S1 E1 "Pilot" (RP)

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Mar 23, 2023 9:47 pm
"I do not know," Tereza admits. "I am honestly a bit overwhelmed. I do not have the magic that the others do. I cannot fight like Deacon or Caroline. I just hope we can save Caroline and regroup to think." She sighs heavily. "This is all really scary."
Mar 24, 2023 12:20 am
"This is way out of my league, and I'm just about tapped. With time to rest, I might be able to cure him the same as I did the others, but I doubt that he's going to hold still and allow me to try."
Mar 24, 2023 1:52 pm
As fare as I have gathered:
They are under fay influence. Traditionally iron is the bane of the fay, that is why I have iron filings in a handfull of shotgun shells. Here!

Jemma takes out 2 shells with iron filings and passes them to Chief Sarah Sweeney
A shot shopped the woman from blasting me with fay magic, and I expect it will stop him as well.

They are looking for something. A manor house I believe. Its a place that the forest engulfed years past and this notebook should give us some clues to its location.

Sarah, you have the amulet? Found at the crash site and starved of power, but other than that I don't know yet.

A lot have happened very quickly
Mar 24, 2023 2:50 pm
"And while you were researching all this, I hired some friends for party business, so really, we were equally productive," Tereza says. Then her eyes go wide. She curses in Czech. "Tara! Last time I saw Caroline, she was with Tara!"

She takes out her phone and, without going through the multitude of messages that have flooded her phone, calls Tara's number. She's muttering something to herself, but it's in Czech, so the others don't understand what she's saying.
Mar 24, 2023 7:16 pm
The shot shows an empty intersection seconds before the police cruiser carrying Tereza, Jemma, Sarah and Sweeney zooms past.

Chief Sarah Sweeney
Sweeney turns her head trying to read street sign they just flew by. "Shit; was that Green Leaf Circle?"

She grips the wheel. "I'm not used to highspeed driving, O.K.?!"
Ah! One of the coven make a roll to see how fast ya'll get there!
Her eyes bounce around the car interior, from witch to witch as she tries to make sense of their conversation, while...

...She takes out her phone and, without going through the multitude of messages that have flooded her phone, calls Tara's number

Back at the brewery we get a shot of an anxious looking Tara, in the tap room on her laptop.

Tara Hensley
Her phone rings and she looks at the lock screen before answering.

"Jesus, Tereza! What the hell is happening," she asks in panic. "I'm at the brewery, with the guys."

Wyatt Allen
The camera shifts focus to two men entering the tap room from the back hall, both carrying arm loads of ancient looking books.

"I'm getting paid for this right? I told Caroline I'm sick..."

Wesley Webster
"Just one more load Mr. Allen, and think we'll be fine, thank you," Wesley says as he deposits his arm load on the table next to Tara.

Deacon looks up from where he's standing behind the bar. "Is that my sister," he fairly shouts to Tara.

Tara Hensley
Tara holds up her hand to silence Deacon.
Mar 24, 2023 8:22 pm
Fine, if nobody else wants to roll, I'll do it. Your fault if I mess up
"Tara?" Tereza asks, almost yells, into the phone. She exclaims something in Czech again, then announces. "It's Tara! She's alright." She turns quickly to the phone again. "Wait, Tara, you are alright, right? Last I saw, you were with Caroline and now Caroline is with the evil fae master. How the hell did that happen? And are you okay? You're not all green and viney, ri-"

Her head snaps up as she suddenly spots an unaware car heading out into the intersection right ahead of Sweeney, cutting them off and risking a nasty accident. "Sweeney! Car!" she shouts, hoping she spotted it in time for the police officer to react to it.


+Notice - (1D4, 1D6, RA)

1D4 : (3) = 3

1D6 : (64) = 10

Mar 25, 2023 7:32 pm
Fine, if nobody else wants to roll, I'll do it. Your fault if I mess up
Cruiser interior - speeding down the road: Sweeney cuts the wheel at Tereza's urging, the cruiser skidding as it narrowly avoids a cross traffic Honda--Sarah and Jemma slide about in their seats.

Chief Sarah Sweeney
"Sorry," Sweeney says and pushes the engine harder.

At the Brewery Tara puts Tereza on speaker phone.

Tara Hensley
"What're you on the highway? But yes I'm fine, and Caroline was here but that Braddock guy showed up and she left with him," she replies to Tereza.

"I've got Wesley here, and he's got all the books he could grab last second, on fey; bindings, wardings, banishment, history--you name it."

Wesley Webster
"Hello Tereza," he says with a wave to the phone as if she could see him.

