spewer Initiative - (1d20+2)

(9) + 2 = 11

Dec 8, 2022 7:58 am
Are you sure that's a guy?

Move to K9
Razhel keeps one eye of the weirdo on the blood soaked rug and cautiously skirts around the edge of the room heading west.
Last edited December 8, 2022 8:02 am


Initiative - (1d20+5)

(9) + 5 = 14

Dec 8, 2022 8:50 am
Last edited December 8, 2022 8:51 am


Initiative - (1d20+2)

(6) + 2 = 8

Dec 8, 2022 12:43 pm


Initiative - (1d20)

(12) = 12

Dec 9, 2022 8:30 am


Initiative - (1d20)

(3) = 3

Dec 9, 2022 8:31 am
@Squadfather44 Elias beat the enemy's initiative, what are his actions for this round?
Dec 9, 2022 9:13 am
Elias carefully approaches the figure and walks around, trying to figure out what's going on. What have you gotten yourself into...
Dec 10, 2022 10:42 am
"ማጅ ጋሻ" Axon chants, covering himself with a veneer of magical armor.
Cast Spell: Mage Armor, duration 3 hours


Initiative - (1d20+3)

(14) + 3 = 17

Dec 10, 2022 11:15 am

The person - thing? - takes note of your presence, stands, and lowers its head, glowing eyes staring emotionless towards those standing to the east while turning its back to Razhel. The yellow fog surrounding it billows up and grows suddenly so thick that none of you can see the person within it. You cannot tell what it is doing within the mist, but you don't sense it coming closer to any of you.
Everyone please include a fear save in your next post.

The fog acts much like the spell Obscuring Mist and spreads 10ft from the enemy. If something is in the fog and more than 5ft from you, you cannot target it by sight and any attacks into such a square have a 50% chance of missing. If you get to within 5ft of an opponent, you can see them, but they still have concealment which has a 20% chance of the attack missing.

For the purposes of the map, if the space has *any* of the yellow circle in it, then that space is considered to have fog in it.

Everyone can post actions now!
Axon: 17
Razhel: 14
Fog Spewer: 11
Elias: 12
Grim: 8
Iosef: 3
[ +- ] Map
[ +- ] Status Tracker
[ +- ] Fear Tracker
Dec 10, 2022 1:02 pm
As a 3rd level Paladin Elias is immune to Fear. If someonehappens to be within 10 feet of him they get a +4 to their save.
Dec 10, 2022 6:55 pm
Squadfather44 says:
As a 3rd level Paladin Elias is immune to Fear. If someonehappens to be within 10 feet of him they get a +4 to their save.
Excellent reminder, Elias!

Keep in mind the expanded fear rules found HERE.

Elias's fear immunity would be handled as a fear resistence. Basically, he doesn't suffer the effects of spooked or shaken (the first two levels of fear), and for anything worse than that, he treats it as 2 levels lower on the fear scale (scared = spooked effects, frightened = shaken effects, etc).

Everyone else still gets the +4 bonus he provides, if within 10ft. Elias please still roll the fear save (we still have to track it in case it were to increase to 'scared')
Dec 10, 2022 9:07 pm
Grim moves quickly to the edge of the rug, crouches down and yanks it as hard as he can, trying to surprise the fog-hidden enemy and make them fall on their ass.
Moving to P10


Fear save - (1d20+17)

(10) + 17 = 27

Base CMB - (1d20+3)

(4) + 3 = 7

Dec 10, 2022 10:04 pm
Lol! I am going to roll an attack on the carpet as well. Should we take the better of the two rolls and add if the other is aiding the attack?
Seeing Grim go for the carpet, Razhel does likewise. She races to the edge of the carpet and pulls.


Carpet tripping - (1d20+5)

(17) + 5 = 22

Fear save - (1d20+8)

(20) + 8 = 28

Dec 10, 2022 10:23 pm
Elias stays where he's at and gets ready to defend his friends. As they go for the carpet, Elias draws his sword and gets ready.


Fear save - (1d20+10)

(12) + 10 = 22

Dec 13, 2022 9:46 am
Though unable to see the target clearly, Axon takes the opportunity to cast his magic into the space the person was occupying a moment prior. "ጥቁር ሜትሮይትስ!" he calls, as icy destruction rains down from nowhere into the center of the room.
Cast Spell: Black Motes hits; concealment doesn't apply. 2 damage!


Fear Save - (1d20+8)

(5) + 8 = 13

Black Motes Damage - (1d4+1)

(1) + 1 = 2

Enemy Save vs DC 15 - (1d20+5)

(2) + 5 = 7

Dec 13, 2022 9:51 am
Iosef raises his crossbow. Though he can't see the enemy, he can guess as to where he might be, and pulls the trigger. The shot goes wide and skitters off into the corner.


Fear Save - (1d20+5)

(8) + 5 = 13

Attack and Damage - (1d20+0, 1d8)

1d20+0 : (2) = 2

1d8 : (4) = 4

Concealment (=< 50% misses) - (1d100)

(83) = 83

Dec 13, 2022 10:03 am

As the icy meteorites slam into the mist-spewing person and Iosef's crossbow bolt fails to meet its mark, Razhel and Grim both get the same idea and go for the carpet. Together they are successful in pulling the carpet with a strong and sudden-enough tug, despite the furniture sitting atop it, to apparently cause the enemy to stumble and fall - the audible *thud* of a soft body hitting the floor offers itself as proof.

There is a rustle from the center of the room and the mist seems to move towards Axon's position.
Nice thinking with the carpet, I got a good laugh out of that. Everyone passed their fear save, so all good there.

Everyone may go again, BUT in the course of moving towards where he heard Axon's voice, the enemy came within 5ft of first Grim and Elias, then Axon and Iosef.

Grim and Elias: DC 12 Will save rolls please - if you fail, you fall asleep as if under the sleep spell. If you succeed, you may make an attack of opportunity as the enemy leaves the threatened square during its movement. If you succeed, you are also immune to the effect for 24hrs.

Elias: If not asleep, you may also attack using your held action from last round (in addition to the attack of opportunity & your next action - essentially, if you don't fall asleep, you may attack twice AND take your normal actions for this round. (another attack, or whatever else)

Axon and Iosef: You make DC 12 Will saves to resist the sleep effect as the enemy ends movement next to you, same as above.
Axon: 17
Razhel: 14
Fog Spewer: 11 (2 dmg)
Elias: 12
Grim: 8
Iosef: 3
[ +- ] Map
[ +- ] Status Tracker
[ +- ] Fear Tracker


Secret Roll

Dec 13, 2022 10:18 am
Will Save to avoid sleeping


Will Save vs DC 12 - (1d20+7)

(12) + 7 = 19

Dec 13, 2022 10:19 am
Will Save to avoid sleeping


Will Save vs DC 12 - (1d20+6)

(17) + 6 = 23

Dec 13, 2022 10:20 am
Axon and Iosef both feel the tug of sleep on their eyelids by recognizing the effect as unnatural, their wills are able to shrug the effects away completely.
Dec 14, 2022 2:57 pm
Will save...not asleep.
Elias peers through the fog and sees a form moving past him. Looking closer, Elias doesn't recognize the form and lashes out with his sword.
Last edited December 14, 2022 3:01 pm


Will save - (1d20+10)

(1) + 10 = 11

Held Action - (1d20+4)

(18) + 4 = 22

Damage - (1d8+1)

(5) + 1 = 6

Attack of opportunity - (1d20+4)

(11) + 4 = 15

Damage - (1d8+1)

(8) + 1 = 9

Normal Action - (1d20+4)

(20) + 4 = 24

Damage - (1d8+1)

(3) + 1 = 4

Dec 14, 2022 5:31 pm
@Squadfather44 Before I resolve your attacks, can you confirm your will save? As above, the DC was 12, but you rolled an 11. Am I missing something?
Dec 14, 2022 6:31 pm
That's my fault, I thought it was 10 instead of 12.
Dec 14, 2022 7:50 pm
Okay, I just want to make sure I didn't miss something. Elias is snoozing - again, as per the sleep spell, meaning a someone else can use a standard action while adjacent to him to wake him up.
Dec 15, 2022 8:33 am
As the mistbringer passes close by, Grim takes a swipe at it.
Last edited December 15, 2022 8:37 am


Will save (DC12) - (1d20+7)

(8) + 7 = 15

Red Destiny AoO - (1d20+5)

(8) + 5 = 13

Damage - (1d6+3)

(4) + 3 = 7

Dec 15, 2022 9:43 pm
Move to R9
As the mist shifts past him, Grim understands that it is heading toward his fellows to the west. He gives pursuit and stabs into the mist where he calculates the thing to be now.


Red Destiny - (1d20+5)

(8) + 5 = 13

Damage - (1d6+3)

(4) + 3 = 7

Dec 15, 2022 10:32 pm
Razhel holds her position and readies action to pummel the odd guy should he attempt to come her way.
Dec 16, 2022 6:47 am

As the figure passes by Elias and Grim, the paladin falls to the ground in slumber but Grim resists the pull of sleep. He slashes out with Red Destiny and in spite of the mist shifting and forming in different swirls so as to muddy Grim's vision, the blade strikes true. It catches the unarmored man in his gut, nearly severing him in two. The mist continues to spew forth from his mouth as he falls to his knees, then it sputters out as he falls into a puddle of his own blood.

Grim stands now, triumphant next to a sleeping Elias and a very dead thin-bodied man at his feet. The mist is all but gone from the room after several long seconds.
Combat is over!
[ +- ] Map
[ +- ] Status Tracker
[ +- ] Fear Tracker


Concealment (=<20 misses) - (1d100)

(47) = 47

Dec 16, 2022 7:00 am
Looking around the room, you again note some of its features: An altarlike desk of dark marble, a spiral staircase leading to a library of books overhead, and several bizarre and interesting curious on various tables and shelves around the room.

Searching the body at Grim's feet, you find a ring bearing a fair number of keys of various sizes and shapes. You also find a potion of cure light wounds and an vial of green oil. The oil, like the potion, gives off a magic aura.

Ring of Keys
Potion of Cure Light Wounds
Vial of Oil (DC 16 Spellcraft to Identify)
Dec 17, 2022 12:04 am
The fog seemed to send him... Axon into a fugue. Axon remembered his actions but it felt like someone else had performed them, someone far better at them than he was. He wouldn't argue with the results, though, and he focused his arcane attention on the various curios.

አስማትን ፈልግ።

Axon's arcane sight and his floating third eye scanned the tables and shelves.
Throwing in Spellcraft rolls for the still unidentified items in addition to the newfound oil.
Last edited December 17, 2022 12:05 am


Wand (DC 17 Spellcraft to identify) - (1d20+7)

(5) + 7 = 12

Vials of thick silver liquid (magic, DC 20 Spellcraft to identify) - (1d20+7)

(5) + 7 = 12

Oil (unidentified; DC 16 Spellcraft to identify) - (1d20+7)

(1) + 7 = 8

Perception - (1d20+1)

(11) + 1 = 12

Dec 19, 2022 7:58 am
Axon scans the room with his arcane senses. Though they produce no magical aura, several curios stand out: a brain-shaped, sculpted wooden box, bookends depicting twin screaming and crying figures, and a brass sculpture of an Osirian pyramid.

The only area of the room that seems to radiate any magic is the desk, which has a large, locked drawer. The auras coming from this drawer are several and vary in strength. The strongest is a necromancy aura that nearly drowns out everything else.

Brain-shaped Wooden Box (50gp)
Bookends of Screaming and Crying Figures (50gp)
Brass Sculpture of an Osirian Pyramid (50gp)
Dec 19, 2022 8:03 am
Iosef first approaches Elias to check on him. He shakes the man, gently at first. Realizing he's asleep, Iosef shakes him more violently. "Wake up, kni...Elias. Come now, wake up!" Elias's eyes flutter open.

