GAME CHAT 2 Salvation Hotel

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Oct 16, 2022 4:44 am
GeneCortess says:
perception check
Aurion Stilts
Upon seeing Ovak, Aurion's eyes widen, mouth opens then he quickly looks away and does not look back in the direction of Ovak as he turn his attention to Kata and Gabrielle.
Oct 16, 2022 7:05 pm
Ovak sees no point in putting off the problems and strides straight to Mr Aurion who is present with Moisie in tow. Ovak is sure it to most likely be a lesser encounter as the norm. She fairly much ignores others present as her normal active operation and says in a clear demanding Common voice, "Ovak, Room, & Meals for two." as she has obviously a pair of gold coins in her hand ready to be lost.
Woot. Got a natural 20 on perception and now one on persuasion. Ovak is hot today!
Last edited October 16, 2022 7:09 pm


Persuasion Check - (1d20+1)

(20) + 1 = 21

Oct 16, 2022 8:03 pm
Aurion Stilts
His eyes widen a bit as he looks at Ovak with an otherwise disinterested expression, "Sure, coming right up."

Aurion looks over at Moisie, twists his mustache and smiles. "My name is Aurion" he nods then looks at Moisie expectantly to return the courtesy of giving her name.
Oct 16, 2022 8:58 pm
_Tripp__ says:
Looks at Gabrielle "Nice to meet you. What is your name? What brings you to Outpost Salvation? Where are you from?"
"Gabrielle Blackwood," says Gabrielle. "From Breland. I've come looking for coin. Same as everyone else I suppose. Just trying to make my way in this world, you know?"
Last edited October 16, 2022 8:59 pm
Oct 16, 2022 10:12 pm
Plum says:
_Tripp__ says:
Looks at Gabrielle "Nice to meet you. What is your name? What brings you to Outpost Salvation? Where are you from?"
"Gabrielle Blackwood," says Gabrielle. "From Breland. I've come looking for coin. Same as everyone else I suppose. Just trying to make my way in this world, you know?"
Aurion Stilts
Aurion leans forward towards Gabrielle smiling as his eyes narrow slightly. "Ah yes a familiar tale here. A drink on the house for good luck in your endeavors here?" He raises an eyebrow awaiting an answer from Gabrielle.
Oct 16, 2022 10:14 pm
Aurion is a gnome in case you cannot tell from the picture
Oct 17, 2022 1:07 am
Moisie takes a moment before answering. She’s cautious with all the questions the others have been getting. Ovak at least gave her name, she can do the same. However, she keenly watching Aurion now.

"And a good of day to you, Aurion. I’m Moisie.", she offers a firm handshake to see if he’ll accept.


Insight check - (1d20+4)

(1) + 4 = 5

Oct 17, 2022 4:28 am
Nictorah says:
Moisie takes a moment before answering. She’s cautious with all the questions the others have been getting. Ovak at least gave her name, she can do the same. However, she keenly watching Aurion now.

"And a good of day to you, Aurion. I’m Moisie.", she offers a firm handshake to see if he’ll accept.
Aurion Stilts
Aurion smiles and accepts Moisie's handshake, "Pleased to meet you Moisie. You are new to Salvation?"
Oct 17, 2022 4:58 am
_Tripp__ says:
Aurion's eyes briefly widen then he smiles, twists the ends of his mustache looks at Kata and begins to make small talk, "May I have the pleasure of your name?", "What brings you to Outpost Salvation?"
Combo question. How well known is "Fae stealing your name" and could I roll to know it (or just know it)
Oct 17, 2022 4:59 am
Gnomes… Moisie’s having difficulty reading this one.