Tara Hensley
"Just tell us what you need us to look for," she says to Tereza. "We're open to any suggestions; you know I'm not good at this stuff. I was supposed to be a financial planner at this point in my life..."

At the empty lot Caroline's battle continues.

We get a close up of Braddock's grimace as Caroline blocks his mental intrusion.

He then stumbles back as her vines smash into him with a thunderclap whip. He's shaken by the counter-attack, and offended by her mention of his snatched memories.

"How DARE you! That's private," he shouts.

The camera shot goes wide and we see the police cruiser moving at high speed toward the empty lot.

Chief Sarah Sweeney
Inside the police cruiser Sweeney says, "Hold on..."

She hits the accelerator and the car smashes the curb, jumping the vehicle into the snowy lot. The cruiser spins and comes to a stop a dozen meters from Braddock and Caroline.

I'm drawing two cards--one for the coven and one for Braddock...
Braddock is taking an action now. After him, You all can go in any order--first post first come (Or OOC decide if you like 😄; just follow the narrative you build for each other...

Deck Draws

Coven, Braddock
Jack of Hearts
Queen of Spades
Mar 25, 2023 7:39 pm
A dramatic zoom of the camera flies in on Braddocks face.

He turns his attention back to Caroline, from the still sliding car. "No more games," he shouts as he starts tracing glowing symbols in the air...
...Rolling for Bolt Casting at Caroline...Success...rolling 2d6 dmg...
...and with a loud crack geometric ghost lights shoot from Braddock's hands and smash into Caroline with a flash (13 dmg).


Witch's Flame (Bolt) - (1d12, 1d6, RA)

1d12 : (4) = 4

1d6 : (5) = 5

Bolt Dmg - (2d6, RA)

(364) = 13

Mar 25, 2023 7:56 pm
Caroline has always cared about looking the part. The others would be used to always seeing her smartly dressed in a neat suit, not a hair out of place.

As the car slides into the lot the smart collected Caroline is not in sight. The right sleeve of her jacket and shirt is just shreds at this point, revealing the complex tattoo on her arm, the vines currently writhing across her skin fuelled by magic. The rest of her is dishevelled from running around, trying to get the good angles on Braddock.

Instead of her usual upright straight posture, she slightly crouched, panting slight as her eyes her locked on Braddock. There is still a smug look on her face however, confident she's got the upper hand.

At the sound of the tires squealing along the tarmac she glances toward everyone else, and for a moment relief, then worry crosses across her face.

'Guys be careful he's..'' Her shout is cut off by the lights smashing into her, prompting a cry of pain as she drops to the snow laden ground.

She tries to fight through the pain and lets out a groan as she tries to push to her feet, getting to her knees before spotting a red drop on the snow. Then another appears, and another as she becomes aware of liquid and the taste of iron in her mouth. She brings a shaky hand up to her mouth and pulls it away again, although she already knows to expect blood. Not good. With the pain and the blood.. something inside was damaged. Bad. But she couldn't let that stop her. Not now, not with the others now in danger.

She doesn't speak, just lets out a strangled cry and she tries to lash out with vines still on the ground. She had to make him focus on her, give the others a chance. The others will seeing the writhing tattoos start to peel off her skin and start to head towards Braddock before withering and shrink back onto her arm as she fails to summon them through the pain.

As her spell fails her expression changes to one of fear.
On 2 wounds, but not shake.. for now. Edit: Forgot the -2 for her wounds, so only a 2. Fluffing as the spell not casting that just missing. Edit 2 - Just realised this means she would still be shaken as well, but I was debating spending a benny if she had been so will say that's what happened so don't have to rewrite.
Last edited Mar 26, 2023 12:20 am


Spirit - (1d8, 1d6, RA)

1d8 : (4) = 4

1d6 : (1) = 1

Spellcasting - (1d8, 1d6, RA)

1d8 : (3) = 3

1d6 : (4) = 4

Damage - (2d6, RA)

(22) = 4

Mar 27, 2023 12:52 am
Braddock smiles as Caroline. "Your first lesson," he says, seeing her pain.

He widens his stance as he watches the cruiser skidding to a stop.
Mar 27, 2023 6:28 am
No fanfare, no witty repost, Jemma exits the car, pumps the shotgun and fires a cloud of metal shavings and nails at Braddock.
Seeing the shot hit him in the chest she cant help her self. ...And this is your fist lesson of, "Welcome to the twenty-first sentry"
Last edited Mar 27, 2023 6:39 am


Pump Action Shotgun (fay killers at short range) - Attack Roll - (1d4+2, 1d6, RA)

1d4+2 : (2) + 2 = 4

1d6 : (64) = 10

Pump Action Shotgun(fay killers at short range) - Damage Roll - (3d6, RA)

(66115) = 19

Mar 27, 2023 6:51 am
"I stay in here!" Tereza says, clearly terrified of the fey-witch, even as Jemma bravely steps in his path and fires a blast of iron shavings into him. "Sarah, you go get Caroline. Sweeney, you protect me." That last part could conceivably be flirting, but Tereza's tone gives the impression that it was not meant that way and that she really is just scared.

