Pedrop says:
... make a small stop near the depot ... to pick up Carl's package ...
That could be doable. A lot of trust happening there if you expect him to leave it unattended, just floating in space so you can grab it. We can talk about that.
Pedrop says:
... make some money at moment of leaving the system ...
He is not going to pay you for picking something up. You will only get paid if you
deliver it. The money will come at the end.
Pedrop says:
... if Carl is able to deliver the package directly to Gig ...
The timing will be close. And that does mean telling 'strangers' exactly when and where you are leaving from. If something goes wrong this could come back to bite you.
Pedrop says:
... Raf will tell Carl about going to the depot ... just going there to install some medical bay ... What's suspicious about that? ...
Sure. He won't get at all suspicious when a ship is then stolen from that exact place at that exact time. :)
But that might not be a bad thing. He does not seem like he is all that concerned with 'legal', so this may big-up your reputation.
Pedrop says:
... Raf wouldn't want to leave any trace of where ...
You might not want to leave any trace, but you will
have to if you want to make this deal. He is not going to give you stuff if you are not going where he wants it to go. There is no free launch.
Pedrop says:
... some planet like 1 or 2 jumps from Ruby ...
That could be any of 18 different Systems, like 16+ light-years apart. He would need much more specific details than that. At least he will need to know your direction (on the hex grid) and when you expect to get there.
Pedrop says:
... as long delivering the package will be worth alone to get to it's intended destination ...
It will not be, not on its own. The above offer of 20,000 for a 'pizza box' assumes you are already going 'there'. We are not negotiating a full cargo hold right now, that would take more time you have and needs to have been done before, this is just a little sweetener.
Pedrop says:
... if the money will be good - he thinks team will be willing ...
20K is a nice bit of pocket money for you, if you have to split it 5 ways it is much less attractive --but still not nothing. If you got the team involved, and Carl liked them, he might be willing to offer each a similar nondescript box?
Pedrop says:
... specifically just to deliver the package. But it doesn't exclude the possibility to make some additional money going there ...
You would need to be going 'there' anyway for this deal to work. He would probably expect you to mix his package(s) in with other stuff to avoid attention.
Pedrop says:
... Carl is someone much more important then he initially looks ...
Seems that way. This is not just about this one quick deal, it could shape things to come.
Pedrop says:
... he will give good price for the service, even slightly better then average ...
20K profit on 1/250th of a Ton? You can't do better than that with any regular Cargo or even the best Speculative Trade. This is definitely special delivery. It can even pay for a Jump on its own, but that is not sustainable.
Pedrop says:
... best scenerio for the team IMHO would be to get the package after they have running ship ...
Sure. But that might not fit with Carl's plans.
He would have to get it into space, and packaged for vacuum, and such, all in the short the timeframe you are working on.
If that is all you are offering him, then your focus on your own convenience will be apparent and flavour the relationship.
Pedrop says:
... we didn't established where we are going ...
By pure coincidence, Carl needs something sent where you are going, or close enough. At a minimum you have plans that allow you to be in the System he needs --if not the same planet. (There is little point to our having this scene otherwise:).
You will need to reveal this information to Carl, even if
we don't know it yet. You will then need stick to that part of your plan, even if things change during your escape. This is an 'Opportunity at a Cost' in PbtA parlance.
What do you do?