Session 2: Soul of Winter
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May 10, 2023 1:57 pm
I intended to stay on Agna's side for the 2v1 advantage but I'm okay to be on the other side too. I'm assuming that Agna's Talk Sense snapped Izuhn back to his senses though so not too much running?Thing in the bowl
May 10, 2023 2:37 pm
Thing in the bowl
That would work to calm down Izuhn. I can see Talk Sense working as Calm emotions. Ok, with Izuhn next to Agna, that means he would flee to the same narrow corridors they came from. As he turns to join the others, he notices a strange snake like shape lifting itself out of the water in a bowl behind Agna. The orc is too distracted wrenching an iron bracket loose from the wall to notice it sneak up on her before the thing tries to encircle the orc.
Krell starts laughing maniacally as the two scaly creatures finally emerge from the hanging bundles and surround the sailor who is still standing. "Winter girl! You will be the perfect sacrifice for the Wavemother".
[ +- ] Situation summary
Izuhn and, the warchief are back in the game
The surviving pirate is dealing with two more sea spawns
A water weird is attacking Agna, so there's a clue what missing next roll might lead to ;)
The sea hag is just laughing as things don't look good for you
I love the idea that the captain sneaked out at some point and you didn't notice her
Fizel is still around to help if needed
The surviving pirate is dealing with two more sea spawns
A water weird is attacking Agna, so there's a clue what missing next roll might lead to ;)
The sea hag is just laughing as things don't look good for you
I love the idea that the captain sneaked out at some point and you didn't notice her
Fizel is still around to help if needed
May 10, 2023 2:53 pm
Izuhn breathes out, letting the fight against the seaweed go and listening to Agna. "Watch out!" he cries, seeing the watery serpant coil around her.
He raises his hands with a purple glow, attempting to dispel whatever magic holds the snake together.
He raises his hands with a purple glow, attempting to dispel whatever magic holds the snake together.
Not sure if this will work or not but we'll see. Also, is there something special that Agna did to perform two actions in one turn?Last edited May 10, 2023 2:54 pm
Magic - lv6, SR: 5-11 (f-1-c0) - (2d6)
(61) = 7
May 10, 2023 3:07 pm
RAAMtentacles says:
Also, is there something special that Agna did to perform two actions in one turn?OOC:
Nope, it's "not supposed to happen" but since it's free-form and the enemies' actions depend on the result (they don't roll), it's easy integrate it multiple actions in "one turn" so it's ok once in awhile. The original ruleset did impose a penalty for rushing things, so you could do as many action as you wanted (similar to casting higher power spells), but I don't think that's specified for this game.
May 10, 2023 3:29 pm
Ah, I can stick to single rolls if that's better! Didn't really think about it before I rolled.May 10, 2023 3:34 pm
Didn't bother me at all. I just wanted to make sure I wasn't missing out on half my turn and letting the team down! I like what CESN said, it fit the theme and I think it was fair so it's good with me.Sea spawn
May 11, 2023 9:28 am
RAAMtentacles says:
Not sure if this will work or not but we'll see...OOC:
This is such a grey area 😅 I'll accept that :D now... this is going to be a bit more of confusing foreshadowing...Sea spawn
"What are you doing?" the woman screams, surprised at the strange turn of events, attacking the strangely agile humanoid, who manages to escape into the next room.
Cap'n Harkin,
May 11, 2023 9:42 am
Cap'n Harkin,
As if following her words, a strange silence falls on the ship. The scuttling of uncountable tiny crabs echoes through the humid rooms of the damaged ship, as the little creatures hide from something unseen. Suddenly, the ship shakes and tilts so violently, that you struggle to stay on your feet.
Reaction roll from everyone to avoid being thrown around (prone)[ +- ] Situation summary
Something is thrashing the ship and the fight is on hold as everyone tries to stay up!
May 11, 2023 9:58 am
"You!" Agna turns the full force of her glare onto the captain.
Reaction - lv2, SR: 5-7 (f0-c0) - (2d6)
(36) = 9
May 12, 2023 8:42 am
Feel free to describe the consequences of your rolls now. Boat shaking violently should be an easy one :DMay 12, 2023 10:20 am
"Now's not the time!" Izuhn stumbles but keeps his footing. "You two can kill each other back on the ship that isn't sinking!"
Last edited May 12, 2023 10:21 am
Reaction - lv3, SR: 5-8 (f-1-c0) - (2d6)
(25) = 7
May 13, 2023 12:20 am
The pitching of the ship sends Agna stumbling. Despite her best efforts, she crashes onto the wooden floor. "Vokarr!" she roars at the bloodied chieftain spirit, raising a bruised arm to point at the hag. "More for you to fight!"