Iosef takes a few moments to look over their gathered items with Axon, to see what they might be able to gleam with fresh eyes now they've rested.
Spellcraft checks for identifying the following:

Wand (DC 17 Spellcraft to identify)
Vials of thick silver liquid (magic, DC 20 Spellcraft to identify)
Oil (unidentified; DC 16 Spellcraft to identify)

EDIT: Wow, that was just atrocious. Between Axon and Iosef, we have pretty good Spellcraft scores. Sheesh.


Spellcraft vs DC 17 - (1d20+8)

(1) + 8 = 9

Spellcraft vs DC 20 - (1d20+8)

(4) + 8 = 12

Spellcraft vs DC 16 - (1d20+8)

(4) + 8 = 12

Dec 19, 2022 9:45 pm
Grim picks up the ring of keys and moves to the desk. He inserts each key, hoping to find one that opens the drawer.
Dec 20, 2022 8:55 pm
C1NDER sent a note to Squadfather44
Dec 20, 2022 9:04 pm
Will Save..


Will save - (1d20+10)

(6) + 10 = 16

Dec 21, 2022 2:00 am
Grim tries a couple of the smaller keys and quickly finds one that fits the desk drawer. He opens it to find quite a few items of interest, starting with a leather-bound journal on top.

The journal bears an inscription of the name Eliege Losandro. The journal bears a concise record of the man's daily duties and observations. Taking a few minutes to look at it more closely, you find it mostly mundane, the contents are largely filled with notes from staff meetings and interviews with the families of would-be patients.

However, in entries dated within the last year, the names Haserton Lowls and Count Lowls appear with increasing regularity. You recall hearing the name previously in reference to the current ruler of Versex County and reason Winter Klazcka and the Royal Accusers came to Thrushmoor and Briarstone Asylum in the first place. The final entries prove to be of particular interest:


You are reminded in reading these entries of the documents on Ulver Zandalus that was found near Grim's short sword and the locked box in the records room. Taking a few moments to skim over these papers, you see notes stretching back decade, to the man's initial committal as one of Losandro's first patients. There are more mundane notes regarding Zandalus's background that can be learned if you dig in more, but you find a helpful dossier that breaks down the patient and his condition:


Also inside the desk drawer, you find the following:

- Magnifying Glass
- 2x Vials of crystalline powder, labeled: 'Alchemist's Kindness'
- Vial labeled 'Smelling Salts'
- 2x of a viscous liquid labeled 'Soothe Syrup'
- 4 doses of antitoxin
- 2 doses of opium
- A scroll (Magic: Spellcraft DC 17 to Identify)
- 2x scrolls bearing identical markings (Magic: Spellcraft DC 17 to Identify)
- A candle of dull cream and green colors (Magic: Spellcraft DC 26 to Identify)
- a small tin with a block of chalky dark red material inside (Magic: Spellcraft DC 24 to Identify)
- A talisman on a thin silver chain (Magic: Spellcraft DC 21 to Identify)
- 2x talismans strung on a braided leather cord (Magic: Spellcraft DC 22 to Identify & Spellcraft DC 16 to Identify)
Dec 21, 2022 2:03 am
Still of note in this room is the library found at the top of the spiral staircase.
Dec 21, 2022 6:11 pm
"Zandalus remains the linchpin to all this, him and his nightmares. Could the dream extraction have created this?" Axon suggested then waved a hand to encompass the room and fog-choked windows. "We must find that book, The Chain of Nights."

With no immediate answers to hand, Axon focused on the arcane esoterica.
I dread seeing what these rolls will look like.
Last edited December 21, 2022 6:23 pm


Scroll DC 17 - (1d20+7)

(6) + 7 = 13

Pair of scrolls DC 17 - (1d20+7)

(12) + 7 = 19

Candle DC 26 - (1d20+7)

(3) + 7 = 10

Tin with red matter DC 24 - (1d20+7)

(13) + 7 = 20

Talisman on silver chain DC 21 - (1d20+7)

(4) + 7 = 11

Talisman on leather cord #1 DC 22 - (1d20+7)

(14) + 7 = 21

Talisman on leather cord #2 DC 16 - (1d20+7)

(8) + 7 = 15

Dec 22, 2022 4:26 pm
Elias stands up, and shakes the last bits of sleep from his mind. Looking around, he finds his thoughts drifting to the dream. So vivid, yet was it...just a dream. Who is this..Ariadnah?
Dec 23, 2022 10:42 pm
@annex okay, let's give this a shot; in Pathfinder, anyone can aid someone else with a skill check by passing a DC 10 check of the same type. This gives the main roller +2 to their roll. We're going to use our rolls to team up and work this out together. Also, I keep forgetting 'Read Magic' gives us the scrolls automatically.

"I couldn't agree more," Iosef says, sliding his spectacles back up the bridge of his nose. The thought of getting his hand on a tome of this nature inspires a trickle of sweat to bead at the base of his neck and a thrilling shiver to travel down his spine. "I...would very much like to get my hands on this book, it may hold many answers for us. It is possible you're exactly right - what is Losandro's, uh, condition was the result of the dream extraction gone wrong?"

He steps close to Axon as the items from the drawer are set upon the desk. He works with Axon to discern any magical properties of the items they can.

Scroll of Fox's Cunning
2x Scroll of Remove Paralysis
Greater Talisman of Beneficial Winds on silver chain
Leather Cord
----Lesser Talisman of Healing Power
----Lesser Talisman of Warrior's Courage
The talismans are neat, especially that Greater one. The lesser ones work once then crumble to dust, but the Greater can bestow its effects once per day. The tin w/ the red hardened paste and the candle remain unidentified from this pool of stuff.


Candle DC 26 - (1d20+8)

(5) + 8 = 13

Tin with red matter DC 24 - (1d20+8)

(8) + 8 = 16

Talisman on silver chain DC 21 - (1d20+8)

(16) + 8 = 24

Talisman on leather cord #1 DC 22 - (1d20+8)

(4) + 8 = 12

Talisman on leather cord #2 DC 16 - (1d20+8)

(14) + 8 = 22

Dec 23, 2022 10:51 pm
Squadfather44 says:
Elias stands up, and shakes the last bits of sleep from his mind. Looking around, he finds his thoughts drifting to the dream. So vivid, yet was it...just a dream. Who is this..Ariadnah?
@Squadfather44 If you wish to share any of what you saw in your dream, feel free to interpret and provide to the others when and how you see fit.

The same goes for any of you, with any of the dreams you had, or will have in the future. Of course if it makes no sense for it to randomly come up, don't feel forced to.
Dec 29, 2022 9:32 pm
"Ariadnah?" Grim shrugs. "No idea. I'm still processing the discovery in those files we found in the office. Other than my name, most of that doesn't feel right to me. I came to this area to work with the Sleepless Agency, not some Hasterton guy."

Here glances about and up to the loft where the stack of books are. "I have no interest in spending the day in here. Anyone else ready to move on?"
Last edited December 29, 2022 9:35 pm
Dec 30, 2022 8:49 am
Razhel raises her hand. "I am not much of a reader myself. I prefer punching monsters in the face."
Jan 3, 2023 9:28 am
Sounds like we're ready to move on!

Do we want to continue the loop around to the main entry by heading out of the office through the unexplored SW door? Or head back the way we came to check some of the stuff we passed by?
[ +- ] Map
[ +- ] Status Tracker
[ +- ] Fear Tracker
Jan 3, 2023 7:28 pm
Razhel moves over to the southwest door, ready to continue. She opens its and peers within.
Jan 5, 2023 7:48 pm
Elias moves over and prepares to enter the room that Razhel peers in.
Jan 5, 2023 10:51 pm
"We won't get out of this by trying to kill everything we stumble across. We need information. We need that book," Axon said as he followed the others. "Once we have a chance, let's look around in here some more."
Jan 5, 2023 11:36 pm

You enter an L-shaped hallway, standing first in a small waiting room outside and just south of the room you just left. Grim is first to notice mucuslike smears on the tile floor beneath their feet. There is a nameplate next to the door you just exited from that reads "Administrator Eliege Losandro".
DC 10 Survival checks if you wish, please!

Otherwise, I have updated the map with numerous doors that line this hallway - where to first?
[ +- ] Map
[ +- ] Status Tracker
[ +- ] Fear Tracker
Jan 6, 2023 12:47 am
If we wish? That's not sneaky DM speak at all.
"Yes, definitely heading back in there."


Survival DC 10 - (1d20+1)

(11) + 1 = 12

Jan 6, 2023 2:12 am


DC 10 Survival check - (1d20+2)

(13) + 2 = 15

Jan 6, 2023 4:33 am

You note that the antiseptic-smelling smears form a trail that runs between the various doors in this hallway, crossing to-and-fro over one another multiple times.
Where to? ;)
[ +- ] Map
[ +- ] Status Tracker
[ +- ] Fear Tracker
Jan 9, 2023 12:28 am
While searching the immediate area, Iosef casually opens the first door he comes to in the hallway.

Inside you find the ceiling of this room has collapsed, crushing a table and a well-worn couch.

"Oh my," he says, "another caved in-" He stops momentarily, "Do you see that?" he steps in and leans down, inspecting a pale forearm extending from the rubble, the sleeve of a doctor's coat extending to the wrist.

"Someone help me," he says as he starts to pull some of the rubble away from the body.

After several minutes, the torso becomes visible and a quick search of the pockets comes up 2with a capped syringe with a liquid inside. "Interesting," he says. "This is a stronger version of the healing potions we've previously found, but this appears to function only intravenously. Still, a small stick to receive immediately, magical healing wouldn't be a terrible trade-off."

Syringe of Cure Moderate Wounds (Heals 2d8+2hp, use as standard action in combat)


Spellcraft (Identify) - (1d20+8)

(19) + 8 = 27

Jan 9, 2023 12:36 am
Map updated. What next?
[ +- ] Map
[ +- ] Status Tracker
[ +- ] Fear Tracker
Jan 9, 2023 6:24 pm
Razhel helps Iosef move the rubble away from the body and when he is finished searching it over, she points toward the open door. "Let's check the door across the hall next." She moves back into the hallway and attempts to open the door directly across from the one she's just exited.
Jan 9, 2023 11:46 pm

The placard outside this door reads "Dr. Arosh Chawaar". Razhel opens the door to reveal the room beyond. This would look like a typical physician's office if it weren't for the preponderance of grotesque anatomical sketches, most depicting traumas and deformities of the head and brain. A sturdy display case stands open and completely empty.

Razhel circuits the room and finds a pool of preservative fluids pooling at the base of the empty cabinet. The slime trails from the hall appear to have all either been to, or come from, this location.

The desk drawer opens easily enough - nothing stands out of interest within the desk except a leather-bound notebook, bound together with quite a few loose-leaf notes. The doctor's initials are on the cover of the notebook: "A.C."

Looking closer at the documents, you find a succinct and rather meticulous study of new treatments for conditions like hydrocephalus. Many of the notes bear marginalia from the doctor's sister, Doctor Anya Chawaar of Katheer. It appears the two had been leading research into this field of study, corresponding remotely towards a shared goal.
A DC 10 Heal check could be helpful here.

Otherwise, the map is updated. Where to next?
[ +- ] Map
[ +- ] Status Tracker
[ +- ] Fear Tracker
Jan 9, 2023 11:46 pm
Rolling for Heal check...
Iosef follows Razhel over to the next room. As the contents of the drawer are pulled out, he takes a turn looking over the notebook with a studied interest. "This is pioneering work," Iosef says distantly, lost in thought over the implications of some of the writing. "These doctors were drawing conclusions between physical stresses of the body, particularly the brain, and diagnosed psychiatric disorders. The results and findings, if true, would be incredibly valuable to the right people." He glances up now, looking at the others. "We should see that this gets to the right people - perhaps the Doctor's sister even. It appears she works out of a city called Katheer."


