The Old Forest

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Apr 11, 2023 9:07 pm
Damanandros grits his teeth as he hoists the dead weight of the gear over his shoulder, feeling its heft strain his muscles. He falls in line behind Syrena, his heart racing as he scans the area for signs of danger.

"Quick, Syrena! We need to get out of here. Is there a way around the carcass to safety?" he calls out urgently, his voice tinged with fear. Time is of the essence, and he knows that they need to move fast if they hope to survive this perilous situation.
Last edited April 11, 2023 9:08 pm
Apr 11, 2023 9:11 pm
Syrena gestures to follow her away from the massive brood mother. "There is nothing we can do for him. Time to save ourselves from the same fate." She moves off at a brisk pace, to put distance between herself and the threat.

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

Apr 11, 2023 9:32 pm
Syrena leads the way on an arching loop through the woods on the opposite side of the trail, giving adequate berth away from the giant beetle, but carefully seeking a route to minimize time and distance away from the trail.

As expected, travel off the trail is loud, slow, difficult, energy-sapping, and presents risk on navigation - but the short bypass is successful and avoids the known danger of the nesting monster. The group emerges back onto the trail and recaptures their pace onward.

One person fewer, they march on, trying to shake off the horrific event and make the remaining hours of daylight count.

By Syrena's best estimation, and assuming current pace, the Party is likely 3 hours from Tower 2, and there are approximately 5 hours of daylight remaining.
Will leave it there purposefully open for the rest of the evening, inviting any other entries on issues like recovery - poor Xenophon feeling some discomfort with reduced HP and lingering effects of acid burn.
Apr 12, 2023 12:41 am
"Here... Here... We must pause a moment... Here..." Gennadius says, gasping between words. He bends over, one hand on knee to catch his breath while waving a wobbly hand towards Xenophon.

Recovered slightly, he continues "That wound of... his needs to be treated before... it gets worse or infection takes."
wip... Healing Xeno. Currently taxing on an airplane, will finish when I land
Apr 12, 2023 3:48 am
"Stay a moment, Gennadius, before you begin the binding," Gundus says, seeing the bard clean Xenophon's wound.

"The power is given to me to aid those who fight in the cause of justice, and to undo wrongful harms," he says. "It is not something I do lightly - I am vouching for you in the eyes of my god. You must understand this, but I'll spare you the sermon," he adds with a wry smile. "You've suffered enough today."

He lays his hands on Xenophon's wound. Closing his eyes and breathing deeply, he calls upon Türas to heal the wounded man.
Laying on Hands: The character can heal himself or another by laying on hands once per day. The character can restore 2 hit points per experience level.
Apr 12, 2023 3:14 pm
"Many thanks, Gundus," Xenophon says as Türas's healing energy soothes his blistered leg. "You'll find no more penitent a man than a soldier on a battlefield."
Up to 6/10 hp!
Apr 12, 2023 4:40 pm
Gennadius clicks his tongue as he prods at the edges of the still blistered wound. Feeling Xenophon tense his muscle he comes to a conclusion, despite the valiant effort by Xenophon to minimize the impact of the wound. "It still burns, I know not if so, but possible poison. Hold still a minute more."

Gennadius sets down his pack and rummages through it for a moment, pulling out a wineskin and pouch. The pouch is filled with various herbs wrapped in parchment. He sifts through the bundles of herbs, walking his fingers over them until he finds what he is looking for and sets it aside. Then, unceremoniously, he uncorks the wineskin, sniffs it and takes a swig, then pours it over a small cloth bandage held in his hand over the wound. The wine saturates the cloth and spills out onto the wound. Laying the cloth on the wound for a moment, he then takes some of the herb and twists it and mashes it with his hands. Finally he places the herb on the wound and secures it in place with the bandage.

