Pedrop says:
... fuel prepared in the case of activating one or more mothballed ships ....
Indeed. There is enough fuel by (near? in?) each ship to allow it to power up and to get to the main fuel source.
Pedrop says:
... enough to leave the system and make a jump ....
No, you need 20 Tons of fuel to Jump (page 157).
Pedrop says:
... Bob's Gig ... has it's own fuel scoops ....
Yes, he can fuel himself up with them, but he only has 1 Ton Fuel Tanks, and his entire Craft can fit in your 21 Ton tanks, so his Scoops can not fuel your ship, you will need to take your ship to the fuel.
Pedrop says:
... need to go for the fuel distribution station near the gas giant ....
Those were the options presented in the initial brief. They also are the only really viable options given the rules.
Going to the gas giant will take time to get there. This is time
after you have powered up the ship and started moving it, which may alert the authorities, so being near the gas giant is a benefit (time before you power up should not draw the same sort of attention).
Or, you can go to the fuel distribution station, but official fuel costs money and they expect to be paid. You could try to forge the paperwork to get that fuel put on someone's bill if you don't want to pay the Cr11,000 for refined fuel.
If you go to the fuel station or the gas giant it will take 1d Hours (page 156, 157) to fuel up once you start. People will start asking questions about what the ship is doing. That time can be spend in the Depot, or on the far side of the planet. The choice is yours.
The Depot has refined fuel, else you get unrefined fuel which adds a DM-2 to Jump Checks.
Once you have fuel you still really need to get to a 'Jump Point' (page 157), and that can take days as well (space is big). But you might not have the option of just travelling there, you might need to engage in a chase of some sort, or some hide and seek, or something to get away, it all depends on how well things go in the earlier parts of the heist. Or you can try to jump from close to the planet and take a DM-4 to the roll, though I would save that option for if you have to, but it is up to you if that is your first plan.
Pedrop says:
... the moon could have
some fuel capabilities ....
Not an easy option by the book. And it does not make sense to me for a Depot to try store fuel on a moon when they have a gas giant. Gas giants are the standard way everyone gets fuel. It is assumed most systems have gas giants --even if they have nothing else-- but we can retcon that out of the first post if you guys want to not have one. If the systems has a gas giant, there would have to be very good reasons for them not use it as their Depot.