Pedrop says:
... To the rescue with a Bob's truck! ...
Some might say 'rescue', others might say 'the GM placed a challenge to the party and you sidestepped it'. People are treating this like a training-mission, so I will let that slide, but don't let it become a habit.
I don't know what yet --this was out of the blue-- but, by the 'basic rules of RPGs', no solution should be without risks or consequences or costs. If you guys create 'free solutions' expect there to be 'costs down the line'.
Pedrop says:
... it's PbP, I like to be proactive, wanted to move things along ...
Sure, but in future maybe don't move things so far along that the scene is suddenly solved and over?
Pedrop says:
... I will edit what is needed ...
Don't Edit. We can if we have to, but don't post things that you expect will need to be edited, the flow of the story can get very confused as some people still remember scenes that did not happen anymore.
Unless someone was interested in the ethical dilemma or technical challenge of getting a vehicle, we can just skip that whole part and proceed with Bob's new van.
Pedrop says:
... I'm counting on Bob's description - GM? - this time ...
Wait? Does that mean you expect the GM to provide the description of the NPC? That was the plan.
Pedrop says:
... some inspiration form AI ... no way I would done it better ...
I don't believe you. I am sure you would have come up with something better, but then I stopped reading after the first paragraph, since it was filled with stuff that did not fit our universe or ruleset at all. AI just does not know enough about what we are doing to really help with details.