Heist the Colours (OOC)

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Apr 15, 2023 11:34 am
WhtKnt says:
How close is Cat to the pair?
You stopped so you could talk to your companions and inform them of what you know. So I assume you did that far enough that you could talk without them hearing. Raf and his playmate are on the far side, and you are within shouting distance of them, so your pair are a bit close than that.
Apr 15, 2023 7:12 pm
Gonna assume Cat is talking to the woman 'threatening' GJ (better name than Green-Jacket?:). [ref]

Cat's actions so far would not take up any part of her 'turn'. They are a bit more than most Free Actions (you can't really have an extended conversation for free:), but not really a Minor Action yet.

Presumably Cat shared what she saw, and whoever was closest (maybe Cat?) shared that they maybe overheard the name 'HoneyDrop'? (Ronny shouted it pretty loud, so someone maybe picket up that it is important and may be faking?)
Apr 16, 2023 12:21 pm
TheGenerator says:
(OOC in RP) I think a deception roll would be in order here. The books puts bluffing under 'persuade' though. So I'm not sure.
Yeah, there is sometimes some strange overlap with which Skill to use.

I think I tend to agree with them about Persuade. You are not so much trying to Deceive them as you are trying to Persuade them that what you say is true?

But then the first example under Deception (Convince a guard) sounds more like Persuade ('Persuade' and 'convince' are (mostly) synonyms).

In the fiction here, I would say Persuade with INT is probably a better fit?

For reasons your characters might not know it will be Very Difficult (12+) to convince her you have snipers.
Apr 16, 2023 12:27 pm
vagueGM says:
But then the first example under Deception (Convince a guard) sounds more like Persuade ('Persuade' and 'convince' are (mostly) synonyms).
Maybe they mean convincing the guards purely by acting like you belong? With little or no talking.
vagueGM says:
Very Difficult (12+) to convince her you have snipers.
Even if they don't believe it, I'm already happy with them having doubts :)
Apr 16, 2023 12:30 pm
Well would you look at that roll :D She's a beaut!
Apr 16, 2023 1:23 pm
Well, dang, that is awkward. :)
Apr 16, 2023 1:28 pm
This Initiative system seems backwards to me. Your actions seem to be giving her the opportunity to react and change her (worse Initiative) actions. It really should be the other way round, with those with the worst Initiative declaring their actions first and those with better Initiative getting to make reasonable adjustments to their actions in reaction. Only Starfinder does that --so far as I know-- and then only for Initiative in Space/Ships, it still uses the silly wrong-order system for personal combat. :(

I might think about changing this rule after we have seen it a few times. (I don't like set turn order anyway.)
Apr 16, 2023 2:57 pm
I'm fine either way. I don't think any way of doing it will be perfect. :)
Apr 16, 2023 7:31 pm
It is a vestigial system and we may end up just excising it. But let's try to give it a fair chance.
Apr 17, 2023 11:24 pm
Lio's offer bears much the same difficulties as mentioned to Cat earlier, but are a step easier due to the sniper threat.

If you really wants to 'talk', that will be a Very Difficult (12+) Check, probably Persuade, and probably INT?

If you are instead trying to intimidate her into backing down or leaving, then that might be a Difficult (10+) Check, probably Persuade, with maybe INT or any Characteristic that makes you look like you mean it.

If your intent is something else, let us know.
Apr 18, 2023 5:54 am
The intention is to talk, it might be interesting to know who is behind this.
But if she leaves instead that would solve things too.
Apr 18, 2023 9:05 am
vagueGM says:
This Initiative system seems backwards to me. Your actions seem to be giving her the opportunity to react and change her (worse Initiative) actions. It really should be the other way round, with those with the worst Initiative declaring their actions first and those with better Initiative getting to make reasonable adjustments to their actions in reaction. Only Starfinder does that --so far as I know-- and then only for Initiative in Space/Ships, it still uses the silly wrong-order system for personal combat. :(

I might think about changing this rule after we have seen it a few times. (I don't like set turn order anyway.)
Probably what I will write is obvious, but still will go with it, as it seems we have a little discussion about initiative sub-system. So:

I see from where you are coming, but I think we should also remember that it's mainly for the fighting situation, so:
- if I have better Initiative and attack some NPC - they may have no chances to react at all, as they could be dead already(especially if they would have low "HP" from earlier situations),
- even if they don't die, my - let's say - melee attack may force them to make an reaction "move",

Probably there are many more such situations, but in those given above in most cases writing what characters with lower Initiative do before those that have higher Initiative rating - wouldn't even make much sense, as their actions would be discarder immediately by the new situation made by those faster characters.

Or am I just missing something?

Yes, we can write our intentions to makes thing faster, but it could make more confusion then gain IMHO, as some of those intentions will be discarded and replaced what the characters are really doing.