What does falling down actually mean for Agna right now? I get that fiction-wise she's on the floor, but do I need to roll again to get her upright?Emaciated creatures
May 14, 2023 11:25 am
Emaciated creatures
Well, you need to make out of the ship, and you can't if you're prone. There is a secret counter now 😛 Simultaneously, Vokarr shouts an orckish warcry and charges at Krell, but the hag manages to sneak out the door, dodging the slender and ghost-like creatures that rush into the room after Fizel, their presence quickly filling the room with the stench of death.
[ +- ] Situation summary
Ok, this is a bit of a chaotic scene! I'll try to break it down into smaller bits and hope it's easier to follow. Everyone disengaged and its running for their lives, however... there's 4 hungry ghasts that are roaming freely on the ship now... and this is not the worse yet xD
random attack - (1d2, 1d4)
1d2 : (2) = 2
1d4 : (4) = 4
May 14, 2023 12:32 pm
When the captain offers Agna an arm back up, she envelops the woman's hand inside her own. With a grunt, the shaman pulls herself upright again. "Thankee. Now," she says. "Let's grab them what's still alive and get out of this damn mess!"
Not letting go of the captain's arm, Agna approaches the collapsed sailor and casts a critical eye over him. Shock. She puts a heavy hand on his shoulder and gives him a rough shake. "Wake up, boy! It's time to go!"
Not letting go of the captain's arm, Agna approaches the collapsed sailor and casts a critical eye over him. Shock. She puts a heavy hand on his shoulder and gives him a rough shake. "Wake up, boy! It's time to go!"
Last edited May 14, 2023 12:32 pm
Medicine - lv6, SR: 5-11 (f0-c0) - (2d6)
(52) = 7
May 15, 2023 12:02 am
"Grab him Agana. Quickly, up the stairs to the fore end of the ship." Izuhn urges the others forward, before going out last himself, pushing any opposition down. In his haste he winds up getting tangled again in the seaweed just outside the next door.
Last edited May 15, 2023 12:03 am
Strength - lv4, SR: 5-9 (f-1-c0) - (2d6)
(12) = 3
May 15, 2023 12:27 am
Hmm, I'd intended that the unconscious sailor merely be in shock and Agna realizing that (from the successful medicine roll) could get him awake and running by himself. Not sure if that's overstepping on the GM role if I decide the sailor's okay. @CESN?Octopus
May 15, 2023 12:25 pm
He was totally targeted by the sea hag's Death Glare. But even in D&D that only drop to 0 hit points, so I guess a medicine does stabilize the NPC even RAW :DOctopus
Once everyone is safe, the dwarf turns to follow, but gets stuck in the web of seaweed. Even as Vokarr cuts down one of the undead creatures, another one manages to make it close enough to Izuhn. Just as the dwarf desperately struggles to escape the seaweed trap and avoid the claws of the sickening creature, something more horrible reveals itself...
The source of the ship's instability becomes clear as a giant tentacle thrashes through the wooden walls of the ship, crushing the undead creature in an instant.
"Give him to me!" Captain Harkin shouts from the top of the ladder, pointing at the wounded sailor Agna just saved, before disappearing, thrown away like a doll, as the ship is thrashed again.
Failure will be treated as "Push hard" fail forward. So Izuhn gets one fatigue. We can RP it as the effect of the ghast's Stench, even though dwarves have advantage xD I'm going to need some other roll (anything you thing is fitting, but you can default to reaction). You are now back to the corridor with the ladder going up and a hole on the floor. If you fail, you fall on it to the bottom deck!!!
May 17, 2023 2:07 am
Wasting no more time in the belly of a forsaken ship, Izuhn lunges towards the rope and hauls himself up to the top deck. Once topside, he plants his feet and prepares to draw up the rope for anyone else that needs help.
Last edited May 17, 2023 2:09 am
Strength - lv4, SR: 5-9 (f0-c0) - (2d6)
(25) = 7
May 18, 2023 11:30 am
Ok, Izuhn makes it to the top deck. Agna as advantage from his help if she wants to follow May 19, 2023 12:56 am
With a grunt, Agna unwraps the wounded man's arm around her neck. She takes hold of the rope extending down into the hold and knots it as best as she can to the sailor's waist. "Haul this 'un up first, then come back fer me," she shouts. With no time to see if her instruction was being followed, the orc woman grabs the sharpest piece of wood she can see and drags it around her in a crude circle to ward off the approaching undead.
I'll try Magic Circle.Rolls
Magic - lv3, SR: 5-8 (f0-c0) - (2d6)
(54) = 9
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