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Mar 27, 2023 3:29 pm
DMJ, you seem to have locked the thread while I was typing up my response. I'll post it here and you can decide whether to unlock it.

Xenophon smirks as the messenger sudden fears for his safety. Legitimately, he wanted to know how much a courier makes, for once he owned his own company he'd need to factor these expenses into the margins. He lets the messenger keep his conclusions, though - a mercenary's reputation for ferocity and danger was a carefully cultivated assets, and he did not want to discourage this man from his beliefs.

He listened to the message and noted the odd features. What game was Eramus playing at? He always had his sights set high. These type of political entanglements were a complication he didn't usually like taking on, but, as the messenger said, opportunities were scarce at the moment. Although it was risky, he wondered at the intangible rewards beyond the silver. There was potential here.

Xenophon laughed at the end of the messenger's recitation. He thought to himself: "Blood and honour? He means my blood and his honour. But, that's the nature of the beast."

Alas, it seemed that blood and honor were two currencies on opposite ends of the spectrum. Blood was worth less than copper, spent so freely in this world as to make it seem worthless. Honor was worth many times that of gold, for only those with vast sums of gold could afford honor, and it was always purchased in blood when you got down to it. And yet blood was the only thing that mattered in the end, where as honor was just an idea.

In this game the powerful played, Xenophon knew he was at the bottom, at least for now. The powerful would invest in him silver, and he would shed his blood, and the powerful would gain more honor in dividends. This was the game. But Xenophon was not just a pawn, and those with enough skill and bravado could use the game as a ladder to ascend to a higher station.

He confirmed his commitment to Eramus's cause with the messenger and set out to raise the four men. He returned to the campfire. These Niceans were of reasonable quality, good enough not to embarrass him, and not good enough to demand a high wage. Still, he would like to have better. When climbing a tall ladder, you want to be able to trust the rungs.

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

Mar 27, 2023 3:38 pm
Len says:
DMJ, you seem to have locked the thread while I was typing up my response. I'll post it here and you can decide whether to unlock it.

Yikes! My bad, bud. Worst timing.

I did some copy-paste magick and shifted your post over to Prologue, in proper sequence. Bang!

I hope you are ok with that?

Badass entry btw. Let's GOOOOO!


Mar 27, 2023 8:42 pm
Looks great, thanks for the ninja edit!
Mar 27, 2023 9:01 pm

For the curious of heart:

My name is RageRed. People either call me Rage or Red: Not RR (I'm not a railroad). I prefer Red.

I often compare my RL to a cross between a Shakespearean tragedy and a horror movie. But, I digress.

I am an unabashed lesbian. Though I don't normally shout it from the rooftops or violently wave a rainbow flag around everywhere I go. Ancestrally, I am descended from Deutschland on my patriarchal side and English/Native American on my matriarchal side. I possess an IQ of 140+ (or so the tests say). I have multiple tattoos and piercings and sport a wicked red mohawk. I love cats.

I have been involved with RPing since I was 6, since my half-sister and her then boyfiend (now husband) sat me at their table and gave me some dice to roll. I eventually understood what it all meant and ran my first game at age 10. So, I have been playing/running roleplaying games now for approximate 25 years. For the last 10 this has been mostly online through PBP.

I only run private games through invitation only, but have been known to play in a few open and public offerings for fun and to scout out and meet new people. All of my private campaigns are for adults only and a hard R (if rated). I also am quite comfortable with intimate scenes with the right scene partner, but keep those games separate from even my usual ones.
Mar 28, 2023 8:33 am
I'm still not satisfied, but here are a couple pics close to my vision of Gennadius:
[ +- ] Background
Last edited Mar 28, 2023 8:39 am

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

Mar 28, 2023 10:07 am
I'm on the grind in The Real, Players' Club. Can't get clear for morning game sesh writing, will have to wait until tonight.
Too bad - a lot of good material from y'all - but I'll catch up late on what's there already and anything added today.

See you soon.



Mar 28, 2023 3:23 pm
Haha, I'm not sure how I mixed this up, but I thought Gundus was an NPC, not @Robago's character! Was milking DMJ for the bill, didn't mean to give you a hard time, but maybe we can roll with it. Robago, let me know if the scene is to your liking, I can always back it off, or retcon :)

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

Mar 28, 2023 7:13 pm
Len says:
Haha, I'm not sure how I mixed this up, but I thought Gundus was an NPC, not @Robago's character! Was milking DMJ for the bill, didn't mean to give you a hard time, but maybe we can roll with it. Robago, let me know if the scene is to your liking, I can always back it off, or retcon :)
Hilarious. We should definitely roll with this. It works great.

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

Mar 28, 2023 7:38 pm
On the new tool bar: What's the difference between selecting "Note" and selecting "Private"?

DMJ sent a note to Constablebrew,RageRed

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

Mar 28, 2023 8:28 pm
RageRed says:

For the curious of heart:

My name is RageRed. People either call me Rage or Red: Not RR (I'm not a railroad). I prefer Red.