Heal vs DC 16 - (1d20+12)

(12) + 12 = 24

Jan 10, 2023 8:43 pm
"Good idea." Razhel agrees with Iosef and tucks the journal into her pack. She points to the slimy trail. "Any guesses what made those?"
Jan 11, 2023 2:12 am
"We'd better live to get these findings out," Axon said as he looked into the room and its grisly diagrams. "It seems that breakthroughs and perversity are inextricably linked. Let's try to keep our names out of any medical texts."

His eyes followed the trails back out the door and in the direction they were headed. Axon went to the next unexplored room, prepared to call down cosmic cold if needed, and looked within.
[ +- ] You note that the antiseptic-smelling smears form a trail that runs between the various doors in this hallway, crossing to-and-fro over one another multiple times.
Jan 11, 2023 8:27 pm
Grim readies his crossbow and covers Axon at the next door.
Moving to L18 (I think that's where we're going)
Last edited January 11, 2023 8:28 pm
Jan 11, 2023 9:40 pm
Yup, that's the door.
Jan 13, 2023 9:13 am

Axon opens the door and steps inside. This room's sagging ceiling rests largely upon a pair of sturdy bookshelves. A desk and set of chairs skirt the edge of a sizable fissure in the floor.

Standing opposite the fissure, as Axon opens the door, a tiny, bipedal, ratlike creature turns and squeals loudly, pointing its finger in your direction. A dire rat, much like you earlier saw in the boiler room, stands a bit closer. It turns its vicious gaze upon Axon at the squealing commands of the rat-thing in back.

Combat! Rolling initiatives, results are below- everyone but Iosef gets to post first round actions and spring into combat before the ratling or dire rat act. Please post and include coordinates to account for positioning.
->Axon (19)
Elias (19)
Grim (17)
Razhel (14)
Dire Rat (10)
Ratling (9)
Iosef (9)
[ +- ] Map
[ +- ] Status Tracker
[ +- ] Fear Tracker


Dire Rat Initiative - (1d20+3)

(7) + 3 = 10

Ratling Initiative - (1d20+1)

(8) + 1 = 9

Initiatives (Axon, Elias, Grim, Iosef, Razhel) - (1d20+3, 1d20+0, 1d20+2, 1d20+0, 1d20+5)

1d20+3 : (16) + 3 = 19

1d20+0 : (19) = 19

1d20+2 : (15) + 2 = 17

1d20+0 : (9) = 9

1d20+5 : (9) + 5 = 14

Jan 13, 2023 12:28 pm
At the sight of the enemy, Elias moves forward to attack the Dire rat.


Attack - (1d20+4)

(4) + 4 = 8

Damage - (1d8+1)

(7) + 1 = 8

Jan 13, 2023 10:07 pm
Grim holds his position just outside the door and fires his crossbow at the little rat dude.
Looks like another one of those PCs can't roll over 10 encounters already.
Last edited January 13, 2023 10:08 pm


Lt. crossbow attack - (1d20+3)

(2) + 3 = 5

Damage - (1d8)

(2) = 2

Jan 14, 2023 6:46 pm
Move to L20
Hearing the sounds down the hall, Razhel hefts her crossbow and proceeds south to the other side of the open doorway opposite Grim. She swings around, peeking into the room, and takes a shot at the squeaking rat-thing issuing orders to the dire rat.


Crossbow attack - (1d20+5)

(2) + 5 = 7

Damage - (1d8)

(5) = 5

Jan 14, 2023 7:26 pm
"Stupid, stupid rat creatures," Axon growled as he moved into the room and outstretched his hands toward the mutant vermin.

የሚቃጠሉ እጆች

The words and the gestures came to him easily, and the power flowed from his fingertips into the wave of fire which washed over the rat-things!
Moving to M19.
Casting Burning Hands! DC 16 reflex save, 1/2 damage on success.


Fire damage - (3d4)

(421) = 7

Jan 17, 2023 9:28 am

Both Grim and Razhel fire crossbow bolts into the room, but they fly off into the dark corner. Elias shoulders his way into the room and engages the dire rat, but his blade strikes only the floor as the rat moves out of the way at the last moment.

Axon sends out a scorching blast of fire from his outspread hands. The oversized rat roasts almost instantaneously, screeing in terror as the flames engulf it and it dies. The more nimble creature in the back ducks under the blast, suffering only somewhat better than its companion.

The rat-like creature in the back throws up his hand. It speaks in an unknown language, words echoing forth as a series of short, menacing screeches, as a globule of greenish energy forms in its hand, then spews forth toward Axon. The blast hits the outer edges of the sorceror's robes, causing only minimal harm to him.
Nice job - the dire rat is dead. The other creature may prove more of a challenge, but we'll see :) Posting for Iosef below, then round 2 actions from everyone please!
->Axon (19) -2hp
Elias (19)
Grim (17)
Razhel (14)
Dire Rat (10) DEAD
Ratling (9) 38/41 HP, AC 19
Iosef (9)
[ +- ] Map
[ +- ] Status Tracker
[ +- ] Fear Tracker


Burning Hands Reflex Saves (Dire Rat, Ratling) - (1d20+5, 1d20+6)

1d20+5 : (1) + 5 = 6

1d20+6 : (18) + 6 = 24

Dire Rat Attack vs Elias (If alive) - (1d20+1, 1d4)

1d20+1 : (7) + 1 = 8

1d4 : (1) = 1

Ratling Acidic Ray vs Axon (Ranged Touch Attack) - (1d20+5, 1d6+1)

1d20+5 : (16) + 5 = 21

1d6+1 : (1) + 1 = 2

Jan 17, 2023 3:08 pm
"Don't want to burn? Freeze!"

ጥቁር ሜትሮይትስ
[ +- ] Void Frost
[ +- ] Black Motes (DC 15 Reflex Save, 1d4+1 cold)

If it hits, the rat thing is also silenced for 1 round.
Last edited January 17, 2023 3:17 pm


Black Motes cold damage - (1d4+1)

(1) + 1 = 2

Jan 17, 2023 7:11 pm
Reflex save


Reflex vs DC 15 - (1d20+6)

(19) + 6 = 25

Jan 17, 2023 7:37 pm
Razhel holds her position, swinging out to study her target and reload. She tries a second time to hit the ratman.


Lt. crossbow attack (studied target) - (1d20+6)

(7) + 6 = 13

Damage - (1d8+1)

(7) + 1 = 8

Jan 17, 2023 9:10 pm
Grim carefully times his next shot and fires upon the ratling.


Lt. crossbow attack - (1d20+3)

(10) + 3 = 13

Damage - (1d8)

(2) = 2

Jan 20, 2023 10:06 am
Iosef maneuvers closer to everyone then chants a blessing upon the group. "I hope this helps," he says as a gentle light bathes all of you momentarily.
Cast Spell: Bless (+1 attack rolls and saves vs fear), 3 minute duration
Jan 22, 2023 9:21 am
Still waiting on an action from Elias @Squadfather44
Jan 24, 2023 5:20 pm
Elias renews his attack on the enemy.


Attack - (1d20+4)

(14) + 4 = 18

Damage - (1d8+1)

(7) + 1 = 8

Jan 25, 2023 3:23 am
Because of Bless, Elias has +1 to hit and thus hits AC 19. The creature takes 8 damage.
Though the crossbow bolts continue to miss the tiny rat-creature, Elias moves to engage and brings his sword to bear against their foe, striking it hard. It shrieks in pain.

"Fight something your own size!" it screams. It throws its hands up, magical currents running between its fingers.
Elias gets an attack of opportunity here if he wishes; if successful, we'll edit as needed
It touches itself, pushing the magical energy into its body as it grows in size to something closer to the dire rat you just killed. In spite of the creature's words, it really is still much smaller than any of you.
The ratling casts Enlarge Person on itself. It's melee attacks will be more vicious, but it's AC takes a hit (among other things). The initiative table is updated to reflect this.

Everyone may now act!

->Axon (19) -2hp
Elias (19)
Grim (17)
Razhel (14)
Dire Rat (10) DEAD
Ratling (9) 30/41 HP, AC 17
Iosef (9)
[ +- ] Map
[ +- ] Status Tracker
[ +- ] Fear Tracker
Jan 25, 2023 11:35 am
Attack of opportunity


Attack - (1d20+4)

(3) + 4 = 7

Damage - (1d8+1)

(2) + 1 = 3

Jan 25, 2023 11:42 am
The AoO misses and the spell succeeds!

Elias, and everyone else, go ahead and post regular round actions :)
Jan 27, 2023 11:24 pm
Even with the lowered AC for it enlargement, almost impossible to hit an AC 17 with the -4 firing into melee rule Pathfinder 1e uses. Grim would need to roll and 18, 19, or 20 to hit. He's at -1 with the penalties.
Jan 28, 2023 12:15 am
"You're just a bigger, uglier target!"

ጥቁር ሜትሮይትስ
[ +- ] Void Frost
[ +- ] Black Motes (DC 15 Reflex Save, 1d4+1 cold)

If it hits, the rat thing is also silenced for 1 round.


Black Motes cold damage - (1d4+1)

(2) + 1 = 3

Jan 28, 2023 12:47 am
Equinox says:
Even with the lowered AC for it enlargement, almost impossible to hit an AC 17 with the -4 firing into melee rule Pathfinder 1e uses. Grim would need to roll and 18, 19, or 20 to hit. He's at -1 with the penalties.
That is true. It might be worth looking at other options. So I guess, why rely on the crossbow at all if it seems a bad option?

Everyone within melee range would get Attacks of Opportunity any time it tries casting a spell which is so far seems keen to do.

Flanking will give each flanking PC +2 to their attacks as well.

For Grim specifically, he could: move 30 feet to be opposite Elias while drawing his sword as a free action, then strikes with the sword, he would roll: 1d20+8 (including the +1 from Bless, hitting AC 17 more than 50% of the time) and dealing 1d6+3 damage.

Razhel could similarly be making use of her amazing unarmed combat abilities, which get sneak attack if she's flanking an enemy. Along with studied target, she could be rolling: 1d20+8 (including studied target and bless) and 1d6+3+1d6 damage.

Maybe not available for everyone, but most of its AC comes from armor, so 'touch' attacks would also have an easier time hitting.

It's touch AC is currently 14, it's flat-footed AC would be 16 (adding this above to help track it).

These are just off the top of my head, there may some options/abilities some of you have that I'm not accounting for here.
Jan 28, 2023 9:09 pm
I went with the crossbow due to the fact that there's a gaping hole in the floor that spreads through all of the spaces getting to the ratling except the 5 ft. Elias is standing in.
Jan 29, 2023 12:05 am
Razhel moves in, squeezing around the hole in the floor and throws a punch at the ratman, with her free hand.


Unarmed (lethal) flanking, studied, bless - (1d20+10)

(9) + 10 = 19

Damage (lethal) studied, sneak attack - (1d6+1d6+4)

(1) + (3) + 4 = 8

Jan 29, 2023 12:32 am
Equinox says:
I went with the crossbow due to the fact that there's a gaping hole in the floor that spreads through all of the spaces getting to the ratling except the 5 ft. Elias is standing in.
Sorry for that.

Technically the hole is just a 5ft square and the room is 15ft wide. I wasn't really considering the hazard and that's my fault, I should have marked it specifically on the map, updating now with the map included below.

That said, these maps are good, but not official and the grid doesn't align perfectly. For features baked into the background image, we can play a little loose with stuff like this. The moment stuff like this become a barrier to fun, it's not worth it.

Please consider the updated map when posting your actions. The unlabeled red circle is the pit. You can easily maneuver around it and you can also jump it without too much effort (requiring just a DC 5 acrobatics check).
[ +- ] Map
Jan 31, 2023 8:20 am
Grim moves forward, drawing the shortsword, and squeezing in where he can. He stabs at the ratling.


