vagueGM says:
The local hacker can definitely have a inconvenient pet you have to pick up on the way.
"inconvenient" - that was what I also envisioned:) Glad you see it similar.
Pedrop: When you gender the hacker as 'he' is that deliberate, or is that a default, generic gender-neural 'he'?
Do we want the hacker to be male? Everyone should answer.
I tend to think about gender/sex last (if at all), so my NPCs tend to be 'they' till the players start defining them as something else. Feel free to add these sorts of defining details --like physical descriptions, personality quirks, gender, style, ...-- if they don't contradict what we have established.
That was gender-neural 'he' for now. Didn't think about gender so far. I have proposed the pet, looking forward what others will add.
It looks like
Cat already knows about the deteriorating situation? She can be the one to tell you about the sped-up time-frame.
Or (or and?) the phone call could be from
Lio if he has learned about the war and increased urgency from his navy pals?
Or the call could be from the hacker --calling
Raf because his contact
Ronny is not carrying a trackable phone-- finally agreeing to your deal now that they have learned of the war and their need to get away?
That's what I also was going to write: Lio is as good to make a call as Ronny and Cat, being the one connected with navy. I like it: now the hacker have a good reason to leave with us.
Pushing you into the action before you are ready is a good way to build some tension and explain random occurrences or weaknesses in the enemies' systems.
I see it very similar:)
TheGenerator says:
I'll work with whatever Pedrop picks
Let's see if Lio wants to be the one calling or he has some other ideas. If in the end of the day it won't be any of PC calling, probably it will be the hacker guy or gal - to inform us, as he is naturally "closest" to the classified information sources - as VagueGM suggested.