Heist the Colours (OOC)

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Feb 22, 2023 3:02 am
Airshark says:
Since they are 'traders' they will understand ...

If you bought specialty goods before the civil war broke out you might have the chance to make a tidy profit when there is fear of a shortage.

I assume the main export from Fiberville optical cables, made from the ruby-sands?
Feb 22, 2023 3:04 am
If any of you knew there was a civil war coming they might have made plans to stock up?
Feb 22, 2023 3:14 am
vagueGM says:
Airshark says:
Since they are 'traders' they will understand ...

If you bought specialty goods before the civil war broke out you might have the chance to make a tidy profit when there is fear of a shortage.

I assume the main export from Fiberville optical cables, made from the ruby-sands?
Ronny and Raf did some smuggling before, I was referring to that.
Lio is not in the 'business' he isn't planning on making a profit, also not for the drugs. (Don't worry)
Feb 22, 2023 9:39 pm
The dice have spoken. Abby takes her stuff. :)
Feb 22, 2023 9:41 pm
Thanks for trying, WhtKnt 😅
Feb 22, 2023 10:40 pm
So it is too late for Raf to try use his Leadership?
Feb 22, 2023 10:58 pm
Pedrop says:
So it is too late for Raf to try use his Leadership?
For what purpose?

Deal with the fiction first, if there is a way the Leadership Skill would apply, then we can look at it.

The Skill description only talks about using it in Combat, but it is fairly standard for RPGs to think that Combat is the only thing that matters.

Bear in mind though, that most of these people won't really see you as their 'leader', so it will be strange for you to start 'shouting orders'. You might need to earn that first, and being a good leader in Combat might be a way to engender such trust.

If you mean to help with Abby's stuff, the dice have been rolled, and we must abide by their 'decision'. The result was a 3, so there is probably no way to get it to an 8+ to make a difference anyway.

What does your character do? The conversation was quiet, so you would be relying on reading body-language to notice that things have become tense.
Feb 22, 2023 10:59 pm
@WhtKnt: I missed the "Ooh, wait! What's this? This is so cool!" in your post. What was Cat referring to, and do you want to try to use that point to continue and to try to rescue the conversation?
Feb 22, 2023 11:06 pm
vagueGM says:
Pedrop says:
So it is too late for Raf to try use his Leadership?

Bear in mind though, that most of these people won't really see you as their 'leader', so it will be strange for you to start 'shouting orders'. You might need to earn that first, and being a good leader in Combat might be a way to engender such trust.

If you mean to help with Abby's stuff, the dice have been rolled, and we must abide by their 'decision'. The result was a 3, so there is probably no way to get it to an 8+ to make a difference anyway.

What does your character do? The conversation was quiet, so you would be relying on reading body-language to notice that things have become tense.
Yes. I don't think that Raf is already seen as leader to any one. Maybe the main organizer for some part of the plan, but that quite far:) So no shouting - not this time;)

I was thinking about different approach - as you said, some slight trick and maybe calling on some outside authority, or something like that.

I think I will simply write my RP(I'm in the middle of it) and you will tell me if there is any chance to change the situation, ok?
Feb 22, 2023 11:55 pm
Done. My RP is assuming that Abby know very well what we are going to do at Wilsons for real - of course.
Edit: So Raf is trying to get to her intelligence, sense of potential loss if there will be too much staff and some of it will have to be left at the place of action and tries to present choosing what to take as programing task: filtering the database by specific query.

Hope it was visible with my average English:)
Last edited February 22, 2023 11:58 pm
Feb 23, 2023 12:03 am
Yeah, and she knows that there is no way to come back for anything she does not take now.

It looks like most of your post was for Bob's benefit, and is about the Deception. I am not sure if you want to roll that, seeing as Raf is not good at that sort of thing. Does he think he is good? Does he think he is likely to fool Bob? Or does he desperately need Abby to roll the actual Deception for him? (I am not much of a fan of rolling NPC-vs-NPC, it is boring, but this one might have something to add.)
Feb 23, 2023 12:10 am
My na Raf's main aim was to still try to convince Abby no to take so much staff. And make departure from her flat easier. And I think he tired to get to her reason. Just not telling explicitly what they will be doing, as it is still not good to say those things out loud.

