I can share my sheet, but it has my saving throws plugged in. It's not too difficult to change them for your own class. Right now it's automated based on the Level field.
[ +- ] ACKS
Create character
Alignment: | Neutral
Culture: | Krysean
Languages: | Auran, Krysean
Character Level: | 1
Character Class: | Barbarian
Character Title: |
Hit Points: | 11 /
Armor Class: | 4
Attack Score: |
Damage Bonus: |
Experience Points: | 0 / |
[b]Languages:[/b]|Auran, Krysean
[b]Character Level: [/b]|[_lvl=1]
[b]Character Class: [/b]|[_clas=Barbarian]
[b]Character Title: [/b]|[_$=lookupBonus(lvl,1,1,'Hunter', 2,2,'Raider', 3,3,'Maurader', 4,4,'Plunderer', 5,5,'Reaver', 6,6,'Bloodletter', 7,7,'Menace', 8,8,'Scourge', 9,9,'Warchief', 10,10,'Warchief, 10th level', 11,11,'Warchief, 11th level', 12,12,'Warchief, 12th level', 13,20,'Great Chieftan')]
[b]Hit Points:[/b]|[_=11] / [_$=8+(3*lvl)]
[b]Armor Class:[/b]|[_=4]
[b]Attack Score:[/b]|[_atk$=lookupBonus(lvl,1,1,10, 2,3,9, 4,4,8, 5,6,7, 7,7,6, 8,9,5, 10,10,4, 11,12,3, 13,13,2, 14,14,1)]
[b]Damage Bonus:[/b]|[_dmb$=lookupBonus(lvl,1,2,1, 3,5,2, 6,8,3, 9,11,4, 12,14,5)]
[b]Experience Points:[/b]|[_=0] / [_$=lookupBonus(lvl,1,1,2600, 2,2,5200, 3,3,10400, 4,4,20800, 5,5,41600, 6,6,85000, 7,7,170000, 8,8,290000, 9,9,410000, 10,10,530000, 11,11,650000, 12,12,770000, 13,20,890000)][/table]
Ability | Score | Bonus
Strength vs DC | 14 |
Dexterity vs DC | 8 |
Constitution vs DC | 18 |
Intelligence vs DC | 9 |
Wisdom vs DC | 9 |
Charisma vs DC | 8 | |
Initiative | 1d6+1
Surprise | 1d6+1 |
Weapon | Attack | Damage
Spear, 1H | 1d20 | 1d6
Spear, 2H | 1d20 | 1d8
Javelin | 1d20 | 1d6
Unarmed | 1d20 | 1d2 |
Armor | Rating
Chain and Shield |
Chainmail |
Unarmored | |
Spear, 1H|1d20[_$=+str]|1d6[_$=+str+dmb]
Spear, 2H|1d20[_$=+str]|1d8[_$=+str+dmb]
Chain and Shield|[_$=4+1+dex]
Saving Throws | Mod | Roll | | Movement |
Petr & Paral | | vs DC | | Base | 120
Poison & Death | | | | Combat | 40
Blast & Breath | | | | Charge/Run | 120
Staffs & Wands | | | | Climb |
Spells | | | | Stealth |
| | | | Daily | |
[table=ht rolls]Saving Throws | Mod | Roll | | Movement |
Petr & Paral | [_petb=] | [color=";display:none;"] vs DC[_savep$=pets][/color][_$=lookupBonus(lvl,1,1,15, 2,3,14, 4,4,13, 5,6,12, 7,7,11, 8,9,10, 10,10,9, 11,12,8, 13,13,7, 14,14,6)] | | Base | [_=120]
Poison & Death | [_poib=] | [_$=lookupBonus(lvl,1,1,14, 2,3,13, 4,4,12, 5,6,11, 7,7,10, 8,9,9, 10,10,8, 11,12,7, 13,13,6, 14,14,5)] | | Combat | [_=40]
Blast & Breath | [_blab=] | [_$=lookupBonus(lvl,1,1,16, 2,3,15, 4,4,14, 5,6,13, 7,7,12, 8,9,11, 10,10,10, 11,12,9, 13,13,8, 14,14,7)] | | Charge/Run | [_=120]
Staffs & Wands | [_stab=] | [_$=lookupBonus(lvl,1,1,16, 2,3,15, 4,4,14, 5,6,13, 7,7,12, 8,9,11, 10,10,10, 11,12,9, 13,13,8, 14,14,7)] | | Climb | [_=]
Spells | [_speb=] |[_$=lookupBonus(lvl,1,1,17, 2,3,16, 4,4,15, 5,6,14, 7,7,13, 8,9,12, 10,10,11, 11,12,10, 13,13,9, 14,14,8)] | | Stealth | [_=]
| | | | Daily | [_=][/table]
NotesWhen the character attacks with surprise, he gets a +4 bonus on his attack throws and deals double damage on the attack. This proficiency does not stack with the ability of thieves (or related classes) to backstab.
