Heist the Colours (OOC)

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Feb 8, 2023 10:39 am
Pedrop says:
Somehow I'm not good with names.
Names are hard. Unless we plan to come back here we don't really care too much about coming up with good names for this place. We will probably need to refer to it later, and calling it 'that place where we stole that ship' is a bit of an incriminating mouthful, but a random designation is all we really care about. Abby will probably have a 'local name', since it was her home. If no one else comes up with something, I will look for a random name generator and roll something up.
Feb 8, 2023 10:43 am
vagueGM says:
Fair enough, though, from my viewpoint, the heist already started as soon as you arrived at the bar.

If you all want another day to get ready, that is fine, if you all want to jump to that point, that is fine, if you all want to be forced to act tonight, that is fine, (or we can let dice decide, but why, if there is a chance it will not be what you all want to do).
I say we stick with what's already been established in RP. We have less than 24 hours to set up all the pieces of our plan and be ready to execute the heist.

That makes it urgent but not chaotic.
Pedrop says:
Somehow I'm not good with names. So I welcome others to state those:)
For the depot, maybe it's just named after a prominent historical figure. Like "The Olivia Wilson Depot". We can call it "Wilson's" for short. We don't have to specify who that was. Our characters might not even know, but maybe it'll come up at some point?
Feb 8, 2023 10:52 am
TheGenerator says:
... named after a prominent historical figure. Like "The Olivia Wilson Depot". We can call it "Wilson's" for short. We don't have to specify who that was. Our characters might not even know, but maybe it'll come up at some point?
Sounds good. Why not say that the The Olivia Wilson Depot is named after the The Olivia Wilson System, and that we are currently on 'Wilson's 3' (sometimes called 'Wilsons' 3' or 'Wilsons 3' but almost never 'Wilson 3' for some reason that you think may be superstition), though maybe some of the locals have a more prosaic name for the planet?
Feb 9, 2023 8:09 am
Would you like Lio to make a phonecall to his contact at the depot and tell them that the planning for the 'renovation' has moved up?
Maybe add a Cha-roll (that could go horribly wrong)

Or he can sell it as a '' lucky you! One of my build sites got delayed so I lobbied with the boss to get Wilsons' 3 you moved up in the planning. We can start tomorrow!''
Last edited February 9, 2023 8:31 am
Feb 9, 2023 8:23 am
vagueGM says:
The Olivia Wilson System, and that we are currently on 'Wilson's 3'
Can we please not call everything 'Wilson' or 'Wilsons'? Every time I'm going to wonder if the person actually meant the thing they said or if they made a mistake.

For example:
Airshark says:
to get Wilsons' 3 moved up
You used the Planet name, suggested by vague. Was that what you wanted to use? Or did you mean the Depot?
Feb 9, 2023 8:30 am
Yep I made a mistake.
Feb 9, 2023 8:32 am
Names are hard. :)
Feb 9, 2023 11:28 am
Airshark says:
Or he can sell it as a '' lucky you! One of my build sites got delayed so I lobbied with the boss to get you moved up in the planning. We can start tomorrow!''
I think this is a good idea.
vagueGM says:
Names are hard. :)
Yup 😅
I'll try to come up with some in one of the setup threads.
If anyone else has ideas, go for it.
Feb 10, 2023 6:32 pm
I'm not sure if you were all waiting for me to write something.
In my experience it is not necessary to give everybody 'a turn'

If this wasn't the case... nevermind ;-)
Feb 11, 2023 1:34 pm
Airshark says:
Would you like Lio to make a phonecall ... Maybe add a Cha-roll (that could go horribly wrong)
'Cha Rolls' in this game are really hard to succeed at. :)

We can save the roll till it becomes relevant and has direct impact on the story, then we can roll it and immediately deal with the results. That way we know what is happening and what we are rolling for. The specifics of what Skills and Characteristics would apply will depend on the fiction of the roll. (Maybe SOC, INT, or EDU, and maybe Admin, Broker, Carouse, Deception, Persuade, Streetwise, or even Profession.)
Feb 11, 2023 1:35 pm
Airshark says:
In my experience it is not necessary to give everybody 'a turn'
Indeed. Please don't wait for others to post if you have something that is relevant. It we ever need to slow someone down and wait we will deal with that when it happens. People can always post "before that happened I did ..."