"At the very least, I’m new to you, Aurion.", she quips.
Oct 17, 2022 5:13 am
_Tripp__ says:
Aurion leans forward towards Gabrielle smiling as his eyes narrow slightly. "Ah yes a familiar tale here. A drink on the house for good luck in your endeavors here?" He raises an eyebrow awaiting an answer from Gabrielle.
As Aurion leans towards her, Gabrielle angles her body obliquely away from him somewhat. She takes a beat to secure a lock of hair that had come loose back behind her ear, and as she does so her eyes flit briefly towards the exit before returning her gaze to Aurion. What's he playing at? she wonders. Was it the obvious, or something more sinister?

Nevertheless, Gabrielle gives him a polite closed-mouth smile.

"That's very generous of you, sir," says Gabrielle. "Nothing too fancy; a glass of red wine perhaps?"
Oct 17, 2022 5:31 am
MelodyMeradin says:
_Tripp__ says:
Aurion's eyes briefly widen then he smiles, twists the ends of his mustache looks at Kata and begins to make small talk, "May I have the pleasure of your name?", "What brings you to Outpost Salvation?"
Combo question. How well known is "Fae stealing your name" and could I roll to know it (or just know it)
In this case if this is something your PC would know, then no need to roll.
Oct 17, 2022 5:38 am
Nictorah says:
Gnomes… Moisie’s having difficulty reading this one.

"At the very least, I’m new to you, Aurion.", she quips.
Aurion Stilts
His smile grows a bit wider upon hearing Moisie’s quip. "My apologies I did not mean to offend. I just like to know a little about my guests. Salvation can be dangerous and I want my guests to be safe. I hope you understand?"
Oct 17, 2022 5:44 am
Plum says:
_Tripp__ says:
Aurion leans forward towards Gabrielle smiling as his eyes narrow slightly. "Ah yes a familiar tale here. A drink on the house for good luck in your endeavors here?" He raises an eyebrow awaiting an answer from Gabrielle.
As Aurion leans towards her, Gabrielle angles her body obliquely away from him somewhat. She takes a beat to secure a lock of hair that had come loose back behind her ear, and as she does so her eyes flit briefly towards the exit before returning her gaze to Aurion. What's he playing at? she wonders. Was it the obvious, or something more sinister?

Nevertheless, Gabrielle gives him a polite closed-mouth smile.

"That's very generous of you, sir," says Gabrielle. "Nothing too fancy; a glass of red wine perhaps?"
Aurion Stilts
Tilts his head to the side and smiles. "Red wine is a fine choice." Aurion pours himself a glass of the wine as well and raises it Gabrielle in a toast. "Good luck and fortune to you."
Oct 17, 2022 6:12 am
Motherfuckin’ zilargo gnomes, always scheming, Fredo thinks as he notices the gnome eyeing him and his compatriots.
Oct 17, 2022 11:10 am
Mordaky digs the silver from his coin purse and offers it to Aurion, "Not meaning to interrupt, but 'ere is de coin for my room master Aurion"
Can I get a rundown of how much drinks cost at the tavern? I am not sure who all got them or stated what they were drinking. Mordaky would have paid his tab before he left. And then I know he dropped 5gp on the mission.
Oct 17, 2022 1:36 pm
Madclergy says:
digs the silver from his coin purse and offers it to Aurion, "Not meaning to interrupt, but 'ere is de coin for my room master Aurion"
Can I get a rundown of how much drinks cost at the tavern? I am not sure who all got them or stated what they were drinking. Mordaky would have paid his tab before he left. And then I know he dropped 5gp on the mission.
Aurion Stilts
Looks at Mordaky plainly, "If you would like a drink, 7cp for a mug of ale, 8cp for a glass of wine and 7cp for a shot of whiskey."

Mordaky notices the price for drinks here is high.
Oct 17, 2022 1:44 pm
Aurion Stilts
Finishes his glass of wine looks at Gabrielle and tilts his head to the side. "Would you like another glass of wine on me? I do so find the tales of travelers fascinating. If you will indulge me. Are these people your friends? Are you working together as a salvage crew or something else?"
Oct 17, 2022 1:58 pm
Sorry Legends, I meant how much should I deduct for buying everyone a round at the Gray Beyond.
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