Shortsword +2 attack, with bless, flanking - (1d20+8)

(5) + 8 = 13

Damage - (1d6+3)

(1) + 3 = 4

Jan 31, 2023 10:45 am

Iosef summons an ethereal link to Axon in an effort to make sure the man does not suffer too much harm.
Using Life Link - Axon heals if he is missing 5 or more hp
Axon's icy motes again fall short of striking the creature despite its enlarge and slower state.

Elias swings with his sword yet again as Razhel moves behind the enemy, them both striking from opposite angles against their target. Razhel punches the creature between the shoulder blades, surely causing it to notice as she can feel the muscles tenderize under the weight of her blow. Elias's blade also finds purchase, cutting a deep scratch across the creature's chest.

Grim moves in beside Razhel and swings with Red Destiny. The swing does go wide, but it is clear this creature is more worried now that it is being surrounded.

Squee!! it screeches, throwing its hands up as trans-dimensional energy shifts to coat its body.

Elias, Grim, and Razhel all get attacks of opportunity, provoked due to spell-casting.
I'll let you guys roll for these before I post the results of the spell-casting.
->Axon (19) -2hp (Blessed)
Elias (19) (Blessed)
Grim (17) (Blessed)
Razhel (14) (Blessed)
Dire Rat (10) DEAD
Ratling (9) 20/41 HP, AC 17
Iosef (9) (Blessed)
[ +- ] Map
[ +- ] Status Tracker
[ +- ] Fear Tracker


Ratling Reflex save vs DC 15 - (1d20+5)

(12) + 5 = 17

Elias Attack vs. Ratling - (1d20+7, 1d8+1)

1d20+7 : (12) + 7 = 19

1d8+1 : (1) + 1 = 2

Jan 31, 2023 11:33 am
Attack of Opportunity


Attack - (1d20+4)

(11) + 4 = 15

Damage - (1d8+1)

(8) + 1 = 9

Jan 31, 2023 11:52 am
Elias gets another +3 from flanking and bless, so that will be a hit!
Jan 31, 2023 9:06 pm
"Oh no you don't rodent!" Razhel bellows and throws another punch at the creature.
Last edited January 31, 2023 9:07 pm


Unarmed (lethal) flanking, studied, bless - (1d20+10)

(15) + 10 = 25

Damage (lethal) studied, sneak attack - (1d6+1d6+3)

(5) + (1) + 3 = 9

Jan 31, 2023 9:23 pm
Concentration checks...


Concentration vs DC's 23 & 23 - (1d20+9, 1d20+9)

1d20+9 : (2) + 9 = 11

1d20+9 : (5) + 9 = 14

Jan 31, 2023 9:29 pm

The rat-creature takes massive strikes from both Elias and Razhel, causing it to crumple to the ground in pain. Its spell wasted, it screeches out, "I'll tell you all his secrets! Whatever you want!" It holds one paw up in the air, hand spread open as if to plead for you to stop.
Combat is effectively over - Grim may complete his AoO if he would like to end the creature's life without hesitation. Otherwise, if you choose to kill the creature you can do so at will while you still have him surrounded and he's begging. What do you do?
->Axon (19) -2hp (Blessed)
Elias (19) (Blessed)
Grim (17) (Blessed)
Razhel (14) (Blessed)
Dire Rat (10) DEAD
Ratling (9) 2/41 HP, AC 17
Iosef (9) (Blessed)
[ +- ] Map
[ +- ] Status Tracker
[ +- ] Fear Tracker
Jan 31, 2023 9:43 pm
Grim stays his hand, but doesn't lower his blade. "Spill it..and don't lie to us! We want to know the truth about it all."
Last edited January 31, 2023 9:45 pm

Ratch Mamby


Feb 1, 2023 7:17 pm
Ratch Mamby
"Yes, yes, of course!" he says, twisting to look up at Grim. He holds both hands up now, sitting on the floor in defeat and badly wounded. "We ratlings have been under this island for centuries and know much. Especially of the nightmare awakened, he that haunts this isle. The Every-All has been here longer than even our kin, asleep for so many years but newly awakened to torment your kind." He snickers, "A place of healing built upon a mound of death - it's beautifully poetic! Once the Final Dream has set its gaze upon a victim, he hounds her to her death, he does. Some of your friends in this place have surely already fallen victim, and he's just getting started.

What more do you want to know? I'll tell you and leave, won't be a bother any more. I promise."
Feb 1, 2023 7:22 pm
Iosef moves into the room and gets a good look at the creature. In all his studies, he's never read about or seen such a thing - intelligent, obviously, with a twisted bent, rat-like body, and humanoid face. It was, itself, a thing from nightmares.
Kn: Arcana vs DC 17 to identify


Kn: Arcana vs DC 17 - (1d20+5)

(6) + 5 = 11

Feb 1, 2023 7:27 pm
With the fight over, Elias relaxes and lowers his sword. Stepping up he listens in as the Ratling tells what it knows.
Feb 1, 2023 7:44 pm
Grim and Axon can both roll to Kn: Arcana to see if they know about ratlings as well, if you would like @Equinox,@annex. DC is 17.
Feb 1, 2023 9:47 pm
Wretched little thing, Axon thought.


Arcana - (1d20+6)

(16) + 6 = 22

Feb 1, 2023 11:51 pm
Axon recognizes this creature as a Ratling, a hideous amalgamation of rat and human. Within the ratling’s humanoid mouth can be found long, yellow incisors more akin to those one might find in the jaws of a rat. These teeth are remarkably sharp, and when combined with the blood-thinning qualities in the ratling’s saliva, are capable of inf licting particularly dangerous, bleeding wounds. A ratling is just over 2 feet long (although half that length is its long, ratty tail) and weighs 10 pounds.

They are very intelligent, magical creatures, inherently evil but tend to steer clear of larger folk. Axon gets the feeling this ratling likely came to the surface due to the opportunity presented by the disruption in the hospital.

They have a boundless thirst for knowledge and unquenchable curiosity, often taking up residence in the basements of libraries and universities where they can pilfer scrolls and books to consume.
Feb 2, 2023 2:21 am
"You didn't cause this. Your kind come from the depths to learn. Then tell us what you've learned, ratling, starting with who 'he' is and what 'he' wants."

Axon smirked.

"We may even have information to share... if you don't make us kill you for lying or doing something else stupid."
Last edited February 2, 2023 3:28 am

Ratch Mamby


Feb 2, 2023 7:38 am
Ratch Mamby
"No, no! I would not, lie to you. I've learned much, I have - me and my nestlings, all. Some of this recently but much and more passed down for generations. The Every-All, this lord of nightmares, he's not from here, yes, I can tell you that! Brought here long ago, I could tell you. Or, perhaps, you would wish to know whom he serves. Or served, yes, different answers those questions. I also know about the tremors." He rubs his hands together and smiles wickedly at this last part.
Feb 2, 2023 8:11 pm
One at a time, ratty, Axon thought.

"Where is this lord of nightmares from? What plane? And how was he brought here?"

Ratch Mamby


Feb 3, 2023 9:00 pm
Ratch Mamby
"Originally? Who's to say. The Tattered Man in yellow rags could have been born of the nightmares dreamed on this plane, or perhaps he was sent here from his ultimate master, from the lost city of Carcosa. And who knows where that is - it is lost, after all. Maybe here, or maybe elsewhere. But he was brought here, to this land quite some time after he first plagued the dreams of mortals in Golarion. The Briarstone Witch brought him here, so far as we've learned, but that was, oh, more than 600 years ago."
Feb 4, 2023 3:08 am
"And this Briarstone Witch, what do you know of her?"

Ratch Mamby


Feb 4, 2023 11:29 am
Ratch Mamby
He purses his lips and a look of frustration passes over his face. "Not as much as I wish. Details are scarce, but the Witch came from elsewhere with the Shredman in tow. Together, they worked magic on this land. It was them that caused the Great Vanishing, yes, a delightful bit of history there. Then, poof, she disappeared, and he remained."
Feb 4, 2023 8:53 pm
Razhel listens to the exchanges between Axon and the ratling, but has no questions to put forth of her own. She is eager to finish their sweep of the area and find a path back to the survivors to report their finds and further study the information they have collected so far.
Feb 4, 2023 10:37 pm
The names and concepts were almost bewildering but Axon had to focus on the here and now.

"And the current troubles? The earthquake? This fog? The changelings and monsters? How did all this start?"

Ratch Mamby


Feb 6, 2023 8:59 am
Ratch Mamby
The ratling grows noticably annoyed. "I...I don't know!" he practically screeches before checking himself, in spite of a still-upturns lip, "That's what we came up here to find out. Something started to trouble the bhole in its slumber and we assumed it were the Dreamstalker not minding where he walks. But we don't know why. After so many years, something got his attention more than anything in centuries."
It would take a DC 32 Kn: Arcana to identify what a bhole is. As far as any of you are concerned, the ratling is speaking gibberish.
Feb 6, 2023 9:20 pm
What is a dhole?


Arcana - (1d20+7)

(12) + 7 = 19

Feb 6, 2023 10:06 pm
Whatever a bhole was, the ratling clearly thought it was the source of the earthquakes. The power of something able to do that was terrifying but Axon had even more terrifying things to consider.

"Any idea what might have attracted such a powerful oneiric entity's attention to this island? What do you know of the arcane research in this place?"
I can't possibly hit a 32 but I'll roll anyway.


Arcana - (1d20+6)

(16) + 6 = 22

Ratch Mamby


Feb 10, 2023 8:00 am
Ratch Mamby
"Something powerful, it surely was, that brought the stirred the Sleepwalker's attention, but I told you before, he was brought to the this region centuries ago by-" He looks around and over his shoulder, lowering his voice, "Ariadnah." He straightens and stands, holding his hands out non-threateningly. "If there was any arcane research going on here, we have yet to learn of it! Now, I have answered your questions. If you would allow me to leave, I will be out of your hair, as will my brood in the library."
Feb 11, 2023 12:28 am
"In a minute. Perhaps not purely arcane research, then. What of the mind and the unlocking of dreams?"

Axon had followup questions about Ariadnah and the rest of the ratling's nest in the library.

Ratch Mamby


Feb 11, 2023 2:20 am
Ratch Mamby
"Mmm," the ratling intones, "Yes, well, this place was a foremost location of such endeavors, to be sure. A veritable dream-wizard factory. My kin and I could research more into this, yes, make sure you have your desired answers and more." He grins. "So much we could learn if given, say, a day?"
Sense Motive: All of you, except Iosef, are quite certain this creature is lying through his dirty little teeth.

Additionally Razhel senses the ratling seems to know quite little of the goings-on above the surface at all, though she sensed no such bluffing regarding the more ancient history and underground knowledge it previously shared.

Additionally, Elias senses it is in this creature's very nature to lie and deceive.


Secret Roll

Secret Roll

Feb 11, 2023 2:32 am
Axon smiled.

"I think we'll take you up on that offer but I have some last questions. The Lord of Nightmares, who did he serve and who does he serve? And do you know of any way to banish him?"

Ratch Mamby


Feb 11, 2023 9:55 pm
Ratch Mamby
The ratlings eyes grow wide and serious, his voice lowering in a hush. "The one you speak of has always served his master - Hastur. Though, he did cooperate with the Briarstone Witch long enough for her to bring him to these lands. I could not say what led to that partnership." He looks uneasy uttering these names, particularly the first.
Feb 11, 2023 10:58 pm
"Two more questions from me, ratling, then we discuss the terms of your release... and I never did get your name. Firstly... The master you mentioned, what do you know of him?"