She then turns back to the phone. "Tara, uhm, look for artifacts that store fey power. We have coin of some sort." She glances down at the strange coin Jemma handed her earlier. "We think it is source of his power. How do we destroy it?"
Mar 27, 2023 2:28 pm
Seeing her chance, Sarah exits the car and runs to Caroline's side to help her away.
Mar 27, 2023 8:45 pm
Braddock spending Last Benny To Soak, before making full post...


Vigor Soak for Braddock - (1d10, 1d6, RA)

1d10 : (5) = 5

1d6 : (4) = 4

Mar 27, 2023 9:26 pm
In the empty lot the coven continues their confrontation.

Braddock (2 Wounds)
Braddocks sneer turns to a look of surprise as Jemma's shot blasts him in the chest. He stumbles back.

"You think your musket can--ungh--harm me," he grunts at Jemma. He goes to one knee in the snow, his hand clutching his chest.

Chief Sarah Sweeney
Sweeney draws her gun, and stays at Tereza's side, their hips practically touching.

Al leaps from Sarah's shoulder as the blonde witch runs for Caroline's side. He sprints across the snow and barrels into Caroline, his hands gripping her shirt front.
As Sarah's action for the round she can attempt to heal Caroline as she helps her get clear (-1 if you don't have first aid kit).
Tara Hensley
Back at the bar Tara flips through pages as fast as she can. "O.K., O.K., destroying fey artifacts..."

We see her index finger slide up and down, side to side, on the pages of ancient tome. "Ah; Here! Tereza: 1584, a ritual by Duchess Cavendshaw..."

"O.K., I can walk you through the ritual if you can cast it! But you'll need the blood of two fey applied to the artifact--one willing and one unwilling..."

Wesley Webster
Wesley interjects. "Wait. Alternatively, if I'm reading this correctly," he says of his own book, "an artifact of that nature most surely is imbued with it's own spirit--and thus would be susceptible to the power and desire bargaining has over any other being of the fey."

"Though how one would strike a bargain with an object I can't say." He pushes his glasses up the bridge of his nose.

Tara Hensley
Tara shrugs at Wesley. "Tereza, did you get all that?"
Mar 27, 2023 9:28 pm
Fate Swirls...
Drawing for individuals now...

Deck Draws

Caroline, Sarah, Tereza, Jemma, Braddock
7 of Diamonds
10 of Hearts
2 of Diamonds
Ace of Spades
6 of Spades
Mar 28, 2023 12:33 am
Not sure if Sarah's healing attempt is last round or this one, but...

The young witch binds Caroline's wounds and attempts to staunch the flow of blood. "Apply pressure and elevate the wound," she mutters, recalling her first aid training.
Last edited Mar 28, 2023 12:34 am


Healing - (1d6-1, 1d6-1, RA)

1d6-1 : (2) - 1 = 1

1d6-1 : (5) - 1 = 4

Mar 28, 2023 8:15 am
So, turn order is
- Jemma
- Sarah
- Caroline
- Braddock
- Tereza

Although, I do have the Hesitant Hindrance. I can't actually draw a lower second card, but I could draw a Joker still 😅 Seems like we don't have card draw permissions, though, so @Dunko, you'll have to draw for me
Mar 28, 2023 1:20 pm
Jemma pumps the shotgut takes aim at Braddock and is ready to fire the moment he becomes aggressive. She will not gun him down in cold blood, but she is not taking any chances
I'll make an attack and damage roll, in case he become agressive
Benny on a reroll, ending on a 6
Last edited Mar 28, 2023 1:21 pm


Pump Action Shotgun (fay killers at short range) - Attack Roll - (1d4+2, 1d6, RA)

1d4+2 : (1) + 2 = 3

1d6 : (1) = 1

Pump Action Shotgun(fay killers at short range) - Damage Roll - (3d6, RA)

(1164) = 12

Benny reroll - (1d4+2, 1d6, RA)

1d4+2 : (2) + 2 = 4

1d6 : (4) = 4

Mar 29, 2023 10:44 pm
@Dunko, you'll have to draw for me
O.K., you should all have full draw permissions now! And Sarah's Heal action will be for last round!

Deck Draws

Tereza extra card!
King of Clubs
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