@Scrol I have a question on ranged weapons
I am running a Tiny dungeons game and the players have requested a few weapons that do not fit this systems ranged weapons nicely. As I do not normally use the grid for this game and the system is built without it Light and Heavy (I use the variant ruel where heavy has 1 attack per round but does 2 damage) weapons combined with free actions during combat have an effective range of about 15 feet (in your zone).
The system has an option for combat Zones, that I use but do not strictly enforce, and matches movement with these as 25 feet (I often revert to 30' due to prior RPG experience so this is a bit loose).
There are several short range missile weapons, slings, thrown items, etc. I have debated with myself if these should be considered ranged, with the reload requirement and able to attack out to 75 feet, or classify them as Light with the option that they can attack beyond touch but not past 30-50 feet.
I like that this system keeps it simple and don't want to add too much outside of official rules. Is there anything in the system that I missed that can fit this niche or should I just fix all weapons to the 3 classifications?