Heist the Colours (OOC)

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May 10, 2023 4:00 pm
@WhtKnt: I assume Cat is trying to find or close with the target?[ref] I would assume that is a roll, probably Recon with INT, but I will accept a more physical Characteristic (DEX or END?) if you can narrate it playing into the chase.

Do you want to go straight for them or try to circle round and ambush them (possibly at the same time as Ronny[ref], in a pincer manoeuvre?). This will affect the Difficulty you need to roll against. Let us know, possibly narrate the first part with your intent and then we can deal with the roll and then narrate the followup?
May 10, 2023 4:01 pm
@Airshark: I assume Lio's intent is to remove this stranger on the roof from the encounter? If you are trying for anything else, make your intentions clear.

If you are just trying to eliminate them then roll your Weapon's Damage, and add your Effect. An 8 is 0 Effect, so you don't add anything, but still hit.

Per your sheet, your Laser Pistol does `3d6+3`?
May 10, 2023 4:01 pm
@TheGenerator: Ronny's next action will depend on the other's. If things go well you might be able to fill in some Minor Actions with more than just Movement.
May 10, 2023 4:02 pm
@Pedrop: Craig gave you your opening. Do you want to try shoot the gun from his hand? Something else? There is enough noise that your and Lio's shots are independent from each other, you can't hear them, but still have comms if you want to communicate.
May 10, 2023 4:37 pm
Sounds good. I'll wait for the others to make their moves. I'm also fine with just running
May 11, 2023 3:56 am
vagueGM says:
@Airshark: I assume Lio's intent is to remove this stranger on the roof from the encounter? If you are trying for anything else, make your intentions clear.

If you are just trying to eliminate them then roll your Weapon's Damage, and add your Effect. An 8 is 0 Effect, so you don't add anything, but still hit.

Per your sheet, your Laser Pistol does `3d6+3`?
If with remove you mean a non lethal solution, then yes. I didn't know that was an option given the situation (range).
Like falling over the edge unconscious in a dumpster?

If not, 3d6+3 is correct
May 11, 2023 7:50 am
It's almost 10am here, I will post at my evening.
Last edited May 11, 2023 7:50 am
May 11, 2023 8:15 am
Pedrop says:
It's almost 10am here ...
Urgh. That's harsh. I assume you are seeing that from the wrong side. :)

See you this evening.
May 11, 2023 8:19 am
Airshark says:
... If with remove you mean a non lethal solution, then yes. I didn't know that was an option given the situation (range).
I did not say 'kill' because I don't want force that method, but I can't see another way to remove someone with a Laser Pistol at range. If you can find one, then I am willing to listen.

A very-unlikely 'scare him off', maybe? But then you would be trading actual damage for a gamble that he won't just think you meant to kill him and missed, and start shooting back with (possibly) his rifle.
Airshark says:
... Like falling over the edge unconscious in a dumpster? ...
If he falls your character has to assume he is dead. The fall from the roof was presented as the quickest way to kill him, not as a way to save him. Mainly because you might only get one shot, and 3d6+3 is, at best, 21 and while that would kill a softy like Lio (combat is lethal, don't do it if you can avoid it), it would not quite kill Cat, though it would knock her unconscious and put her in hospital for weeks (when not 'lethal', combat is serious).

You can try to time it so he falls and probably dies, or you can try to time it so he topples back onto the roof and maybe lives (if someone finds him and gives him help). You rolled high enough to just make shot, so you don't have oodles of control. The Damage roll could be a 6, in which case he might fight back.
May 11, 2023 10:41 am
Ok. Given the range Lio's intention is to hit. It's too hard to choose exactly where.
So I'll just roll for damage
May 11, 2023 11:51 am
vagueGM says:
I did not say 'kill' because I don't want force that method, but I can't see another way to remove someone with a Laser Pistol at range. If you can find one, then I am willing to listen.
Lio's blast hits the brickwork, creating a cloud of dust and shards of brick. Some of it gets into the bad guy's eye, rendering him useless for about a minute.

