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Jun 15, 2023 7:23 pm
The table and lantern are move with caution then haste culminating in your having sword some furniture.
You take the items back to Valpip who is still closing the tunnel nearby. Your explain the situation, skimming over the temporal hiccup, and Valpip send intrigued.
Who don't you show me where it is in a bit. We can get a better look tomorrow. But for now I want to finish closing the goblin hole first. My guess is if the goblins avoided it they must have figured something out. And since it's started quiet this long a bit longer shouldn't matter. I'll have the researchers check out the table and let us know what going on with them before we head back tomorrow.

With the fight and rather unsettling whatever that was you decide to take the test of the day off. You take the two items up the the researchers to be cataloged before heading over to the tavern and then the bunkhouse to rest
your can chat in the Base thread if you like. I will start your return to the tunnels tomorrow with Valpip and you checking out the Thumping
Jun 15, 2023 8:12 pm
We grab the rest of the goblin loot on the way out. If one of the short swords look sturdy enough, Skeeve will take it.

Unless no one wants to, we do declare the 17sp, too.
Jun 15, 2023 9:09 pm
Vlax Is happy with whatever group thinks is a fair share. Having just recently joined the group, and not even really put in a full day, he's not going to be completely particular about it.

Looking forward to a pint, or 12 he smirks. He wears some serious exhaustion on his face, but seems glad to be part of the troupe
subscribing to the base chat, just in case you guys post there...
Jun 16, 2023 4:04 pm
The next day in the tunnels
Valpip tells the party to spend a couple hours double checking any measurements and making sure the map is accurate before he accompanies the party to the hidden chamber behind the skull. This should give him time to finish closing both tunnels you found yesterday.

Starting to the east in the underground river chamber you check the rooms and measure with the knotted rope to update the map as needed.
[ +- ] Map
Let me know if there is anything in particular you want to do while your survey the tunnels and rooms or if you want to go anywhere new before working with Valpip
Jun 16, 2023 5:11 pm
Well, the ooze could be somewhere down in 28. I'd rather not encounter a new powerful foe while Valpip is engaged all the way on the opposite end of tunnels/dungeon. Maybe we go back and search the room with the broken glass. Maybe there's something intact in that room. In case we got there...


Focused search room of broken glass - (2d6)


Jun 16, 2023 5:49 pm
The latest map is missing room 2 (with the really big skull carving) and the paneled corridor to what I presume is room 3 (the Thud! Thud! room).

Also, any further info on the lamp and table?
Skeeve will take the opportunity to double-check things as we go along, including the stairs up, the other paneled area, the water pit in room 9, the natural cavern. Anywhere with piles or something we didn't adequately check the first time. Did we ever check the pile of rubble where the ghoul was?

Skeeve is also keen to avoid room 28 until we are all ready. On the other hand, I do think we should check out the remaining door in room 24.
Jun 16, 2023 6:05 pm
The table is one of two forming a matching set. Anything placed in the drawer will appear in the other tracks drawer. Only small non magic and not living items can be transported this way.
The lamp is known as a blood lamp and creates light for an hour if a drop of blood is dripped on it. The light reflects the donors mental and emotional state but only crudely. It is best known for it's use when signing deals. Both parties light that lamp while meditating and signing a contract and the lamp can give advantage on determining the other pairs feeling and intentions towards the other.

Both will be bought by the expedition. But they want the other table if you find it.
I will update results of the searches later today
Jun 16, 2023 6:46 pm
Psybermagi says:
Both will be bought by the expedition. But the want the other table if you find it.
Bet that other table is on the other side of the door we found it by. :-)
Jun 16, 2023 6:53 pm
That lamp is neat, certainly different. Initially, I thought that it might've been powered by crystals. Obviously, there was no time to test that hypothesis.
Jun 16, 2023 6:57 pm
crashing.. need rest. still sick. puppet if necessary. Back rank range support.
Jun 16, 2023 7:01 pm
Feel better, DaChiefPI. Get rest. I'm good if everyone wants to take the weekend off. Father's Day is Sunday after all.
Jun 16, 2023 7:03 pm
Raggy with check for traps on the door in 24 that skeeve mentions. Ro will try to use her tracker nose to smell for fresh goblins in the tunnels.
If the other table is in the table then the only way to open the door is to convince whatever is in that room to put the key in the drawer


Raggy traps - (3d6)


Ro - (3d6)


Jun 17, 2023 2:22 am
Moving out of the water cavern you move to examine the water pool and note a few small stone figurines in the water. Any further examination of the pool?

