Heist the Colours (OOC)

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May 18, 2023 10:13 am
If no one answers, Lio will find his own way.
May 18, 2023 10:52 am
vagueGM says:

If you can get a day of rest. :)
Yeah. We will probably be in constant rush for some time... from now on. Good that Lio seems to be a good friend... And expert surgeon:)
vagueGM says:
You chose not to injure him (till now) so his Characteristics are not directly impacted. I have given him a -1 DEX (Characteristic not Mod) for when he is using his sore hand, but that does not really show up till his DEX goes down a bit more.
I'm cool with that. Very reasonable interpretation!
vagueGM says:
Did you neglect to apply the DM-2 from tree Cover? Both of you get it... and suffer from it. If so, that would make it a 7, and a miss.
I assumed that in fact our turns happen in the same time(even though that Craig probably have slight faster reactions this time - due his Initative roll) - so if he didn't have this DM-2(RP), Raf shouldn't have one too? Plus Raf has made a few steps towards the trees previous round, so maybe there is probability that Raf get there and start shooting before Craig got to his cover.

That was my reasoning for this "neglect". If it/I was wrong - just tell and continue with assumption that the shot was a miss. Either way it seems mu turn is over.

However, fallowing turn: yes, it's obvious that we both will have DM-2 - because of covers:)
Last edited May 18, 2023 10:53 am
May 18, 2023 11:15 am
Only to avoid confusion.
Are we using that special font for COMS+text message. Or only for messages?

coms or text Public

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May 18, 2023 11:16 am
Look at me, I created a working poll! Yeaaaahhhhjjj💪
May 18, 2023 11:23 am
To add to the clarification effort: can we "talk" in comms by thoughts only, without saying things out loud - like in cyberpunk worlds/settings? Or it always have to be physically said like through the phone? In my last comm I assumed that Raf was saying it aloud - but it that case it couldn't change much, as I assume everything is "covered" by Bob's "music".
May 18, 2023 11:26 am
After writing my question... I realized we have TL9 - so probably no brain implants... and no "thoughts" communication. I'm ok with that:) "Telepathy" could make some things too easy.
May 18, 2023 4:39 pm
Pedrop says:
... I assumed that in fact our turns happen in the same time ... so if he didn't have this DM-2 ... Raf shouldn't have one too? ...
You talked, you shot, he shot, then you got to the trees and ended your Turn; then you shot again and he will shoot again. As you narrated, you only got to the trees after getting hit, and were both running and not behind Cover (Reaction) when that happened last Round.

Agreed that, by Initiative, he should have shot first, but these things are happening at the same time, and I needed to know what you were doing and if you were on opposite sides of the path (though that did not matter). The order we post in is not the same as the order we resolve things in, in PbP that gets too slow, so we only worry about Turn Order when it comes to the resolving things.
Pedrop says:
... Plus Raf has made a few steps towards the trees previous round, so maybe there is probability that Raf get there and start shooting before Craig got to his cover. ...
Feasible I suppose. I was not clear enough when I said that the Cover situation applies to both of you equally [ref]. If you are in the trees now, so is he. Your narration definitely has you in the trees for this turn, so we will treat his roll as such and do the same for yours. That means you got a 7.

Firefights when both parties are using Cover means fewer hits, which is good. This does mean you might run out of ammo in such situations and that could be the fight-ender rather than death.
May 18, 2023 4:40 pm
Airshark says:
Only to avoid confusion.
Are we using that special font for COMS+text message. Or only for messages?
Neither? Formatting is never required and is always only in addition to proper grammar and descriptions. Assume some people can not see your formatting and make sure the post still works without it.
Airshark says:
Look at me, I created a working poll! Yeaaaahhhhjjj💪
No. It is not working, it seems to be missing the 'NO!' option. :)
May 18, 2023 4:41 pm
Pedrop says:
... can we "talk" in comms by thoughts only, without saying things out loud ... I realized we have TL9 - so probably no brain implants ... "Telepathy" could make some things too easy.
Yes. This is telephony not telepathy.

You are using phones. Presumably with 'hands-free' earpieces and such, but still basically phones.
May 18, 2023 5:11 pm
@Pedrop: I believe Craig should have had another -1 to his Attack the previous round due to his Dodge Reaction.

He still got a 9, but that is only +1 not +2 to Damage. So you took 1 less last time.