Something like that maybe?
May 11, 2023 12:19 pm
Given the marginal 'to hit' roll, and the exactly-average Damage roll, and the description of him going backwards, I put him on the roof still, but you don't know if he is still a threat or not.

Lio doesn't know if he will survive, but it looked like hard hit to his trained eye. If you don't hear more, does that bother Lio?
May 12, 2023 10:20 pm
vagueGM says:
@Pedrop: I will try to sum up rather than reply to each point (especially since some of them were retracted:).

We will learn each others' styles as we play, so this will get smoother with time.
Sure thing. Just wanted to share my view on the subject to further this learning a little:)
vagueGM says:
In terms of the music being in Raf's 'timeline': I am sorry for any confusion, I was trying to give you the opportunity to do something before the music came, because you had essentially missed two turns with your being away and the discussion-interrupted. That didn't work, and I will adjust/expedite my approach going forward.
My recent absences also are not helping:( So sorry from my side too.
vagueGM says:
I will post a minor reaction from Craig, then please post a proper, singular response with your actual actions. Schrodinger's Posts with multiple potential actions will get confusing and are better suited to OOC.
After reading this OCC thread I will move to R one, and post what I will be able after my recent absence:( Sorry, this week was almost 12 h in office per day.
May 13, 2023 11:47 am
Pedrop says:
... this week was almost 12 h in office ...
That does not sound too bad...
Pedrop says:
... per day.
Oh! That sounds bad. :)
May 13, 2023 11:48 am
Pedrop says:
(OOC in RP)... 7... was quite close:) Let's see how it really went and how Craig will react! ...
Yes. With a 7 you should have some control over how it does wrong. In a non-combat situation the rules describe a miss of -1 as 'it may be possible to still succeed at a cost'.

What do you --the player-- prefer? That Craig gets hurt a bit (not your character's intention, but always a risk, and you will have to live with that), or that you don't shoot his hand and he instead gets angry and shoots back?
Pedrop says:
(OOC in RP)... I don't know if I have any Minor action left, we can treat this move as only few insignificant steps, more as gesture then anything else - if that would be the case.
Sure. I figure you spend your Significant Action shooting, so you still have one Minor left. (Strange that it is not the length/effort of the action does not define it as 'Significant', rather the expected impact on the story. So, despite spending a fraction of a second pulling the trigger, you still also, somehow spent most of your 6 seconds doing it.)
May 13, 2023 11:50 am
If you have shot your guns, remember to track your ammo. I don't think we will end up in a fight long enough to run out, but it is still good practice.
May 14, 2023 9:59 am
I like the disarm idea, Pedrop :)

Vague, can I position Ronny in a stealthy way and then tackle the person holding GJ? Well.. I mean... Can I try it 😅
May 14, 2023 11:35 am
TheGenerator says:
Vague, can I position Ronny in a stealthy way and then tackle the person holding GJ? Well.. I mean... Can I try it 😅
Yes. It will take a round or two for them to get there, so that accounts for Cat's getting turned around again and Lio's waiting to see if the rooftop guy is coming back.

Depending on what you are doing, your described actions might be Stealth, but they might also be some sort of deduction roll to know where they are coming out?

Getting the right exit seems more like luck than actual Recon, yeah? So I don't think that is the appropriate roll. Maybe we factor that into the Stealth roll?

Yeah, describe your ambush point and setup and roll Stealth (unless you can think of something better). And we will see how it goes.

Maybe, if your Bob-music-barrage drives her away from one of the exits, you can use that to narrow down where she is going and take a Boon (thought that means she is not going out where Bob can directly help).
May 14, 2023 11:36 am
@WhtKnt: If you roll we have to abide by the results. You rolled a 5 on Recon, so you are bound to go the wrong way.

A roll may not have been needed and was not called for, so your previous 10 could have gotten you to the correct general area. Throwing in rolls when they weren't asked for can only harm your position. In this case, since I don't want to leave Cat out there alone once the action starts up again, I will give you the one-time option to retract that roll, or to temper your previous 10 and instead stumble into Raf and Craig if Raf ends up needing help. What do you want to do?
May 14, 2023 5:13 pm
I think I'll temper it and stumble into them. Thank you for the opportunity to renege.
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