This was great because in the timing of it, Red says in her intro that she writes steamy hard R rated scenes with people who are into that, and at the same time Syrena is posing some sass, with her hip cocked to the side and her arms crossed under her huge rack. Love it? Ha!
No Game Rating yet on Ascendant. I'm leaving that variable and mysterious. (Len and CB are prolly like, "Oh ghaaad...don't get him started.")

Hey, Red. I never tell a girl my IQ on the first game, but if you play your cards right, I might post up my Bench / Dead Lift / Squat numbers by scene 3. Just as a teaser though: I don't have any low stats in any personal categories.

Did you notice too that I called you by your preferred name on the very first time I ever talked to you? What did you think about when you read that? Was it: "Who does this overconfident guy think he is, acting like he knows me?" or maybe "Ahh. This guy J seems really sweet."

Great to hear yet another example of DM experience and long range history with the game. This Club is STACKED1!!!


Mar 28, 2023 8:34 pm
The difference between a Private block and Note block is that everyone can see a Note block was posted, but only the people tagged can read its contents. For Private blocks, if you weren't tagged, you don't see anything. If you were tagged, it just blends seamlessly into the post. GMs can see all Private and Note blocks regardless.

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

Mar 28, 2023 8:34 pm
Constablebrew says:
I'm still not satisfied, but here are a couple pics close to my vision of Gennadius:
This is good.

And too, I really dig that Beowulf overlay on the poem in the game.

Y'all, I've never ever seen anyone play a Bard in any way other than "I want to sing a song and give my bros a +1 on Attack" or whatever it is. So lame and unimaginative. I've always wanted to see someone rock a true skald or muse or other folkish story teller version of the archetype that are so available in historical examples. Maybe CB is going to show something BIG LEAGUE!

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

Mar 28, 2023 8:35 pm
Len says:
The difference between a Private block and Note block is that everyone can see a Note block was posted, but only the people tagged can read its contents. For Private blocks, if you weren't tagged, you don't see anything. If you were tagged, it just blends seamlessly into the post. GMs can see all Private and Note blocks regardless.
Got it. Thanks. 'm bout to use that.


Mar 28, 2023 8:49 pm
As for the R rating, I'm happy for people to post whatever scenes they want, but I personally don't want to role play sexual stuff in this game. Xenophon will lust for gold and violence on screen, but any sexy stuff that happens for him will happen off-screen. Maybe some mild flirting. I don't expect other people to adhere to this, though - I'm definitely not offended if you folks post sexual content.
Mar 28, 2023 8:59 pm
I'll ditto what Len said. I'm here for gold and glory, and fade-to-black whenever Culchas has any spare coin.

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

Mar 28, 2023 9:09 pm
Hahaha! Escalation.

Guys, no intention of this being a sexual explicit game! Haha! I was just throwing in some banter and edgy comedy.

This is a retro game, clean cut, any R Rating will be by violence description writing.

Haha! Red and J causing controversy!! Admin blowing up though. That’s good! Any publicity is good publicity?

Mar 28, 2023 9:09 pm
DMJ says:

No Game Rating yet on Ascendant. I'm leaving that variable and mysterious. (Len and CB are prolly like, "Oh ghaaad...don't get him started.")
I will keep it down to whatever everyone feels comfortable with. Though, I like to put it out there up front. I lose interest when a really cool game becomes too G for me.
Hey, Red. I never tell a girl my IQ on the first game, but if you play your cards right, I might post up my Bench / Dead Lift / Squat numbers by scene 3.
Did you notice too that I called you by your preferred name on the very first time I ever talked to you? What did you think about when you read that? Was it: "Who does this overconfident guy think he is, acting like he knows me?" or maybe "Ahh. This guy J seems really sweet."
I had two thoughts on this. The first, was that we have roleplayed together in the past, with you using another moniker. Second, that you are quite intuitive.
Last edited Mar 28, 2023 9:10 pm
Mar 28, 2023 9:21 pm
DMJ says:

Hey, Red. I never tell a girl my IQ on the first game, but if you play your cards right, I might post up my Bench / Dead Lift / Squat numbers by scene 3. Just as a teaser though: I don't have any low stats in any personal categories.

LOLOLOL I'm rolling over here!

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

Mar 29, 2023 12:52 am
RageRed says:

I lose interest when a really cool game becomes too G for me.
Yeah definitely, me too. G is for "gay". haha.
RageRed says:
I had two thoughts on this. The first, was that we have roleplayed together in the past, with you using another moniker. Second, that you are quite intuitive.
Right on. That's nice. Thanks, Red! I liked your post on Interest Check thread too, so that's why I sent you that response and wanted you to be here.

Let's go.

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

Mar 29, 2023 1:16 am
Y'all, in paganism news:

today 28 March was Ragnar Lodbrok Day (Scandanavia) - commemorating the barbarian sack of Paris.
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