His newest 10 Damage is all eaten up by your Protection and Armour.
May 19, 2023 9:46 am
vagueGM says:
Airshark says:
Only to avoid confusion.
Are we using that special font for COMS+text message. Or only for messages?
Neither? Formatting is never required and is always only in addition to proper grammar and descriptions. Assume some people can not see your formatting and make sure the post still works without it.
Airshark says:
Look at me, I created a working poll! Yeaaaahhhhjjj💪
No. It is not working, it seems to be missing the 'NO!' option. :)
Even better! 😁
May 19, 2023 2:16 pm
TheGenerator says:
(in RP)... "Hey. I think you're my contact. I'm Ronny. HoneyDrop's friend. Are you alright?"
I don't know if anyone chose to notice that the woman also used the name HoneyDrop [ref], so everyone here is claiming to be the real contact. Whether you guys know it or not, or whether Ronny specifically knows/was told does not heavily affect the situation which follows:

GJ has doubts. He may need some Persuasion (maybe INT if you can bring that into such a discussion) to trust you enough to not run away now that he thinks he is free. I don't think we set the Difficulty this time, we can just use the Effect to range from: having him flee with no hope of words helping (and you need to get physical if you want to get the Computer from him); having him flee but you can still try to Persuade him to stop (with threats if needed); having him be willing to listen, but not trust you enough yet; through having him trust that you are who you say you are; though having him give up the computer easily just to end this situation.

Narrate and roll it.
May 19, 2023 2:16 pm
Raf and Craig's actions have been less than half a minute (player was away and fell behind, which presents complication in PbP, but it not a problem), and Lio spoke about spending minutes (though that might not be the word meant) verifying that the rooftop guy was not going to bounce back, and Ronny ran around the park which also takes a while. So we can continue the Raf (and Cat) Initiative in the background while Ronny has a conversation in free-time.
May 19, 2023 7:14 pm
WhtKnt says:
(in RP) Cat stays where she is and listens carefully to see if she can determine where everyone (anyone) is.
What exactly are you trying to do? Do you want to work out which is Raf and which is the enemy? That is probably an Average (8+) Recon with INT? Bob's distraction means you probably can't work out where the others are without lots of effort.
May 21, 2023 5:25 pm
Yes, she is listening for friendly voices to try and determine where people are while attempting to stay out of the line of fire. I'll go with the Recon roll.
May 21, 2023 5:39 pm
WhtKnt says:
... I'll go with the Recon roll.
18! Wow! :) (I am sure we have all made that mistake a number of times.)
WhtKnt says:
... listening for friendly voices ...
@Pedrop: Raf is talking on the comms. And I don't think he has much reason to be very worried about being heard. Is there any reason Cat's 8 (Marginal Success) on Recon would not be able to tell which one is you? Are you trying to be quiet?
May 21, 2023 9:40 pm
TheGenerator says:
(in RP)... it would make a lot more noise ...
Do you not have a 'silencer' on the gun? I hesitated over this when I narrated her being intimidated by the addons. They might make it hard to conceal the weapon, so you might carry it separately and put it on when you think you need it. The cops are also more likely to get upset about a silencer than about a gun on its own.

If silenced: I doubt anyone would notice that over Bob's music. If not silenced: The 'music' might still cover for you if you are lucky.
TheGenerator says:
(in RP)... He can't do it. ...
Well, yes. That is a better reason. Very commendable.
TheGenerator says:
(in RP)... You're going to do 3 things for me ...
Those seems reasonable. Maybe a Persuasion roll with INT? The better you do the more of those three options you will get to pick and have her do?
TheGenerator says:
(in RP)... If the woman makes any attempt to reach the gun or come toward Ronny, he will shoot ...
Unlikely, but maybe on a bad Fail?
May 21, 2023 10:15 pm
vagueGM says:
Do you not have a 'silencer' on the gun?
I kinda forgot about that. Yeah, let's say I wasn't expecting to use it and so haven't equiped it right now. I think the info will be more interesting anyway :)

Added the roll.
May 21, 2023 10:38 pm
TheGenerator says:
... let's say I wasn't expecting to use it and so haven't equiped it right now ...
That also establishes that cops won't automatically cop you for it.
TheGenerator says:
Added the roll.
A 12 is pretty good. I figure you mostly get what you want. You have no guarantee that she will keep going and not circle back once out of sight, this was not an Exceptional Success after all. :)
May 21, 2023 10:44 pm
Sounds very reasonable :)
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