Heist the Colours (OOC)

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Apr 4, 2023 6:56 am
My idea is that it's just the guy we're looking for. But I like the tense situation :)
Apr 4, 2023 8:20 am
Raf thought he saw something through one of the windows.
Is it a flat in the block? Or standalone home? So maybe it was roof instead? And if it was the window, probably it could be the same room that Ronny was hearing rumbling sound? Personally I expect GM to decide on those:)
Last edited April 4, 2023 8:20 am
Apr 5, 2023 2:36 pm
It seems to me that the primary issue at hand is Ronny hiding the gun so as to not scare green-jacket? [ref]

That sounds like Average (8+) Deception with DEX?

I am sure Raf and Cat can hear the shout.
Apr 5, 2023 3:14 pm
Roll added. It's exactly 8 ;)
Apr 5, 2023 4:29 pm
For when it comes up: Does Ronny know the name of the person he is meeting? What they look like? Gender? Anything? Would he have any way of recognising if green-jacket is or isn't them?
Apr 5, 2023 8:41 pm
Probably. He would have asked for at least some basics. Probably not the jacket color though. So like name, gender and profession. Those sound like things that would come up in conversation.

If anyone else has a cool idea about this, go for it.
Apr 6, 2023 1:46 am
Do we want bob and Lio to go after the guy?
Maybe we can cut him off.
Apr 6, 2023 1:52 am
Fully possible. They are heading away from the car, but Ronny has comms, so he can ask you to head round the block and intercept if that is what you all want.
Apr 6, 2023 5:19 am
TheGenerator says:
... Probably not the jacket color though ...
It seems very irresponsible to not not talk about that only defining feature so far. :)
TheGenerator says:
... at least some basics ... like name, gender and profession. Those sound like things that would come up in conversation.
From what you were told, the fleeing figure could well be the person you came to see.
Apr 8, 2023 4:45 am
vagueGM says:
Fully possible. They are heading away from the car, but Ronny has comms, so he can ask you to head round the block and intercept if that is what you all want.
Since no one objected I took the liberty of 'rolling' with it.
Do you want me to throw some dice?

The plan is to drive the van onto the sidewalk. Lio jumps out with his gun drawn and forces the green jacket into the van.
Once inside he will make it clear he means no harm.
Apr 8, 2023 8:52 am
Maybe Lio needs to roll Average (8+) Recon with INT? Not so much to see if he can find the right person, but to define how full a handle he has on the scene. Add it to the post.

We care about the degrees of success, not just the number.

Because you have Bob and Abby to help you, you have a Boon (page 61), which means you roll `3d6h2+1-3`. Hopefully this offsets your lack of Training in Recon.
We will see where that takes us, but if things go well you can show us how you persuade then you 'mean them no harm'.
Apr 8, 2023 12:01 pm
Airshark says:
Since no one objected I took the liberty of 'rolling' with it.
Looks good to me :)
I was waiting to see what Pedrop did.
Apr 10, 2023 6:46 am
ah well...

I was thinking the green jacket slips into a small alleyway where the van cannot follow. So we have to start searching again?
Last edited April 10, 2023 2:30 pm
Apr 10, 2023 2:30 pm
If I understand correctly, there was some sort of EMP Shockwave.
I do find it kinda weird that green jacket took the time to apologize but then ran off anyway.
Apr 10, 2023 2:34 pm
Airshark says:
If I understand correctly, there was some sort of EMP Shockwave.
That seems like a reasonable assumption.
Airshark says:
I do find it kinda weird that green jacket took the time to apologize but then ran off anyway.
Yep. And further examination may reveal that you actually banged your nose on the car door when in jerked. Green-Jacket is not the sort to be hitting people.
Apr 10, 2023 2:41 pm
OK if Lio still believes he got punched? Maybe Abby can sort that out later on.

He will pursue the guy.
Apr 10, 2023 2:43 pm
Airshark says:
OK if Lio still believes he got punched?
Apr 10, 2023 9:04 pm
Right now I'm hearing the Benny Hill theme song in my head.
Apr 11, 2023 12:53 pm
Welcome back @Pedrop, hope you are feel fully recovered.

Raf is trained in Athletics Endurance, and it does not sound like you are pushing yourself that hard, so maybe an [ref] Easy check which you succeed at, or an Average check that you only just missed which made you slow down as you described? [ref]

I think we can say you arrive last, but around the same time as the others --they are all spread out and trickling in. Given that you aimed to come in from the other direction, that will put in an advantageous position, but mean you arrive after they have acted. We will let the others make their Recon rolls and say what they are doing, then you can act.
Apr 11, 2023 12:56 pm
I like your interpretation. :) Please, go with it.
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