Ratch Mamby


Feb 12, 2023 12:33 am
Ratch Mamby
"Ratch. You can call me Ratch, man-thing. I know all there is to know about this being's master, but I can say no more on the subject while you insist on keeping me here under threat of harm!"
Feb 12, 2023 2:03 am
"We keep you here for now so you don't harm us. What about banishing this Nightmare Lord? Do you have any idea how or where we can find out more? Like from the Witch, for example."

Ratch Mamby


Feb 13, 2023 9:59 pm
Ratch Mamby
The ratling's spell wears off and it returns to its smaller size. Ratch looks smugly at Axon, "There is no way to banish the Final Dream. It was here before we existed and it will be here after we are gone. And yes, please do go looking for the Witch, Ariadnah. Should you find her corpse, say hello for me. She brought the entity here centuries ago and wipes out that entire pustule of a town, Thrushmoor; if she still lived, we would all know it as your kind would surely be under her thrall.

Now. If you'll excuse me, I have books to read.I'll tell my kin in the library to leave as well. Perhaps you could learn more there, from the texts we have not yet read due to being driven off!"

Ratch takes a short step and rolls into the hole next to them, disappearing with grace. It appears he may have been stalling, at least long enough for his stature to return to tunnel-delving proportions.
Feb 13, 2023 10:32 pm
Okay - where to? Razhel indicated a desire to circle your way back to camp. You're going in the right direction to do so, but there are side doors and such to check out if you are interested.
[ +- ] Map
[ +- ] Status Tracker
[ +- ] Fear Tracker
Feb 13, 2023 11:30 pm
My vote is to check the double doors at the end of the hall we have been traveling down.
Feb 14, 2023 10:02 pm
Grim can only shake his head after listening to conversation between Axon and the Rat. He exits the room and heads south.
Feb 15, 2023 2:54 am
"I hope the book we really want is still in the library once the ratlings are through," Axon said as he followed Grim.
Feb 15, 2023 9:30 am

You open the double doors at the southern end of the hallway. Sagging shelves, held together by dust and an extensive system of rolling ladders, ring this library of husky, dull looking tomes. At the room’s center broods a heavily worn table surrounded by uncomfortable chairs. A chandelier of iron vines dangles above. The scents of leather and old paper pervade the high-ceilinged space, but so does a distinct bestial musk.

Several of the lower shelves have had their contents scattered across the floor.
The southern doors of the library lead you back to the grand entry hall of the Asylum, and bring you relatively close to the conclave of survivors at the chapel.

This library holds a wealth of information. It would take some time (8 hours of dedicated research) followed by an appropriate knowledge check to learn more about the history and lore of the asylum and region surrounding it.

What do you want to do?

P.S. I noted from the Absences thread that SquadFather will be away for a bit - I'll control Elias a little bit as needed to keep us going.
[ +- ] Map
[ +- ] Status Tracker
[ +- ] Fear Tracker
Feb 16, 2023 8:27 am
Razhel crosses the library and moves to the double doors. She opens them and takes a look around. Spending hours in a musty old library has never been of interest to her. That, she was of a certain.
Feb 16, 2023 7:46 pm
Grim follows suit and heads for the southern doors with Razhel. "With the ratlings no longer ransacking the library, I want to check in with the survivors and share our findings so far with Winter."
Last edited February 16, 2023 7:48 pm
Feb 17, 2023 12:02 am
Are we in agreement to fast track back to the chapel and speak with Winter?
Feb 17, 2023 12:54 am
"I'd like to stay and start looking over these tomes. I'll hopefully find something to help us, if Blon... er... Elias doesn't mind lending me a hand and a sword. With me here and Glass... Iosef with you, we'll be able to see if we are who we say we are once we regroup."
Feb 21, 2023 6:30 pm

Elias nods and agrees to stay behind with Axon while the robed man begins his studies in the library. Iosef speaks up and offers to stick around as well, his scholarly bent too ingrained to eschew in favor of social interaction. "Better safe in numbers out here," he suggests, "Plus I'd like to see what we can find out about this place and the danger we face."
Meanwhile, Grim and Razhel make their way back to the chapel ahead of the scholars and look to find Winter.

Vaustin York
"Hoy there!" York says as the door opens, his hand quickly moves from the hilt of his sword. "Oh, it's you! Good to see you still live, but...just the two of you? Where are your friends?" You explain where the others are and York, pleased to hear this much of your success smiles, "Good, good. Let's get you folks to Winter and you can fill her in." He quickly leads you to the chapel proper where Winter and most of the other survivors are holed up.

Winter Klazcka
Winter quickly takes note your entrance. "Welcome back," she says in a tone that is warm but hints of exhaustion, "What did you find out there? Are your companions alright?"
We're using the Research system found in Ultimate Intrigue. The library essentially has HP (called KP "Knowledge Points") that you reduce and at certain thresholds it reveals new information until it's KP reaches zero (this represents you having learned all there is to know from that library.

To keep it simple, @annex just give me one or more topics you plan to research in the library and give me your choice of Kn: Local, History, or Religion roll to see if you learn anything during this span of time. The check can be made untrained. The DC is 15.

@All - Since resting overnight in the northern hallway, it's only been a couple hours. After this period of research and doing what you'd like in the chapel, it will be late evening.
[ +- ] Chapel Map
[ +- ] Library Map
[ +- ] Status Tracker
[ +- ] Fear Tracker
Feb 21, 2023 7:08 pm
Iosef busies himself looking through the books trying to learn anything more he can of the aforementioned Briarstone Witch, Ariadnah and anything as to how she ties to the history of the island.


Kn: Religion - (1d20+8)

(4) + 8 = 12

Feb 21, 2023 8:44 pm
Axon focused on finding any information on Valhadis, the Chain of Night, and dream manifestation or extraction.
No Knowledges except Arcana, alas.
Last edited February 21, 2023 9:18 pm


Knowledge (-) - (1d20)

(10) = 10

Feb 23, 2023 10:12 pm
"The others of our little group are sequestered in the library doing research." He tells Winter and pulls out a stack of files from his backpack. "We found files on each of us hidden in the wall of one of the offices. I am leery of the details within these, but apparently my name is Grimjack Harrow and this is Razhel. We were supposedly working for Hasterton Lowls and incarcerated here at his authority. Some of the staff here at the asylum were conducting questionable experiments on the patients. One of these was this fellow the psychotic weirdos keep mentioning. Zandalus. Oh..and there's apparently some horror beneath the facility that's been disturbed by all the questionable things going on up here and that's what's caused the earth tremors. We've heard it was brought here long ago by the Briarstone Witch."
Feb 26, 2023 8:51 am
Elias busies himself studying the various texts in the library, trying to help with the topics Axon and Iosef mention.
Converting the failed checks by Iosef and Axon into 'Aid Another' checks, both of which succeed against DC 10, I'm adding 2 additional Knowledge Points against the library. That leaves it with 30/35 KP. You learn the following during this period of research:

Located on briarstone Isle, Briarstone Asylum was founded in with the support of Counter Haserton Lowls I and Rozenport's Sincomakti School of Sciences. The asylum devotes itse3lf to the treatment of patients with mental diseases and those in need of pscyhological treatments of such disorders. With the exception of restraints, most physical and surgical treatment methods were phased out of Briarstone over a century ago.


Kn: Religion - (1d20+5)

(18) + 5 = 23

KP Depletion - (1d8)

(3) = 3

Winter Klazcka


Feb 26, 2023 9:15 am
Winter Klazcka
"This keeps getting more and more interesting," Winter says, bringing a hand up to the side of her face and running her index finger over her jaw line in thought. "With everything that's happened, I don't suppose there's reason to keep it from you. You already know I was sent here by one of the Royal Accusers in search of someone. If I hadn't said so before, I'll say it now: I was sent here specifically to inquire after a handful of recently committed patients previously in the service of Haserton Lowls. That said, I believe I was sent here to find you, though I don't know why. I suspect it revolves around the reason Lowls committed you, and perhaps to do with this strange amnesia you've experienced.

Have you found any leads as to what this mist is, or how to end it?"
Feb 26, 2023 8:02 pm
"There is some evidence that suggests the fog was summoned by a dark ritual from a tome that, our companions believe, is somewhere on the premises of the asylum." Razhel interjects. "That's partly the reason that the others remain in the library—to locate this book."

Winter Klazcka


Feb 27, 2023 8:32 am
Winter Klazcka
"All of this from a book?" Winter says with a shake of her head, "This must be some dark magic indeed. Did you get the name of this tome?"
Feb 27, 2023 8:47 am
@All just for clarification, and my apologies for not being clear on this, but also I know it can help to recap when much of this lore is learned over so many months - the creature deep beneath the asylum causing the earthquakes is a Bhole, but there is nothing known about how or when it came to be there.

The Tatterman / Nightmare Man, whom you saw in the opening sequence of the adventure, is the one brought to this area by the Briarstone Witch (whose name you have learned was Ariadnah) many centuries ago. Together, you have been told, they were responsible for an event called the Thrushmoor Vanishing (something you haven't looked into or learned much about yet)

@annex I'll leave this up to you. The research you do in the library is not required to move the game forward, but will yield new lore including, eventually, historical information that plays into the overarching plot of the entire adventure path. That said, you may spend another 8 hours of research now or return to camp. If you research further, you may still refresh spells/daily preparations, but you will start the day fatigued from lack of sleep.
Feb 27, 2023 8:49 am
"'The tome? I think I heard it referred to as The Chain of Nights." Razhel tells Winter.
Feb 27, 2023 8:56 pm
"I don't think I came here to Thrushmoor to work for a Hasterton Lowls." Grim confides to Winter. "I'm a Harrow-born medium. The last I can clearly remember was being asked to come to meet with agents of the Sleepless Agency."
Last edited February 27, 2023 8:58 pm

Winter Klazcka


Mar 3, 2023 10:49 am
Winter Klazcka
"The Chain of Nights," Winter says, considering, "Nothing I've heard of before. Perhaps if this book can be found, there may be something within that might dismiss the mist? "

She looks to Grim, her lips pressed tight together. "I understand there's still a lot of confusion around how you came to be here. If we can get ourselves back to Thrushmoor, I'll do what I can to help shed light on what happened. In fact, the first thing I'd want to do is visit the Sleepless Agency myself, as it was designated as our rendezvous site by Accuser Omari. I met with their leader, Cesadia Wrentz, just before taking the boat to this island. I'm sure she would have some answers for you."
Mar 6, 2023 1:15 am
"I say we pack it in, men. Getting rest in this nightmare place is hard enough without us depriving ourselves of sleep. Let's head back."

Axon took one last look around the library with his arcane sight before heading back to the stronghold. He hoped the children would like the toys he found.
Mar 6, 2023 9:13 am
Axon, Elias, and Iosef make it back to camp without issue about 8 hours after Grim and Razhel left you in the library. When you return to the chapel it is early evening.

There will be a little bit of a time separation here - Grim and Razhel, go ahead and finish up your current interaction with Winter however you'd like before interacting with the others, then we'll just consider anything else after to take place later in the day.

What would you all like to do back in camp? Are there any NPC's you'd like to interact with? annex - anything you want to do before bringing the toys to the children?
Mar 6, 2023 10:11 pm
"Some straight and truthful answers would be nice." Grim replies to Winter. "If this fell book is still on these premises I don't imagine it just being found lying about. Likely, it would be in the hands of those responsible for all this trouble."
Mar 6, 2023 10:42 pm
After briefing the others on their scant library findings, Axon sat for a few minutes to look over the toys again. A crazed cultist played with them but they didn't show any signs of magic when last he checked. Still, he looked over them again both with his arcane and normal sights, and checked to see if they might be hollow.

I'd better make sure these really are innocuous, he thought.


Perception - (1d20+1)

(12) + 1 = 13

Mar 10, 2023 8:13 am
Axon looks over the toys again, confirming no presence of magic or anything else that might be dangerous to the children.
Reminder: these are the pair of intricately carved wooden knights you found in one of the patient rooms in the eastern portion of the Asylum.

