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DMJ Inactive for 1 months

Mar 22, 2023 10:44 am
Robago says:

My first exposure to RPGs came early, watching my much-older brother play…

Haha! Inherited the books when older bro moved out. Classic.
Glad to read that Cyberpunk 2020 head nod for confirmation . I was starting to wonder if it was all a dream.

Man, I’d love to check out that drum and bagpipe sound. Based. Send or post links if you have any audio tracks and are willing to share!

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

Mar 22, 2023 10:45 am
RageRed says:
Party Roster check.
Lending a helping hand...

Culchas the Hunter - Krysean Barbarian (Cowleyc)
Syrena Rachess Drakonis - Tirenean Explorer (Red)
Gundus Tavius - Tirenean Cleric (Robago)
Xenophon Pyrrhosides - Nicean Fighter (Len)
? - Nicean Mage (Leo)
Gennadius Azeni - Tirenean Bard (CB)
Look at that cohort!
Getting the team together.

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

Mar 22, 2023 10:52 am
Len says:

Thinking of going light on the backstory and discovering these things in play (if that's okay). So far, these details are set:

- Nicean sellsword, fights with a weapon and shield.
- Left his company; they didn't pay the wages they promised him.
This is perfect, Len. It will fit well and you will be able to integrate influentially into the local scene.

In fact I’ll be contacting you soon about a proposed story hook work with Xenophon and others that will influence game story launch point. More to follow, hopefully tonight or tomorrow.
Mar 22, 2023 7:56 pm
Len says:
I started running a bit of 4th edition, but I found out about the 5e play test. So, we switched over to that and it was so much fun!
This was exactly the same experience I had! My coworkers knew I was an old D&D fan, but hadn't played for years and years. They were just learning about D&D and wanted to start a game night. So we started easy with a few games of Ashardalon, which was basically 4e Light. Then Actual 4e for a few games. Then the 5e playtest came out and I quickly sold them all on it. 4e really was suited for board game tactical combat, not actual role play.
Mar 22, 2023 8:07 pm
DMJ says:
Will this sheet be for on-board display by post only?
Or is this something that y'all are going to somehow make into an option for the Custom Character Sheets that are available for submission on the Game page?
I'm not well versed yet in the mechanics of the charactersheets. But I do believe that anyone can create a new character from one of these (button on top-right when you expand the sheet) and that populates a generic custom charactersheet with the template. I still need to understand how to incorporate a sheet in the game/make edits or show it in posts without just going directly to the character editor.

A dedicated thread might be useful as a place to post WIP, edits, suggestions, etc. as well as a good place to pin a post with the official sheet, should we end up with one.

Along that vein, I'm going to abandon my effort to make the sheet look like the official ACKS sheet. I'm basically fighting the GP charactersheet mechanisms instead of going with the flow. Formatting on mobile is all borked and that's not going to be an easy fix down the path I've been going. I'm currently revising my sheet again, just some polish, nothing major this time. Will post later.
Mar 22, 2023 8:12 pm
I can share my sheet, but it has my saving throws plugged in. It's not too difficult to change them for your own class. Right now it's automated based on the Level field.
[ +- ] ACKS
Mar 22, 2023 9:57 pm
DMJ says:

Can you assign a name, Red?
How about Vellën

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

Mar 23, 2023 1:13 pm
RageRed says:

How about Vellën
Sounds good!

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

Mar 23, 2023 1:16 pm
Constablebrew says:

A dedicated thread might be useful as a place to post WIP, edits, suggestions, etc. as well as a good place to pin a post with the official sheet, should we end up with one.

Along that vein, I'm going to abandon my effort to make the sheet look like the official ACKS sheet. I'm basically fighting the GP charactersheet mechanisms instead of going with the flow. Formatting on mobile is all borked and that's not going to be an easy fix down the path I've been going. I'm currently revising my sheet again, just some polish, nothing major this time. Will post later.
I’ll try to get a workspace thread posted tonight.

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

Mar 23, 2023 5:11 pm
Players' Club,

New game-play thread "Prologue" is operational and hot for in-character input!

A couple of Required Actions for Robago and Red right off the bat.

Update: now some Required Action (RA) for Len and CB. Other requests will come soon for everyone.

We'll use this space to sandbox the full game set-up efforts and maybe boil up some background entries while we tease out the full story start point.

Let's GO.

Mar 23, 2023 7:37 pm
I don't know if there's any planned story for Culchas, but I see him as a very Conan-esque character. Sure, he has a background. But his story is in what he does now. (This is my way of saying I don't have a detailed backstory created for him).

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

Mar 23, 2023 8:43 pm
cowleyc says:
I don't know if there's any planned story for Culchas, but I see him as a very Conan-esque character. Sure, he has a background. But his story is in what he does now. (This is my way of saying I don't have a detailed backstory created for him).
Ya, bro. I hear that.
As a Krysean and a Barbarian, we can kind of predict where he is coming from.
I suspect he will be unleashed upon the south Tirenean civilization scene like a Cimmerian panther dropping into a pen of Aquilonian piglets. No backstory necessary.

Mar 25, 2023 6:18 am
Shout out to J for putting in all the leg work with the world building references of dates, names, titles, vernacular, etc. with free bonus helpful formatting.
Mar 25, 2023 3:25 pm
I am traveling this weekend, so comms will be somewhat limited
Mar 25, 2023 4:56 pm
Now that the weather is warming, I'll be out and about most weekends. I can usually still find time to post, though.

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

Mar 25, 2023 8:04 pm
Alright, Players' Club!

I've got at least one bounce-pass entry in for each PC. I'm going to leave it there for now. I invite y'all to keep posting up entries as you want. I really enjoy the intro posts that I've seen from the crowd so far. Keep it coming as you see fit.

"Getting the Team together" retro trope is in full swing - Dig it!

You might guess what hackneyed scene is next... but I'll pause for now and get to that on MONDAY 27 MARCH: GAME START!

Send in anything you have - see you soon.

Mar 26, 2023 7:00 am
Robago says:
I had in mind a Tirenean cleric of Türas, sent to seek out and contest chaos and evil throughout the land. If this is ok, I'll write up the character sheet.

Some time with an AI got me this character art:
[ +- ] Visual Inspiration
What generator did you use? I've been swinging and missing tonight trying to try various generators to come up with something that looks right. Of course, putting together a prompt for a gladiator bard adventurer is tough too...
Mar 26, 2023 8:44 am
Constablebrew says:
Robago says:
I had in mind a Tirenean cleric of Türas, sent to seek out and contest chaos and evil throughout the land. If this is ok, I'll write up the character sheet.

Some time with an AI got me this character art:
[ +- ] Visual Inspiration
What generator did you use? I've been swinging and missing tonight trying to try various generators to come up with something that looks right. Of course, putting together a prompt for a gladiator bard adventurer is tough too...
I used this one

Worth noting that results are highly variable, even between iterations with the same search terms. Something very basic like "historical gladiator" might give you a better result than "fantasy gladiator bard portrait", or it might not!

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

Mar 27, 2023 12:50 pm
Players' Club,

Prologue is closed.

Scene 1 open.

Game start. Boards live!

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

Mar 27, 2023 2:15 pm
By the way, excellent first post on PBP game by Leo.
I think he's a Natural.

All those Prologue set-up entries were great. I dig this Club and the PCs.
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