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Oct 7, 2022 10:24 am
Hey all!

I am more or less new to tabletop RPGs at this point, despite this being my third attempt to get into em. First time in middle school in like, 1998, none of us knew what we were doing and got too self-conscious. Second time, in college, I *technically* played a few sessions of D&D 4th, but the DM basically ran the game for his wife's benefit and there was little story or combat just sort of, whatever she wanted to do that session - I went five or six times. But! Making an attempt now that I found out pbp stuff exists, as a gentle way to ease myself into things, since I'm still an anxious wreck making up cool stuff in person and on the fly (let alone voice acting!) but pretty decent over text.

My interests have always skewed TTRPG adjacent, had friends who played but barely did myself. Big board gamer, and even like the "RPG-lite" ones focused on tactical stuff (from Descent up to like, Kingdom Death: Monster). Looking to explore some settings and systems that aren't as dull/overplayed as, well, D&D 4th, just because the setting doesn't much grab me I realize. Thing that got me excited to try in the first place was that the Cyberpunk anime was excellent, and I realized I had stories I'd like to see told in that kind of world, so cyberpunk settings are a plus (whether CPRed, Shadowrun, Cy-Borg etc), but, as long as someone's willing to hold a confused early-millennial's hand while she figures out all the systems and such, I'm pretty much down to clown with anything. I don't even know the extent of what's out there, I'm finding!

So, after all that rambling, I guess just: Hi! Nice to meet y'all! Will post up in looking for game soon but if you already got something you wouldn't mind carrying me through hit me up!
Oct 7, 2022 10:27 am
Welcome, MissBlinkenlights!

If you want to see how GP functions, here are links to the New GP Member Guide, the forum rules, this video introduction made by user Qralloq and a little helpful formatting guide made by user Adam. You might also be interested in looking through some public games as well to get a feel for the site.
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Happy gaming!
Oct 7, 2022 10:48 am
Welcome MissBlinkenlights.

The prevalence of all these actors putting on shows using RPGs have led to a lot of people thinking that 'voice acting' is a part of the game. I have never seen anyone expect anything of sort, and a very small minority of players actually do voices most of the time. Those actors are acting and trying to make a show people will watch, we are gaming, so no pressure. Anyway, we are talking written games here, so that matters even less. :)

There are a fair number of Cyberpunk games here on GP, I hope you come right finding one you like.

Some of the systems you listed have quite large rulesets (I don't know about Cy-Borg, never got into Mork Borg (can't even find the letters:)), with many finicky details. Is that the sort of thing you are looking for? Comprehensive rules that cover all eventualities? Many of us are liking lighter systems with fewer rules, but it is also fine if you want something with more meat and guidance for the player (light games can leave new players feeling lost about what they can do and what their options are in any given situation).

If you want something light on rules (and are maybe happy having to go out and read some other rulebooks to get the 'skipped details'), I have offered a 'for new players' Cyberpunk game over on this thread but it is currently empty (only the fantasy one took off). Cyberpunk is not the best genre for playing with only one player, but, if you want a bit of a tutorial on how PbP works, we could use that, or some other helpful people might join as your support personnel. :) Let me know if you don't find any games that interest you and want to give that one a try, or if you have any questions.
Oct 7, 2022 10:55 am
The Börg games were described to me as "light", rules wise, by someone who in fairness really wanted me to come play Mörk Börg. I think they're pretty grim for a PG-13 forum though. I could go either way, really! Not intimidated by large rulesets but def understand that lighter stuff works better for this. An eventual goal is I want to be able to run a live-typing kinda Discord game, only sourcebook for anything I have is CPRed but also it's three weeks out, because RTG is a bit swamped rn. I'll check out that game you linked, thank you!
Oct 7, 2022 11:10 am
Only the public forums are required to be 'PG-13'. Inside games, you can go darker, as long as everyone involved is okay with it and if it's made public, you put a disclaimer somewhere.
Oct 7, 2022 11:24 am
'Lightness' is a spectrum, but compared to Shadowrun, most games a light. I believe Mork Borg is fairly light.

Live-type Discord games are quite a different thing to Play by Post, but many people do all styles of games at the same time, so there is no conflict with your running those as well as playing or running here.

I have no idea what 'RTG' or 'rn' are, but good luck with them. :)
Oct 7, 2022 12:04 pm
Welcome Aboard!
I always recommend jumping into the GamersPlane DISCORD channel. We don't usually play over DISCORD but it's a great way to get to know the community and hear about upcoming games before they hit the forums.
Oct 7, 2022 12:15 pm
welcome :)
Oct 7, 2022 12:22 pm
Greetings and Salutations!
Oct 7, 2022 12:43 pm
Welcome to GP!
Oct 7, 2022 1:51 pm
Welcome to GP! Cyberpunk is pretty popular. I'm in a Cy_borg and a CPRed right now! They're a lot of fun so far. Hope you find what you're looking for.
Oct 7, 2022 4:32 pm
Welcome MissBlinkenlights, hope you find some great cyberpunky action to join in on!
Oct 7, 2022 4:57 pm
Welcome to the site!
Oct 7, 2022 8:31 pm
Welcome :)
Oct 8, 2022 3:33 am
Hello MissBlinkenlights, welcome to the site, and back to the hobby! Third time's always a charm, right? And you're spot on -- PbP RPGs can be a brilliant way to ease into things without a lot of pressure. There are a lot of great cyberpunk games out there... I've had my sights set on running one for a while, but other games keep on popping up and getting in the way. I'll ping you if I eventually get it off the ground.

Also, bowlofspinach wrote:
Only the public forums are required to be 'PG-13'.
Um, whew!

Then vagueGM said:
I believe Mork Borg is fairly light.


Okay, maybe, but that ain't how I intend to run Mork Borg... ;)
Oct 8, 2022 3:57 am
I think vague meant rules-light (which, I dont jnow whether that's true or not), not light in tone
Oct 8, 2022 4:32 am
That's what I had meant at least! And could also be totally wrong cause I dunno stuff yet. Heh.
Oct 8, 2022 4:38 am
I guess light and heavy is a scale and where you start with your definition of "light" is up to each person. I'm pretty sure Mörk Borg is no Lasers & Feelings, where all the rules fit on one page, but with it being OSR (I'm pretty sure. Harrigan is going to murder me if I get this wrong), it's probably a good bit lighter than, say, Dungeons & Dragons. And I'm pretty confident that it's not a beast of a complicated rulebook like Shadowrun.
Oct 8, 2022 4:48 am
Mork Borg's rules fit on one page! It's pretty darned light in that regard.

But metalMETALmetal in tone, so, not light there. =]
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