So either let's keep the semi-order(no harm if someone post a little earlier then his Initiative "slot") of those Initative rolls, or let's resign from it entirely like in DW. But resigning from it, erase advantage of dexterous or inteligent (N)PCs...
Apr 18, 2023 9:09 am
If the aim is to make things faster, I would start with GM rolling Initiative for all parties involved in encounter. I have seen it here on GP as quite common thing.
Apr 18, 2023 9:43 am
My whole exchange in RP thread is aimed at keeping the thug in check and trying annoy him enough so he will make some mistake(s). And I feel that the most appropriate for this would be Streetwise(INT) - as Raf knows how to talk with such guys and already see with who is he dealing with(because of that skill)... But waiting on GM opinion - before adding it to the post:)
Apr 18, 2023 5:29 pm
Pedrop says:
... aimed at keeping the thug in check and trying annoy him enough so he will make some mistake(s)...
What sort of 'mistakes' would you be wanting? 'Mistakes' in this sort of situation are likely to get you shot, and not much else.

Your words could succeed at making him angry, but how does Raf hope that that will help him?

I assume you are wanting to persuade him to not shoot you? Since he hesitated and tried to persuade you to not shoot him I would say that is reasonable, and might not even need a roll.

Your words to the boss-woman may improve Lio's chances of getting her to back down and leave. That could be a Average (8+) Persuade Roll with INT. The Effect can be applied to Lio's roll as a Chained Task.

If your intent was to get the guy you are facing to 'wait for his boss', then we can base that off your roll against her.
Pedrop says:
... most appropriate for this would be Streetwise(INT) - as Raf knows how to talk with such guys ...
Streetwise could be Chained into this to give you a understanding of the power-structure, nothing in its description or examples involves talking to these people, that is still Persuade. Streetwise could tell you what to say/do to try to Persuade them.
Pedrop says:
(OOC in RP) ...- AIMING at the guy,
Pedrop says:
(OOC in RP) ...- CHANGING STANCE - getting up from crouch,
Since your were walking, I don't think it would take any time/effort to move that slight crouch to a standing posture. No cost.
Pedrop says:
(OOC in RP) ...- MISCELLANEOUS - keeping him in check and "convincing" to "add something useful to the discussion".
Yeah, I am not sure if it should be a Minor or Significant Action to Persuade the boss-lady and keep the croucher (he is really crouching, hidden in bushes, he would need to put (Minor Action) effort into standing) covered, but it does not make a real difference in this situation. Add the roll and we can see.
Apr 18, 2023 7:37 pm
vagueGM says:
Lio's offer

If you really wants to 'talk', that will be a Very Difficult (12+) Check, probably Persuade, and probably INT?

2D6 -3+1 = 10max Do you want me to roll that?
Apr 18, 2023 8:15 pm
Airshark says:
vagueGM says:
Lio's offer

If you really wants to 'talk', that will be a Very Difficult (12+) Check, probably Persuade, and probably INT?
2D6 -3+1 = 10max Do you want me to roll that?
It really is not reasonable to expect them to be willing to talk to you or to tell you anything. The fact that you are also particularly bad at doing that does not factor into the setting of the Difficulty, but should influence your choice of actions.

If you really want to try for that outcome, maybe let someone else do it?

With the sniper-rouse and the possible Help Chain from Raf it would not be at all unreasonable to convince them to run away without a fight.
Apr 19, 2023 8:23 am
I think scaring them away is our best option. If we can just get them to back off without doing anything (defuse the situation) that would already be good for us.

I try to think of it like I'm watching a movie/tv show. How would this play out in a show like CSI? They would try their best to avoid a gunfight. On the other hand, if the bad guys just give up and tell them everything, that could be a bit boring. So somewhere in the middle of that seems good to me :)
Apr 19, 2023 8:36 am
I'm ok with that
Apr 19, 2023 9:13 am
vagueGM says:
Pedrop says:
... aimed at keeping the thug in check and trying annoy him enough so he will make some mistake(s)...
What sort of 'mistakes' would you be wanting? 'Mistakes' in this sort of situation are likely to get you shot, and not much else.

Your words could succeed at making him angry, but how does Raf hope that that will help him?

I assume you are wanting to persuade him to not shoot you? Since he hesitated and tried to persuade you to not shoot him I would say that is reasonable, and might not even need a roll.
How I see this: as they are very close to each other, he and Raf are pointing their guns at each other. So he should be sure that if he fire at Raf, Raf will do exactly the same. And he will probably die too(leaving out the mechanics of game for now...). So it should be the last thing he would like to do.
About the mistake: when people are nervous they make mistakes. Could be looking in different direction. Lowering or turning his gun. Leaving possibility for Raf to act - preferably trying to disarm the guy, but it that wouldn't be possible just Raf firing his gun first. That was my aim.
vagueGM says:
Your words to the boss-woman may improve Lio's chances of getting her to back down and leave. That could be a Average (8+) Persuade Roll with INT. The Effect can be applied to Lio's roll as a Chained Task.

If your intent was to get the guy you are facing to 'wait for his boss', then we can base that off your roll against her.
Pedrop says:
... most appropriate for this would be Streetwise(INT) - as Raf knows how to talk with such guys ...
Streetwise could be Chained into this to give you a understanding of the power-structure, nothing in its description or examples involves talking to these people, that is still Persuade. Streetwise could tell you what to say/do to try to Persuade them.
Ok, so... I will edit my post and add this streetwise roll to try to get to know who is the boss, and then in the next post I will add persuade roll, that could help Lio with his roll. Hope that will be ok?
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