Moving out of the water cavern you move to examine the water pool and note a few small stone figurines in the water.
Any further examination of the pool?
The room with the glass shards reveals no additional information.
All other stairs leading up to the Base have been sealed. The stairs and ladders will be removed when the area is remodeled after the researchers are done looking it over, after you have cleared all threats and Valpip has sealed all outside entrances.
Ro tracks the goblins from 1 to 23, where the ooze was set free. They spent some time in the hallway you opened releasing the ooze. As Raggy looks around he finds signs of a concealed door but can not find any way to to open it. A few other secret passages are found between rooms you have already explored. And a large false floor trap in room 5 that triggers if more than 1 creature walks on it.
Leaving the room off the sealed ooze hallway and those next to room 28 you return to Valpip having scoured the passageways and rooms.

Valpip has set up his box in room 2 outside the hidden skull door.
So, how do you want to do this he asks gesturing at the still locked door at the end of the wood paneled hall.