Pedrop says:
... aimed at keeping the thug in check and trying annoy him enough so he will make some mistake(s)...
What sort of 'mistakes' would you be wanting? 'Mistakes' in this sort of situation are likely to get you shot, and not much else.
Your words could succeed at making him angry, but how does
Raf hope that that will help him?
I assume you are wanting to persuade him to not shoot you? Since he hesitated and tried to persuade you to not shoot him I would say that is reasonable, and might not even need a roll.
Your words to the boss-woman may improve
Lio's chances of getting her to back down and leave. That could be a
Average (8+)
Persuade Roll with
INT. The Effect can be applied to
Lio's roll as a Chained Task.
If your intent was to get the guy you are facing to 'wait for his boss', then we can base that off your roll against her.
Pedrop says:
... most appropriate for this would be Streetwise(INT) - as Raf knows how to talk with such guys ...
Streetwise could be Chained into this to give you a understanding of the power-structure, nothing in its description or examples involves
talking to these people, that is still Persuade. Streetwise could tell you what to say/do to try to Persuade them.
Pedrop says:
(OOC in
RP) ...- AIMING at the guy,
Pedrop says:
(OOC in
RP) ...- CHANGING STANCE - getting up from crouch,
Since your were walking, I don't think it would take any time/effort to move that slight crouch to a standing posture. No cost.
Pedrop says:
(OOC in
RP) ...- MISCELLANEOUS - keeping him in check and "convincing" to "add something useful to the discussion".
Yeah, I am not sure if it should be a Minor or Significant Action to Persuade the boss-lady and keep the croucher (
he is really crouching, hidden in bushes,
he would need to put (Minor Action) effort into standing) covered, but it does not make a real difference in this situation. Add the roll and we can see.