In 'Combat' there is an 'Initiative' system, that expects us to 'take turns' but that can be a pain in PbP. We will work out how to deal with that when we see how it works, there are usually ways to streamline Combat/Initiative in PbP.
Feb 11, 2023 1:36 pm
TheGenerator says:
(in RP)
If nobody has anything left to say to Ronny he will leave the bar.
What's the plan? It sounds like Ronny is going alone to see Abby? What do you hope to achieve with that scene?
Feb 11, 2023 1:39 pm
Pedrop says:
(in RP)... think we need some heavier gear loaded on his ship in advance? ...
We can either assume you are bringing all your personal possessions with you right now (things like incidentals like clothes and such, and 'trinkets' like Raf's Antique Rifle) or that you pick them up at a safe rendezvous later. If you are taking your stuff now, we can assume you arrange to have it packaged (and marked as 'parts') and sent to Bob for loading so it is ready when you get there, or that you arrive and arrange loaders, or whatever. You will almost definitely still need to load the last minute stuff.
Pedrop says:
(in RP)... some hidden locker with some combat drone only at Wilsons ...
If you want to find such things there, say so (a any point), and we can come up with the relevant rolls.
Pedrop says:
(in RP)... asking the right questions in the right moment could… bring some amazing effects… ...
Hey! You trying to manipulate me?! :)
Pedrop says:
(in RP)... But I wouldn’t suggest Cat for this role… we don’t know how BunBun would take this… change… ... ...
@WhtKnt: How do you feel about Abby being a bit prickly with Cat at the start? You can work on developing a relationship (plenty of time on the ship), but we can --if you want-- start a bit rocky. What say you?
Feb 11, 2023 1:39 pm
What is everyone doing between now and when you get back together tomorrow 'before evening'?

What time are you planning to leave? It will not matter to anyone else, since 'local time' is not important when you are leaving the area ... and going to another planet.
Feb 11, 2023 9:01 pm
I'm good with Cat being a bit rocky to begin with. She is the outsider in this group. Cat will spend her time laying low, going to get her gear only just before leaving.
Feb 11, 2023 11:43 pm
vagueGM says:
TheGenerator says:
(in RP)
If nobody has anything left to say to Ronny he will leave the bar.
What's the plan? It sounds like Ronny is going alone to see Abby? What do you hope to achieve with that scene?
Yeah, I figured going alone would be best to speed things up. I don't really have a specific goal in mind. Just to persuade Abby to join us, even though her setup or planning may not be done yet. Nothing that wouldn't have been the case in what we've talked about before anyway.

If anyone wants to make an actual scene (with conversation) of this, I'm open to it.
Feb 12, 2023 6:13 am
WhtKnt says:
I'm good with Cat being a bit rocky to begin with. ...
If you wear lipstick, maybe Abby notices it on Ronny --from your kiss earlier-- and then recognises it as yours? Jealousy is a simple enough emotion and can be cleared up without undue trouble if we want to remove that element from play.
WhtKnt says:
... going to get her gear only just before leaving.
That is the simplest.
Feb 12, 2023 6:17 am
TheGenerator says:
... best to speed things up ... don't really have a specific goal in mind ...
Though, ironically, just slowing things down. :)

We know --by narrative determinism-- that she will be ready (enough) to join you when the action starts, we have just moved that to tomorrow instead of tonight.
TheGenerator says:
... If anyone wants to make an actual scene (with conversation) of this, I'm open to it. ...
Again, I am not seeing why we are delaying. The political situation will just get worse as the hours pass. You had a head-start, and you are using that time to 'rest up'?

I don't mind if people want to do busy-work, but don't think that that will start you off in a better situation or anything. We can assume that you will get done whatever you have to get done to leave, mechanically it won't make a difference if you roll for your actions over the next day, or roll for your readiness and your action in the moment. Unless you are going to play out the actions --giving you opportunities to change your course, or to set up Task Chains or something-- you are just trading fictional 'time to prepare' for fictional 'time for things to get worse'. The situation will be different, but not better.

If you all want to do the heist tomorrow evening, and don't want to define and play out your actions between now and then, we can summarise what you do and move to the get-together tomorrow.

It would also be easy enough for you to find --as you leave the bar-- that the situation is progressing fast and that you need to act tonight. This will not have any effect on how 'ready' you are when the actions begins (but does provide you all a good excuse for when things go wrong later:).

Let me know what you want to do. I would like to get the action going by Tuesday (OOC) either way.
Feb 14, 2023 7:56 am
Is it okay that I left the meet up with Abby kinda vague? If I need to be more specific, let me know.

I went with the narrative of meeting up tomorrow evening for the heist, but if you like, vagueGM, you can make us move even before that. I'm fine either way.
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