"That will guard against poison, should any take hold. Now, I need your spit." He holds a cupped hand in front of Xenophon. After receiving the gift, he tears a thin strip of parchment and rolls it in the saliva, mashes it into a ball, leans over and throws the small wad between his legs as hard as he can, and then places his still-damp palm over the poultice for a moment. "I've pulled away the energy of the wound, you should feel better soon."
Birthwort says:
Birthwort, also known as snakeroot, is a healing herb used as a remedy for snake bites and other poisons. Birthwort can be applied as a poultice to a poisoned wound by an adventurer with the Healing proficiency. Used in this manner, it provides a +2 bonus on the Healing proficiency throw to neutralize poison.
Healer says:
Being treated by a healer requires clean, sanitary conditions and bed rest. A patient under treatment of any healer regains an extra 1d3 hit points per day
Last edited April 12, 2023 4:41 pm


cure light wounds, Healing proficiency throw, 18+ - (1d20)

(12) = 12

neutralize poison, Healing proficiency throw, 18+ - (1d20)

(1) = 1

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

Apr 12, 2023 8:21 pm
Xenophon presses on, with some relief from the prayer and treatment.

Gennadius did not strike the win on the dice, but I enjoy the effort and generally want these proficiencies of all the characters to see some success in use. Especially when PC retains multiple proficiency slot investments into a specialty, as Gennadius does.
Ruling: Negative effects of irritant poison reduced from -2 to Attack rolls to -1 to Attack rolls.
Ruling, Optional Follow-On: if Gennadius continues intermittent treatment, and if Xenophon completes 8 hours of rest during the night, Xenophon gains 1d2 HP after the rest.

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

Apr 12, 2023 8:31 pm
The party marches onward along the trail, through the afternoon hours.

The rain had subsided some during midday, then returned for a spell, and now has died down again. The entire environment is still saturated through and through.

Though not exactly sure of the distance, Syrena knows they should be close now. She passes the word along for everyone to look for signs or signals of the coming fortification, or perhaps a side trail that leads off to it.

Saromen Gen, Tower 2, must be near.

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

Apr 12, 2023 8:34 pm
Ahead on the trail, perhaps 20 yards distance, a soldier jumps out in front of the path.

He brandishes his sword and shield, and shouts a battle cry.
Apr 12, 2023 8:48 pm
Her hand goes reflexively to her bow, but Syrena calls out the legionnaire, "Hail and hold! We seek out Saromen Gen and a respite from the elements for a night. Ours is come from Amanuctum by edict."

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

Apr 12, 2023 9:20 pm
Now behind the party, a small set of soldiers emerge from a concealed position.

It is a dramatic flanking entrance. One patrician is on a horse. A herald in traditional covering holds a standard with a severed head on a pike!

"BANDITS WILL BE KILLED." announces the herald in a commanding voice. "DEATH TO THE ENEMIES OF THE TARKAUN."

The men move forward with resolve, in a cold and emotionless march - an inevitable force rather than a passion-filled threat.

It is fully convincing that they could make good on their declaration... yet more troops enter the scene, maintaining the advantageous high ground to the west side of the trail.

The party finds themselves quickly out-positioned and outnumbered.

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

Apr 12, 2023 9:26 pm
A seasoned legionnaire with the plum of a field optio speaks out with authority.

"This route is under the full control of The Tarkaun and His 3rd Legion.

Deadly force is the order for trespass. State your business and passage !"
Apr 12, 2023 9:34 pm
"Greetings." Syrena says as she takes scroll in hand. "By commission of Curule Aidele, these are a public works team charged to coordinate with Imperial Legion forces for special duties, supporting commanding cadre on the Lusetem Trail, to plan for statues, temples, roads, and forts north of this position. It is shelter sought against rain and coming night. Not banditry."
Apr 13, 2023 1:42 am
The coarse voiced optio reads the paper and assesses the group. He then hands it off to the Centurion, mounted on the horse, before turning back to press further.

"Sculptors? Templars? I doubt it."

He paces around the group, scanning them up and down. "Heavily armed for religious, Commander!", he shouts out so that all of the men can hear.

He zeroes in first on Gundus, a lengthy and deliberate assessment, but in silence.

He gives the same treatment next to Xenophon, noting the wound on his leg but moving on without comment.

He shifts next to Damanadros. After a quick look, sizing him up, "What about you, fricco? You say you're an architect, sent from the Civitus? Why would the Prefect send foreigners out here to Lusetem?"

He gets close to Damanadros face-to-face, speaking quietly now. "Maybe you wrote that paper. Maybe you are committin forgery along with your trespass.

