Heist the Colours (OOC)

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Apr 19, 2023 9:18 am
vagueGM says:
Since your were walking, I don't think it would take any time/effort to move that slight crouch to a standing posture. No cost.
Ok, if that is the case that should be sound with the mechanic that Raf is doing "almost free" -> minior action of streetwise(he should feel it instinctively) and minor action persuade towards lady. If it has to be a Significant action, we can resign from Raf's aiming:)
Apr 19, 2023 9:24 am
TheGenerator says:
I think scaring them away is our best option. If we can just get them to back off without doing anything (defuse the situation) that would already be good for us.

I try to think of it like I'm watching a movie/tv show. How would this play out in a show like CSI? They would try their best to avoid a gunfight. On the other hand, if the bad guys just give up and tell them everything, that could be a bit boring. So somewhere in the middle of that seems good to me :)
I'm ok with this approach... until we will "secure" the GJ:) What I mean: this is probably best and logical approach until we will have GJ on our side with the proto-comp, BUT... as this was supposed to be also a tutorial fight I would really like to see some fighting mechanic while all of us will be retreating towards Bob's van. Maybe they will change their minds in last second? Or some reinforcements will come to help them? I could imaging a nice scene when our characters are falling back to the van in "laser guns blazing scenery" and leaving the place in last moment:)

All of this of course considering that we will indeed manage to convince them that they should not fight us... for now... what really seems very hard to achieve... but the dice will tell us probably:)
Apr 19, 2023 9:39 am
Yeh! Rolls: 11 -> that gives effect of 3 and +2 to Lio's roll!

Apparently lady getting to know that Raf has her thug at the gun point probably is not so sure of herself anymore??

Waiting curiously for Lio's roll:)
Apr 19, 2023 9:41 am
Also the funny thing is that NPC Speaker/Lady is last in initiative order - it combines perfectly with the last roll and story that we have established with our post! :) Now we will see how effective Lio will be, and what will the lady do in the end(and end of this round) :)
Apr 19, 2023 10:01 am
@Airshark I think you forgot to add +2 from my roll, by chain effect rules, but it doesn't change too much:)

Let's see what will happen now:)
Last edited April 19, 2023 10:02 am
Apr 19, 2023 12:06 pm
TheGenerator says:
... They would try their best to avoid a gunfight ...
That seems true here. No one wants to get shot.
TheGenerator says:
... if the bad guys just give up and tell them everything, that could be a bit boring ...
'Boring' is a part of it, but it would also be unrealistic. Why would they tell you anything? Maybe in a attempt to avoid betting shot, but they would need to be convinced that that was their best way to do that.
TheGenerator says:
... So somewhere in the middle ...
Not sure what the 'middle' would be. Leaving (not fighting, but not talking) is sorta orthogonal to the 'fight vs spill' line, but that is the closest to 'middle' I can see.
TheGenerator says:
... I think scaring them away is our best option ...
That seems reasonable.
Apr 19, 2023 12:09 pm
Pedrop says:
... if he fire at Raf, Raf will do exactly the same ...
Pedrop says:
... trying to disarm the guy ...
Physically? That might go very badly. Anything is possible, though.
Pedrop says:
... possible just Raf firing his gun first ...
Your foe Delayed (mechanic), trying to bully you into dropping your gun (or leaving, really), so you can just shoot him, now, on your turn. No need for tricking him into further mistakes to get to that point. But then we are definitely in a gun fight, you don't have way to know if the girlboss will bail or stick up for her man, so you need to assume everyone will be involved.
Pedrop says:
... almost free" -> minior action of streetwise(he should feel it instinctively) ...
That seems like an instantaneous thing. So a Free Action with a Roll.
Pedrop says:
... minor action persuade ...
Let's go with that for now. It is only a minor persuade, after all. :)
Pedrop says:
... as this was supposed to be also a tutorial fight ...
Probably the best 'tutorial for a fight' is teaching people that there are other ways than violence. Avoid all the fights you can.
Pedrop says:
... I would really like to see some fighting mechanic ...
It is an RPG, there will be other opportunities. Maybe, given Lio's roll, this will be that opportunity, though.
Pedrop says:
... Or some reinforcements will come to help them? ...
You mean like the (possible) guy you saw on the roof? The one that made the sniper-bluff so hard? Like those reinforcements? ... Could be.
Pedrop says:
... Rolls: 11 ... +2 to Lio's roll! ...
Nice... but maybe still not nice enough. :)
Apr 19, 2023 12:10 pm
Airshark says:
(OOC in RP)Not sure if this is what vague had in mind. I'll add this roll in a post without fiction, that way it is easily deletable.
There is nothing I can do with a roll without fiction. What are you trying to do?
It is worth remembering that Cat has not 'finished her action', she delayed to see what others were doing and can still act (presumably before the enemy at 3?).

