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He will poke along the north wall to see if there is a secret passage, but isn't that hopeful. He won't delay things very much before leaving to the room with the cell.
Skeeve: Check for secret door - (2d6)
(51) = 6
Ro rubs against him You worry too much
He then suggests, Wanna try the NW corner this time?
Raggy: Test DC: 5 - Adv - (3d6)
(113) = 5
Passing through the smithy, he looks to see if Valpip has gotten back here yet to check the forge after sealing the tunnel.
Raggy: Test DC: 5 - Basic - (2d6)
(56) = 11
Searching room for loot or other items of interest - (2d6)
(23) = 5

2 damage to Blornvid, 2 damage to Raggy, 1 damage to Ro
2x Goblin Attack Blornvid - (2d6, 2d6)
2d6 : (56) = 11
2d6 : (64) = 10
1x Goblin Attack Skeeve - (2d6)
(13) = 4
2x Goblin Attack Raggy - (2d6, 2d6)
2d6 : (54) = 9
2d6 : (62) = 8
1x Goblin Attack Ro - (2d6)
(16) = 7
First attack with axe mastery - (3d6)
(335) = 11
Second attack with axe mastery - (3d6)
(133) = 7