Winter Klazcka


Mar 15, 2023 6:25 am
Winter Klazcka
"After hearing all of what you've found, and from what our own scouts have learned, you must surely be right, Grim. I would have guessed it was in the hands of Administrator Losandro, but with that certainly not the case, I can only imagine it to be with these so-called Apostles of Orpiment, likely with this Zandalus figure. It could be the answer to this mist and our escape from this island."

She gestures around, "While time is of the essence, it could be dangerous ahead. Please rest here tonight, relax some, and come tomorrow might we beg your help in getting us free of this place? I would join you, of course, but the people here need me. I can provide some healing, and if it means leaving this island, we'll outfit you with any equipment we have on hand. Check with York, he can see to that, and I'll tell him to offer a fair price for anything you find you don't need."
Winter will make sure you are all healed up before you rest for the night. Additionally, York will buy anything you've found and don't need (check the loot list). For gear/equipment, you tell me if there's something you'd like to pick up and I'll let you know if its available - if it's remotely reasonable to explain being there, I'll allow it.

@annex do you want me to set a scene for bringing the toys to the kids?
Mar 15, 2023 3:52 pm
I'd like to RP it if you're OK with that.
Mar 17, 2023 7:37 pm
"Guess we'll be back at it after a good rest." Razhel postulates. "I reckon once this Zandalus is taken down, and the ragged thing from our shared nightmares, the mist will fall and we can all walk out of here."
Mar 18, 2023 7:43 am
After confirming the pair of carved wooden knights and marionettes he found earlier are free of magic and safely mundane, Axon steps into the small office where the kids remain cloistered with their custodian, Tolman Leolies.

Tolman looks up, a protective look on his face, when Axon enters. The kids are playing - the boy Brenton has his back turned, drawing on the wall with charcoal pencil, the other boy bates is stacking books, and Maeve plays with a doll. The little girl quickly clings to Tolman's robes and draws herself close as Axon enters, but the other boys pay him no heed.

Tolman Leolies
"Good evening," he says, "It's good to see you made it back. I saw your friends in the chapel earlier, I hope that means you've all managed to stay alive out there. How can I help you?"
Mar 19, 2023 1:10 am
"It's a literal madhouse out there but the children shouldn't suffer while we figure a way out. I found these and thought the little ones might like them."

Axon handed the dolls to Tolman with the best smile he could muster.

"Make sure they share. Oh, and I discovered my name: Axon."
Last edited March 19, 2023 1:10 am
Mar 19, 2023 2:30 am
Tolman Leolies
"Axon. Axon," Tolman says, trying it out, "Well, Axon, thank you. It is not easy keeping these kids minds' focused, and they lack any real toys. These will do nicely." He turns his head and looks at the young ones. "Kids, did you hear Axon? He brought you some toys, can you say 'thank you'?"

Maeve timidly reaches out and takes one of the marionettes. She still clutches Tolman's robes and doesn't say anything, but she does offer the flash of a smile to Axon showing at least some recognition that she understands what you did.

Brenton Lieklan
Bates and Brenton both lay eyes on the wooden knights at about the same time and, while Bates smiles and slowly starts to reach for one, the expression and reaction from Brenton is explosive. Almost immediately, tears well up in his eyes and he shouts with joy. "Knights!" he yells, "Our knights!" He rushes forward and jealously rips them out of the Tolman's hands. "Thank you, Mr. Axon, thank you so much! Did you see Debis? Did you find my brother? He carved these for us to play with, before...before..." The tears are now streaming down his cheeks and he pulls back into the corner where his shadow lantern sits. You recall him obsessively playing with it when you saw him last. He smiles as he cries, clutching and hugging the knights before placing them carefully down and throwing a challenging glance at the other boy. He carries the shadow lantern over, only slightly hesitant. "Here, Mr. Axon. It were a gift from our mother and father. It always calmed Debis's nightmares, I've been worried he might have trouble sleeping. Can you take it, and if you find Debis, give it to him so he can sleep good? And can you bring him to stay with us here. Tolman's real nice and takes good care of us." He holds the lantern out, hopeful.
Mar 20, 2023 1:11 am
With tears in his eyes and a genuine smile on his face, Axon crouched down next to Brenton and accepted the shadow lantern.

"You've seen some of the bad things that are happening. I won't lie to you. I don't know if I'll make it... but I promise you that I'll do my best to bring Debis back to you. Maybe this lantern can help me sleep better while I look for him."

It wasn't the promise he wanted to make but it was honest, and there was little innocence left to protect by lying.

Axon stood and said, "I'll head back to my people, Tolman. You're doing some lord's work looking after these kids. Thank you."
Damn. I wasn't expecting that. The kid's reply made me choke up a little.
Wait, crap. The cultist playing with the toys... He wasn't a relatively young man, was he? o.O
Mar 20, 2023 1:22 am
annex says:
Damn. I wasn't expecting that. The kid's reply made me choke up a little.
Wait, crap. The cultist playing with the toys... He wasn't a relatively young man, was he? o.O
Aw thanks, I enjoyed writing it up. And no, the man that was playing with the marionettes (then turned to use them as bludgeoning weapons) was likely in his 40's-50's, as disturbing as that might be.
Mar 20, 2023 1:25 am
Any other business anyone wants to complete before getting a good night's rest and striking out again?

Rest Now?

"One more thing..."
Mar 26, 2023 11:19 am

The next morning, everyone well-rested as can be, you retrace your path back through to the library. You recall a pair of unsearched rooms to the immediate north, in the hallway, but otherwise several other unexplored areas to the north-east, through Losandro's office.

For some of you, the call of the books may be a temptation - certainly spending time reading into the late afternoon would still leave time to explore this asylum further before nightfall, but you also wonder exactly how much time might remain before food for those in the chapel starts to run dangerously low.
Study or press on? First one to decide leads the group.
[ +- ] Map
[ +- ] Status Tracker
[ +- ] Fear Tracker
Mar 26, 2023 7:58 pm
Grim presses on through the library and into the hallway beyond that leads north. He stops just beyond the northern doors to the library, readies his weapons, and proceeds to investigate the several yet unsearched rooms, listening first at the door.


Perception - (1d20+8)

(17) + 8 = 25

Mar 27, 2023 2:27 am

Hearing nothing beyond the door of the nearest room, Grim steps inside and begins to search. Two desks are crammed into this crowded office. More space has been dedicated to filing cabinets, bookshelves, and stacks of loose research than room for occupants. Two bodies are slumped over the desks.

Iosef looks the bodies over and quickly assesses that both men were slain by blows to the back of the head.

Though most of what you find here are mundane medical records and office materials, with the help of Axon's magical detection, you find a thick yew wand tucked away in the back of the the eastern desk. It is etched with the symbol of Sarenrae, a piece of twin wrapped around it connecting to a note that reads, "Mr. Lantz, this is a place of science, not faith. Please keep your religion at home."

Wand - (minor enchantment aura, Spellcraft DC 16 to identify)

Moving to the next room, before opening the door you note the slime trails seen earlier seem to lead to this door. There are either two sources of the now-crusted slime, or one that went back and forth. Pushing the door open, you find a once-handsome wood conference table now sitting marred by the partially toppled southwest walls. Between heaps of collapsed stone, a closet door still stands. The trails lead there.
[ +- ] Map
[ +- ] Status Tracker
[ +- ] Fear Tracker


Iosef (Perception) - (1d20+8)

(5) + 8 = 13

Mar 27, 2023 2:27 am
Iosef takes a look at the wand to try and ascertain its properties.
The wand is a Wand of Bless (w/ 18 charges remaining)
"Quite interesting," Iosef remarks. "Perhaps this place was a meant for science, but I believe the divine magic within this wand will be of quite some use to us. Anything to turn the tide, even slightly, in our favor, yes? I believe I can make good use of this."


Spellcraft vs DC 16 - (1d20+8)

(9) + 8 = 17

Mar 28, 2023 7:13 am
Razhel readies her crossbow and glances down at the traces of the slime trail on the floor and ending at the unopened door.
Apr 1, 2023 7:33 pm
Grim moves to the closet and points down at the slime trail. He waits until everyone appears alert and then rips open the door.
Apr 1, 2023 8:05 pm
Razhel nods to Grim and brings her crossbow up and prepared to fire upon anything that may slither or scurry out from the closet. "Time to come out of the closet!" She says forcefully.
Apr 7, 2023 1:57 pm
"Good find, Iosef."

Axon gave himself a good view of the closet, a torrent of cosmic cold ready for whatever might be within.


Wand (DC 17 Spellcraft to identify) - (1d20+7)

(11) + 7 = 18

2 vials of thick silver liquid (magic, DC 20 Spellcraft to identify) - (1d20+7)

(11) + 7 = 18

Oil (unidentified; DC 16 Spellcraft to identify) - (1d20+7)

(7) + 7 = 14

A candle of dull cream and green colors (Magic: Spellcraft DC 26 to Identify) - (1d20+7)

(4) + 7 = 11

A small tin with a block of chalky dark red material inside (Magic: Spellcraft DC 24 to Identify) - (1d20+7)

(20) + 7 = 27

Apr 11, 2023 4:12 pm
Iosef works with Axon to look over their magical items once more. At last, they puzzle out the intricacies of all the magic contained within.
Aid Another rules indicate a result of 10 or more allows one to add +2 to the check of another player. I have been applying this to our combined efforts to identify items and in this case it works out - the 2 vials of thick silver liquid were not identified by either of us individually, but Iosef's result allows him to give +2 to Axon's result, bringing that result to 20 - just enough!
Treasure Identified:
Wand of Lesser Restoration (7 charges remaining)
2 vials of thick silver liquid (Silversheen)
1 bottle of Oil of Magic Weapon
1 dull cream and green-colored Candle of Spirit Protection
1 tin of chalky dark red Incense of Open Thoughts


2 vials of thick silver liquid (magic, DC 20 Spellcraft to identify) - (1d20+8)

(3) + 8 = 11

Oil (unidentified; DC 16 Spellcraft to identify) - (1d20+8)

(17) + 8 = 25

A candle of dull cream and green colors (Magic: Spellcraft DC 26 to Identify) - (1d20+8)

(19) + 8 = 27

Apr 12, 2023 4:33 am

You open the door to the large closet and reveal various empty shelves. Upon the floor is the very dead body of a man in a doctor's coat. Around the corpse are fluid-filled jars containing all manner of cerebral oddities: aberrant brains, spinal columns, and various dissections. Uncoiling from the putrid hole that was the doctor's stomach is a frightening creature that looks not all that unlike the contents of the various jarred specimens surrounding it. It stretches its little arms and yawns, bearing grisly sharp teeth akin to a minute bear trap. It begins crawling toward Grim as he stands inside the doorway.

I'm going to play this encounter out a little different. I'm not going to bother with putting this one on the map - we'll do theatre of mind.

Let's go ahead and roll initiatives and will saves against the horrendous little things.

Grim, as you opened the door, please give me a reflex save.
[ +- ] Map
[ +- ] Status Tracker
[ +- ] Fear Tracker
Apr 12, 2023 9:23 am
"What the Hell..?" Grim exclaims upon seeing the ghastly embryonic thing.


Initiative - (1d20+2)

(5) + 2 = 7

Wisdom (Fear) - (1d20+13)

(8) + 13 = 21

Reflex - (1d20+3)

(11) + 3 = 14

Apr 13, 2023 1:38 am
"Unholy unborn!"
Last edited April 13, 2023 3:38 am


Will save - (1d20+7)

(20) + 7 = 27

Init to win it! - (1d20+3)

(11) + 3 = 14

Apr 13, 2023 7:44 pm
Her crossbow held at the ready, aims for the ugly little creature's obscenely bulbous head.


