Pedrop says:
... Ok, no war profiting. Good by moral POV ...
There is a world of difference between 'war profiting' and 'war profiteering'. Since you did not know that an actual
war was coming (even if you expected some civil upheaval), making some money is not all that morally dubious.
Pedrop says:
... what I have qualified as ship parts - "Advanced Machine Parts" ...
Yeah, and even those don't quite fit 'ship parts' Ships can only really be made or repaired in a Shipyard in a High-Tech Spaceport (page 188), and it does not make much sense to build one of those where the parts are not available. So finding a buyer who can use the parts and does not already have access to the parts will be a whole big thing. We can make a mission out of it, possibly say that
Raf thinks he knows of a buyer, and then you have to get to them.
'Ship parts' are not an easily-tradable good, so going with them for RP reasons will have RP complications.
Pedrop says:
... awfully expensive ...
We can engage the mechanics to get you a better price, both here (Industrial and High Tech) and again where you sell (hopefully Non-Industrial and maybe Asteroid? (based on the (faulty) assumption that 'Ship parts'
are 'Advanced Machine Parts', which makes selling them on an Asteroid nonsensical)). But we will need to see how much money you have at the end of your heist, we can then pretend you already spent that on Trade.
You have 81 Tons of Cargo Space, Trading 1 Ton of goods will not pay the fuel bills.
Pedrop says:
... barrow some mony from some corrupted government official - with no intention to pay him off...
That is, of course, an option. It has big risks, and might not work.
If you do this, do you discuss it with the rest of your team? Are they involved?
Pedrop says:
... cybernetics are also very expensive... buying them for sell would be hard too ...
More than that, they are so rare as to be virtually unavailable at your TL. You might need to be entrepreneurs and start that enterprise from scratch, which could have great rewards if you can find the market. That sounds like a thing for later, and your lab might instead lead to missions where people have/need Cybernetics.
Pedrop says:
... build a cybernetics lab at the ship ...
That might be better left till you know what the ship is like... and till you have the money to build it. You can work on that in your spare time as we play. Spending all your 'spare change' on starting a lab could leave you broke if you can't immediately turn that into profit.
Pedrop says:
... bought some parts and equipment for the lab in excess, to sell it later ...
That is a possibility, but carries high risks of being stuck with speciality goods you don't need and can't sell. All your plans to 'sell off your excess' are not ideal plans to make money fast. Looking at the markets you are in and going to and then buying and selling the right thing for both is the Traders' Way.
Pedrop says:
... could be one of the way Lio and Raf were planing to make some money after leaving Ruby? Building some cybernetics staff and sell ...
That sound like an excellent end-goal, but I fear it will take a lot more time and money than you have right now?
Pedrop says:
... It could be a parallel thread with those events ...
If you just want to say you did some Trading last month we can start a new thread for it, but it is probably only a handful of posts.
You can either focus on the mechanics of the Trade system or focus on the RP of trading (guided by the mechanics), or mix and match as and when you feel one approach is more appropriate.
Pedrop says:
... I don't know who else is interesting in checking those trading subsystems of Traveller ...
We can leave it till we have dealt with the current mission, then decide. We can say it happened in the past.
If only some players are interested in this, and the ones that are have the spare bandwidth, we can get in the habit of running Speculative Trade threads in parallel with our missions.
Pedrop says:
... this cybernetic lab, could be Lio's and Raf's "pet project ...
That was more how I saw it coming into play. Maybe once you have a Ship you two will find you really want one, and start to build one in the RP. A 'lab' sounds all fancy, but you can just start to accumulate the gear you use in a Stateroom or part of the Hold and call that your 'Lab'.
Cybernetics are rare enough that you will have to work to get any gear, and it will bring outside interest in your capabilities. Like the Jump Drive, having this will make you special and lead to missions/stories.
Pedrop says:
... whether it is possible with their skills ... making some money on it ...
You might (eventually?) need to get some levels in Profession (Cybernetics) and/or Profession (Medic) to fully capitalise on those as ways to make steady money.