WhtKnt says:
... discuss everything OOC ...
Yeah, there has been a lot more table talk (OOC) than even I (who have been accused of being
too collaborative) think is ideal. I am always hopeful that will settle out as we play and learn how we do things.
WhtKnt says:
... the GM making a call and everyone else reacting to it ...
For the GM to do that, though, they need to know what people are trying to do, or people need to do things within the rules. The 'rules' have been slightly clashing with my style, since I try to be free and let the players take the lead, but they then need to do things that work within the world and the rules. The most common OOC chatter has been about which Skill to use and that will improve as players become more clear on their actions so we can judge which Skills apply, I don't see that going away, though it will diminish as we all learn which Skills work where.
As stated in the
Recruitment Thread: "
• Players are expected to be proactive and to take an interest in- and ownership of- the world" but I have had to drag out from players what they are actually trying to do. I can't make a ruling on how things go if I don't know what they player is trying.
I will never make a ruling about what your character does. So if the player does not adequately describe their actions it is often impossible for me to describe their failure (success is easier). That is a hard rule with me, so that part will never go away.
@WhtKnt: I understand that you have have had real life challenging your time to play, so have let your single-line posts slide, though they will often require some questions about what you are wanting to do. But I also see you recruiting for multiple new games, which makes me a bit worried that there is more to this.
If this game is not working out for you, I will not be offended if you choose to leave it so you can have more time for the sorts of games you enjoy more. That is completely fine, and it is good for the group if everyone is on the same page about things like post detail levels, and levels of engagement and ownership with the world. I am not saying you need to leave (if it were a problem I would say so), just that you might not be getting the most from this, nor showing us your best self.
Do you
want to continue with this game?
Wishing you and your wife all of the best.