Initiative - (1d20+5)

(2) + 5 = 7

WILL save (fear) - (1d20+8)

(13) + 8 = 21

Apr 13, 2023 8:19 pm
Iosef shrinks back at the sight of the thing.


Will - (1d20+6)

(5) + 6 = 11

Initiative - (1d20)

(11) = 11

Apr 13, 2023 8:21 pm
"What manner of foul creature...?" Elias says, his lips curling in disgust.


Will save - (1d20+10)

(19) + 10 = 29

Initiative - (1d20+0)

(6) = 6

Apr 13, 2023 8:24 pm

Grim hears a scraping sound as he stands in the doorway. Up and to the right. He looks up just in time to see another one of these misbegotten creatures grinning at him, pushing a jar of murky liquid over off a high shelf. It splashes down towards Grim. It misses as Grim steps slightly back, crashing to the floor. The creature sniggers and claps its hands upon its body in glee, making a soft squishing sound.

The second creature, much quicker than imagined possible, launches itself forward on its stump-like limbs and jumps up to bite at Grim's leg. It latches on, biting down through his pant material, not letting go.
Grim takes 1 point of non-lethal dmg. The creature is essentially grappling Grim's leg and will continue to do bite damage each round. Until its removed, he has -4 Dexterity and cannot make attacks of opportunity.

Everyone can act now - if you don't know mechanically how it would work, just narrate what your character does and we'll play it out.
P.Punk 1 - 16
Axon - 14
Grim - 7 (1 non-lethal dmg)
Razhel - 7
Elias - 6
Iosef - 11
[ +- ] Map
[ +- ] Status Tracker
[ +- ] Fear Tracker


Enemy 1 initiative - (1d20+1)

(15) + 1 = 16

Secret Roll

Attack - (1d20+0, 1d4)

1d20+0 : (10) = 10

1d4 : (1) = 1

Attack 2 - (1d20+4, 1d3-4)

1d20+4 : (15) + 4 = 19

1d3-4 : (2) - 4 = -2

Apr 13, 2023 9:08 pm
Axon channeled his revulsion explosively, calling down the frost of the void on the unattached feral fetus!
[ +- ] Void Frost
DC 15 Reflex Save or 1d4+1 cold and silenced for 1 round.


Black Motes cold damage - (1d4+1)

(3) + 1 = 4

Apr 15, 2023 9:12 pm
Having readied his weapon prior to opening the door, Grim stabs at the horrid thing humping his leg, with Red Destiny.


Red Destiny +2 - (1d20+5)

(10) + 5 = 15

Damage - (1d6+3)

(6) + 3 = 9

Apr 15, 2023 9:46 pm
Razhel shifts the loaded crossbow to one hand, adjusts her position, and places a martial kick at the nasty little monster attached to Grim's pants.
I am assuming Grim and Razhel are at B16 and C16 respectively, having opened and covered the opening of the closet door?
Last edited April 15, 2023 9:48 pm


Unarmed (lethal) - (1d20+6)

(14) + 6 = 20

Damage - (1d6+3)

(6) + 3 = 9

Apr 16, 2023 5:27 am
Elias stands back, his sword drawn. "What is it!?" he asks at the commotion, unable to see past the others into the closet interior.
Holding an attack and staying put.
Apr 16, 2023 5:30 am
Grim stabs carefully downward, missing his own leg by an inch, but slashing a long gash into the creature gripped onto him. Razhel moves in with a devestating kick, knocking the thing off Grim's leg and splattering it against the wall of the closet. It lays unmoving on the floor while the one above snarls and bares its teeth as Axon sends his magic into the creature, pummeling it and knocking it to the floor several feet down.

It cries out, as if in pain, but nothing comes from its mouth as Axon's magic steals the very sound from its malformed lips.
RageRed says:

[ooc]I am assuming Grim and Razhel are at B16 and C16 respectively, having opened and covered the opening of the closet door?
That sounds right - we'll go with that. Trying to keep this from tying up the map, so if its logical, it works.


Reflex vs DC 15 - (1d20+1)

(10) + 1 = 11

Fall Damage` - (1d6)

(1) = 1

Secret Roll

Apr 16, 2023 5:36 am
Iosef tries to get a shot in with his crossbow but can't get a bead on the creature he knows they must be fighting ahead of him.
Holding an attack and staying put
Apr 16, 2023 5:37 am
The small creature stands from its position and tries again the cry out again. When no sound comes from its lips it stamps its feet into the ground with small, soft *thud* sounds.
Everyone may now act again!
Apr 16, 2023 7:20 pm
Grim glares at the second muted punk and thrusts with the arcane blade, hoping to put it down quickly. He didn't relish the thought of being attached to another one.


Red Destiny +2 - (1d20+5)

(2) + 5 = 7

Apr 16, 2023 7:53 pm
Razhel takes a step back as the other freak drops and fires her readied crossbow.


Lt. crossbow attack - (1d20+5)

(5) + 5 = 10

Damage - (1d8)

(5) = 5

Apr 16, 2023 8:05 pm
As more dark cold rained down, Axon aimed to ensure the fetal perisher remained silent permanently.
[ +- ] Void Frost
DC 15 Reflex Save or 1d4+1 cold and silenced for 1 round.
Last edited April 16, 2023 8:06 pm


Black Motes cold damage - (1d4+1)

(3) + 1 = 4

Apr 17, 2023 12:32 am


Reflex Save vs DC 15 (Black Motes) - (1d20+1)

(4) + 1 = 5

Apr 17, 2023 12:36 am

The small creature dips out of the way of both Grim and Razhel's attacks, but again fails to avoid the icy motes cast by Axon. As they pummel into the soft-bodies thing, it explodes in a small font of gore.
Combat is over!

Equinox - please roll a DC 12 Fort save for Grim

Where to now? Seems the only unexplored area left is to the east of the Adminstator's Office, near where the Wheelchair-lady haunt was.
Looking over the body of the doctor on the floor, you find several glass bottles containing Alchemist's Fire.

6x Bottle of Alchemist Fire
[ +- ] Map
[ +- ] Status Tracker
[ +- ] Fear Tracker
Apr 17, 2023 6:55 am
I guess that's where we're headed then. We can start at the door in the hallway where the blood river was flowing first.


Fortitude (DC 12) - (1d20+1)

(7) + 1 = 8

Apr 17, 2023 7:39 am

Grim feels his skin start to itch as they wind their way through the halls back near where they had subdued the river of blood spewing from the wheelchair-bound spirit. As he reaches to open the hall door before them, he notices a red, itching rash creeping from the sleeve of his jacket. He can feel it running up his neck and across the insides of his arms, emanating from the burning, itching bite on his leg (Grim suffers -2 Dex and Cha so long as the irritating rash remains).

Inside the room are racks of cleaning supplies and bins of stained laundry stewing with mildew and filth. The small space is filled now with a unique, acrid scent not helped by the presence of a corpse sitting and leaning against the far wall. She appears to have been an orderly, her uniform still visible below a hastily-dawned suit of studded leather armor. A simple, wooden truncheon lies near her hand. Her body bears numerous stab wounds.

Upon scanning the room for magic, Axon feels auras emanating from the woman's cloak, as well as a couple bottles of liquid in her pocket. Partially hidden under the armor, a name badge is still present, indicating this woman was named "D. Hobes".
Do you take anything other than the magical items?
Cloak (Abjuration aura, DC 20 Spellcraft to identify)
Bottle of Green liquid (Transmutation Aura, DC 17 Spellcraft to identify)
Bottle of light blue liquid (Abjuration aura, DC 16 Spellcraft to identify)
[ +- ] Map
[ +- ] Status Tracker
[ +- ] Fear Tracker
Apr 21, 2023 8:24 am
Razhel notices Grim's obvious discomfort, but has nothing she can do for him to relieve it.

"Let us search these doors south of the hallway first and then the double doors on the north?" She suggests.
Apr 22, 2023 2:09 am
"Let's inspect these curiosities first, Razhel," Axon suggested, already inspecting them more closely.


Cloak DC 20 - (1d20+7)

(3) + 7 = 10

Bottle of Green liquid DC 17 - (1d20+7)

(16) + 7 = 23

Bottle of light blue liquid DC 16 - (1d20+7)

(16) + 7 = 23

Apr 25, 2023 9:10 pm
Iosef looks over the cloak himself, curious as to its nature.


Spellcraft DC 20 - (1d20+8)

(5) + 8 = 13

Apr 25, 2023 9:59 pm
Grim agrees with Razhel. The irritation to his skin is making him more and more irritated with their situation here in the asylum and he just wants it all to be done.
Apr 25, 2023 11:49 pm

Heading into the communal ward south of you, you find a row of identical beds, their matching frames marked with chipped white paint. Dingy white curtains separate each bed, but offer only the illusion of privacy. Each bed has padded manacles and leather restraints affixed to them.

As you enter, a hoarse voice screams, "No! Not again! Keep away from me, you bastard!"

Behind the curtain hiding one of the beds lies a man, restrained securely. Though he writhes in the restraints, and shakes his head back and forth, his eyes are closed and he appears to be sound asleep. Whatever nightmare has taken this man, it is causing sweat to bead upon his head as he appears to be fighting for his life.
[ +- ] Map
[ +- ] Status Tracker
[ +- ] Fear Tracker
Apr 26, 2023 12:36 am
አስማትን ፈልግ።

With a magic word, Axon opened his arcane third eye to inspect the man and the room. Was he really a man or a shapeshifter?
Detect Magic & Doppelgangers.
Apr 26, 2023 1:44 am
Axon senses an a magical aura surrounding the man's upper body.
If he wishes to study the aura more closely, Axon will need to concentrate and roll a Knowledge: Arcana check. DC 20 tells you the school of magic, DC 25 to identify the spell effect itself.
Apr 26, 2023 1:53 am
"Hold, friends. There's something magical about him or something on him. Let me see..."


Knowledge (Arcana) - (1d20+6)

(18) + 6 = 24

Apr 28, 2023 4:55 am
Iosef watches Axon attempt to ascertain the spell that has taken over the man. "I will help, friend," he says, lifting his hands and focusing on the energy. After several moments, his arms drop limply to his sides. "I am sorry - I didn't get anything from it. You?"


Kn: Arcana - (1d20+5)

(4) + 5 = 9

Apr 28, 2023 5:04 am
There is a single, moderately strong, Illusion aura surrounding the man's upper body (chest / head)
Apr 28, 2023 11:10 am
I didn't have time to catch up yet, but I'm going in based on what I read from here. Will make a lot of assumptions, like Elias being a bit on the edge with all these strangers
Elias catches up with the others and stops as soon as he hears to a different voice. Instinctively, he's hands searches the hilt of his sword. Axon's words don't help with his uneasiness . "Is he... is he one of them?"
Apr 28, 2023 5:11 pm
"I don't think he's a doppelganger but there's a strong glamour around his upper body. It might be disguising his appearance or his bindings but I'm not sure. Be careful."

Axon focused on the man's torso and head for any objects that might project such a magical field.
And what was in those bottles?


Perception - (1d20+1)

(14) + 1 = 15

Apr 28, 2023 7:34 pm
As striking and punctuated the man's struggle appeared to be, it all ends rather suddenly as the man's body goes rigid - rising his mid-section from the bed entirely for just a moment, then he collapses upon the bed, motionless and quite dead. The man's struggle is over.

