The Island

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Mar 5, 2023 11:36 pm
@tibbius,@tergolap,@seanfsmith Elph and Shmautz can act/react & Eddisham can roll with focus for the crystal shattering. It will break no matter what this is just for effectivenes. Add anything else Ed wants to do at this time.
Mar 6, 2023 1:22 am
Eddisham tries to time it just right, the crystal sphere smashing against the floor right as the Yule Witch breaks free ...


Eddisham: Test DC: 4 - Basic - (2d6)


Mar 6, 2023 1:41 pm
Elph takes an arrowhead and uses it to sever the ties on his leather boots to quickly kick them off and move them into direct sunlight
Mar 6, 2023 4:04 pm
Highly confused by all the things going on at once, then I re-focus.

I run to get between the collapsing circle with the Yule Witch and Eddisham so that he has enough time to destroy the crystal.
I call my Totem Spirit to have an additional barrier between the Yule Witch and the crystal.
How do I summon the Totem Spirit? Is a test necessary, or is it just an Action?
Mar 6, 2023 4:49 pm
Baruman screams, in excitement, fear, or anticipation in unclear as Elph hops to extricate his great from the rotting boots. Eddisham throws the orb just after the circle collapses while Shmautz moves to protect him and is suddenly joined by a large cat that hotels fiercely at the witch.
Summoning the Totem takes an action. No roll is needed.
Yule Witch
The witch shrieks when the orb shatters at her feet enveloping her in a pulsating light that blind your all for several frightening seconds.
Artenia Lien (Druidic Spirit)
As the shriek finally fades and you regain your eyesight. Blinking you peer around and find at the witch has reverted to Artenia once more, though looking exhausted and weak. Reaching out her hand she calls out and a brief flare of fire arrears at Baruman's neck frightening the young adventurer. The flames disappear and a small creature jumps to the ground before the spirit. Laying her hand on its head she sighs and begins to fade. Thank you for your help.
I have shown all I learned to the Foxfire Familiar. He will help guide you. I am sorry but I must rest now

Her voice fades till you can barely hear the last words. A glow descends from the ceiling and pulls the spirit away Goodbye
Mar 6, 2023 7:07 pm
Baruman stands in shock "Erm... Goodbye" he said, staring at the empty space where the spirit had been. "Well.... that was.....exciting"

He moved his gaze down to look at the young fox, winding itself around his legs like a cat. "Erm... Hello" he said, as it looked up at him with puppy like eyes.

He had canoed through a mysterious graveyard. He had been attacked by undead skeletons. He had watched as a spirit had spoken to them, a witch had tried to kill them, and an explosion had filled the room. Now, a fox had just apparated from his neck and was rubbing it's nose against his ankles.

Well. It's been quite the day.

"What's your name?" he asked the fox. Think about it, You're speaking to a fox he realised "Well, you leapt from flame, so I'm going to call you Ember"

"Are you guys all OK?" he asked the others. "Is anybody hurt? That was an.... unusual event"

Looking back to the fox he said "What did the spirit tell you Ember? What do we do now? Please tell me the plan is do go back to camp, have a beer, and get some sleep?"
Mar 7, 2023 2:21 am
The little fox give s short sharp bark/yip and sends a mental acknowledment of its name to Baruman and relays to him what it learned from the spirit.
[ +- ] Ember sheds some light
Mar 8, 2023 6:57 am
Psybermagi says:
The little fox give s short sharp bark/yip and sends a mental acknowledment of its name to Baruman and relays to him what it learned from the spirit.
[ +- ] Ember sheds some light
I assume, Baruman forwards this information to the party
"And now? What are we supposed to do? What are your opinions?", I ask the group.

"Eddisham and me, we started at the base camp. Basically our order was to just clean the area from the undead. We've been quite good at it so far." I chuckle.
Is this area now free of undead?
"And there was this castle of undead. They had not been hostile. I wonder what to do next. Report at the base camp? Or visit the castle and see if all this had an impact?"

I kneel down and pet the little fox.

"Or follow the fox on behalf of our lady?
Whatever the decision might be, I recommend we first do a little self-care. Recover and restock, maybe?"
Mar 9, 2023 2:30 am
As you discuss your options Baruman and Elph inform the others that they were part of a larger force. The others were battling the undead outside. With the necromancr slain you are uncertain of how this will afect the battle.
[ +- ] Embers promptings
Mar 9, 2023 12:24 pm
"Eddisham, you're sort of disguised liuetenant? And we do have to go downstairs again?"

