Tiny Q&A

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Jan 23, 2024 10:27 pm
Cool! I can see yours. When I select the little book icon in my character page it doesn’t stay red. It turns grey after a second
Last edited Jan 23, 2024 10:28 pm
Jan 23, 2024 10:29 pm
OK, that's weird. I have no idea what that even means. Maybe when Psybermagi gets back he might know.
Jan 23, 2024 10:35 pm
I can see all, as can all DM for characters in their games, others should only be visible if shared
Everyone ( except the two still on their intro tour Lord_Morane,ChrSch ) should be tracking XP
Jan 23, 2024 10:40 pm
Oh, might be working now!
Jan 23, 2024 10:49 pm
Psybermagi says:
I can see all, as can all DM for characters in their games, others should only be visible if shared
Everyone ( except the two still on their intro tour Lord_Morane,ChrSch ) should be tracking XP
Alright, understood. Two quick questions:
Tracking xp means for practical purposes adding +1 after every battle and after milestones that you indicate, correct?
Also: our first battle for this purpose was the darkmantles&Groper fight, correct?
Jan 24, 2024 12:44 am
If you add your character to the library, they become visible to all. That grey icon Thunder_Lungz circled is the library icon. It will turn red once that character is added.
Jan 26, 2024 4:06 pm
Am I good to spend experience as I see fit or do we need to go back to town and do it within the story?
Anyone who had their character sheet have a trait and/or weapon mastery marked TBD can fill it in and use it immediately.
Normally you can only spend XP in down time, while staying in a safe and secure location, of at least 1 day. I believe the Underdark group will spend a day at the base and the Manor group will spend a day there. As for the Eldergrove party they will have to wait until after their current adventure. I may make exceptions, but don't plan on it. That's why they are called EXCEPTIONS
Jan 26, 2024 4:22 pm
How much/many of XXXX do I have
I am not tracking exact numbers, or exact wealth. I am hand waving a bunch of day to day expenses that assumes you maintain gear and supplies. Just list reasonable amounts and use that number if it is critical.
ammunition - have some in you gear but you never run out.
Food & Water - have some but unless you are away from supplies for more than 1 day it is not going to be tracked.
Healing kit - have one to use it but it is not used up unless I say so and I should give a reason
potions & other consumable magic - ALWAYS TRACKED
Feb 28, 2024 6:38 pm
First off I would like to thank everyone for working with my to build this world and the stories in it. It has been fun to do. That said I do wish to keep this game going for newcomers to GamerPlane, role playing, play by post, and TinyD6. We have accumulated enough players that it is getting a difficult to manage all the stories. With that in mind I have reached out and gotten a couple offers of help from other GM to help out. This wil hopefully not be too great an impact on everyone's games.

The proposed changes to the game are as follows

1. Co-DM will be assisting with some of the stories in this game. This includes both newcomers and ongoing stories. I will still be managing the game overall but some of the stories will be managed by others. These stories will continue without interruption.

2. A GM has offered to help run an expansion of this game and will be taking some veteran players into his own game. The specifics of this are being worked out but he has already been looking over setting content and stories and sees no problem with this. I played a Tiny Dungeon game with him and feel he will be able to offer a great gaming experience to those who migrate to his game.

3. Veteran players will be asked to migrate as needed to make room for newcomer as per the original intent of the game.

We are asking for volunteers with veteran characters willing to migrate to the veteran game to please contact me via PM or post in you personal character thread.
Feb 28, 2024 7:17 pm
Sounds great! Love your world and what you are doing to support new players!
Feb 28, 2024 7:51 pm
I love how this is evolving. Sounds great
Feb 28, 2024 10:04 pm
That sounds fair. I've thoroughly enjoyed the gaming experience you've provided, Psybermagi. "Tiny Shattered Lands" was my first game here on GP, and now that I'm coming up on my first year GP anniversary, I'll understand if my thread is slated to be migrated.
Mar 11, 2024 3:04 pm
How can I share my character so others can see it?
daryen says:
Here's what I was talking about in pictures.

So, the first thing is to go to the top toolbar and pick "Characters" -> "All characters". This is highlighted by the purple arrow. You have to select "All characters".

You should then see the following image. The icons I am talking about are circled in purple. Whatever you do, don't click the big red X.

I hope that helps explain it!

And thank you for trying!
Apr 22, 2024 12:02 pm
As veteran, how did the XP points work to buy traits?
Characters advance after the introductory session to become a "Novice" gaining weapon mastery or a trait. After another short time they will advance to "Veterans" and gain whichever of mastery or trait they did not pick.

As Veterans begin gaining experience points that can be used to enhance their character as follows.
Exp Cost
6 +1 permanent HP
8 +1 Proficient or Mastered Weapon.
10 +1 Trait

Experience is generally awarded for the group as a whole as follows:
+1 for good roleplay.
+1 for defeating enemies (encounters, not per enemy).
+1 for overcoming challenges
+1 for advancing the plot and their goals.
Advanced Rules for Veterans

Critical Success :
Any time two or more 6's are roll rolled on any test the results exceed basic results. Damage is increased or another beneficial effect will be added by the GM.
May 15, 2024 5:10 pm
I was checking the traits... do we happen to have a bit more detail on the difference between Psionics and Psychic?
May 15, 2024 5:19 pm
Psionic = minor telekinesis and telepathy

Psychic= Clairvoyant, sense future, destiny, fate. This is a homebrew. I've had a couple variants I would need to look up and consolidate before bringing it back
May 15, 2024 5:50 pm
May 17, 2024 2:31 pm
Just to clarify:
As veteran adventurers you can develop your racial abilities higher than most. You may pick a 2nd heritage ability.
Does this mean that we have the option of choosing another heritage trait once we reach Veteran? Or when we reach veteran, we automatically gain a second heritage trait?
May 17, 2024 3:24 pm
I will clarify that post in a bit.
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