Not revealing everything to Bob was just a possible side effect. He know that Bob may start to figure it out what is happening, but plans to tell him more when they will be at Wilsons.
Feb 23, 2023 12:12 am
So, to sum it up: the post wasn't to deceive Bob, was to convince Abby by logical arguments, not lies. Showing her better the context:)
Feb 23, 2023 12:18 am
Airshark says:

Hehe WARdrobe, maybe it will come in handy.
Lol... good one! I like it. Raf would like it even more;)
Feb 23, 2023 12:32 am
Pedrop says:
... the post wasn't to deceive Bob, was to convince Abby by logical arguments, not lies ...
Sure, you are not lying to her (just trying to get her to lie to Bob:), though the only real 'logical argument' was that it might raise suspicion --which she will agree with-- but putting the stuff in crates labeled 'parts' should fix that, she thinks.

Arguments like 'take three days worth of clothes' when she knows she is leaving forever, and talking about coming back for more when she believes that is not possible, are only 'logical' if they convince her that lying to Bob is worth her giving up her stuff forever.

Given these facts, and the previous snake-eyed dice, Persuading her will be Difficult... If you want to make a roll.
I suppose it is also appropriate under the rules to say that Cat's roll was part of a Task Chain, and provides a -2 to your Average roll, both bring us to the same values and I would only want to do one here. There are multiple ways the mechanics interact, and I am sure we will find which we tend to prefer.

I am not sure that INT should apply to Persuade, unless it was particularly 'clever' persuasion. I am willing to be persuaded that it does in this case.
Feb 23, 2023 12:48 am
vagueGM says:
Pedrop says:
... the post wasn't to deceive Bob, was to convince Abby by logical arguments, not lies ...
Sure, you are not lying to her (just trying to get her to lie to Bob:), though the only real 'logical argument' was that it might raise suspicion --which she will agree with-- but putting the stuff in crates labeled 'parts' should fix that, she thinks.
Partially I agree, but the amount/volume may play some role too IMHO. And I also talked about moving this amount of staf. And the need of fast moves of the whole team...
Arguments like 'take three days worth of clothes' when she knows she is leaving forever, and talking about coming back for more when she believes that is not possible, are only 'logical' if they convince her that lying to Bob is worth her giving up her stuff forever.
Yeah. I know that she knows that. "3 days" was only a try to put her 'query' in a word - set some limit. Not to try to convince here that it will be the best for her. But it may be the best for her to be able to "move" - at such times of war like those - fast enough?
I am not sure that INT should apply to Persuade, unless it was particularly 'clever' persuasion. I am willing to be persuaded that it does in this case.
Hmmm... not mine to judge. Could be quite hard for me - considering how much effort I have put in writing this RP - to say those were "stupid" arguments. But maybe they were? :)

If you are not persuaded already... maybe we ought to leave it that way: becoming a baggage boys of Abby? :)

And in this case Difficult(achieved in either way) feels good to me. So should I roll? :)
Feb 23, 2023 12:51 am
vagueGM says:
Speaking of money: Have we had Bob load any Trade Goods onto his Gig? Possibly packaged as 'parts'.

Think about it as we play. If we want to engage in some Trade (Speculative or otherwise) to help offset the costs, we can do so.
I would like to try some trading. Like to check all of those subsystems in Traveller:)

And about Bob loading those at the Gig: I think it could be that way, that he started to figure out what is happening(also during events that will only happen in future from current point in time), SO he packed those goods because he wants to use those as his "bargaining advantage" in order to convince us to take him with us. So maybe he will us it when Raf finally will tell his what is going on. Just an idea of course.

