Warlock! Character Generation

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Sep 23, 2022 1:54 pm
I don't want to clutter up the gazetteer thread, but are there any notes on where a dwarf might come from? Based on the starting city, the Cragheart Mountains seem reasonable.
Sep 23, 2022 9:33 pm
When you get right down to it, only only place is called out as having a dwarven kingdom -- the Blackspine Mountains, east of the city of Rebec (in the north), and north of the Golden Cave. Kingdom has this to say:

To the north east of the Evening Lands, the Black Spine Mountains are tall, rugged and largely unexplored. Their peaks soar far above the plains that surround them, perpetually coated in a layer of ice and snow that catches the rays of the sun in a dazzling glow. Within the mountains, goblin and dwarves have their realms - explorers say that if you wander the wrong paths in the mountains you'll wind up in a land of endless peaks where dwarves and goblins fight never-ending battles under a red sun. Bordering on the Kingdom the most noted goblin realm is called Blazzak, home to the clans under the leadership of King Grazzil that have menaced the city of Rebeck on many occasions. Currently the goblins are in an uneasy truce with the Kingdom, which invariably is a result of them directing their antagonism towards the dwarves, such that the tunnels of the mountains ring with their battles. The dwarven realm they fight with is called Fireheart, led by Queen Darrum, also in the Black Spine Mountains. The dwarves are friendly to Fesselmark but keep themselves to themselves, having the typical stoic demeanour of the less travelled of their kind.

Any mountains are a possibility (including some we invent), though I'll note that the Cragtops specifically are known for once being the realm of Livenscar, where mad wizards over-reached and summoned forces they could not control. The mountains were shattered and corrupted, and the place remains blighted and damned to his day. Honheim, the city in the southeast, was built too close to the Cragtops and eventually paid the price -- two hundred years ago it was destroyed by marauding unmen from the Cragtops.

That help?
Sep 23, 2022 9:34 pm
Thinking -- there could be an ancient dwarven kingdoms in the Cragtops that was ruined centuries ago, or is rumored to still hold out against the demons and wickedness that still dwell in those mountains, cut off from the rest of the world...
Sep 25, 2022 2:55 pm
It's not a deal-breaker for me either way, just helps me come up with a more complex character. Fireheart sounds like a great home!
Oct 2, 2022 2:43 pm
Realized I forgot to roll for Banio's starting money and rations...


Starting Silver Coins - (2d6)

(36) = 9

Starting Food - (1d3)

(1) = 1

Oct 2, 2022 4:43 pm
Oh yeah me too!


Starting Silver Coins - (2d6)

(45) = 9

Starting Food - (1d3)

(1) = 1


Apr 16, 2023 2:16 am
For some future maybe-time!


Careers - (5d6)

(35663) = 23

Apr 16, 2023 3:49 am
Heh, creating a new PC? Love it. We might come back to this once we wrap it up. I've loved it!


Apr 16, 2023 4:02 am
I originally imagined that one of Trusova's character arcs would be complete when she switched out of the Road Warden career and into a more criminal-oriented career. I might level her up just to complete that thought, even if we don't continue.


Apr 16, 2023 4:26 am
I just read over the rules and noticed switching careers isn't that simple, so maybe I'll just leave it for now 😜
Apr 16, 2023 4:50 pm
It's actually really easy -- you just have to spend five advances to switch. Each advantage can otherwise be used to improve a career skill, up to a max of 12 for standard careers...
Apr 16, 2023 5:52 pm
Right, but I don't think we're getting 5 advances at the end of this adventure, based on the book's suggestion of rewarding 1-3 per adventure. And that's okay, she's still more road warden than outlaw or tomb robber or thief or whatever at the moment.
Apr 16, 2023 11:58 pm
Fair, but it's 1-3 advances per session. I was thinking this was at least three sessions of play. But let's finish it off, then we'll see!

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