The room with the glass shards reveals no additional information.

All other stairs leading up to the Base have been sealed. The stairs and ladders will be removed when the area is remodeled after the researchers are done looking it over, after you have cleared all threats and Valpip has sealed all outside entrances.

Ro tracks the goblins from 1 to 23, where the ooze was set free. They spent some time in the hallway you opened releasing the ooze. As Raggy looks around he finds signs of a concealed door but can not find any way to to open it. A few other secret passages are found between rooms you have already explored. And a large false floor trap in room 5 that triggers if more than 1 creature walks on it.
[ +- ] Updated Map
Leaving the room off the sealed ooze hallway and those next to room 28 you return to Valpip having scoured the passageways and rooms.
Valpip has set up his box in room 2 outside the hidden skull door. So, how do you want to do this he asks gesturing at the still locked door at the end of the wood paneled hall.
Jun 17, 2023 12:08 pm
after 13 hours of sleep, probiotics in 2 days on the BRAT diet.. I'm feeling a lot better
Vlax asks, "Sorry, I may have missed it. How exactly does this box work?"
Jun 17, 2023 12:17 pm
Skeeve explains his experience with the room:
When we were first in this room, I was just detecting for magic and felt something, but it receded before I could make anything out. When we got to the door for the locked room, I thought I'd not just detect, but try to magically reach out; something I really haven't tried before. That's when we were reset. Vlax said that I said something in there had locked onto me and something large was starting to move and was breaking things.
In addition, Raggy's investigation of the door somehow revealed it would make a difference whether we unlocked the door or broke it down. Unfortunately, we have no key. I had hoped there was one in that magic table, but no luck there. Say, do you have a spell that can unlock things?
Skeeve will remember to check on the figurines in the pool after we figure out this room.
Last edited Jun 17, 2023 12:19 pm
Jun 17, 2023 5:16 pm
DaChiefPI says:
after 13 hours of sleep, probiotics in 2 days on the BRAT diet.. I'm feeling a lot better
Great! Nothing like getting lots of sleep.
DaChiefPI says:
Vlax asks, "Sorry, I may have missed it. How exactly does this box work?"
"Hoo boy, wait til you see it in action. It's a magic box that moves on its own and fires arrows at your enemies. Moli and me watched Valpip deploy it against some goblins. It was like having a company of archers."



Jun 17, 2023 5:20 pm
Reset? What do you mean reset? If something is in the room I haven't heard is recently.
As for a key, it is likely lost or inside the room. I can magic the door open but don't see the point as magicing it open doesn't always bypass traps. Fact is most traps are set to react to magic. Sure to thing is unlocked. Doesn't mean it is safe to touch the handle and open it. Simplest thing is just to break the door down or some such.

Psybermagi sent a note to Mnrtoler
Jun 17, 2023 5:27 pm
Vlax looks at Skeeve and shakes his head side-to-side, hoping he catches on. "Well never mind all that. You folks seem to have tackled this kind of thing before, so Valpip. I think it's safe to say we trust your judgment. If knocking it down is the way to go, then so be it Vlax glances at the archer box, shrugs, then readies his own bow.



Jun 17, 2023 5:45 pm
Just so we're clear. If I'm helping I want a double portion of the loot then he chuckles This takes me back to my younger adventuring days. Looking to the party and asking Shall I then?
Jun 17, 2023 6:47 pm
Vlax says, Works for me, but I'm new. As far as I'm concerned, if you weren't here with your contraption, we wouldn't even be looking at this thing again. So whatever we get is entirely because you decided to help..
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