I feel unconfortable when thinking of necromancers ...
Mar 9, 2023 4:17 pm
Relaying the information about the ritual circles to the others, Baruman looks down at the young Fox "Thank you Ember"

"Well, lets make sure that they can't make use of this place again, if nothing else" he says, heading down the stairs, dagger in hand "Once we destroy the circles, we can decide where to go next. Looking again at Ember he continues "but I think this young creature has been given to us to help us through this, so we should probably take his advice. We can search and see if there are provisions or similar as well"
Are you folks low on health? I'm not clear on how healing works
Mar 10, 2023 1:04 pm
"It's important we finish what we began. You don't leave a shed half hanging."
Mar 10, 2023 10:05 pm
After recovering for a moment from your recent ordeal you all head back down stairs then continue to the basement crypts. You find the room were the Ogre Wight fought Eddisham and Shmautz with 3 doors leading deeper underground. You cautiously explore each but encounter no more animated dead. Just the still kind. Each hallway lead to another chamber that likewise had 3 additional doorways leading even deeper into the crypts. On the floor of each is an elaborate ritual circle. Eddisham feels magical and deathly emanations and Shautz sees dark energies pulsing into and out of the circles as if they are living hearts.

After a short discussion you decide to try and disable the circles without removing all traces at this point so that you can show them to the priest who should be nearby with the others having last been seen fighting the undead. Between the two of them they find key points of the ritual that should disrupt their functions
and make note of the symbols before Eddisham uses magical liquid light to wash away the key glyphs and symbols.

As they are doing this Baruman pokes around the crypts but a cautioning word form Elph, who kept an eye on the inquisitive youth, about the all to real spirit they met perhaps not appreaciate her relatives bodies form being looted. Baruman does not give up and scours the pathways you travel and comes up with several small baubles, only about a third of which seem to have markings or emblems denoting them personal items. Collecting the unmarked goods he comes up with a small but not unimpressive pile of gleaming metal and gems.

Completing the disabling of the 3 ritual sites you head back up to the 2nd floor and stepping out onto the balcony look out to see the cemetery empty but there is a large contingent on the shore that looks to be treating their wounded. The boatman that brought Elph and Baruman here has joined them. Looking around you see none of the undead that were being fought when they arrived.
Mar 14, 2023 1:25 am
@tibbius,@tergolap,@seanfsmith,@wilsric just waiting on a diretion
Mar 14, 2023 4:06 pm
@psybermagi was there a secondary goal that Elph + Baruman were given beyond "catch up with those already scouting the island"?
Mar 14, 2023 5:38 pm
Elph + Baruman were part of the search and rescue and raiding party. Objectives were to
1. Locate and assists and scouts in trouble
2. Help silver the undead issue
The rest of the force on the island had the same objectives with reversed priority
Mar 14, 2023 7:30 pm
I'm going to step out of the game for a bit.
Mar 15, 2023 8:13 am
After destroying the last circles, my Cougar has vanished. As we step out on the balcony, I see no undead, but numerous soldiers.

"And now?" I ask the others.

"I still wonder, what happened to the Castle and its Commander. Anyone willing to join me?"
Mar 15, 2023 10:13 am
"I think that we need to follow Ember's directions to find the other graveyard, and stop more undead being raised there. It might be worthwhile going by your castle though. Do you think that you could convince them to come with us, and assist in the fight against the others?"
Mar 15, 2023 1:33 pm
Psybermagi sent a note to wilsric
As your stand on the balcony discussing matters the boatman who dropped you off has gotten back in his boat from the river back with the test of those involved with this mission and is heading your way.
After a few moment he arrives and calls up to you that the priest would like to talk with you. The boat barely holds all of you and in a few minutes you are on the island in front of the priest.
Lord Felspar
I hear you are the ones who found signs of the ritual here in the cemetery out in the river. Thank you. What can you tell me about what you found and can you take me there? . The old priest was obviously over a powerful man. Though she had taken some of his might the suits of power and peace he emanates is both reassuring and intimidating
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