TheGenerator says:
... best to speed things up ... don't really have a specific goal in mind ...
Though, ironically, just slowing things down. :)
We know --by narrative determinism-- that she will be ready (enough) to join you when the action starts, we have just moved that to tomorrow instead of tonight.
TheGenerator says:
... If anyone wants to make an actual scene (with conversation) of this, I'm open to it. ...
Again, I am not seeing why we are delaying.
The political situation will just get worse as the hours pass. You had a head-start, and you are using that time to 'rest up'?
I don't mind if people want to do busy-work, but don't think that that will start you off in a better situation or anything. We can assume that you will get done whatever you have to get done to leave, mechanically it won't make a difference if you roll for your actions over the next day, or roll for your readiness and your action in the moment. Unless you are going to play out the actions --giving you opportunities to change your course, or to set up Task Chains or something-- you are just trading fictional 'time to prepare' for fictional 'time for things to get worse'. The situation will be different, but not better.
If you all want to do the heist tomorrow evening, and don't want to define and play out your actions between now and then, we can summarise what you do and move to the get-together tomorrow.
It would also be easy enough for you to find --as you leave the bar-- that the situation is progressing fast and that you need to act tonight. This will not have any effect on how 'ready' you are when the actions begins (but does provide you all a good excuse for when things go wrong later:).
Let me know what you want to do. I would like to get the action going by Tuesday (OOC) either way.