Do we want Lio to try handle the talking here? It might be in character for him to try to deescalate the situation even though he is not the best at it. Else we can pretend that didn't happen (we are still learning) and let Cat try roll instead (still with the +2 from Chained help).

@Airshark, what do you think?
Apr 20, 2023 7:32 am
vagueGM says:
Airshark says:
(OOC in RP)Not sure if this is what vague had in mind. I'll add this roll in a post without fiction, that way it is easily deletable.
There is nothing I can do with a roll without fiction. What are you trying to do?
It is worth remembering that Cat has not 'finished her action', she delayed to see what others were doing and can still act (presumably before the enemy at 3?).

Do we want Lio to try handle the talking here? It might be in character for him to try to deescalate the situation even though he is not the best at it. Else we can pretend that didn't happen (we are still learning) and let Cat try roll instead (still with the +2 from Chained help).

@Airshark, what do you think?
I was a bit confused and not sure if a roll was in place here, since the outcome would be insufficient anyway. But Raf came to Lio's aid and so I had to roll after all. Instead of adding it to the previous post, I made a new entry with only the roll. Thought that if this was not wat you (Vague) intended me to do, it could be easily removed.

So, the roll is for the previous fiction when Lio tries to defuse the situation.

Like you said... we can pretend it didn't happen :-)
Apr 20, 2023 8:36 am
vagueGM says:

Pedrop says:
... possible just Raf firing his gun first ...
Your foe Delayed (mechanic), trying to bully you into dropping your gun (or leaving, really), so you can just shoot him, now, on your turn. No need for tricking him into further mistakes to get to that point. But then we are definitely in a gun fight, you don't have way to know if the girlboss will bail or stick up for her man, so you need to assume everyone will be involved.
All this trickery was intended to get soma advantage over him - the assumption was that if Raf will make him more nervous he will make some mistake, that will give Raf some advantage over him in next action. But... as finally I rolled mainly to support Lio(or Cat in currents assumptions) let's leave this only as RP thing - adding to fiction and Raf's character image:)

So... what now? As I understand your exchange with Airshark - we wait for Cat/WhtKnt to act on his delayed turn? And then the maybe-girl-boss?
Apr 20, 2023 1:25 pm
Airshark says:
... since the outcome would be insufficient anyway ...
The fact that it was rolled complicates things a bit, we should not decide after we know the outcome if a roll is valid. But we are learning, so we can easily scrap this one if we don't think it would have been what we did.
Airshark says:
... Raf came to Lio's aid and so I had to roll ...
That was a bit confusing. Sorry. Raf's aid was for whoever was doing the convincing, and there was a sorta assumption that that was Lio, but then you pointed out that Lio is really bad at that, so maybe we should change things.
Let's set aside the knowledge of the roll outcome for a moment and deal with the fiction:

Cat can still act, and she is mechanically better than Lio at Persuade (everyone is better than Lio at this:). But @Airshark needs to tell us: Would Lio be the sort to try to prevent a fight --especially after he has just had a patient die-- and ignore that it may be better if others spoke instead of him?

