Oct 7, 2022 10:24 am
Hey all!
I am more or less new to tabletop RPGs at this point, despite this being my third attempt to get into em. First time in middle school in like, 1998, none of us knew what we were doing and got too self-conscious. Second time, in college, I *technically* played a few sessions of D&D 4th, but the DM basically ran the game for his wife's benefit and there was little story or combat just sort of, whatever she wanted to do that session - I went five or six times. But! Making an attempt now that I found out pbp stuff exists, as a gentle way to ease myself into things, since I'm still an anxious wreck making up cool stuff in person and on the fly (let alone voice acting!) but pretty decent over text.
My interests have always skewed TTRPG adjacent, had friends who played but barely did myself. Big board gamer, and even like the "RPG-lite" ones focused on tactical stuff (from Descent up to like, Kingdom Death: Monster). Looking to explore some settings and systems that aren't as dull/overplayed as, well, D&D 4th, just because the setting doesn't much grab me I realize. Thing that got me excited to try in the first place was that the Cyberpunk anime was excellent, and I realized I had stories I'd like to see told in that kind of world, so cyberpunk settings are a plus (whether CPRed, Shadowrun, Cy-Borg etc), but, as long as someone's willing to hold a confused early-millennial's hand while she figures out all the systems and such, I'm pretty much down to clown with anything. I don't even know the extent of what's out there, I'm finding!
So, after all that rambling, I guess just: Hi! Nice to meet y'all! Will post up in looking for game soon but if you already got something you wouldn't mind carrying me through hit me up!
I am more or less new to tabletop RPGs at this point, despite this being my third attempt to get into em. First time in middle school in like, 1998, none of us knew what we were doing and got too self-conscious. Second time, in college, I *technically* played a few sessions of D&D 4th, but the DM basically ran the game for his wife's benefit and there was little story or combat just sort of, whatever she wanted to do that session - I went five or six times. But! Making an attempt now that I found out pbp stuff exists, as a gentle way to ease myself into things, since I'm still an anxious wreck making up cool stuff in person and on the fly (let alone voice acting!) but pretty decent over text.
My interests have always skewed TTRPG adjacent, had friends who played but barely did myself. Big board gamer, and even like the "RPG-lite" ones focused on tactical stuff (from Descent up to like, Kingdom Death: Monster). Looking to explore some settings and systems that aren't as dull/overplayed as, well, D&D 4th, just because the setting doesn't much grab me I realize. Thing that got me excited to try in the first place was that the Cyberpunk anime was excellent, and I realized I had stories I'd like to see told in that kind of world, so cyberpunk settings are a plus (whether CPRed, Shadowrun, Cy-Borg etc), but, as long as someone's willing to hold a confused early-millennial's hand while she figures out all the systems and such, I'm pretty much down to clown with anything. I don't even know the extent of what's out there, I'm finding!
So, after all that rambling, I guess just: Hi! Nice to meet y'all! Will post up in looking for game soon but if you already got something you wouldn't mind carrying me through hit me up!