The man wears nothing but the robe assigned to patients such as these and as Axon observes, the magical aura diminishes until it disappears.
Sorry! The potions:

Cloak (Magical, DC 20 Spellcraft to identify)
Potion of Bull's Strength
Potion of Protection from Evil
Apr 28, 2023 8:53 pm
"Whatever the aura was, it's gone now. Perhaps it was some cloaked fiend attacking his mind. I'll keep a lookout for such auras while we search further."
Apr 28, 2023 9:58 pm
As the moments pass and you confirm the man is surely dead, Grim notices the corpse's finger start to twitch.
Apr 28, 2023 11:30 pm
Grim stabs the dead man a few times with the short sword. "We don't need no more creepy undead things running around here."
Apr 29, 2023 1:03 am
As Grim stabs the man, his features twist and distort. The creature begins to move and twist against the restraints, it opens its mouth to show exposed fangs. "So HUNGRY!" it cries as Grim's sword plunges into it. Helpless, it shudders as even its undead form passes from the land of the living.
Apr 29, 2023 1:14 am
Iosef steps forward, a finger to his chin. "Hmm, how incredibly interesting," he says. He uses an index finger and pokes at the limp arm, still restrained. "Some force appears to have turned this man into a ghoul, right before our eyes. It killed him first, of course, but that is highly unnatural. Typically one becomes a ghoul by contracting the disease from an existing creature of this sort." He cranes his neck around. "Such cases involve bites, and this man has no such marks on him, nor any of the telltale signs of having contracted ghoul fever."


Kn: Religion - (1d20+8)

(11) + 8 = 19

Heal - (1d20+12)

(9) + 12 = 21

Apr 29, 2023 3:52 am
Though taken aback by the brutality, Axon couldn't knock the result.

"Smart move, Grim. Like I theorized, whatever killed and turned him was probably invisible or some magic was attacking his mind and body. Nightmares..."

Axon shuddered.
Apr 29, 2023 4:27 am
"Nightmares, yes," Iosef agrees, "I would very much like to evaluate this creature more closely, in a safe location. Perhaps back at the chapel, if Winter will allow it." He steps closer and passes his fingers around various portions of the body. "Yes, I'm quite certain it's no longer a threat.

Elias, friend, do you think you might help me bring the body back to the chapel? I think my time looking over the body may result in valuable information to help us get off this accursed island."
My intent here is to allow Elias to fade into the background as an NPC for a bit, as CESN and LightOfMidnight step in. Though I didn't engineer the scene for this, it seems like a good place to do it.
Apr 29, 2023 7:48 pm
Grim listens and then moves back into the hallway. His gaze is affixed to the next door south. "The dead are coming back as minions of this creep in our dreams. Nothing new. We've known this since discovering what former doctors and patients have become since the earthquake and the arrival of the fog."
Last edited April 29, 2023 7:49 pm
Apr 30, 2023 6:29 am
Iosef nods, "That has been the most logical conclusion, though I'm more certain of it now than ever. Hmm. Perhaps it's best we don't wander off."
Nevermind! LoM will be taking over Iosef, so I'll keep him here and she'll just slip into the Iosef-suit when she's ready.
Apr 30, 2023 6:31 am
The next door south was just another door that led into this big room. I think that leaves just the area to the north unexplored!
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Apr 30, 2023 11:07 am
C1NDER says:
My intent here is to allow Elias to fade into the background as an NPC for a bit, as CESN and LightOfMidnight step in.
Cool with me. So we go back with the dead dreamer guy and you catch up later at the chapel?

I know the module, so the main issue would be Elias shifting personality 😆 though it is still very suitable for this game
Elias approaches the now twice dead man and places his hand on his chest, sending a quick prayer to Pharasma. "This sort of abomination must be why I we have been called here". Turning to Iosef the paladin continues "You are right, we should learn as much as we can about these… things"
Apr 30, 2023 3:59 pm
I apologize, I meant Iosef, as I was thinking at the time LoM was taking control of Winter. I was hasty and wrong AND I mistyped the name, sorry!!

Everyone stays where they are, no need for anyone to return to camp at this time.
Apr 30, 2023 4:00 pm
"Perhaps, friend, but thinking on it, my studies can wait - maybe they won't be necessary at all."
Apr 30, 2023 6:57 pm
"Called? Is that what their calling abduction, incarceration, and torture-induced amnesia these days?" Grim interjects, tugging his beard and promptly turning north to investigate the double doors heading into parts of the asylum then have yet to check out.
May 3, 2023 9:12 am
Equinox says:
well, that's what says on my paladin sheet 🤣
Elias simply mumbles something about gods and fate and then follows Grim. Regardless of them being called here or not, they still have to make it out of this place...
May 6, 2023 8:32 am

You head to the north where you find a set of double doors. Opening them, the room beyond is incredibly dark. None of you, even those that normally can see in the darkness, are unable to pierce the supernatural darkness beyond this threshold. In the darkness you hear the soft sobbing of a child. "Brenton!? Wake up Brenton!" it calls out.
What do you do?
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May 6, 2023 10:34 am
'A child?' Iosef speaks in surprise before his brown furrows. He had not expect to find a child still alive in this place. The horrors they must have seen surviving out the chapel. Then the name they speak sparks a memory. ' Brenton... the young mad with Tolman? He mutters partially to himself.

'Are you alright?' He calls into the darkness. 'We are not Brenton, but we know him.'
May 8, 2023 1:17 am
"Be careful. That darkness isn't natural... and whatever's in there might not be, either."

On an impulse, Axon retrieved Debis and Brenton's shadow lantern, lit it, and held it toward the shadows.
May 8, 2023 7:39 am

As Axon holds the lit shadow lantern forth, it leaves his hands and begins to float through the room, dispelling the unnatural darkness around it as it moves. Relieved sobbing echoes through the room.


Standing in the center of the room is a creature that looks like a gray, emaciated child with cobwebs for clothing and a fox skull head. A wisp of energy leaves its body, which disintegrates into the air. The energy takes the form of a hand, which takes up the lantern before disappearing with the item into nothing.

As if an explosion tore this room apart, furniture, racks of blunt weapons, padded restraints, and glass lamps lay shattered to pieces and scattered to the corners. The walls are bare and and room’s center lies perfectly open.

There are doors to the north and some to the east.
What do you do?
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May 8, 2023 8:14 am
Elias shield still with the lights on? xD
Elias carefully steps into the room and calls out the strange child creature. "Do you know Brenton. Were you friends?" He as to agree with Axon that whatever that is, it is not natural, but on the other hand Iosef has a good point. This creature seems to be nothing but a lost child and, likely one of Brenton's missing friends. Maybe they can guide its soul to Pharasma.
May 8, 2023 8:42 am
The creature disappeared with the lantern.
'So that was Debis...Or a creature with his memories.' Iosef tries to search his scattered memories, hoping to grasp at any knowledge that may help explain what they just saw. '...We should be careful what we tell Brenton. Axon you seemed good with the boy.'


Knowledge (+6 more if planes)) - (d20+2)

(14) + 2 = 16

May 8, 2023 8:43 am
The creature now appears to have completely vanished and there is no answer to Elias's question.
A Kn: Religion DC 19 can be made to know what the entity was.
May 8, 2023 8:46 am
LightOfMidnight says:
The creature disappeared with the lantern. ]
Oh right, sorry, I thought it was some sort of mage hand spell to keep the room dark 😅


Knowledge (Religion) (Int) - (1d20+5)

(8) + 5 = 13

May 8, 2023 2:45 pm
"Yeah, Iosef. Very careful."

Axon's eyes welled up with tears.

"Sleep well, Debis. No more nightmares."


Religion - (1d20)

(2) = 2

May 11, 2023 8:17 pm
Grim moves across the room and checks the door heading east.
May 13, 2023 7:29 pm
Razhel readies her crossbow and holds it steady to back up Grim's opening of the door in case something bursts from within.
May 16, 2023 8:08 am

A couch and small desks covered in paint flakes and thick dust fill this communal office. Remnants of the mundane work performed here remain amid the chaos that has overtaken this place.

A quick search of the room reveals a book wrapped in butcher's paper that bears the handwritten word 'confiscated'. Inside is a Taldan quarto titled Her Majesty's Honorable Nightcap by Charent. The book is likely worth something in the right hands.

Grim hears sounds of scuffling and a loud bang in the room to the east.
Continue east, or back to the last room and north through the double doors?
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May 16, 2023 8:26 am
Elias instinctively turns towards the noise. "What is that?" he ask, not really expecting anyone to know, but mostly looking for the someone else's reassuring voice. He raises his shield and steps closer to the room, expecting another bang at any moment.
May 16, 2023 6:03 pm
"More of the same no doubt." Grim answers Elias and rips open the door heading east.
May 17, 2023 1:33 am
ማጅ ጋሻ

Spectral armour shimmered around Axon momentarily as he prepared to face whatever Grim uncovered.
Casting Mage Armor. +4 AC for the next 3 hours = AC 16.
May 20, 2023 8:38 pm

You enter what appears to have once been a nurse's station. A low desk sits behind a window that passes into a room beyond. Behind it an empty doorframe opens into a ransacked sotrage room, its floor covered in broken glass and opalescent stains. A man is rummaging through the shelves here, uncareful with how he does so. He wears the telltale robes of on of the Apostles who dedicate themselves to Zandalus. He hardly pays you any attention as you enter.
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May 22, 2023 8:05 am
Elias freezes in place as he notices the man is rummaging through the shelves, his free hand searching for his sword. "Apostle..." He nods towards the stranger quietly letting Grim know of his presence.
May 22, 2023 6:56 pm
Razhel hears Elias' hushed word to Grim. She pokes her head into the open doorway, sees the Apostle and fires her readied crossbow, hoping to catch the cultist flatfooted and take him down quickly.
Edit: Forgot to add bonuses to attack and damage for studied target.
The attack total is 26. The crit confirm is 11. Damage total if crit is 21 pts., if not crit its 8 pts..
Last edited May 22, 2023 7:05 pm


Lt. crossbow attack - (1d20+6)

(19) + 6 = 25

Lt. crossbow attack (crit check) - (1d20+6)

(4) + 6 = 10

Damage (Sneak) - (1d8+1d6)

(5) + (2) = 7

Damage (Sneak) Crit - (1d8+1d6+1)

(7) + (6) + 1 = 14

May 22, 2023 7:57 pm
Feeling the bolt whiz past his ear, Grim steps farther into the room with the red shortsword gripped in one hand. He hesitates to see what happens with the cultist.
May 23, 2023 8:27 am

Before the man has a chance to even react to your presence, Razhel's crossbow bolt sails through the air with incredibly accuracy, striking the man's neck and tearing completely through his flesh before sticking into the wall on the opposite side of him. He reaches up to the hole in his throat and twists around, confusion on his face for a moment as he chokes on his own blood. He falls to his knees, then falls over onto the floor, his life blood quickly leaving him.
Nice shot, Rage!!
The northern part of this room where the cultist was digging around is filled with medicine cabinets.
If you want to take a few moments to dig around and search for any remaining medicine or helpful items, roll a Perception check. Then, back to the last room for the northern double-doors?
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May 23, 2023 9:20 pm
Grim takes the confiscated book and searches about the areas for interesting and usable items. Once he's done, Grim waits at the double doors heading north until everyone else is ready to push onward.


Perception - (1d20+8)

(5) + 8 = 13

May 23, 2023 10:10 pm
Razhel reloads her crossbow and then helps search the rooms for valuable supplies.


Perception - (1d20+7)

(2) + 7 = 9

May 24, 2023 2:04 am
"Poor bastard."

አስማትን ፈልግ።

Like the others, Axon looked around the room, his search augmented with his arcane vision.


Perception - (1d20+1)

(20) + 1 = 21

May 24, 2023 6:33 am
'Well that was swift' Iosef looks at the fallen apostle, before joking in the search.


Perception (Wis) - (1d20+11)

(17) + 11 = 28

May 24, 2023 9:41 am
Elias will keep guard by the door as the others search the room
May 29, 2023 6:44 pm

Rummaging around the nurses station you are able to pull together enough resources to have a fully functioning Healer's Kit as well as two forgotten potions of minor healing tucked away behind a box.

Healer's Kit
Potion of Cure Light Wounds x2
That's it for Chapter 2! Chapter 3 is being set up in a new thread as we speak.
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Thread locked