When the character attacks with surprise, he gets a +4 bonus on his attack throws and deals double damage on the attack. This proficiency does not stack with the ability of thieves (or related classes) to backstab.
NotesThe character may enter a berserker rage. While enraged, he gains a +2 bonus to attack throws and becomes immune to fear. However, the character has a -2 penalty to AC and cannot retreat from combat. Once it has begun, a berserker rage cannot be ended until combat ends.
The character may enter a berserker rage. While enraged, he gains a +2 bonus to attack throws and becomes immune to fear. However, the character has a -2 penalty to AC and cannot retreat from combat. Once it has begun, a berserker rage cannot be ended until combat ends.
NotesThe character is an expert at hunting small game, gathering fruits and vegetables, and finding water and shelter. The character forages enough food to feed himself automatically, even when on the move, so long as he is in a fairly fertile area. If he is trying to supply more than one person, he must make a proficiency throw (as described in Wilderness Adventures), but gains a +4 bonus on the roll.
The character is an expert at hunting small game, gathering fruits and vegetables, and finding water and shelter. The character forages enough food to feed himself automatically, even when on the move, so long as he is in a fairly fertile area. If he is trying to supply more than one person, he must make a proficiency throw (as described in Wilderness Adventures), but gains a +4 bonus on the roll.
Item | Stone
Spear | 1/6
Javelin | 1/6
Chainmail | 4
Shield | 1
Woolen Clothing | 0
Silver Arm Bands (25gp) | 0
Sack, Small | 0
Rope, 50ft | 1/6
Grappling Hook | 1/6
Hammer, Small | 1/6
Iron Spikes x12 | 1/6
Wineskin | 1/6
Iron Rations, 2 weeks | 2/6
Hunting Dogs, x2 | 0
Gold: 0 | 0
Silver: 0 | 0
Copper: 10 | 0 |
Woolen Clothing|0
Silver Arm Bands (25gp)|0
Sack, Small|0
Rope, 50ft|1/6
Grappling Hook|1/6
Hammer, Small|1/6
Iron Spikes x12|1/6
Iron Rations, 2 weeks|2/6
Hunting Dogs, x2|0
Gold: [_=0]|0
Silver: [_=0]|0
Copper: [_=10]|0
[col][abilities=Character Statistics]
[b]Languages:[/b]|Auran, Krysean
[b]Character Level: [/b]|[_lvl=1]
[b]Character Class: [/b]|[_clas=Barbarian]
[b]Character Title: [/b]|[_$=lookupBonus(lvl,1,1,'Hunter', 2,2,'Raider', 3,3,'Maurader', 4,4,'Plunderer', 5,5,'Reaver', 6,6,'Bloodletter', 7,7,'Menace', 8,8,'Scourge', 9,9,'Warchief', 10,10,'Warchief, 10th level', 11,11,'Warchief, 11th level', 12,12,'Warchief, 12th level', 13,20,'Great Chieftan')]
[b]Hit Points:[/b]|[_=11] / [_$=8+(3*lvl)]
[b]Armor Class:[/b]|[_=4]
[b]Attack Score:[/b]|[_atk$=lookupBonus(lvl,1,1,10, 2,3,9, 4,4,8, 5,6,7, 7,7,6, 8,9,5, 10,10,4, 11,12,3, 13,13,2, 14,14,1)]
[b]Damage Bonus:[/b]|[_dmb$=lookupBonus(lvl,1,2,1, 3,5,2, 6,8,3, 9,11,4, 12,14,5)]
[b]Experience Points:[/b]|[_=0] / [_$=lookupBonus(lvl,1,1,2600, 2,2,5200, 3,3,10400, 4,4,20800, 5,5,41600, 6,6,85000, 7,7,170000, 8,8,290000, 9,9,410000, 10,10,530000, 11,11,650000, 12,12,770000, 13,20,890000)][/table][/abilities]
[table="rolls d20"]
[b]Ability[/b] | [b]Score[/b] | [b]Bonus[/b]