Do you know the penalty for all crimes here is far worse than back in The Harvest?

Maybe those soft hands of yours have already written their last letter."
"fricco" is a derogatory slur against Niceans, loosely linked to a reference of them as fish mongers.
"The Harvest" is a reference to the city of Amanuctum.
"The Prefect" is the ruler of Amanuctum. That is a very high rank among the aristocracy, akin to a Prince. The Prefect's name is Dacien Severus Marius.

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

Apr 13, 2023 1:46 am
The mood is tense.

All of the legionnaires stand ready, swords and spears in hand.

Syrena, Gundus, and Xenophon all remember Eramus's warning not to speak of their communications and business with him to the Legion, for reasons not yet revealed. Does this put them in something of a predicament here and now?

The commanding Centurion watches from atop his stallion.

What happens next?
(open to anyone)
Apr 13, 2023 4:33 am
Gundus is weary in body from the rigours of the journey, and in spirit after the death of Culchas - and highly insulted by the accusation of banditry. He knows it is beyond dangerous to provoke these men on their own turf, but he can't entirely keep the irritation out of his voice.

"I am Tavius Gundus, a servant of Türas and recently with the 7th," he declares sternly, stepping forward. "We are armed due to the dangers of travel in this region, which I am sure you know well! As to the Prefect's reasons - it is not for us to wonder why, any more than you! You know how it goes, soldier, when the brass say jump, you don't ask questions! You jump! And when they say go out and survey the bloody wilderness, we bloody well step to it!"
Last edited April 13, 2023 4:35 am
Apr 13, 2023 10:48 am
Damanandros offers a staying gesture to his companion as he takes a deep breath and composes himself, facing the centurion who is treating him with suspicion and prejudice. With a shake of his head, he responds calmly.

"Indeed, I see that your tongue is as sharp as the gladius you carry," he says, sniffing and maintaining his stoic demeanor. "Thank you for your service, centurion. It is good to see that the roads are well-protected."

Damanandros expresses his concern over the situation and the questionable documents that are causing suspicion. "It concerns me that documents permitting our travel here would be so suspect. Is forged travel documents something that has been a problem of late?"

He tries to lighten the mood with a jest, hoping it would divert the centurion's attention. "Surely a trader in fish has little need to travel so far from the coast without his ware," he says with a wry smile.
Diplomacy (G):
The character is smooth tongued and familiar
with protocol. He receives a +2 bonus on all reaction rolls when
he attempts to parley.
Last edited April 13, 2023 10:53 am
Apr 13, 2023 2:38 pm
Xenophon keeps his nose down and tries to bring little attention to himself. He's supposed to be a labourer of sorts, and he feels rather well armed for the role. Fortunately, the pain from the beetle's acid has taken some of the fight out of him, and he finds it easier to play the role of meek labourer. He works out a story in his mind, just in case they question him.

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

Apr 13, 2023 3:21 pm
The Centurion who was keeping to the rear of the formation rides forward on the horse.

When he does, the Optio takes a few steps back, making way for the transition of communication.

The commanding officer speaks from the saddle. "I am Centurion Helvetius Gala, Commanding Officer of Saromen Gen, and Ruling Authority of this region of the Lusetem Trail and the Spen.

Gundus Tavius, we face a plague of brigands and bushwhackers, as well as subterfuge and foreign proselytizing. I do not have the luxury for hospitality, nor for easy trust."

This man has a steady, even voice - as if he is measured, yet no stranger to ruthlessness.

He speaks directly to Gundus first, but then turns the horse around once to address the entire crowd next.

"Your allowance document says that you are sent from the Curule Aidele.

Did the Civitus tell you that my men have been without pay for over three months, and are due back pay even from last year?

Did the Prefect or his Treasurers send with you any silver, packed in the Eagle-crested satchels - due salary for us Legionnaires here loyal at Post?"

Reaction Roll: adjusted +2 for Damanadros' Diplomacy, and +1 for the presence of a kyrazenus (war-priest) in this circumstance.

He scans the group one by one, waiting for an answer, or perhaps a reaction.


Reaction - (2d6+3)

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