@WhtKnt needs to tell us if Cat would be the one to act instead (she is trying not to stand out), and what she would try to do (she still has those two options, or something else).

Keeping the 'failed' roll from Lio is not the worst. We just end up on the conflict that was asked for by players. :)
Airshark says:
... Instead of adding it to the previous post, I made a new entry with only the roll ... the roll is for the previous fiction ...
OK, no problem. I was confused by "roll in a post without fiction", but we have fiction, so no worries.

It is fine to edit the post with the associated fiction and add the roll to it, the site does not even mark that post as 'edited' when you do that since none of the text was changed. It also does not notify us, so drop an OOC noted (possibly with the number) so we know.
Airshark says:
... we can pretend it didn't happen ...
Normally no, once the dice hit the table we are normally locked in, but, while still learning, and where confusion is clear, we can answer the above questions and then decide if it stays.

Do you think it is a thing Lio would have done in this situation?
Apr 20, 2023 1:27 pm
Pedrop says:
... I rolled mainly to support Lio(or Cat in currents assumptions) let's leave this only as RP thing ...
Mechanically you are helping the team over there, so it applies to whomever acts on it.
Pedrop says:
... we wait for Cat/WhtKnt to act on his delayed turn? And then the maybe-girl-boss? ...
Yep. This Delay mechanic might become a problem, or a slowdown, since we all might still have some part of our Turn we want to sneak in at the end. Mostly we should Delay our whole Turn (aside from Free Actions), so the problem of bits should not be an issue. We may have to tighten up the wording, but we will see.
Apr 21, 2023 9:57 pm
Lio would want to deescalate the situation. But he is smart enough to know his weaknesses. So if someone would take over the 'negotiation' he will take a step back (figuratively).
Apr 21, 2023 9:58 pm
It's just that there was a lot of gun waving powerplay/bluffing going on, except for Cat. So maybe she can give it a try.
Apr 21, 2023 11:11 pm
@WhtKnt, help us? You are our last hope.
Apr 22, 2023 5:24 pm
So close. But even with the +2 from Raf's Chained help, no matter which Characteristic Cat used (except for SOC, which Cat is avoiding and did not come into play in the fiction) it can only bring this to 1 away from a success.
Apr 24, 2023 11:12 am
recon roll for Lio?
Apr 24, 2023 11:14 am
I have few intentions here: circling around Craig.
- I want to convince him that we don't want to die there for his awful boss :) But Raf understands that it have to look the way that he had no other choice or something like that, and he won't back off without good reason that would explain him later. (Persuade ?)
- Raf wants to spend this time taking closer look at him to get to know more info about what kind of guy is Craig? The way he dress ? Equipment ? In order to have some advantages with talking/adressing him. (Streetwise for Thugs? :) )
- Making him being positioned that the rest of the action is behind him, so if he will like to see what is happening there he will have to make a... risky:) turn around with his head/body.

Seems like it should all still fit in one round? What should I roll or are those automatic?
Apr 24, 2023 5:22 pm
Character Init

Cat 10
Ronny 9
NPC Croucher 9
Raf 8
Lio 8
NPC Speaker 3
Apr 24, 2023 5:25 pm
Airshark says:
recon roll for Lio?
Yeah. As you say, there are degrees of difficultly, spotting someone looking for a sniper is (depending where they are) maybe easier than spotting Craig (who Lio doesn't know is nearby).
Craig will depend mostly on what he and Raf do.
The sniper-search may depend on what your actual intent is. Do you want to confirm whether they exist, or get a bead on them so you can attack?
Roll. Assume Average (8+) Difficulty and we will use the Effect Level to walk the details.
With Nigel? You have no clue as to where to even start looking.
I would assume a quick recon would be a Minor Action. A more thorough one might be a Significant Action but could also be a series of Minor Actions. I prefer to model it as a series of Minors and you can stop when you are satisfied, but I am leery of having too many rolls. I think that, if it does not slow things down, we can do up to three Recon rolls a Turn for now.
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