Mar 27, 2023 3:29 pm
DMJ, you seem to have locked the thread while I was typing up my response. I'll post it here and you can decide whether to unlock it.
Xenophon smirks as the messenger sudden fears for his safety. Legitimately, he wanted to know how much a courier makes, for once he owned his own company he'd need to factor these expenses into the margins. He lets the messenger keep his conclusions, though - a mercenary's reputation for ferocity and danger was a carefully cultivated assets, and he did not want to discourage this man from his beliefs.
He listened to the message and noted the odd features. What game was Eramus playing at? He always had his sights set high. These type of political entanglements were a complication he didn't usually like taking on, but, as the messenger said, opportunities were scarce at the moment. Although it was risky, he wondered at the intangible rewards beyond the silver. There was potential here.
Xenophon laughed at the end of the messenger's recitation. He thought to himself: "Blood and honour? He means my blood and his honour. But, that's the nature of the beast."
Alas, it seemed that blood and honor were two currencies on opposite ends of the spectrum. Blood was worth less than copper, spent so freely in this world as to make it seem worthless. Honor was worth many times that of gold, for only those with vast sums of gold could afford honor, and it was always purchased in blood when you got down to it. And yet blood was the only thing that mattered in the end, where as honor was just an idea.
In this game the powerful played, Xenophon knew he was at the bottom, at least for now. The powerful would invest in him silver, and he would shed his blood, and the powerful would gain more honor in dividends. This was the game. But Xenophon was not just a pawn, and those with enough skill and bravado could use the game as a ladder to ascend to a higher station.
He confirmed his commitment to Eramus's cause with the messenger and set out to raise the four men. He returned to the campfire. These Niceans were of reasonable quality, good enough not to embarrass him, and not good enough to demand a high wage. Still, he would like to have better. When climbing a tall ladder, you want to be able to trust the rungs.
Xenophon smirks as the messenger sudden fears for his safety. Legitimately, he wanted to know how much a courier makes, for once he owned his own company he'd need to factor these expenses into the margins. He lets the messenger keep his conclusions, though - a mercenary's reputation for ferocity and danger was a carefully cultivated assets, and he did not want to discourage this man from his beliefs.
He listened to the message and noted the odd features. What game was Eramus playing at? He always had his sights set high. These type of political entanglements were a complication he didn't usually like taking on, but, as the messenger said, opportunities were scarce at the moment. Although it was risky, he wondered at the intangible rewards beyond the silver. There was potential here.
Xenophon laughed at the end of the messenger's recitation. He thought to himself: "Blood and honour? He means my blood and his honour. But, that's the nature of the beast."
Alas, it seemed that blood and honor were two currencies on opposite ends of the spectrum. Blood was worth less than copper, spent so freely in this world as to make it seem worthless. Honor was worth many times that of gold, for only those with vast sums of gold could afford honor, and it was always purchased in blood when you got down to it. And yet blood was the only thing that mattered in the end, where as honor was just an idea.
In this game the powerful played, Xenophon knew he was at the bottom, at least for now. The powerful would invest in him silver, and he would shed his blood, and the powerful would gain more honor in dividends. This was the game. But Xenophon was not just a pawn, and those with enough skill and bravado could use the game as a ladder to ascend to a higher station.
He confirmed his commitment to Eramus's cause with the messenger and set out to raise the four men. He returned to the campfire. These Niceans were of reasonable quality, good enough not to embarrass him, and not good enough to demand a high wage. Still, he would like to have better. When climbing a tall ladder, you want to be able to trust the rungs.