Pedrop says:
... I assumed that in fact our turns happen in the same time ... so if he didn't have this DM-2 ... Raf shouldn't have one too? ...
You talked, you shot, he shot, then you got to the trees and ended your Turn; then you shot again and he will shoot again. As you narrated, you only got to the trees after getting hit, and were both running and not behind Cover (Reaction) when that happened last Round.
Agreed that, by Initiative, he should have shot first, but these things are happening at the same time, and I needed to know what you were doing and if you were on opposite sides of the path (though that did not matter). The order we post in is not the same as the order we resolve things in, in PbP that gets too slow, so we only worry about Turn Order when it comes to the resolving things.
Pedrop says:
... Plus Raf has made a few steps towards the trees previous round, so maybe there is probability that Raf get there and start shooting
before Craig got to his cover. ...
Feasible I suppose. I was not clear enough when I said that the Cover situation applies to both of you equally [
ref]. If you are in the trees now, so is he. Your narration definitely has you in the trees for this turn, so we will treat his roll as such and do the same for yours. That means you got a 7.
Firefights when both parties are using Cover means fewer hits, which is good. This does mean you might run out of ammo in such situations and
that could be the fight-ender rather than death.