[b]Strength[/b][color=";display:none;"] vs DC[/color] | [_strs=14] | [_str$=lookupBonus(strs,3,3,'-3', 4,5,'-2', 6,8,'-1', 9,12,'+0', 13,15,'+1', 16,17,'+2', 18,18,'+3')]
[b]Dexterity[/b][color=";display:none;"] vs DC[/color] | [_dexs=8] | [_dex$=lookupBonus(dexs,3,3,'-3', 4,5,'-2', 6,8,'-1', 9,12,'+0', 13,15,'+1', 16,17,'+2', 18,18,'+3')]
[b]Constitution[/b][color=";display:none;"] vs DC[/color] | [_cons=18] | [_con$=lookupBonus(cons,3,3,'-3', 4,5,'-2', 6,8,'-1', 9,12,'+0', 13,15,'+1', 16,17,'+2', 18,18,'+3')]
[b]Intelligence[/b][color=";display:none;"] vs DC[/color] | [_ints=9] | [_int$=lookupBonus(ints,3,3,'-3', 4,5,'-2', 6,8,'-1', 9,12,'+0', 13,15,'+1', 16,17,'+2', 18,18,'+3')]
[b]Wisdom[/b][color=";display:none;"] vs DC[/color] | [_wiss=9] | [_wis$=lookupBonus(wiss,3,3,'-3', 4,5,'-2', 6,8,'-1', 9,12,'+0', 13,15,'+1', 16,17,'+2', 18,18,'+3')]
[b]Charisma[/b][color=";display:none;"] vs DC[/color] | [_chas=8] | [_cha$=lookupBonus(chas,3,3,'-3', 4,5,'-2', 6,8,'-1', 9,12,'+0', 13,15,'+1', 16,17,'+2', 18,18,'+3')]
Spear, 1H|1d20[_$=+str]|1d6[_$=+str+dmb]
Spear, 2H|1d20[_$=+str]|1d8[_$=+str+dmb]
Chain and Shield|[_$=4+1+dex]
[abilities=Saving Throws and Movement]
[table=ht rolls]Saving Throws | Mod | Roll | | Movement |
Petr & Paral | [_petb=] | [color=";display:none;"] vs DC[_savep$=pets][/color][_$=lookupBonus(lvl,1,1,15, 2,3,14, 4,4,13, 5,6,12, 7,7,11, 8,9,10, 10,10,9, 11,12,8, 13,13,7, 14,14,6)] | | Base | [_=120]
Poison & Death | [_poib=] | [_$=lookupBonus(lvl,1,1,14, 2,3,13, 4,4,12, 5,6,11, 7,7,10, 8,9,9, 10,10,8, 11,12,7, 13,13,6, 14,14,5)] | | Combat | [_=40]
Blast & Breath | [_blab=] | [_$=lookupBonus(lvl,1,1,16, 2,3,15, 4,4,14, 5,6,13, 7,7,12, 8,9,11, 10,10,10, 11,12,9, 13,13,8, 14,14,7)] | | Charge/Run | [_=120]
Staffs & Wands | [_stab=] | [_$=lookupBonus(lvl,1,1,16, 2,3,15, 4,4,14, 5,6,13, 7,7,12, 8,9,11, 10,10,10, 11,12,9, 13,13,8, 14,14,7)] | | Climb | [_=]
Spells | [_speb=] |[_$=lookupBonus(lvl,1,1,17, 2,3,16, 4,4,15, 5,6,14, 7,7,13, 8,9,12, 10,10,11, 11,12,10, 13,13,9, 14,14,8)] | | Stealth | [_=]
| | | | Daily | [_=][/table][/abilities]
When the character attacks with surprise, he gets a +4 bonus on his attack throws and deals double damage on the attack. This proficiency does not stack with the ability of thieves (or related classes) to backstab.
The character may enter a berserker rage. While enraged, he gains a +2 bonus to attack throws and becomes immune to fear. However, the character has a -2 penalty to AC and cannot retreat from combat. Once it has begun, a berserker rage cannot be ended until combat ends.
The character is an expert at hunting small game, gathering fruits and vegetables, and finding water and shelter. The character forages enough food to feed himself automatically, even when on the move, so long as he is in a fairly fertile area. If he is trying to supply more than one person, he must make a proficiency throw (as described in Wilderness Adventures), but gains a +4 bonus on the roll.
Woolen Clothing|0
Silver Arm Bands (25gp)|0
Sack, Small|0
Rope, 50ft|1/6
Grappling Hook|1/6
Hammer, Small|1/6
Iron Spikes x12|1/6
Iron Rations, 2 weeks|2/6
Hunting Dogs, x2|0
Gold: [_=0]|0
Silver: [_=0]|0
Copper: [_=10]|0