As a side note: I'm starting to feel bad about it that Raf didn't tell Bob already about their real plan... but we didn't precise the relation between them. So probably he had some reasons for that. Maybe Bob is just not good with keeping secrets? I don't know:)
Last edited February 23, 2023 12:51 am
Feb 23, 2023 1:43 am
Pedrop says:
... but the amount/volume may play some role ...
Yes, the amount is the challenge that you have to deal with (complicated by the emotions of the fact that you are asking a woman to give up house-and-home). You can't use the fact that it is a challenge as your argument in the challenge. :)

There are many ways to deal with the challenge, these Persuasions are only one of them. It is viable to just take the lot, there may be trouble on the street while loading, but that is something that was asked for by the loud van. :)
Pedrop says:
... the need of fast moves of the whole team ...
She gets that, that is why you have the opportunity to roll to get her to acquiesce. It will not be easy, though, she is giving up her current life and did not agree to this.
Pedrop says:
... Not to try to convince here that it will be the best for her. But it may be the best for her to be able to "move" ...
This is why we resort to dice, they can decided if your argument works. We don't have to rely on the players' (the GM is a player) ability to articulate their plan clearly, same we way don't rely on the players' ability to swing a sword to decide if they hit.
Pedrop says:
... effort I have put in writing this RP - to say those were "stupid" arguments ...
You might find I said the exact opposite. That INT won't 'normally' apply to Persuade, but that there was enough 'clever intent' in there that it could now, if you were trying to use your Intelligence (or is it intellect?) there. It is up to you if it applies. The Skill rolled and the Characteristics used affect the tone of the outcome.
Pedrop says:
... maybe we ought to leave it that way: becoming a baggage boys of Abby? ...
That is viable. All her stuff can fit in the van with the whole party and the stuff you still need or have with you.
Pedrop says:
... And in this case Difficult(achieved in either way) feels good to me. So should I roll? ...
Yeah, go ahead and roll Persuade (INT) 10+. (or you can roll against 8+ and take a -2, just say which you are doing.)
Feb 23, 2023 1:45 am
Pedrop says:
... I would like to try some trading. Like to check all of those subsystems ...
Sure, but do you want to do it now? It could complicate your situation in the short-term. Though running out of money can complicate your situation in the long-term...

It is a bit turvy-topsy but we can see how much money you guys have at the end and pretend you spent that on Trade Goods? But I don't think you pay anything for general Trade Goods, just Speculative Trade, so that will be another decision when the time comes.
Pedrop says:
... Bob loading those at the Gig: I think it could be that way, that he started to figure out ...
If you bought the stuff last week and had him load it, there is little reason for him to be suspicious. He can easily assume it is the stuff you need for the job. The more suspicious he becomes the more each little peculiarity will add up, though. But going without any gear for the job is possibly more suspicious?
Pedrop says:
... use those as his "bargaining advantage" ...
Pedrop says:
... starting to feel bad about it that Raf didn't tell Bob ...
There wasn't a war before, so there would have been less (no) reason for him to want to come with, or to care aside from if he could get hush-money.

It is a good sign when players start caring about the NPCs. :)
Pedrop says:
... Maybe Bob is just not good with keeping secrets? ...
I do not get the impression that he is. He seems like a 'loud-mouth' to me.
Feb 23, 2023 8:51 am
vagueGM says:

There are many ways to deal with the challenge, these Persuasions are only one of them. It is viable to just take the lot, there may be trouble on the street while loading, but that is something that was asked for by the loud van. :)
Consequences, consequences, always consequences. Like in real life:)
Pedrop says:
... effort I have put in writing this RP - to say those were "stupid" arguments ...
You might find I said the exact opposite. That INT won't 'normally' apply to Persuade, but that there was enough 'clever intent' in there that it could now, if you were trying to use your Intelligence (or is it intellect?) there. It is up to you if it applies. The Skill rolled and the Characteristics used affect the tone of the outcome.
Sorry... completely misread you :/ You indeed said the opposite. Yes, INT in this case also feels the best for me.
Yeah, go ahead and roll Persuade (INT) 10+. (or you can roll against 8+ and take a -2, just say which you are doing.)
Ok, rolling in RP thread in a moment. I think it was different "path" to try to "get to" Abby, so 10+ feels better.
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